* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
* @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft
* @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
* @version $Id: TAutoComplete.php 3245 2013-01-07 20:23:32Z ctrlaltca $
* @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
* Load active text box.
* TAutoComplete class.
* TAutoComplete is a textbox that provides a list of suggestion on
* the current partial word typed in the textbox. The suggestions are
* requested using callbacks, and raises the {@link onSuggestion OnSuggestion}
* event. The events of the TActiveText (from which TAutoComplete is extended from)
* and {@link onSuggestion OnSuggestion} are mutually exculsive. That is,
* if {@link onTextChange OnTextChange} and/or {@link onCallback OnCallback}
* events are raise, then {@link onSuggestion OnSuggestion} will not be raise, and
* vice versa.
* The list of suggestions should be set in the {@link onSuggestion OnSuggestion}
* event handler. The partial word to match the suggestion is in the
* {@link TCallbackEventParameter::getCallbackParameter TCallbackEventParameter::CallbackParameter}
* property. The datasource of the TAutoComplete must be set using {@link setDataSource}
* method. This sets the datasource for the suggestions repeater, available through
* the {@link getSuggestions Suggestions} property. Header, footer templates and
* other properties of the repeater can be access via the {@link getSuggestions Suggestions}
* property and its sub-properties.
* The {@link setTextCssClass TextCssClass} property if set is used to find
* the element within the Suggestions.ItemTemplate and Suggestions.AlternatingItemTemplate
* that contains the actual text for the suggestion selected. That is,
* only text inside elements with CSS class name equal to {@link setTextCssClass TextCssClass}
* will be used as suggestions.
* To return the list of suggestions back to the browser, supply a non-empty data source
* and call databind. For example,
* function autocomplete_suggestion($sender, $param)
* {
* $token = $param->getToken(); //the partial word to match
* $sender->setDataSource($this->getSuggestionsFor($token)); //set suggestions
* $sender->dataBind();
* }
* The suggestion will be rendered when the {@link dataBind()} method is called
* during a callback request.
* When an suggestion is selected, that is, when the use has clicked, pressed
* the "Enter" key, or pressed the "Tab" key, the {@link onSuggestionSelected OnSuggestionSelected}
* event is raised. The
* {@link TCallbackEventParameter::getCallbackParameter TCallbackEventParameter::CallbackParameter}
* property contains the index of the selected suggestion.
* TAutoComplete allows multiple suggestions within one textbox with each
* word or phrase separated by any characters specified in the
* {@link setSeparator Separator} property. The {@link setFrequency Frequency}
* and {@link setMinChars MinChars} properties sets the delay and minimum number
* of characters typed, respectively, before requesting for sugggestions.
* Use {@link onTextChange OnTextChange} and/or {@link onCallback OnCallback} events
* to handle post backs due to {@link setAutoPostBack AutoPostBack}.
* In the {@link getSuggestions Suggestions} TRepater item template, all HTML text elements
* are considered as text for the suggestion. Text within HTML elements with CSS class name
* "informal" are ignored as text for suggestions.
* @author Wei Zhuo
* @version $Id: TAutoComplete.php 3245 2013-01-07 20:23:32Z ctrlaltca $
* @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
* @since 3.1
class TAutoComplete extends TActiveTextBox implements INamingContainer
* @var ITemplate template for repeater items
private $_repeater=null;
* @var TPanel result panel holding the suggestion items.
private $_resultPanel=null;
* @return string word or token separators (delimiters).
public function getSeparator()
return $this->getViewState('tokens', '');
* @return string word or token separators (delimiters).
public function setSeparator($value)
$this->setViewState('tokens', TPropertyValue::ensureString($value), '');
* @return float maximum delay (in seconds) before requesting a suggestion.
public function getFrequency()
return $this->getViewState('frequency', '');
* @param float maximum delay (in seconds) before requesting a suggestion.
* Default is 0.4.
public function setFrequency($value)
$this->setViewState('frequency', TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value),'');
* @return integer minimum number of characters before requesting a suggestion.
public function getMinChars()
return $this->getViewState('minChars','');
* @param integer minimum number of characters before requesting a suggestion.
public function setMinChars($value)
$this->setViewState('minChars', TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value), '');
* @param string Css class name of the element to use for suggestion.
public function setTextCssClass($value)
$this->setViewState('TextCssClass', $value);
* @return string Css class name of the element to use for suggestion.
public function getTextCssClass()
return $this->getViewState('TextCssClass');
* Raises the callback event. This method is overrides the parent implementation.
* If {@link setAutoPostBack AutoPostBack} is enabled it will raise
* {@link onTextChanged OnTextChanged} event event and then the
* {@link onCallback OnCallback} event. The {@link onSuggest OnSuggest} event is
* raise if the request is to find sugggestions, the {@link onTextChanged OnTextChanged}
* and {@link onCallback OnCallback} events are NOT raised.
* This method is mainly used by framework and control developers.
* @param TCallbackEventParameter the event parameter
public function raiseCallbackEvent($param)
$token = $param->getCallbackParameter();
if(is_array($token) && count($token) == 2)
if($token[1] === '__TAutoComplete_onSuggest__')
$parameter = new TAutoCompleteEventParameter($this->getResponse(), $token[0]);
else if($token[1] === '__TAutoComplete_onSuggestionSelected__')
$parameter = new TAutoCompleteEventParameter($this->getResponse(), null, $token[0]);
else if($this->getAutoPostBack())
* This method is invoked when an autocomplete suggestion is requested.
* The method raises 'OnSuggest' event. If you override this
* method, be sure to call the parent implementation so that the event
* handler can be invoked.
* @param TCallbackEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers
public function onSuggest($param)
$this->raiseEvent('OnSuggest', $this, $param);
* This method is invoked when an autocomplete suggestion is selected.
* The method raises 'OnSuggestionSelected' event. If you override this
* method, be sure to call the parent implementation so that the event
* handler can be invoked.
* @param TCallbackEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers
public function onSuggestionSelected($param)
$this->raiseEvent('OnSuggestionSelected', $this, $param);
* @param array data source for suggestions.
public function setDataSource($data)
* Overrides parent implementation. Callback {@link renderSuggestions()} when
* page's IsCallback property is true.
public function dataBind()
* @return TPanel suggestion results panel.
public function getResultPanel()
$this->_resultPanel = $this->createResultPanel();
return $this->_resultPanel;
* @return TPanel new instance of result panel. Default uses TPanel.
protected function createResultPanel()
$panel = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TPanel');
return $panel;
* @return TRepeater suggestion list repeater
public function getSuggestions()
$this->_repeater = $this->createRepeater();
return $this->_repeater;
* @return TRepeater new instance of TRepater to render the list of suggestions.
protected function createRepeater()
$repeater = Prado::createComponent('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TRepeater');
$repeater->setHeaderTemplate(new TAutoCompleteTemplate(''));
$repeater->setFooterTemplate(new TAutoCompleteTemplate('
$repeater->setItemTemplate(new TTemplate('<%# $this->DataItem %>',null));
$repeater->setEmptyTemplate(new TAutoCompleteTemplate(''));
return $repeater;
* Renders the end tag and registers the needed javascript library.
public function renderEndTag($writer)
* Renders the result panel.
* @param THtmlWriter the renderer.
protected function renderResultPanel($writer)
* Renders the suggestions during a callback respones.
* @param THtmlWriter the renderer.
public function renderCallback($writer)
* Renders the suggestions repeater.
* @param THtmlWriter the renderer.
public function renderSuggestions($writer)
$boundary = $writer->getWriter()->getBoundary();
* @return array list of callback options.
protected function getPostBackOptions()
//disallow page state update ?
$options = array();
if(strlen($string = $this->getSeparator()))
$string = strtr($string,array('\t'=>"\t",'\n'=>"\n",'\r'=>"\r"));
$token = preg_split('//', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$options['tokens'] = $token;
$options = array_merge($options,parent::getPostBackOptions());
$options['AutoPostBack'] = true;
if(strlen($select = $this->getTextCssClass()))
$options['select'] = $select;
$options['ResultPanel'] = $this->getResultPanel()->getClientID();
$options['ID'] = $this->getClientID();
$options['EventTarget'] = $this->getUniqueID();
$options['minChars'] = $minchars;
$options['frequency'] = $frequency;
$options['CausesValidation'] = $this->getCausesValidation();
$options['ValidationGroup'] = $this->getValidationGroup();
return $options;
* Override parent implementation, no javascript is rendered here instead
* the javascript required for active control is registered in {@link addAttributesToRender}.
protected function renderClientControlScript($writer)
* @return string corresponding javascript class name for this TActiveButton.
protected function getClientClassName()
return 'Prado.WebUI.TAutoComplete';
* TAutCompleteEventParameter contains the {@link getToken Token} requested by
* the user for a partial match of the suggestions.
* The {@link getSelectedIndex SelectedIndex} is a zero-based index of the
* suggestion selected by the user, -1 if not suggestion is selected.
* @author Wei Zhuo
* @version $Id: TAutoComplete.php 3245 2013-01-07 20:23:32Z ctrlaltca $
* @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
* @since 3.1
class TAutoCompleteEventParameter extends TCallbackEventParameter
private $_selectedIndex=-1;
* Creates a new TCallbackEventParameter.
public function __construct($response, $parameter, $index=-1)
parent::__construct($response, $parameter);
* @return int selected suggestion zero-based index, -1 if not selected.
public function getSelectedIndex()
return $this->_selectedIndex;
* @return string token for matching a list of suggestions.
public function getToken()
return $this->getCallbackParameter();
* TAutoCompleteTemplate class.
* TAutoCompleteTemplate is the default template for TAutoCompleteTemplate
* item template.
* @author Wei Zhuo
* @version $Id: TAutoComplete.php 3245 2013-01-07 20:23:32Z ctrlaltca $
* @package System.Web.UI.ActiveControls
* @since 3.1
class TAutoCompleteTemplate extends TComponent implements ITemplate
private $_template;
public function __construct($template)
$this->_template = $template;
* Instantiates the template.
* It creates a {@link TDataList} control.
* @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template
public function instantiateIn($parent)