* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2013-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls */ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.ActiveControls.TActiveControlAdapter'); /** * TJuiControlAdapter class * * TJuiControlAdapter is the base adapter class for controls that are * derived from a jQuery-ui widget. It exposes convenience methods to * publish jQuery-UI javascript and css assets. * * @author Fabio Bas * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls * @since 3.3 */ class TJuiControlAdapter extends TActiveControlAdapter { const SCRIPT_PATH = 'jquery'; const CSS_PATH = 'css'; const BASE_CSS_FILENAME ='jquery-ui.css'; /** * @param string set the jquery-ui style */ public function setJuiBaseStyle($value) { $this->getControl()->setViewState('JuiBaseStyle', $value, 'base'); } /** * @return string current jquery-ui style */ public function getJuiBaseStyle() { return $this->getControl()->getViewState('JuiBaseStyle', 'base'); } /** * Inject jquery script and styles before render */ public function onPreRender($param) { parent::onPreRender($param); $this->getPage()->getClientScript()->registerPradoScript('jqueryui'); $this->publishJuiStyle(self::BASE_CSS_FILENAME); } /** * @param string jQuery asset file in the self::SCRIPT_PATH directory. * @return string jQuery asset url. */ protected function getAssetUrl($file='') { $base = $this->getPage()->getClientScript()->getPradoScriptAssetUrl(); return $base.'/'.self::SCRIPT_PATH.'/'.$file; } /** * Publish the jQuery-ui style Css asset file. * @param file name * @return string Css file url. */ public function publishJuiStyle($file) { $url = $this->getAssetUrl(self::CSS_PATH.'/'.$this->getJuiBaseStyle().'/'.$file); $cs = $this->getPage()->getClientScript(); if(!$cs->isStyleSheetFileRegistered($url)) $cs->registerStyleSheetFile($url, $url); return $url; } } /** * IJuiOptions interface * * IJuiOptions is the interface that must be implemented by controls using * {@link TJuiControlOptions}. * * @author Fabio Bas * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls * @since 3.3 */ interface IJuiOptions { public function getOptions(); public function getValidOptions(); public function getValidEvents(); } /** * TJuiControlOptions interface * * TJuiControlOptions is an helper class that can collect a list of options * for a control. The control must implement {@link IJuiOptions}. * The options are validated againg an array of valid options provided by the control itself. * Since component properties are case insensitive, the array of valid options is used * to ensure the option name has the correct case. * The options array can then get retrieved using {@link toArray} and applied to the jQuery-ui widget. * In addition to the options, this class will render the needed javascript to raise a callback * for any event for which an handler is defined in the control. * * @author Fabio Bas * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls * @since 3.3 */ class TJuiControlOptions { /** * @var TMap map of javascript options. */ private $_options; /** * @var TControl parent control. */ private $_control; public function __construct($control) { if(!$control instanceof IJuiOptions) throw new THttpException(500,'juioptions_control_invalid',$control->ID); $this->_control=$control; } /** * Sets a named options with a value. Options are used to store and retrive * named values for the javascript control. * @param string option name. * @param mixed option value. * @throws THttpException */ public function __set($name,$value) { if($this->_options===null) $this->_options=array(); $tmpname=strtolower($name); foreach($this->_control->getValidOptions() as $option) { if($tmpname == $option) { $this->_options[$option] = $value; return; } } throw new THttpException(500,'juioptions_option_invalid',$control->ID, $name); } /** * Gets an option named value. Options are used to store and retrive * named values for the base active controls. * @param string option name. * @return mixed options value or null if not set. */ public function __get($name) { if($this->_options===null) $this->_options=array(); $tmpname=strtolower($name); if(isset($this->_options[$tmpname])) return $this->_options[$tmpname]; return null; } /** * @return Array of active control options */ public function toArray() { $ret= ($this->_options===null) ? $this->_options : array(); foreach($this->_control->getValidEvents() as $event) if($this->_control->hasEventHandler('on'.$event)) $ret[$event]=new TJavaScriptLiteral("function( event, ui ) { Prado.JuiCallback(".TJavascript::encode($this->_control->getUniqueID()).", ".TJavascript::encode($event).", event, ui, this); }"); return $ret; } /** * Raise the specific callback event handler of the target control. * @param mixed callback parameters */ public function raiseCallbackEvent($param) { $callbackParam=$param->CallbackParameter; if(isset($callbackParam->event)) { $eventName = 'On'.ucfirst($callbackParam->event); if($this->_control->hasEventHandler($eventName)) { $this->_control->$eventName( new TJuiEventParameter( $this->_control->getResponse(), isset($callbackParam->ui) ? $callbackParam->ui : null) ); } } } } /** * TJuiEventParameter class * * TJuiEventParameter encapsulate the parameters for callback * events of TJui* components. * Any parameter representing a control is identified by its * clientside ID. * TJuiEventParameter contains a {@link getControl} helper method * that retrieves an existing PRADO control on che current page from its * clientside ID as returned by the callback. * For example, if the parameter contains a "draggable" item (as returned in * {@link TJuiDroppable}::OnDrop event), the relative PRADO control can be * retrieved using: * * $draggable = $param->getControl($param->getCallbackParameter()->draggable); * * * A shortcut __get() method is implemented, too: * * $draggable = $param->DraggableControl; * * * @author Fabio Bas * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls */ class TJuiEventParameter extends TCallbackEventParameter { /** * getControl * * Compatibility method to get a control from its clientside id * @return TControl control, or null if not found */ public function getControl($id) { $control=null; $service=prado::getApplication()->getService(); if ($service instanceof TPageService) { // Find the control // Warning, this will not work if you have a '_' in your control Id ! $controlId=str_replace(TControl::CLIENT_ID_SEPARATOR,TControl::ID_SEPARATOR,$id); $control=$service->getRequestedPage()->findControl($controlId); } return $control; } /** * Gets a control instance named after a returned control id. * Example: if a $param->draggable control id is returned from clientside, * calling $param->DraggableControl will return the control instance * @return mixed control or null if not set. */ public function __get($name) { $pos=strpos($name, 'Control',1); $name=strtolower(substr($name, 0, $pos)); $cp=$this->getCallbackParameter(); if(!isset($cp->$name) || $cp->$name=='') return null; return $this->getControl($cp->$name); } }