 * TJuiDroppable class file.
 * @author Fabio Bas <ctrlaltca[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2013-2014 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls


 * TJuiDroppable class.
 * <code>
 * <com:TJuiDraggable
 * 	ID="drag1"
 * 	Style="border: 1px solid red; width:100px;height:100px;background-color: #fff"
 * >
 * drag me
 * </com:TJuiDraggable>
 * <com:TJuiDroppable
 * 	ID="drop1"
 * 	Style="border: 1px solid blue; width:600px;height:600px; background-color: lime"
 * 	OnDrop="drop1_ondrop"
 * >
 * drop it over me
 * </com:TJuiDroppable>
 * </code>
 * <code>
 *	public function drop1_ondrop($sender, $param)
 *	{
 *		$draggable=$param->getDroppedControl()->ID;
 *		$this->drop1->Controls->clear();
 *		$this->drop1->Controls->add("Dropped ".$draggable." at: <br/>Top=".$param->getOffsetTop()." Left=".$param->getOffsetLeft());
 *		// it's still an active panel, after all
 *		$this->drop1->render($param->NewWriter);
 *	}
 * </code>
 * @author Fabio Bas <ctrlaltca[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls
 * @since 3.3
class TJuiDroppable extends TActivePanel implements IJuiOptions, ICallbackEventHandler
	 * Creates a new callback control, sets the adapter to
	 * TActiveControlAdapter. If you override this class, be sure to set the
	 * adapter appropriately by, for example, by calling this constructor.
	public function __construct()
		$this->setAdapter(new TJuiControlAdapter($this));

	 * Object containing defined javascript options
	 * @return TJuiControlOptions
	public function getOptions()
		static $options;
			$options=new TJuiControlOptions($this);
		return $options;

	 * Array containing valid javascript options
	 * @return array()
	public function getValidOptions()
		return array('addClasses', 'appendTo', 'axis', 'cancel', 'connectToSortable', 'containment', 'cursor', 'cursorAt', 'delay', 'disabled', 'distance', 'grid', 'handle', 'helper', 'iframeFix', 'opacity', 'refreshPositions', 'revert', 'revertDuration', 'scope', 'scroll', 'scrollSensitivity', 'scrollSpeed', 'snap', 'snapMode', 'snapTolerance', 'stack', 'zIndex');

	 * @return array list of callback options.
	protected function getPostBackOptions()
		$options = $this->getOptions()->toArray();
		$options['drop'] = new TJavaScriptLiteral("function( event, ui ) { Prado.Callback(".TJavascript::encode($this->getUniqueID()).", { 'offset' : { 'left' : ui.offset.left - $(this).offset().left, 'top' : ui.offset.top - $(this).offset().top }, 'position' : ui.position, 'draggable' : ui.draggable.get(0).id }) }");
		return $options;

	 * Raises callback event. This method is required bu {@link ICallbackEventHandler}
	 * interface.
	 * It raises the {@link onDrop OnDrop} event, then, the {@link onCallback OnCallback} event
	 * This method is mainly used by framework and control developers.
	 * @param TCallbackEventParameter the parameter associated with the callback event
	public function raiseCallbackEvent($param)

	 * Raises the onDrop event.
	 * The drop parameters are encapsulated into a {@link TJuiDroppableEventParameter}
	 * @param object $dropControlId
	public function onDrop ($dropParams)
		$this->raiseEvent('OnDrop', $this, new TJuiDroppableEventParameter ($this->getResponse(), $dropParams));


	 * This method is invoked when a callback is requested. The method raises
	 * 'OnCallback' event to fire up the event handlers. If you override this
	 * method, be sure to call the parent implementation so that the event
	 * handler can be invoked.
	 * @param TCallbackEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers
	public function onCallback($param)
		$this->raiseEvent('OnCallback', $this, $param);

	 * Ensure that the ID attribute is rendered and registers the javascript code
	 * for initializing the active control.
	protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)

		$cs->registerEndScript(sprintf('%08X', crc32($code)), $code);

 * TJuiDroppableEventParameter class
 * TJuiDroppableEventParameter encapsulate the parameter
 * data for <b>OnDrop</b> event of TJuiDroppable components
 * @author Fabio Bas <ctrlaltca[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license
 * @package System.Web.UI.JuiControls
class TJuiDroppableEventParameter extends TCallbackEventParameter
	public function getDragElementId()		{ return $this->getCallbackParameter()->draggable; }
	public function getPositionTop()		{ return $this->getCallbackParameter()->position->top; }
	public function getPositionLeft()		{ return $this->getCallbackParameter()->position->left; }
	public function getOffsetTop()			{ return $this->getCallbackParameter()->offset->top; }
	public function getOffsetLeft()			{ return $this->getCallbackParameter()->offset->left; }

	 * GetDroppedControl
	 * Compatibility method to get the dropped control
	 * @return TControl dropped control, or null if not found
	 public function getDroppedControl()
		 if ($service instanceof TPageService)
			// Find the control
			// Warning, this will not work if you have a '_' in your control Id !
		 return $control;