 * TClientScriptManager and TClientSideOptions class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2008 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI

 * TClientScriptManager class.
 * TClientScriptManager manages javascript and CSS stylesheets for a page.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI
 * @since 3.0
class TClientScriptManager extends TApplicationComponent
	 * directory containing Prado javascript files
	const SCRIPT_PATH='Web/Javascripts/source';
	 * the PHP script for loading Prado javascript files
	const SCRIPT_LOADER='Web/Javascripts/clientscripts.php';

	 * @var TPage page who owns this manager
	private $_page;
	 * @var array registered hidden fields, indexed by hidden field names
	private $_hiddenFields=array();
	 * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered at the beginning of the form
	private $_beginScripts=array();
	 * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered at the end of the form
	private $_endScripts=array();
	 * @var array javascript files to be rendered in the form
	private $_scriptFiles=array();
	 * @var array javascript files to be rendered in page head section
	private $_headScriptFiles=array();
	 * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered in page head section
	private $_headScripts=array();
	 * @var array CSS files
	private $_styleSheetFiles=array();
	 * @var array CSS declarations
	private $_styleSheets=array();
	 * @var array registered PRADO script libraries
	private $_registeredPradoScripts=array();
	 * Client-side javascript library dependencies, loads from SCRIPT_PATH.'/packages.php';
	 * @var array
	private static $_pradoScripts;
	 * Client-side javascript library packages, loads from SCRIPT_PATH.'/packages.php';
	 * @var array
	private static $_pradoPackages;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param TPage page that owns this client script manager
	public function __construct(TPage $owner)

	 * @return boolean whether THead is required in order to render CSS and js within head
	 * @since 3.1.1
	public function getRequiresHead()
		return count($this->_styleSheetFiles) || count($this->_styleSheets)
			|| count($this->_headScriptFiles) || count($this->_headScripts);

	 * Registers Prado javascript by library name. See "Web/Javascripts/source/packages.php"
	 * for library names.
	 * @param string script library name.
	public function registerPradoScript($name)

	 * Registers a Prado javascript library to be loaded.
	private function registerPradoScriptInternal($name)
			if(self::$_pradoScripts === null)
				$packageFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH.'/packages.php';
				list($packages,$deps)= include($packageFile);
				self::$_pradoScripts = $deps;
				self::$_pradoPackages = $packages;

				throw new TInvalidOperationException('csmanager_pradoscript_invalid',$name);

	 * @return string Prado javascript library base asset url.
	public function getPradoScriptAssetUrl()
		$base = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH;
		$assets = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager();
		return $assets->getPublishedUrl($base);

	 * Renders the HTML tags for PRADO js files
	 * @param THtmlWriter writer
	protected function renderPradoScripts($writer)
			if (Prado::getApplication()->getMode()!==TApplicationMode::Debug)
				$base = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH;
				$url = $this->registerJavascriptPackages($base, $packages);
				// In debug mode, we add 1 <script> line by file
				$base = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH;
				foreach ($packages as $p)
					foreach (self::$_pradoScripts[$p] as $dep)
						foreach (self::$_pradoPackages[$dep] as $script)
							if (!in_array($url=$baseUrl.'/'.$script,$packagesUrl))

	 * Publishes a javascript library path and register packages to be loaded.
	 * See TClientScriptLoader for component that enables users to register custom javascript libraries.
	 * @param string javascript library base path
	 * @param array list of packages or javascript files (without .js extension) to be loaded.
	 * @param boolean true to enable keep comments in javascript files loaded, null to use application configuration.
	 * @param boolean true to gzip the javascript code if browsers and php supports it.
	 * @return string javascript src url
	 * @since 3.1
	public function registerJavascriptPackages($base, $packages, $debug=null, $gzip=true)
		list($path,$url) = $this->getPackagePathUrl($base);
		$scriptLoaderPath = $path.'/'.basename(self::SCRIPT_LOADER);
		$scriptLoaderSrc = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_LOADER;
			copy($scriptLoaderSrc, $scriptLoaderPath);
			chmod($scriptLoaderPath, PRADO_CHMOD);
		$url .= '/'.basename(self::SCRIPT_LOADER).'?js='.implode(',', $packages);
		if($debug!==false && $this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug)
		return $url;

	 * @throws TConfigurationException when javascript packages mismatch.
	protected function verifyJavascriptPackages($base,$path,$scripts)
		$file = $path.'/packages.php';
			list($packs,$deps) = include($file);
			if(count($missing = array_diff($scripts, array_keys($deps))) > 0)
				throw new TConfigurationException('csmanager_invalid_packages',
					$base.'/packages.php',implode(', ', $missing), implode(', ', array_keys($deps)));

	 * @param string javascript package path.
	 * @return array tuple($path,$url).
	protected function getPackagePathUrl($base)
		$assets = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager();
		if(strpos($base, $assets->getBaseUrl())===false)
			if(($dir = Prado::getPathOfNameSpace($base)) !== null) {
				$base = $dir;
			return array($assets->getPublishedPath($base), $assets->publishFilePath($base));
			return array($assets->getBasePath().str_replace($assets->getBaseUrl(),'',$base), $base);

	 * Returns javascript statement that create a new callback request object.
	 * @param ICallbackEventHandler callback response handler
	 * @param array additional callback options
	 * @return string javascript statement that creates a new callback request.
	public function getCallbackReference(ICallbackEventHandler $callbackHandler, $options=null)
		$options = !is_array($options) ? array() : $options;
		$class = new ReflectionClass($callbackHandler);
		$clientSide = $callbackHandler->getActiveControl()->getClientSide();
		$options = array_merge($options, $clientSide->getOptions()->toArray());
		$optionString = TJavaScript::encode($options);
		$id = $callbackHandler->getUniqueID();
		return "new Prado.CallbackRequest('{$id}',{$optionString})";

	 * Registers callback javascript for a control.
	 * @param string javascript class responsible for the control being registered for callback
	 * @param array callback options
	public function registerCallbackControl($class, $options)
		$code="new {$class}({$optionString});";
		$this->_endScripts[sprintf('%08X', crc32($code))]=$code;


	 * Registers postback javascript for a control. A null class parameter will prevent
	 * the javascript code registration.
	 * @param string javascript class responsible for the control being registered for postback
	 * @param array postback options
	public function registerPostBackControl($class,$options)
		if($class === null) {
		if(!isset($options['FormID']) && ($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null)
		$code="new {$class}({$optionString});";

		$this->_endScripts[sprintf('%08X', crc32($code))]=$code;


	 * Register a default button to panel. When the $panel is in focus and
	 * the 'enter' key is pressed, the $button will be clicked.
	 * @param TControl|string panel (or its unique ID) to register the default button action
	 * @param TControl|string button (or its unique ID) to trigger a postback
	public function registerDefaultButton($panel, $button)

		$options = TJavaScript::encode($this->getDefaultButtonOptions($panelID, $buttonID));
		$code = "new Prado.WebUI.DefaultButton($options);";



	 * @param string the unique ID of the container control
	 * @param string the unique ID of the button control
	 * @return array default button options.
	protected function getDefaultButtonOptions($panelID, $buttonID)
		$options['Panel'] = TControl::convertUniqueIdToClientId($panelID);
		$options['Target'] = TControl::convertUniqueIdToClientId($buttonID);
		$options['EventTarget'] = $buttonID;
		$options['Event'] = 'click';
		return $options;

	 * Registers the control to receive default focus.
	 * @param string the client ID of the control to receive default focus
	public function registerFocusControl($target)
		if($target instanceof TControl)
		$id = TJavaScript::quoteString($target);
		$this->_endScripts['prado:focus'] = 'new Effect.ScrollTo("'.$id.'"); Prado.Element.focus("'.$id.'");';


	 * Registers a CSS file to be rendered in the page head
	 * The CSS files in themes are registered in {@link OnPreRenderComplete onPreRenderComplete} if you want to override
	 * CSS styles in themes you need to register it after this event is completed.
	 * Example:
	 * <code>
	 * <?php
	 * class BasePage extends TPage {
	 *   public function onPreRenderComplete($param) {
	 *     parent::onPreRenderComplete($param);
	 *     $url = 'path/to/your/stylesheet.css';
	 *     $this->Page->ClientScript->registerStyleSheetFile($url, $url);
	 *   }
	 * }
	 * ?>
	 * </code>
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the file
	 * @param string URL to the CSS file
	 * @param string media type of the CSS (such as 'print', 'screen', etc.). Defaults to empty, meaning the CSS applies to all media types.
	public function registerStyleSheetFile($key,$url,$media='')


	 * Registers a CSS block to be rendered in the page head
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the CSS block
	 * @param string CSS block
	public function registerStyleSheet($key,$css,$media='')


	 * Registers a javascript file in the page head
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the file
	 * @param string URL to the javascript file
	public function registerHeadScriptFile($key,$url)


	 * Registers a javascript block in the page head.
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the script block
	 * @param string javascript block
	public function registerHeadScript($key,$script)


	 * Registers a javascript file to be rendered within the form
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the file
	 * @param string URL to the javascript file to be rendered
	public function registerScriptFile($key,$url)


	 * Registers a javascript script block at the beginning of the form
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the script block
	 * @param string javascript block
	public function registerBeginScript($key,$script)


	 * Registers a javascript script block at the end of the form
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the script block
	 * @param string javascript block
	public function registerEndScript($key,$script)


	 * Registers a hidden field to be rendered in the form.
	 * @param string a unique key identifying the hidden field
	 * @param string|array hidden field value, if the value is an array, every element
	 * in the array will be rendered as a hidden field value.
	public function registerHiddenField($name,$value)


	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a CSS file registered with the specified key
	public function isStyleSheetFileRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a CSS block registered with the specified key
	public function isStyleSheetRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_styleSheets[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a head javascript file registered with the specified key
	public function isHeadScriptFileRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_headScriptFiles[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a head javascript block registered with the specified key
	public function isHeadScriptRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_headScripts[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a javascript file registered with the specified key
	public function isScriptFileRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_scriptFiles[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a beginning javascript block registered with the specified key
	public function isBeginScriptRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_beginScripts[$key]);

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is an ending javascript block registered with the specified key
	public function isEndScriptRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_endScripts[$key]);

	 * @return boolean true if any end scripts are registered.
	public function hasEndScripts()
		return count($this->_endScripts) > 0;

	 * @return boolean true if any begin scripts are registered.
	public function hasBeginScripts()
		return count($this->_beginScripts) > 0;

	 * @param string a unique key
	 * @return boolean whether there is a hidden field registered with the specified key
	public function isHiddenFieldRegistered($key)
		return isset($this->_hiddenFields[$key]);

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderStyleSheetFiles($writer)
		foreach($this->_styleSheetFiles as $url)
				$str.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" media=\"{$url[1]}\" href=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url[0])."\" />\n";
				$str.="<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"".THttpUtility::htmlEncode($url)."\" />\n";

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderStyleSheets($writer)
			$writer->write("<style type=\"text/css\">\n/*<![CDATA[*/\n".implode("\n",$this->_styleSheets)."\n/*]]>*/\n</style>\n");

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderHeadScriptFiles($writer)

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderHeadScripts($writer)

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderScriptFiles($writer)

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderBeginScripts($writer)

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderEndScripts($writer)

	 * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose
	public function renderHiddenFields($writer)
		foreach($this->_hiddenFields as $name=>$value)
				foreach($value as $v)
					$str.='<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'[]" id="'.$id.'" value="'.THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value)."\" />\n";
				$str.='<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" id="'.$id.'" value="'.THttpUtility::htmlEncode($value)."\" />\n";
			$writer->write("<div style=\"visibility:hidden;\">\n".$str."</div>\n");

 * TClientSideOptions abstract class.
 * TClientSideOptions manages client-side options for components that have
 * common client-side javascript behaviours and client-side events such as
 * between ActiveControls and validators.
 * @author <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI
 * @since 3.0
abstract class TClientSideOptions extends TComponent
	 * @var TMap list of client-side options.
	private $_options;

	 * Constructor, initialize the options list.
	public function __construct()
		$this->_options = Prado::createComponent('System.Collections.TMap');

	 * Adds on client-side event handler by wrapping the code within a
	 * javascript function block. If the code begins with "javascript:", the
	 * code is assumed to be a javascript function block rather than arbiturary
	 * javascript statements.
	 * @param string option name
	 * @param string javascript statements.
	protected function setFunction($name, $code)
			$code = TJavaScript::quoteFunction($this->ensureFunction($code));
		$this->setOption($name, $code);

	 * @return string gets a particular option, null if not set.
	protected function getOption($name)
		return $this->_options->itemAt($name);

	 * @param string option name
	 * @param mixed option value.
	protected function setOption($name, $value)
		$this->_options->add($name, $value);

	 * @return TMap gets the list of options as TMap
	public function getOptions()
		return $this->_options;

	 * Ensure that the javascript statements are wrapped in a javascript
	 * function block as <code>function(sender, parameter){ //code }</code>.
	protected function ensureFunction($javascript)
		return "function(sender, parameter){ {$javascript} }";