* @author Gabor Berczi (lazyload additions & progressive rendering) * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package System.Web.UI */ /** * TClientScriptManager class. * * TClientScriptManager manages javascript and CSS stylesheets for a page. * * @author Qiang Xue * @author Gabor Berczi (lazyload additions & progressive rendering) * @package System.Web.UI * @since 3.0 */ class TClientScriptManager extends TApplicationComponent { /** * directory containing Prado javascript files */ const SCRIPT_PATH='Web/Javascripts/source'; /** * file containing javascript packages and their cross dependencies */ const PACKAGES_FILE='Web/Javascripts/packages.php'; /** * @var TPage page who owns this manager */ private $_page; /** * @var array registered hidden fields, indexed by hidden field names */ private $_hiddenFields=array(); /** * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered at the beginning of the form */ private $_beginScripts=array(); /** * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered at the end of the form */ private $_endScripts=array(); /** * @var array javascript files to be rendered in the form */ private $_scriptFiles=array(); /** * @var array javascript files to be rendered in page head section */ private $_headScriptFiles=array(); /** * @var array javascript blocks to be rendered in page head section */ private $_headScripts=array(); /** * @var array CSS files */ private $_styleSheetFiles=array(); /** * @var array CSS declarations */ private $_styleSheets=array(); /** * @var array registered PRADO script libraries */ private $_registeredPradoScripts=array(); /** * Client-side javascript library dependencies, loads from PACKAGES_FILE; * @var array */ private static $_pradoScripts; /** * Client-side javascript library packages, loads from PACKAGES_FILE; * @var array */ private static $_pradoPackages; private $_renderedHiddenFields; private $_renderedScriptFiles=array(); private $_expandedPradoScripts; /** * Constructor. * @param TPage page that owns this client script manager */ public function __construct(TPage $owner) { $this->_page=$owner; } /** * @return boolean whether THead is required in order to render CSS and js within head * @since 3.1.1 */ public function getRequiresHead() { return count($this->_styleSheetFiles) || count($this->_styleSheets) || count($this->_headScriptFiles) || count($this->_headScripts); } public static function getPradoPackages() { return self::$_pradoPackages; } public static function getPradoScripts() { return self::$_pradoScripts; } /** * Registers Prado javascript by library name. See "Web/Javascripts/packages.php" * for library names. * @param string script library name. */ public function registerPradoScript($name) { $this->registerPradoScriptInternal($name); $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerPradoScript',$params); } /** * Registers a Prado javascript library to be loaded. */ protected function registerPradoScriptInternal($name) { // $this->checkIfNotInRender(); if(!isset($this->_registeredPradoScripts[$name])) { if(self::$_pradoScripts === null) { $packageFile = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::PACKAGES_FILE; list($packages,$deps)= include($packageFile); self::$_pradoScripts = $deps; self::$_pradoPackages = $packages; } if (isset(self::$_pradoScripts[$name])) $this->_registeredPradoScripts[$name]=true; else throw new TInvalidOperationException('csmanager_pradoscript_invalid',$name); if(($packages=array_keys($this->_registeredPradoScripts))!==array()) { $base = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH; list($path,$baseUrl)=$this->getPackagePathUrl($base); $packagesUrl=array(); $isDebug=$this->getApplication()->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug; foreach ($packages as $p) { foreach (self::$_pradoScripts[$p] as $dep) { foreach (self::$_pradoPackages[$dep] as $script) if (!isset($this->_expandedPradoScripts[$script])) { $this->_expandedPradoScripts[$script] = true; if($isDebug) { if (!in_array($url=$baseUrl.'/'.$script,$packagesUrl)) $packagesUrl[]=$url; } else { if (!in_array($url=$baseUrl.'/min/'.$script,$packagesUrl)) { if(!is_file($filePath=$path.'/min/'.$script)) { $dirPath=dirname($filePath); if(!is_dir($dirPath)) mkdir($dirPath, PRADO_CHMOD, true); file_put_contents($filePath, TJavaScript::JSMin(file_get_contents($base.'/'.$script))); chmod($filePath, PRADO_CHMOD); } $packagesUrl[]=$url; } } } } } foreach($packagesUrl as $url) $this->registerScriptFile($url,$url); } } } /** * @return string Prado javascript library base asset url. */ public function getPradoScriptAssetUrl() { $base = Prado::getFrameworkPath().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.self::SCRIPT_PATH; $assets = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager(); return $assets->getPublishedUrl($base); } /** * Returns the URLs of all script files referenced on the page * @return array Combined list of all script urls used in the page */ public function getScriptUrls() { $scripts = array_values($this->_headScriptFiles); $scripts = array_merge($scripts, array_values($this->_scriptFiles)); $scripts = array_unique($scripts); return $scripts; } /** * @param string javascript package path. * @return array tuple($path,$url). */ protected function getPackagePathUrl($base) { $assets = Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager(); if(strpos($base, $assets->getBaseUrl())===false) { if(($dir = Prado::getPathOfNameSpace($base)) !== null) { $base = $dir; } return array($assets->getPublishedPath($base), $assets->publishFilePath($base)); } else { return array($assets->getBasePath().str_replace($assets->getBaseUrl(),'',$base), $base); } } /** * Returns javascript statement that create a new callback request object. * @param ICallbackEventHandler callback response handler * @param array additional callback options * @return string javascript statement that creates a new callback request. */ public function getCallbackReference(ICallbackEventHandler $callbackHandler, $options=null) { $options = !is_array($options) ? array() : $options; $class = new ReflectionClass($callbackHandler); $clientSide = $callbackHandler->getActiveControl()->getClientSide(); $options = array_merge($options, $clientSide->getOptions()->toArray()); $optionString = TJavaScript::encode($options); $this->registerPradoScriptInternal('ajax'); $id = $callbackHandler->getUniqueID(); return "new Prado.CallbackRequest('{$id}',{$optionString})"; } /** * Registers callback javascript for a control. * @param string javascript class responsible for the control being registered for callback * @param array callback options */ public function registerCallbackControl($class, $options) { $optionString=TJavaScript::encode($options); $code="new {$class}({$optionString});"; $this->_endScripts[sprintf('%08X', crc32($code))]=$code; $this->registerPradoScriptInternal('ajax'); $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerCallbackControl',$params); } /** * Registers postback javascript for a control. A null class parameter will prevent * the javascript code registration. * @param string javascript class responsible for the control being registered for postback * @param array postback options */ public function registerPostBackControl($class,$options) { if($class === null) { return; } if(!isset($options['FormID']) && ($form=$this->_page->getForm())!==null) $options['FormID']=$form->getClientID(); $optionString=TJavaScript::encode($options); $code="new {$class}({$optionString});"; $this->_endScripts[sprintf('%08X', crc32($code))]=$code; $this->registerPradoScriptInternal('prado'); $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerPostBackControl',$params); } /** * Register a default button to panel. When the $panel is in focus and * the 'enter' key is pressed, the $button will be clicked. * @param TControl|string panel (or its unique ID) to register the default button action * @param TControl|string button (or its unique ID) to trigger a postback */ public function registerDefaultButton($panel, $button) { $panelID=is_string($panel)?$panel:$panel->getUniqueID(); if(is_string($button)) $buttonID=$button; else { $button->setIsDefaultButton(true); $buttonID=$button->getUniqueID(); } $options = TJavaScript::encode($this->getDefaultButtonOptions($panelID, $buttonID)); $code = "new Prado.WebUI.DefaultButton($options);"; $this->_endScripts['prado:'.$panelID]=$code; $this->registerPradoScriptInternal('prado'); $params=array($panelID,$buttonID); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerDefaultButton',$params); } /** * @param string the unique ID of the container control * @param string the unique ID of the button control * @return array default button options. */ protected function getDefaultButtonOptions($panelID, $buttonID) { $options['ID'] = TControl::convertUniqueIdToClientId($panelID); $options['Panel'] = TControl::convertUniqueIdToClientId($panelID); $options['Target'] = TControl::convertUniqueIdToClientId($buttonID); $options['EventTarget'] = $buttonID; $options['Event'] = 'click'; return $options; } /** * Registers the control to receive default focus. * @param string the client ID of the control to receive default focus */ public function registerFocusControl($target) { $this->registerPradoScriptInternal('jquery'); if($target instanceof TControl) $target=$target->getClientID(); $this->_endScripts['prado:focus'] = 'jQuery(\'#'.$target.'\').focus();'; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerFocusControl',$params); } /** * Registers a CSS file to be rendered in the page head * * The CSS files in themes are registered in {@link OnPreRenderComplete onPreRenderComplete} if you want to override * CSS styles in themes you need to register it after this event is completed. * * Example: * * Page->ClientScript->registerStyleSheetFile($url, $url); * } * } * * * @param string a unique key identifying the file * @param string URL to the CSS file * @param string media type of the CSS (such as 'print', 'screen', etc.). Defaults to empty, meaning the CSS applies to all media types. */ public function registerStyleSheetFile($key,$url,$media='') { if($media==='') $this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]=$url; else $this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]=array($url,$media); $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerStyleSheetFile',$params); } /** * Registers a CSS block to be rendered in the page head * @param string a unique key identifying the CSS block * @param string CSS block */ public function registerStyleSheet($key,$css,$media='') { $this->_styleSheets[$key]=$css; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerStyleSheet',$params); } /** * Returns the URLs of all stylesheet files referenced on the page * @return array List of all stylesheet urls used in the page */ public function getStyleSheetUrls() { $stylesheets = array_values( array_map( create_function('$e', 'return is_array($e) ? $e[0] : $e;'), $this->_styleSheetFiles) ); foreach(Prado::getApplication()->getAssetManager()->getPublished() as $path=>$url) if (substr($url,strlen($url)-4)=='.css') $stylesheets[] = $url; $stylesheets = array_unique($stylesheets); return $stylesheets; } /** * Returns all the stylesheet code snippets referenced on the page * @return array List of all stylesheet snippets used in the page */ public function getStyleSheetCodes() { return array_unique(array_values($this->_styleSheets)); } /** * Registers a javascript file in the page head * @param string a unique key identifying the file * @param string URL to the javascript file */ public function registerHeadScriptFile($key,$url) { $this->checkIfNotInRender(); $this->_headScriptFiles[$key]=$url; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerHeadScriptFile',$params); } /** * Registers a javascript block in the page head. * @param string a unique key identifying the script block * @param string javascript block */ public function registerHeadScript($key,$script) { $this->checkIfNotInRender(); $this->_headScripts[$key]=$script; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerHeadScript',$params); } /** * Registers a javascript file to be rendered within the form * @param string a unique key identifying the file * @param string URL to the javascript file to be rendered */ public function registerScriptFile($key, $url) { $this->_scriptFiles[$key]=$url; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerScriptFile',$params); } /** * Registers a javascript script block at the beginning of the form * @param string a unique key identifying the script block * @param string javascript block */ public function registerBeginScript($key,$script) { $this->checkIfNotInRender(); $this->_beginScripts[$key]=$script; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerBeginScript',$params); } /** * Registers a javascript script block at the end of the form * @param string a unique key identifying the script block * @param string javascript block */ public function registerEndScript($key,$script) { $this->_endScripts[$key]=$script; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerEndScript',$params); } /** * Registers a hidden field to be rendered in the form. * @param string a unique key identifying the hidden field * @param string|array hidden field value, if the value is an array, every element * in the array will be rendered as a hidden field value. */ public function registerHiddenField($name,$value) { $this->_hiddenFields[$name]=$value; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','registerHiddenField',$params); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a CSS file registered with the specified key */ public function isStyleSheetFileRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_styleSheetFiles[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a CSS block registered with the specified key */ public function isStyleSheetRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_styleSheets[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a head javascript file registered with the specified key */ public function isHeadScriptFileRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_headScriptFiles[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a head javascript block registered with the specified key */ public function isHeadScriptRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_headScripts[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a javascript file registered with the specified key */ public function isScriptFileRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_scriptFiles[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a beginning javascript block registered with the specified key */ public function isBeginScriptRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_beginScripts[$key]); } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is an ending javascript block registered with the specified key */ public function isEndScriptRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_endScripts[$key]); } /** * @return boolean true if any end scripts are registered. */ public function hasEndScripts() { return count($this->_endScripts) > 0; } /** * @return boolean true if any begin scripts are registered. */ public function hasBeginScripts() { return count($this->_beginScripts) > 0; } /** * @param string a unique key * @return boolean whether there is a hidden field registered with the specified key */ public function isHiddenFieldRegistered($key) { return isset($this->_hiddenFields[$key]); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderStyleSheetFiles($writer) { $str=''; foreach($this->_styleSheetFiles as $url) { if(is_array($url)) $str.="\n"; else $str.="\n"; } $writer->write($str); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderStyleSheets($writer) { if(count($this->_styleSheets)) $writer->write("\n"); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderHeadScriptFiles($writer) { $this->renderScriptFiles($writer,$this->_headScriptFiles); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderHeadScripts($writer) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptBlocks($this->_headScripts)); } public function renderScriptFilesBegin($writer) { $this->renderAllPendingScriptFiles($writer); } public function renderScriptFilesEnd($writer) { $this->renderAllPendingScriptFiles($writer); } public function markScriptFileAsRendered($url) { $this->_renderedScriptFiles[$url] = $url; $params=func_get_args(); $this->_page->registerCachingAction('Page.ClientScript','markScriptFileAsRendered',$params); } protected function renderScriptFiles($writer, Array $scripts) { foreach($scripts as $script) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptFile($script)); $this->markScriptFileAsRendered($script); } } protected function getRenderedScriptFiles() { return $this->_renderedScriptFiles; } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderAllPendingScriptFiles($writer) { if(!empty($this->_scriptFiles)) { $addedScripts = array_diff($this->_scriptFiles,$this->getRenderedScriptFiles()); $this->renderScriptFiles($writer,$addedScripts); } } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderBeginScripts($writer) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptBlocks($this->_beginScripts)); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderEndScripts($writer) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptBlocks($this->_endScripts)); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderBeginScriptsCallback($writer) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptBlocksCallback($this->_beginScripts)); } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ public function renderEndScriptsCallback($writer) { $writer->write(TJavaScript::renderScriptBlocksCallback($this->_endScripts)); } public function renderHiddenFieldsBegin($writer) { $this->renderHiddenFieldsInt($writer,true); } public function renderHiddenFieldsEnd($writer) { $this->renderHiddenFieldsInt($writer,false); } /** * Flushes all pending script registrations * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose * @param TControl the control forcing the flush (used only in error messages) */ public function flushScriptFiles($writer, $control=null) { if(!$this->_page->getIsCallback()) { $this->_page->ensureRenderInForm($control); $this->renderAllPendingScriptFiles($writer); } } /** * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose */ protected function renderHiddenFieldsInt($writer, $initial) { if ($initial) $this->_renderedHiddenFields = array(); $str=''; foreach($this->_hiddenFields as $name=>$value) { if (in_array($name,$this->_renderedHiddenFields)) continue; $id=strtr($name,':','_'); if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $v) $str.='\n"; } else { $str.='\n"; } $this->_renderedHiddenFields[] = $name; } if($str!=='') $writer->write("
\n"); } public function getHiddenFields() { return $this->_hiddenFields; } /** * Checks whether page rendering has not begun yet */ protected function checkIfNotInRender() { if ($form = $this->_page->InFormRender) throw new Exception('Operation invalid when page is already rendering'); } }