

class TPage extends TTemplateControl
	 * @var array system post fields
	private static $_systemPostFields=array(
	 * @var TApplication application instance
	private $_application;
	 * @var TPageService page service instance
	private $_pageService;
	 * @var TForm form instance
	private $_form=null;
	 * @var string template file name
	private $_templateFile=null;
	 * @var array list of registered validators
	private $_validators=array();
	 * @var boolean if validation has been performed
	private $_validated=false;
	 * @var TTheme page theme
	private $_theme=null;
	 * @var TTheme page stylesheet theme
	private $_styleSheet=null;
	 * @var TClientScriptManager client script manager
	private $_clientScript=null;
	 * @var TMap data post back by user
	private $_postData;
	 * @var TMap postback data that is not handled during first invocation of LoadPostData.
	private $_restPostData;
	 * @var array list of controls whose data have been changed due to the postback
	private $_controlsPostDataChanged=array();
	 * @var array list of controls that need to load post data in the current request
	private $_controlsRequiringPostBack=array();
	 * @var array list of controls that need to load post data in the next postback
	private $_controlsRegisteredForPostBack=array();
	 * @var TControl control that needs to raise postback event
	private $_postBackEventTarget=null;
	 * @var mixed postback event parameter
	private $_postBackEventParameter=null;
	 * @var boolean whether form has rendered
	private $_formRendered=false;
	 * @var boolean whether the current rendering is within a form
	private $_inFormRender=false;
	 * @var TControl the control to be focused when the page is sent back to user
	private $_focusedControl=null;
	 * @var boolean whether or not to maintain page scroll position
	private $_maintainScrollPosition=false;

	private $_maxPageStateFieldLength=10;
	private $_enableViewStateMac=true;
	private $_isCrossPagePostBack=false;
	private $_previousPagePath='';

	 * Constructor.
	 * If initial property values are given, they will be set to the page.
	 * @param array initial property values for the page.
	public function __construct($initProperties=null)
			foreach($initProperties as $name=>$value)

	 * Runs through the page lifecycles.
	 * This method runs through the page lifecycles.
	 * @param THtmlTextWriter the HTML writer
	public function run($writer)


			$this->_restPostData=new TMap;




	 * Loads and parses the page template.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation by allowing loading
	 * a page template from a specified template file.
	 * @return ITemplate the parsed template structure
	protected function loadTemplate()
			return parent::loadTemplate();
			return $template;

	 * @return string the user-specified template file, defaults to null.
	public function getTemplateFile()
		return $this->_templateFile;

	 * Sets the user-specified template file.
	 * The template file must be specified in a namespace format.
	 * @param string the user-specified template file.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the file is not in namespace format.
	public function setTemplateFile($value)
			throw new TInvalidDataValueException('page_templatefile_invalid',$value);

	 * Registers a TForm instance to the page.
	 * Note, a page can contain at most one TForm instance.
	 * @param TForm the form on the page
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if this method is invoked twice or more.
	public function setForm(TForm $form)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('page_form_duplicated');

	 * @return TForm the form on the page
	public function getForm()
		return $this->_form;

	 * Returns a list of registered validators.
	 * If validation group is specified, only the validators in that group will be returned.
	 * @param string validation group
	 * @return TList registered validators
	public function getValidators($validationGroup='')
			$this->_validators=new TList;
			return $this->_validators;
			$list=new TList;
			foreach($this->_validators as $validator)
			return $list;

	 * Performs input validation.
	 * This method will invoke the registered validators to perform the actual validation.
	 * If validation group is specified, only the validators in that group will be invoked.
	 * @param string validation group
	public function validate($validationGroup='')
		if($this->_validators && $this->_validators->getCount())
				foreach($this->_validators as $validator)
				foreach($this->_validators as $validator)

	 * Returns whether user input is valid or not.
	 * This method must be invoked after {@link validate} is called.
	 * @return boolean whether the user input is valid or not.
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if {@link validate} is not invoked yet.
	public function getIsValid()
			if($this->_validators && $this->_validators->getCount())
				foreach($this->_validators as $validator)
						return false;
			return true;
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('page_isvalid_unknown');

	 * @return TTheme the theme used for the page. Defaults to null.
	public function getTheme()
		return $this->_theme;

	 * Sets the theme to be used for the page.
	 * @param string|TTheme the theme name or the theme object to be used for the page.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the parameter is neither a string nor a TTheme object
	public function setTheme($value)

	 * @return TTheme the stylesheet theme used for the page. Defaults to null.
	public function getStyleSheetTheme()
		return $this->_styleSheet;

	 * Sets the stylesheet theme to be used for the page.
	 * @param string|TTheme the stylesheet theme name or the stylesheet theme object to be used for the page.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the parameter is neither a string nor a TTheme object
	public function setStyleSheetTheme($value)

	 * Applies a skin in the current theme to a control.
	 * This method should only be used by framework developers.
	 * @param TControl a control to be applied skin with
	public function applyControlSkin($control)

	 * Applies a stylesheet skin in the current theme to a control.
	 * This method should only be used by framework developers.
	 * @param TControl a control to be applied stylesheet skin with
	public function applyControlStyleSheet($control)

	 * @return TClientScriptManager client script manager
	public function getClientScript()
			$this->_clientScript=new TClientScriptManager($this);
		return $this->_clientScript;

	 * Raises PreInit event.
	 * This method is invoked right before {@link onInit Init} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional initialization that
	 * should be done before {@link onInit Init} (e.g. setting {@link setTheme Theme} or
	 * {@link setStyleSheetTheme StyleSheetTheme}).
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreInit event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onPreInit($param)

	 * Raises InitComplete event.
	 * This method is invoked right after {@link onInit Init} stage and before {@link onLoad Load} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional initialization that
	 * should be done after {@link onInit Init}.
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure InitComplete event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onInitComplete($param)

	 * Raises PreLoad event.
	 * This method is invoked right before {@link onLoad Load} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional page loading logic that
	 * should be done before {@link onLoad Load}.
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreLoad event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onPreLoad($param)

	 * Raises LoadComplete event.
	 * This method is invoked right after {@link onLoad Load} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional page loading logic that
	 * should be done after {@link onLoad Load}.
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure LoadComplete event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onLoadComplete($param)

	 * Raises PreRenderComplete event.
	 * This method is invoked right after {@link onPreRender PreRender} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional preparation for page rendering
	 * that should be done after {@link onPreRender PreRender}.
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreRenderComplete event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onPreRenderComplete($param)

	 * Raises SaveStateComplete event.
	 * This method is invoked right after {@link onSaveState SaveState} stage.
	 * You may override this method to provide additional logic after page state is saved.
	 * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure SaveStateComplete event is raised.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	protected function onSaveStateComplete($param)

	 * Determines whether the current page request is a postback.
	 * Call {@link getIsPostBack} to get the result.
	private function determinePostBackMode()
		if($postData->contains(self::FIELD_PAGESTATE) || $postData->contains(self::FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET))

	 * @return boolean whether the current page request is a postback
	public function getIsPostBack()
		return $this->_postData!==null;

	 * @return IPageStatePersister page state persister
	protected function getPageStatePersister()
		return $this->_pageService->getPageStatePersister();

	 * This method is invoked when control state is to be saved.
	 * You can override this method to do last step state saving.
	 * Parent implementation must be invoked.
	 * @param TEventParameter event parameter
	protected function onSaveState($param)

	 * This method is invoked right after the control has loaded its state.
	 * You can override this method to initialize data from the control state.
	 * Parent implementation must be invoked.
	 * @param TEventParameter
	protected function onLoadState($param)

	 * Loads page state from persistent storage.
	protected function loadPageState()

	 * Saves page state from persistent storage.
	protected function savePageState()

	 * @param string the field name
	 * @return boolean whether the specified field is a system field in postback data
	protected function isSystemPostField($field)
		return isset(self::$_systemPostFields[$field]);

	 * Registers a control for loading post data in the next postback.
	 * @param TControl control registered for loading post data
	public function registerRequiresPostBack(TControl $control)

	 * @return TControl the control responsible for the current postback event, null if nonexistent
	public function getPostBackEventTarget()
		return $this->_postBackEventTarget;

	 * Registers a control to raise postback event in the current request.
	 * @param TControl control registered to raise postback event.
	public function setPostBackEventTarget(TControl $control)

	 * @return mixed postback event parameter
	public function getPostBackEventParameter()
		return $this->_postBackEventParameter;

	 * @param mixed postback event parameter
	public function setPostBackEventParameter($value)

	 * Registers a control as the
	public function registerAutoPostBackControl(TControl $control)

	 * Processes post data.
	 * @param TMap post data to be processed
	 * @param boolean whether this method is invoked before {@link onLoad Load}.
	protected function processPostData($postData,$beforeLoad)
			$this->_restPostData=new TMap;
		foreach($postData as $key=>$value)
			else if($control=$this->findControl($key))
				if($control instanceof IPostBackDataHandler)
				else if($control instanceof IPostBackEventHandler)
			else if($beforeLoad)
		foreach($this->_controlsRequiringPostBack as $key=>$value)
				if($control instanceof IPostBackDataHandler)
					throw new TInvalidDataValueException('page_postbackcontrol_invalid',$key);

	 * Raises PostDataChangedEvent for controls whose data have been changed due to the postback.
	private function raiseChangedEvents()
		foreach($this->_controlsPostDataChanged as $control)

	 * Raises PostBack event.
	private function raisePostBackEvent()
		else if($postBackHandler instanceof IPostBackEventHandler)

	 * Ensures the control is rendered within a form.
	 * @param TControl the control to be rendered
	 * @throws TInvalidConfigurationException if the control is outside of the form
	public function ensureRenderInForm($control)
			throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('page_control_outofform',get_class($control),$control->getID(false));

	 * @internal This method is invoked by TForm  at the beginning of its rendering
	public function beginFormRender($writer)
			throw new TInvalidConfigurationException('page_singleform_required');

	 * @internal This method is invoked by TForm  at the end of its rendering
	public function endFormRender($writer)
			if($this->_focusedControl && $this->_focusedControl->getVisible(true))
			else if($this->_postData && ($lastFocus=$this->_postData->itemAt(self::FIELD_LASTFOCUS))!==null)
			if($this->_maintainScrollPosition && $this->_postData)

	 * Sets input focus on a control after the page is rendered to users.
	 * @param TControl control to receive focus
	public function setFocus(TControl $value)

	 * @return boolean (TBD) whether to keep the page scroll position the same as users last see it
	public function getMaintainScrollPosition()
		return $this->_maintainScrollPosition;

	 * @param boolean (TBD) whether to keep the page scroll position the same as users last see it
	public function setMaintainScrollPosition($value)

	public function getClientSupportsJavaScript()
		// todo
		return true;

	protected function initializeCulture()
