_application=Prado::getApplication(); $this->_pageService=$this->_application->getService(); $this->setPage($this); if(is_array($initProperties)) { foreach($initProperties as $name=>$value) $this->setSubProperty($name,$value); } parent::__construct(); } /** * Loads and parses the page template. * This method overrides the parent implementation by allowing loading * a page template from a specified template file. * @return ITemplate the parsed template structure */ protected function loadTemplate() { if($this->_templateFile===null) return parent::loadTemplate(); else { $template=$this->_pageService->getTemplateManager()->getTemplateByFileName($this->_templateFile); $this->setTemplate($template); return $template; } } /** * @return string the user-specified template file, defaults to null. */ public function getTemplateFile() { return $this->_templateFile; } /** * Sets the user-specified template file. * The template file must be specified in a namespace format. * @param string the user-specified template file. * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the file is not in namespace format. */ public function setTemplateFile($value) { if(($templateFile=Prado::getPathOfNamespace($value,TTemplateManager::TEMPLATE_FILE_EXT))===null) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('page_templatefile_invalid',$value); else $this->_templateFile=$templateFile; } /** * Registers a TForm instance to the page. * Note, a page can contain at most one TForm instance. * @param TForm the form on the page * @throws TInvalidOperationException if this method is invoked twice or more. */ public function setForm(TForm $form) { if($this->_form===null) $this->_form=$form; else throw new TInvalidOperationException('page_form_duplicated'); } /** * @return TForm the form on the page */ public function getForm() { return $this->_form; } /** * Returns a list of registered validators. * If validation group is specified, only the validators in that group will be returned. * @param string validation group * @return TList registered validators */ public function getValidators($validationGroup='') { if(!$this->_validators) $this->_validators=new TList; if($validationGroup==='') return $this->_validators; else { $list=new TList; foreach($this->_validators as $validator) if($validator->getValidationGroup()===$validationGroup) $list->add($validator); return $list; } } /** * Performs input validation. * This method will invoke the registered validators to perform the actual validation. * If validation group is specified, only the validators in that group will be invoked. * @param string validation group */ public function validate($validationGroup='') { $this->_validated=true; if($this->_validators && $this->_validators->getCount()) { if($validationGroup==='') { foreach($this->_validators as $validator) $validator->validate(); } else { foreach($this->_validators as $validator) if($validator->getValidationGroup()===$validationGroup) $validator->validate(); } } } /** * Returns whether user input is valid or not. * This method must be invoked after {@link validate} is called. * @return boolean whether the user input is valid or not. * @throws TInvalidOperationException if {@link validate} is not invoked yet. */ public function getIsValid() { if($this->_validated) { if($this->_validators && $this->_validators->getCount()) { foreach($this->_validators as $validator) if(!$validator->getIsValid()) return false; } return true; } else throw new TInvalidOperationException('page_isvalid_unknown'); } /** * @return TTheme the theme used for the page. Defaults to null. */ public function getTheme() { if(is_string($this->_theme)) $this->_theme=$this->_pageService->getThemeManager()->getTheme($this->_theme); return $this->_theme; } /** * Sets the theme to be used for the page. * @param string|TTheme the theme name or the theme object to be used for the page. * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the parameter is neither a string nor a TTheme object */ public function setTheme($value) { $this->_theme=$value; } /** * @return TTheme the stylesheet theme used for the page. Defaults to null. */ public function getStyleSheetTheme() { if(is_string($this->_styleSheet)) $this->_styleSheet=$this->_pageService->getThemeManager()->getTheme($this->_styleSheet); return $this->_styleSheet; } /** * Sets the stylesheet theme to be used for the page. * @param string|TTheme the stylesheet theme name or the stylesheet theme object to be used for the page. * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the parameter is neither a string nor a TTheme object */ public function setStyleSheetTheme($value) { $this->_styleSheet=$value; } /** * Applies a skin in the current theme to a control. * This method should only be used by framework developers. * @param TControl a control to be applied skin with */ public function applyControlSkin($control) { if(($theme=$this->getTheme())!==null) $theme->applySkin($control); } /** * Applies a stylesheet skin in the current theme to a control. * This method should only be used by framework developers. * @param TControl a control to be applied stylesheet skin with */ public function applyControlStyleSheet($control) { if(($theme=$this->getStyleSheetTheme())!==null) $theme->applySkin($control); } /** * @return TClientScriptManager client script manager */ public function getClientScript() { if(!$this->_clientScript) $this->_clientScript=new TClientScriptManager($this); return $this->_clientScript; } /** * Raises PreInit event. * This method is invoked right before {@link onInit Init} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional initialization that * should be done before {@link onInit Init} (e.g. setting {@link setTheme Theme} or * {@link setStyleSheetTheme StyleSheetTheme}). * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreInit event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onPreInit($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PreInit',$this,$param); } /** * Raises InitComplete event. * This method is invoked right after {@link onInit Init} stage and before {@link onLoad Load} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional initialization that * should be done after {@link onInit Init}. * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure InitComplete event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onInitComplete($param) { $this->raiseEvent('InitComplete',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PreLoad event. * This method is invoked right before {@link onLoad Load} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional page loading logic that * should be done before {@link onLoad Load}. * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreLoad event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onPreLoad($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PreLoad',$this,$param); } /** * Raises LoadComplete event. * This method is invoked right after {@link onLoad Load} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional page loading logic that * should be done after {@link onLoad Load}. * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure LoadComplete event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onLoadComplete($param) { $this->raiseEvent('LoadComplete',$this,$param); } /** * Raises PreRenderComplete event. * This method is invoked right after {@link onPreRender PreRender} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional preparation for page rendering * that should be done after {@link onPreRender PreRender}. * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure PreRenderComplete event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onPreRenderComplete($param) { $this->raiseEvent('PreRenderComplete',$this,$param); } /** * Raises SaveStateComplete event. * This method is invoked right after {@link onSaveState SaveState} stage. * You may override this method to provide additional logic after page state is saved. * Remember to call the parent implementation to ensure SaveStateComplete event is raised. * @param mixed event parameter */ protected function onSaveStateComplete($param) { $this->raiseEvent('SaveStateComplete',$this,$param); } /** * Determines whether the current page request is a postback. * Call {@link getIsPostBack} to get the result. */ private function determinePostBackMode() { $postData=$this->_application->getRequest()->getItems(); if($postData->contains(TClientScriptManager::FIELD_PAGE_STATE) || $postData->contains(TClientScriptManager::FIELD_POSTBACK_TARGET)) $this->_postData=$postData; } /** * @return boolean whether the current page request is a postback */ public function getIsPostBack() { return $this->_postData!==null; } /** * @return IPageStatePersister page state persister */ protected function getPageStatePersister() { return $this->_pageService->getPageStatePersister(); } /** * Loads page state from persistent storage. */ protected function loadPageState() { $state=$this->getPageStatePersister()->load(); $this->loadStateRecursive($state,$this->getEnableViewState()); } /** * Saves page state from persistent storage. */ protected function savePageState() { $state=&$this->saveStateRecursive($this->getEnableViewState()); $this->getPageStatePersister()->save($state); } public function RegisterEnabledControl($control) { $this->getEna.EnabledControls.Add(control); } /** * @internal */ public function registerPostBackScript() { if($this->getClientSupportsJavaScript() && !$this->_postBackScriptRendered) { if(!$this->_requirePostBackScript) { $this->getClientScript()->registerHiddenField('__EVENTTARGET',''); $this->getClientScript()->registerHiddenField('__EVENTPARAM',''); $this->_requirePostBackScript=true; } } } public function registerWebFormsScript() { if($this->getClientSupportsJavaScript() && !$this->_webFormsScriptRendered) { $this->registerPostBackScript(); $this->_requireWebFormsScript=true; } } public function ensureRenderInForm($control) { if(!$this->_inFormRender) throw new THttpException('control_not_in_form',$control->getUniqueID()); } private function renderPostBackScript($writer) { $id=$this->_form->getUniqueID(); $str=<< \n EOD; $writer->write($str); $this->_postBackScriptRendered=true; } private function renderWebFormsScript($writer) { $writer->write("\n\n"); $this->_webFormsScriptRendered=true; } final public function getClientSupportsJavaScript() { // todo return true; } /** * @internal */ final public function beginFormRender($writer) { if($this->_formRendered) throw new THttpException('multiple_form_not_allowed'); $this->_formRendered=true; $this->_inFormRender=true; $this->getClientScript()->renderHiddenFields($writer); if($this->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) { /* if($this->getMaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack() && !$this->_requireScrollScript) { $cs=$this->getClientScript(); $cs->registerHiddenField('_SCROLLPOSITIONX',$this->_scrollPositionX); $cs->registerHiddenField('_SCROLLPOSITIONY',$this->_scrollPositionY); $cs->registerStartupScript(get_class($this),"PageScrollPositionScript", "\r\nvar WebForm_ScrollPositionSubmit = theForm.submit;\r\ntheForm.submit = WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit;\r\n\r\nvar WebForm_ScrollPositionOnSubmit = theForm.onsubmit;\r\ntheForm.onsubmit = WebForm_SaveScrollPositionOnSubmit;\r\n\r\nvar WebForm_ScrollPositionLoad = window.onload;\r\nwindow.onload = WebForm_RestoreScrollPosition;\r\n", true); $this->registerWebFormScript(); $this->_requireScrollScript=true; } */ if($this->_requirePostBackScript) $this->renderPostBackScript($writer,$this->_form->getUniqueID()); if($this->_requireWebFormsScript) $this->renderWebFormsScript($writer); } $this->getClientScript()->renderScriptBlocks($writer); // todo: more .... } final public function getIsPostBackEventControlRegistered() { return $this->_registeredControlThatRequireRaiseEvent!==null; } /** * @internal */ final public function endFormRender($writer) { $cs=$this->getClientScript(); if($this->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) $cs->renderArrayDeclarations($writer); $cs->renderHiddenFields($writer); if($this->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) { if($this->_requirePostBackScript && !$this->_postBackScriptRendered) $this->renderPostBackScript($writer); if($this->_requireWebFormsScript && !$this->_webFormsScriptRendered) $this->renderWebFormsScript($writer); } $cs->renderStartupScripts($writer); $this->_inFormRender=false; } final public function getClientOnSubmitEvent() { // todo if($this->getClientScript()->getHasSubmitStatements()) return 'javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();'; else return ''; } protected function initializeCulture() { } /** * @internal */ public function loadScrollPosition() { if($this->_previousPagePath==='' && $this->_requestValueCollection) { if(isset($_REQUEST['__SCROLLPOSITIONX'])) $this->_scrollPositionX=(integer)$_REQUEST['__SCROLLPOSITIONX']; if(isset($_REQUEST['__SCROLLPOSITIONY'])) $this->_scrollPositionX=(integer)$_REQUEST['__SCROLLPOSITIONY']; } } final public function registerAsyncTask() { } final public function registerRequiresPostBack($control) { if(!$this->_registeredControlsThatRequirePostBack) $this->_registeredControlsThatRequirePostBack=new TList; $this->_registeredControlsThatRequirePostBack->add($control->getUniqueID()); } final public function registerRequiresRaiseEvent($control) { $this->_registeredControlThatRequireRaiseEvent=$control; } protected function processPostData($postData,$beforeLoad) { $eventTarget=$postData->itemAt('__EVENTTARGET'); foreach($postData as $key=>$value) { if(in_array($key,self::$_systemPostFields)) continue; else if($control=$this->findControl($key)) { if($control instanceof IPostBackDataHandler) { if($control->loadPostData($key,$this->_postData)) $this->_changedPostDataConsumers[]=$control; unset($this->_controlsRequiringPostBack[$key]); } else { if(empty($eventTarget)) { if($control instanceof IPostBackEventHandler) $this->registerRequiresRaiseEvent($control); } else unset($this->_controlsRequiringPostBack[$key]); } } else if($beforeLoad) $this->_restPostData->add($key,$value); } $list=new TMap; foreach($this->_controlsRequiringPostBack as $key=>$value) { if($control=$this->findControl($key)) { if($control instanceof IPostBackDataHandler) { if($control->loadPostData($key,$this->_postData)) $this->_changedPostDataConsumers->add($control); } else throw new THttpException('postback_control_not_found',$key); } else if($beforeLoad) $list->add($key,null); } $this->_controlsRequiringPostBack=$list; } final public function getAutoPostBackControl() { return $this->_autoPostBackControl; } final public function setAutoPostBackControl($control) { $this->_autoPostBackControl=$control; } private function raiseChangedEvents() { foreach($this->_changedPostDataConsumers as $control) $control->raisePostDataChangedEvent(); } private function raisePostBackEvent($postData) { if($this->_registeredControlThatRequireRaiseEvent) { $this->_registeredControlThatRequireRaiseEvent->raisePostBackEvent(null); } else { $eventTarget=$postData->itemAt('__EVENTTARGET'); if(!empty($eventTarget) || $this->getAutoPostBackControl()) { if(!empty($eventTarget)) $control=$this->findControl($eventTarget); else $control=null; if($control instanceof IPostBackEventHandler) $control->raisePostBackEvent($postData->itemAt('__EVENTPARAM')); } else $this->validate(); } } public function run($writer) { $this->determinePostBackMode(); $this->_restPostData=new TMap; $this->onPreInit(null); $this->_preInitWorkComplete=true; $this->initRecursive(null); $this->onInitComplete(null); if($this->getIsPostBack()) { $this->loadPageState(); $this->processPostData($this->_postData,true); } $this->onPreLoad(null); $this->loadRecursive(null); if($this->getIsPostBack()) { $this->processPostData($this->_restPostData,false); $this->raiseChangedEvents(); $this->raisePostBackEvent($this->_postData); } $this->onLoadComplete(null); $this->preRenderRecursive(); $this->onPreRenderComplete(null); $this->savePageState(); $this->onSaveStateComplete(null); $this->renderControl($writer); $this->unloadRecursive(); } } ?>