<?php /** * TTemplateControl class file. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2015 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package System.Web.UI */ /** * Includes TCompositeControl class */ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.TCompositeControl'); /** * TTemplateControl class. * TTemplateControl is the base class for all controls that use templates. * By default, a control template is assumed to be in a file under the same * directory with the control class file. They have the same file name and * different extension name. For template file, the extension name is ".tpl". * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package System.Web.UI * @since 3.0 */ class TTemplateControl extends TCompositeControl { /** * template file extension. */ const EXT_TEMPLATE='.tpl'; /** * @var ITemplate the parsed template structure shared by the same control class */ private static $_template=array(); /** * @var ITemplate the parsed template structure specific for this control instance */ private $_localTemplate=null; /** * @var TTemplateControl the master control if any */ private $_master=null; /** * @var string master control class name */ private $_masterClass=''; /** * @var array list of TContent controls */ private $_contents=array(); /** * @var array list of TContentPlaceHolder controls */ private $_placeholders=array(); /** * Returns the template object associated with this control object. * @return ITemplate|null the parsed template, null if none */ public function getTemplate() { if($this->_localTemplate===null) { $class=get_class($this); if(!isset(self::$_template[$class])) self::$_template[$class]=$this->loadTemplate(); return self::$_template[$class]; } else return $this->_localTemplate; } /** * Sets the parsed template. * Note, the template will be applied to the whole control class. * This method should only be used by framework and control developers. * @param ITemplate the parsed template */ public function setTemplate($value) { $this->_localTemplate=$value; } /** * @return boolean whether this control is a source template control. * A source template control loads its template from external storage, * such as file, db, rather than from within another template. */ public function getIsSourceTemplateControl() { if(($template=$this->getTemplate())!==null) return $template->getIsSourceTemplate(); else return false; } /** * @return string the directory containing the template. Empty if no template available. */ public function getTemplateDirectory() { if(($template=$this->getTemplate())!==null) return $template->getContextPath(); else return ''; } /** * Loads the template associated with this control class. * @return ITemplate the parsed template structure */ protected function loadTemplate() { Prado::trace("Loading template ".get_class($this),'System.Web.UI.TTemplateControl'); $template=$this->getService()->getTemplateManager()->getTemplateByClassName(get_class($this)); return $template; } /** * Creates child controls. * This method is overridden to load and instantiate control template. * This method should only be used by framework and control developers. */ public function createChildControls() { if($tpl=$this->getTemplate()) { foreach($tpl->getDirective() as $name=>$value) { if(is_string($value)) $this->setSubProperty($name,$value); else throw new TConfigurationException('templatecontrol_directive_invalid',get_class($this),$name); } $tpl->instantiateIn($this); } } /** * Registers a content control. * @param string ID of the content * @param TContent */ public function registerContent($id,TContent $object) { if(isset($this->_contents[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('templatecontrol_contentid_duplicated',$id); else $this->_contents[$id]=$object; } /** * Registers a content placeholder to this template control. * This method should only be used by framework and control developers. * @param string placeholder ID * @param TContentPlaceHolder placeholder control */ public function registerContentPlaceHolder($id,TContentPlaceHolder $object) { if(isset($this->_placeholders[$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('templatecontrol_placeholderid_duplicated',$id); else $this->_placeholders[$id]=$object; } /** * @return string master class name (in namespace form) */ public function getMasterClass() { return $this->_masterClass; } /** * @param string master control class name (in namespace form) */ public function setMasterClass($value) { $this->_masterClass=$value; } /** * @return TTemplateControl|null master control associated with this control, null if none */ public function getMaster() { return $this->_master; } /** * Injects all content controls (and their children) to the corresponding content placeholders. * This method should only be used by framework and control developers. * @param string ID of the content control * @param TContent the content to be injected */ public function injectContent($id,$content) { if(isset($this->_placeholders[$id])) { $placeholder=$this->_placeholders[$id]; $controls=$placeholder->getParent()->getControls(); $loc=$controls->remove($placeholder); $controls->insertAt($loc,$content); } else throw new TConfigurationException('templatecontrol_placeholder_inexistent',$id); } /** * Performs the OnInit step for the control and all its child controls. * This method overrides the parent implementation * by ensuring child controls are created first, * and if master class is set, master will be applied. * Only framework developers should use this method. * @param TControl the naming container control */ protected function initRecursive($namingContainer=null) { $this->ensureChildControls(); if($this->_masterClass!=='') { $master=Prado::createComponent($this->_masterClass); if(!($master instanceof TTemplateControl)) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('templatecontrol_mastercontrol_invalid'); $this->_master=$master; $this->getControls()->clear(); $this->getControls()->add($master); $master->ensureChildControls(); foreach($this->_contents as $id=>$content) $master->injectContent($id,$content); } else if(!empty($this->_contents)) throw new TConfigurationException('templatecontrol_mastercontrol_required',get_class($this)); parent::initRecursive($namingContainer); } /** * Function to update view controls with data in a given AR object. * View controls and AR object need to have the same name in IDs and Attrs respectively. * @param TActiveRecord $arObj * @param Boolean $throwExceptions Wheter or not to throw exceptions * @author Daniel Sampedro <darthdaniel85@gmail.com> */ public function tryToUpdateView($arObj, $throwExceptions = false) { $objAttrs = get_class_vars(get_class($arObj)); foreach (array_keys($objAttrs) as $key) { try { if ($key != "RELATIONS") { $control = $this->{$key}; if ($control instanceof TTextBox) $control->Text = $arObj->{$key}; elseif ($control instanceof TCheckBox) $control->Checked = (boolean) $arObj->{$key}; elseif ($control instanceof TDatePicker) $control->Date = $arObj->{$key}; } else { foreach ($objAttrs["RELATIONS"] as $relKey => $relValues) { $relControl = $this->{$relKey}; switch ($relValues[0]) { case TActiveRecord::BELONGS_TO: case TActiveRecord::HAS_ONE: $relControl->Text = $arObj->{$relKey}; break; case TActiveRecord::HAS_MANY: if ($relControl instanceof TListControl) { $relControl->DataSource = $arObj->{$relKey}; $relControl->dataBind(); } break; } } break; } } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($throwExceptions) throw $ex; } } } /** * Function to try to update an AR object with data in view controls. * @param TActiveRecord $arObj * @param Boolean $throwExceptions Wheter or not to throw exceptions * @author Daniel Sampedro <darthdaniel85@gmail.com> */ public function tryToUpdateAR($arObj, $throwExceptions = false) { $objAttrs = get_class_vars(get_class($arObj)); foreach (array_keys($objAttrs) as $key) { try { if ($key == "RELATIONS") break; $control = $this->{$key}; if ($control instanceof TTextBox) $arObj->{$key} = $control->Text; elseif ($control instanceof TCheckBox) $arObj->{$key} = $control->Checked; elseif ($control instanceof TDatePicker) $arObj->{$key} = $control->Date; } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($throwExceptions) throw $ex; } } } }