* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package System.Web.UI */ /** * TTheme class * * TTheme represents a particular theme. It is merely a collection of skins * that are applicable to the corresponding controls. * * Each theme is stored as a directory and files under that directory. * The theme name is the directory name. When TTheme is created, the files * whose name has the extension ".skin" are parsed and saved as controls skins. * * A skin is essentially a list of initial property values that are to be applied * to a control when the skin is applied. * Each type of control can have multiple skins identified by the SkinID. * If a skin does not have SkinID, it is the default skin that will be applied * to controls that do not specify particular SkinID. * * Whenever possible, TTheme will try to make use of available cache to save * the parsing time. * * To apply a theme to a particular control, call {@link applySkin}. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package System.Web.UI * @since 3.0 */ class TTheme extends TApplicationComponent implements ITheme { /** * prefix for cache variable name used to store parsed themes */ const THEME_CACHE_PREFIX='prado:theme:'; /** * Extension name of skin files */ const SKIN_FILE_EXT='.skin'; /** * @var string theme path */ private $_themePath; /** * @var string theme url */ private $_themeUrl; /** * @var array list of skins for the theme */ private $_skins=null; /** * @var string theme name */ private $_name=''; /** * @var array list of css files */ private $_cssFiles=array(); /** * @var array list of js files */ private $_jsFiles=array(); /** * Constructor. * @param string theme path * @param string theme URL * @throws TConfigurationException if theme path does not exist or any parsing error of the skin files */ public function __construct($themePath,$themeUrl) { $this->_themeUrl=$themeUrl; $this->_themePath=realpath($themePath); $this->_name=basename($themePath); $cacheValid=false; // TODO: the following needs to be cleaned up (Qiang) if(($cache=$this->getApplication()->getCache())!==null) { $array=$cache->get(self::THEME_CACHE_PREFIX.$themePath); if(is_array($array)) { list($skins,$cssFiles,$jsFiles,$timestamp)=$array; if($this->getApplication()->getMode()!==TApplicationMode::Performance) { if(($dir=opendir($themePath))===false) throw new TIOException('theme_path_inexistent',$themePath); $cacheValid=true; while(($file=readdir($dir))!==false) { if($file==='.' || $file==='..') continue; else if(basename($file,'.css')!==$file) $this->_cssFiles[]=$themeUrl.'/'.$file; else if(basename($file,'.js')!==$file) $this->_jsFiles[]=$themeUrl.'/'.$file; else if(basename($file,self::SKIN_FILE_EXT)!==$file && filemtime($themePath.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file)>$timestamp) { $cacheValid=false; break; } } closedir($dir); if($cacheValid) $this->_skins=$skins; } else { $cacheValid=true; $this->_cssFiles=$cssFiles; $this->_jsFiles=$jsFiles; $this->_skins=$skins; } } } if(!$cacheValid) { $this->_cssFiles=array(); $this->_jsFiles=array(); $this->_skins=array(); if(($dir=opendir($themePath))===false) throw new TIOException('theme_path_inexistent',$themePath); while(($file=readdir($dir))!==false) { if($file==='.' || $file==='..') continue; else if(basename($file,'.css')!==$file) $this->_cssFiles[]=$themeUrl.'/'.$file; else if(basename($file,'.js')!==$file) $this->_jsFiles[]=$themeUrl.'/'.$file; else if(basename($file,self::SKIN_FILE_EXT)!==$file) { $template=new TTemplate(file_get_contents($themePath.'/'.$file),$themePath,$themePath.'/'.$file); foreach($template->getItems() as $skin) { if(!isset($skin[2])) // a text string, ignored continue; else if($skin[0]!==-1) throw new TConfigurationException('theme_control_nested',$skin[1],dirname($themePath)); $type=$skin[1]; $id=isset($skin[2]['skinid'])?$skin[2]['skinid']:0; unset($skin[2]['skinid']); if(isset($this->_skins[$type][$id])) throw new TConfigurationException('theme_skinid_duplicated',$type,$id,dirname($themePath)); /* foreach($skin[2] as $name=>$value) { if(is_array($value) && ($value[0]===TTemplate::CONFIG_DATABIND || $value[0]===TTemplate::CONFIG_PARAMETER)) throw new TConfigurationException('theme_databind_forbidden',dirname($themePath),$type,$id); } */ $this->_skins[$type][$id]=$skin[2]; } } } closedir($dir); sort($this->_cssFiles); sort($this->_jsFiles); if($cache!==null) $cache->set(self::THEME_CACHE_PREFIX.$themePath,array($this->_skins,$this->_cssFiles,$this->_jsFiles,time())); } } /** * @return string theme name */ public function getName() { return $this->_name; } /** * @param string theme name */ protected function setName($value) { $this->_name = $value; } /** * @return string the URL to the theme folder (without ending slash) */ public function getBaseUrl() { return $this->_themeUrl; } /** * @param string the URL to the theme folder */ protected function setBaseUrl($value) { $this->_themeUrl=rtrim($value,'/'); } /** * @return string the file path to the theme folder */ public function getBasePath() { return $this->_themePath; } /** * @param string tthe file path to the theme folder */ protected function setBasePath($value) { $this->_themePath=$value; } /** * @return array list of skins for the theme */ public function getSkins() { return $this->_skins; } /** * @param array list of skins for the theme */ protected function setSkins($value) { $this->_skins = $value; } /** * Applies the theme to a particular control. * The control's class name and SkinID value will be used to * identify which skin to be applied. If the control's SkinID is empty, * the default skin will be applied. * @param TControl the control to be applied with a skin * @return boolean if a skin is successfully applied * @throws TConfigurationException if any error happened during the skin application */ public function applySkin($control) { $type=get_class($control); if(($id=$control->getSkinID())==='') $id=0; if(isset($this->_skins[$type][$id])) { foreach($this->_skins[$type][$id] as $name=>$value) { Prado::trace("Applying skin $name to $type",'System.Web.UI.TThemeManager'); if(is_array($value)) { switch($value[0]) { case TTemplate::CONFIG_EXPRESSION: $value=$this->evaluateExpression($value[1]); break; case TTemplate::CONFIG_ASSET: $value=$this->_themeUrl.'/'.ltrim($value[1],'/'); break; case TTemplate::CONFIG_DATABIND: $control->bindProperty($name,$value[1]); break; case TTemplate::CONFIG_PARAMETER: $control->setSubProperty($name,$this->getApplication()->getParameters()->itemAt($value[1])); break; case TTemplate::CONFIG_TEMPLATE: $control->setSubProperty($name,$value[1]); break; case TTemplate::CONFIG_LOCALIZATION: $control->setSubProperty($name,Prado::localize($value[1])); break; default: throw new TConfigurationException('theme_tag_unexpected',$name,$value[0]); break; } } if(!is_array($value)) { if(strpos($name,'.')===false) // is simple property or custom attribute { if($control->hasProperty($name)) { if($control->canSetProperty($name)) { $setter='set'.$name; $control->$setter($value); } else throw new TConfigurationException('theme_property_readonly',$type,$name); } else throw new TConfigurationException('theme_property_undefined',$type,$name); } else // complex property $control->setSubProperty($name,$value); } } return true; } else return false; } /** * @return array list of CSS files (URL) in the theme */ public function getStyleSheetFiles() { return $this->_cssFiles; } /** * @param array list of CSS files (URL) in the theme */ protected function setStyleSheetFiles($value) { $this->_cssFiles=$value; } /** * @return array list of Javascript files (URL) in the theme */ public function getJavaScriptFiles() { return $this->_jsFiles; } /** * @param array list of Javascript files (URL) in the theme */ protected function setJavaScriptFiles($value) { $this->_jsFiles=$value; } }