 * TAccordion class file.
 * @author Gabor Berczi, DevWorx Hungary <gabor.berczi@devworx.hu>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2014 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.2

 * Class TAccordion.
 * TAccordion displays an accordion control. Users can click on the view headers to switch among
 * different accordion views. Each accordion view is an independent panel that can contain arbitrary content.
 * A TAccordion control consists of one or several {@link TAccordionView} controls representing the possible
 * accordion views. At any time, only one accordion view is visible (active), which is specified by any of
 * the following properties:
 * - {@link setActiveViewIndex ActiveViewIndex} - the zero-based integer index of the view in the view collection.
 * - {@link setActiveViewID ActiveViewID} - the text ID of the visible view.
 * - {@link setActiveView ActiveView} - the visible view instance.
 * If both {@link setActiveViewIndex ActiveViewIndex} and {@link setActiveViewID ActiveViewID}
 * are set, the latter takes precedence.
 * TAccordion uses CSS to specify the appearance of the accordion headers and panel. By default,
 * an embedded CSS file will be published which contains the default CSS for TTabPanel.
 * You may also use your own CSS file by specifying the {@link setCssUrl CssUrl} property.
 * The following properties specify the CSS classes used for elements in a TAccordion:
 * - {@link setCssClass CssClass} - the CSS class name for the outer-most div element (defaults to 'accordion');
 * - {@link setHeaderCssClass HeaderCssClass} - the CSS class name for nonactive accordion div elements (defaults to 'accordion-header');
 * - {@link setActiveHeaderCssClass ActiveHeaderCssClass} - the CSS class name for the active accordion div element (defaults to 'accordion-header-active');
 * - {@link setViewCssClass ViewCssClass} - the CSS class for the div element enclosing view content (defaults to 'accordion-view');
 * When the user clicks on a view header, the switch between the old visible view and the clicked one is animated.
 * You can use the {@link setAnimationDuration AnimationDuration} property to set the animation length in seconds;
 * it defaults to 1 second, and when set to 0 it will produce an immediate switch with no animation.
 * The TAccordion auto-sizes itself to the largest of all views, so it can encompass all of them without scrolling.
 * If you want to specify a fixed height (in pixels), use the {@link setViewHeight ViewHeight} property.
 * When a TAccordion is nested inside another, it's adviced to manually specify a {@link setViewHeight ViewHeight} for the internal TAccordion
 * To use TAccordion, write a template like following:
 * <code>
 * <com:TAccordion>
 *   <com:TAccordionView Caption="View 1">
 *     content for view 1
 *   </com:TAccordionView>
 *   <com:TAccordionView Caption="View 2">
 *     content for view 2
 *   </com:TAccordionView>
 *   <com:TAccordionView Caption="View 3">
 *     content for view 3
 *   </com:TAccordionView>
 * </com:TAccordion>
 * </code>
 * @author Gabor Berczi, DevWorx Hungary <gabor.berczi@devworx.hu>
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.2

class TAccordion extends TWebControl implements IPostBackDataHandler
	private $_dataChanged=false;

	 * @return string tag name for the control
	protected function getTagName()
		return 'div';

	 * Adds object parsed from template to the control.
	 * This method adds only {@link TAccordionView} objects into the {@link getViews Views} collection.
	 * All other objects are ignored.
	 * @param mixed object parsed from template
	public function addParsedObject($object)
		if($object instanceof TAccordionView)

	 * Returns the index of the active accordion view.
	 * Note, this property may not return the correct index.
	 * To ensure the correctness, call {@link getActiveView()} first.
	 * @return integer the zero-based index of the active accordion view. If -1, it means no active accordion view. Default is 0 (the first view is active).
	public function getActiveViewIndex()
		return $this->getViewState('ActiveViewIndex',0);

	 * @param integer the zero-based index of the current view in the view collection. -1 if no active view.
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the view index is invalid
	public function setActiveViewIndex($value)

	 * Returns the ID of the active accordion view.
	 * Note, this property may not return the correct ID.
	 * To ensure the correctness, call {@link getActiveView()} first.
	 * @return string The ID of the active accordion view. Defaults to '', meaning not set.
	public function getActiveViewID()
		return $this->getViewState('ActiveViewID','');

	 * @param string The ID of the active accordion view.
	public function setActiveViewID($value)

	 * Returns the currently active view.
	 * This method will examin the ActiveViewID, ActiveViewIndex and Views collection to
	 * determine which view is currently active. It will update ActiveViewID and ActiveViewIndex accordingly.
	 * @return TAccordionView the currently active view, null if no active view
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the active view ID or index set previously is invalid
	public function getActiveView()
				throw new TInvalidDataValueException('tabpanel_activeviewid_invalid',$id);
		else if(($index=$this->getActiveViewIndex())>=0)
				throw new TInvalidDataValueException('tabpanel_activeviewindex_invalid',$index);
			foreach($views as $index=>$view)
		return $activeView;

	 * @param TAccordionView the view to be activated
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the view is not in the view collection
	public function setActiveView($view)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('tabpanel_view_inexistent');

	* @return string URL for the CSS file including all relevant CSS class definitions. Defaults to ''.
	public function getCssUrl()
		return $this->getViewState('CssUrl','default');

	* @param string URL for the CSS file including all relevant CSS class definitions.
	public function setCssUrl($value)

		* @return string CSS class for the whole accordion control div.
	public function getCssClass()
			return $cssClass===''?'accordion':$cssClass;

		* @return string CSS class for the currently displayed view div. Defaults to 'accordion-view'.
	public function getViewCssClass()
		return $this->getViewStyle()->getCssClass();

	* @param string CSS class for the currently displayed view div.
	public function setViewCssClass($value)

		* @return string CSS class for the currently displayed view div. Defaults to 'accordion-view'.
	public function getAnimationDuration()
		return $this->getViewState('AnimationDuration','1');

	* @param string CSS class for the currently displayed view div.
	public function setAnimationDuration($value)

	 * @return TStyle the style for all the view div
	public function getViewStyle()
			$style=new TStyle;
		return $style;

	 * @return string CSS class for view headers. Defaults to 'accordion-header'.
	public function getHeaderCssClass()
		return $this->getHeaderStyle()->getCssClass();

	 * @param string CSS class for view headers.
	public function setHeaderCssClass($value)

	 * @return TStyle the style for all the inactive header div
	public function getHeaderStyle()
			$style=new TStyle;
		return $style;

	 * @return string Extra CSS class for the active header. Defaults to 'accordion-header-active'.
	public function getActiveHeaderCssClass()
		return $this->getActiveHeaderStyle()->getCssClass();

	 * @param string Extra CSS class for the active header. Will be added to the normal header specified by HeaderCssClass.
	public function setActiveHeaderCssClass($value)

	 * @return TStyle the style for the active header div
	public function getActiveHeaderStyle()
			$style=new TStyle;
		return $style;

	 * @return integer Maximum height for the accordion views. If non specified, the accordion will auto-sized to the largest of all views, so it can encompass all of them without scrolling
	public function getViewHeight()
		return TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($this->getViewState('ViewHeight'));

	 * @param integer Maximum height for the accordion views. If any of the accordion's views' content is larger, those views will be made scrollable when activated
	public function setViewHeight($value)
		$this->setViewState('ViewHeight', TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value));

	 * Activates the specified view.
	 * If there is any other view currently active, it will be deactivated.
	 * @param TAccordionView the view to be activated. If null, all views will be deactivated.
	protected function activateView($view)
		foreach($this->getViews() as $index=>$v)

	 * Loads user input data.
	 * This method is primarly used by framework developers.
	 * @param string the key that can be used to retrieve data from the input data collection
	 * @param array the input data collection
	 * @return boolean whether the data of the control has been changed
	public function loadPostData($key,$values)
				$this->setActiveViewID(''); // clear up view ID
				return $this->_dataChanged=true;
		return false;

	 * Raises postdata changed event.
	 * This method is required by {@link IPostBackDataHandler} interface.
	 * It is invoked by the framework when {@link getActiveViewIndex ActiveViewIndex} property
	 * is changed on postback.
	 * This method is primarly used by framework developers.
	public function raisePostDataChangedEvent()
		// do nothing

	 * Returns a value indicating whether postback has caused the control data change.
	 * This method is required by the IPostBackDataHandler interface.
	 * @return boolean whether postback has caused the control data change. False if the page is not in postback mode.
	public function getDataChanged()
		return $this->_dataChanged;

	 * Adds attributes to renderer.
	 * @param THtmlWriter the renderer
	protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)

	 * Registers CSS and JS.
	 * This method is invoked right before the control rendering, if the control is visible.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	public function onPreRender($param)
		$this->getActiveView();  // determine the active view

	 * Registers the CSS relevant to the TAccordion.
	 * It will register the CSS file specified by {@link getCssUrl CssUrl}.
	 * If that is not set, it will use the default CSS.
	protected function registerStyleSheet()
		$url = $this->getCssUrl();

		if($url === '') {

		if($url === 'default') {
			$url = $this->getApplication()->getAssetManager()->publishFilePath(dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'assets'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'accordion.css');

		if($url !== '') {
			$this->getPage()->getClientScript()->registerStyleSheetFile($url, $url);

	 * Registers the relevant JavaScript.
	protected function registerClientScript()
		$code="new $className($options);";
		$cs->registerEndScript("prado:$id", $code);
		// ensure an item is always active and visible
		$index = $this->getActiveViewIndex();
		$cs->registerHiddenField($id.'_1', $index);

	 * Gets the name of the javascript class responsible for performing postback for this control.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @return string the javascript class name
	protected function getClientClassName()
		return 'Prado.WebUI.TAccordion';

	 * @return array the options for JavaScript
	protected function getClientOptions()
		$options['ID'] = $this->getClientID();
		$options['ActiveHeaderCssClass'] = $this->getActiveHeaderCssClass();
		$options['HeaderCssClass'] = $this->getHeaderCssClass();
		$options['Duration'] = $this->getAnimationDuration();

		if (($viewheight = $this->getViewHeight())>0)
			$options['maxHeight'] = $viewheight;
		$views = array();
		foreach($this->getViews() as $view)
			$views[$view->getClientID()] = $view->getVisible() ? '1': '0';
		$options['Views'] = $views;

		return $options;

	 * Creates a control collection object that is to be used to hold child controls
	 * @return TAccordionViewCollection control collection
	protected function createControlCollection()
		return new TAccordionViewCollection($this);

	 * @return TAccordionViewCollection list of {@link TAccordionView} controls
	public function getViews()
		return $this->getControls();

	public function render($writer)

	 * Renders body contents of the accordion control.
	 * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose.
	public function renderContents($writer)
			foreach($views as $view)
