* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls */ /** * Includes TListControl class */ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TListControl'); /** * TBulletedList class * * TBulletedList displays items in a bullet format. * The bullet style is specified by {@link setBulletStyle BulletStyle}. When * the style is 'CustomImage', the {@link setBackImageUrl BulletImageUrl} * specifies the image used as bullets. * * TBulletedList displays the item texts in three different modes, specified * via {@link setDisplayMode DisplayMode}. When the mode is 'Text', the item texts * are displayed as static texts; When the mode is 'HyperLink', each item * is displayed as a hyperlink whose URL is given by the item value, and the * {@link setTarget Target} property can be used to specify the target browser window; * When the mode is 'LinkButton', each item is displayed as a link button which * posts back to the page if a user clicks on that and the event {@link onClick Click} * will be raised under such a circumstance. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TBulletedList extends TListControl implements IPostBackEventHandler { /** * @var boolean cached property value of Enabled */ private $_isEnabled; /** * @var TPostBackOptions postback options */ private $_postBackOptions; /** * Raises the postback event. * This method is required by {@link IPostBackEventHandler} interface. * If {@link getCausesValidation CausesValidation} is true, it will * invoke the page's {@link TPage::validate validate} method first. * It will raise {@link onClick Click} events. * This method is mainly used by framework and control developers. * @param TEventParameter the event parameter */ public function raisePostBackEvent($param) { if($this->getCausesValidation()) $this->getPage()->validate($this->getValidationGroup()); $this->onClick(new TBulletedListEventParameter((int)$param)); } /** * @return string tag name of the bulleted list */ protected function getTagName() { switch($this->getBulletStyle()) { case 'Numbered': case 'LowerAlpha': case 'UpperAlpha': case 'LowerRoman': case 'UpperRoman': return 'ol'; } return 'ul'; } /** * Adds attribute name-value pairs to renderer. * This overrides the parent implementation with additional bulleted list specific attributes. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ protected function addAttributesToRender($writer) { $needStart=false; switch($this->getBulletStyle()) { case 'Numbered': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','decimal'); $needStart=true; break; case 'LowerAlpha': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','lower-alpha'); $needStart=true; break; case 'UpperAlpha': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','upper-alpha'); $needStart=true; break; case 'LowerRoman': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','lower-roman'); $needStart=true; break; case 'UpperRoman': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','upper-roman'); $needStart=true; break; case 'Disc': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','disc'); break; case 'Circle': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','circle'); break; case 'Square': $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-type','square'); break; case 'CustomImage': $url=$this->getBulletImageUrl(); $writer->addStyleAttribute('list-style-image',"url($url)"); break; } if($needStart && ($start=$this->getFirstBulletNumber())!=1) $writer->addAttribute('start',"$start"); parent::addAttributesToRender($writer); } /** * @return string image URL used for bullets when {@link getBulletStyle BulletStyle} is 'CustomImage'. */ public function getBulletImageUrl() { return $this->getViewState('BulletImageUrl',''); } /** * @param string image URL used for bullets when {@link getBulletStyle BulletStyle} is 'CustomImage'. */ public function setBulletImageUrl($value) { $this->setViewState('BulletImageUrl',$value,''); } /** * @return string style of bullets. Defaults to 'NotSet'. */ public function getBulletStyle() { return $this->getViewState('BulletStyle','NotSet'); } /** * @return string style of bullets. Valid values include * 'NotSet','Numbered','LowerAlpha','UpperAlpha','LowerRoman','UpperRoman','Disc','Circle','Square','CustomImage' */ public function setBulletStyle($value) { $this->setViewState('BulletStyle',TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'NotSet','Numbered','LowerAlpha','UpperAlpha','LowerRoman','UpperRoman','Disc','Circle','Square','CustomImage'),'NotSet'); } /** * @param string display mode of the list. Defaults to 'Text'. */ public function getDisplayMode() { return $this->getViewState('DisplayMode','Text'); } /** * @return string display mode of the list. Valid values include * 'Text', 'HyperLink', 'LinkButton'. */ public function setDisplayMode($value) { $this->setViewState('DisplayMode',TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'Text','HyperLink','LinkButton'),'Text'); } /** * @return integer starting index when {@link getBulletStyle BulletStyle} is one of * the following: 'Numbered', 'LowerAlpha', 'UpperAlpha', 'LowerRoman', 'UpperRoman'. * Defaults to 1. */ public function getFirstBulletNumber() { return $this->getViewState('FirstBulletNumber',1); } /** * @param integer starting index when {@link getBulletStyle BulletStyle} is one of * the following: 'Numbered', 'LowerAlpha', 'UpperAlpha', 'LowerRoman', 'UpperRoman'. */ public function setFirstBulletNumber($value) { $this->setViewState('FirstBulletNumber',TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value),1); } /** * Raises 'Click' event. * This method is invoked when the {@link getDisplayMode DisplayMode} is 'LinkButton' * and end-users click on one of the buttons. * @param TBulletedListEventParameter event parameter. */ public function onClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('Click',$this,$param); } /** * @return string the target window or frame to display the Web page content * linked to when {@link getDisplayMode DisplayMode} is 'HyperLink' and one of * the hyperlinks is clicked. */ public function getTarget() { return $this->getViewState('Target',''); } /** * @param string the target window or frame to display the Web page content * linked to when {@link getDisplayMode DisplayMode} is 'HyperLink' and one of * the hyperlinks is clicked. */ public function setTarget($value) { $this->setViewState('Target',$value,''); } /** * Renders the control. * @param THtmlWriter the writer for the rendering purpose. */ protected function render($writer) { if($this->getHasItems()) parent::render($writer); } /** * Renders the body contents. * @param THtmlWriter the writer for the rendering purpose. */ protected function renderContents($writer) { $this->_isEnabled=$this->getEnabled(true); $this->_postBackOptions=$this->getPostBackOptions(); $writer->writeLine(); foreach($this->getItems() as $index=>$item) { if($item->getHasAttributes()) { foreach($item->getAttributes() as $name=>$value) $writer->addAttribute($name,$value); } $writer->renderBeginTag('li'); $this->renderBulletText($writer,$item,$index); $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); } } /** * Renders each item * @param THtmlWriter writer for the rendering purpose * @param TListItem item to be rendered * @param integer index of the item being rendered */ protected function renderBulletText($writer,$item,$index) { switch($this->getDisplayMode()) { case 'Text': if($item->getEnabled()) $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); else { $writer->addAttribute('disabled','disabled'); $writer->renderBeginTag('span'); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); } return; case 'HyperLink': if(!$this->_isEnabled || !$item->getEnabled()) $writer->addAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else { $writer->addAttribute('href',$item->getValue()); if(($target=$this->getTarget())!=='') $writer->addAttribute('target',$target); } break; case 'LinkButton': if(!$this->_isEnabled || !$item->getEnabled()) $writer->addAttribute('disabled','disabled'); else { $postback=$this->getPage()->getClientScript()->getPostBackEventReference($this,"$index",$this->_postBackOptions); $writer->addAttribute('href',$postback); } } if(($accesskey=$this->getAccessKey())!=='') $writer->addAttribute('accesskey',$accesskey); $writer->renderBeginTag('a'); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); } /** * @return TPostBackOptions postback options used for linkbuttons. */ protected function getPostBackOptions() { $option=new TPostBackOptions(); $group = $this->getValidationGroup(); $hasValidators = $this->getPage()->getValidators($group)->getCount()>0; if($this->getCausesValidation() && $hasValidators) { $options->setPerformValidation(true); $options->setValidationGroup($this->getValidationGroup()); return $options; } else return null; } /** * @throws TNotSupportedException if this method is invoked */ public function setAutoPostBack($value) { throw new TNotSupportedException('bulletedlist_autopostback_unsupported'); } /** * @throws TNotSupportedException if this method is invoked */ public function setSelectedIndex($index) { throw new TNotSupportedException('bulletedlist_selectedindex_unsupported'); } /** * @throws TNotSupportedException if this method is invoked */ public function setSelectedIndices($indices) { throw new TNotSupportedException('bulletedlist_selectedindices_unsupported'); } /** * @throws TNotSupportedException if this method is invoked */ public function setSelectedValue($value) { throw new TNotSupportedException('bulletedlist_selectedvalue_unsupported'); } } /** * TBulletedListEventParameter * Event parameter for {@link TBulletedList::onClick Click} event of the * bulleted list. The {@link getIndex Index} gives the zero-based index * of the item that is currently being clicked. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TBulletedListEventParameter extends TEventParameter { /** * @var integer index of the item clicked */ private $_index; /** * Constructor. * @param integer index of the item clicked */ public function __construct($index) { $this->_index=$index; } /** * @return integer zero-based index of the item (rendered as a link button) that is clicked */ public function getIndex() { return $this->_index; } } ?>