* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @package Prado\Web\UI\WebControls */ namespace Prado\Web\UI\WebControls; use Prado\TPropertyValue; /** * TCaptcha class. * * Notice: while this class is easy to use and implement, it does not provide full security. * In fact, it's easy to bypass the checks reusing old, already-validated tokens (reply attack). * A better alternative is provided by {@link TReCaptcha}. * * TCaptcha displays a CAPTCHA (a token displayed as an image) that can be used * to determine if the input is entered by a real user instead of some program. * * Unlike other CAPTCHA scripts, TCaptcha does not need session or cookie. * * The token (a string consisting of alphanumeric characters) displayed is automatically * generated and can be configured in several ways. To specify the length of characters * in the token, set {@link setMinTokenLength MinTokenLength} and {@link setMaxTokenLength MaxTokenLength}. * To use case-insensitive comparison and generate upper-case-only token, set {@link setCaseSensitive CaseSensitive} * to false. Advanced users can try to set {@link setTokenAlphabet TokenAlphabet}, which * specifies what characters can appear in tokens. * * The validation of the token is related with two properties: {@link setTestLimit TestLimit} * and {@link setTokenExpiry TokenExpiry}. The former specifies how many times a token can * be tested with on the server side, and the latter says when a generated token will expire. * * To specify the appearance of the generated token image, set {@link setTokenImageTheme TokenImageTheme} * to be an integer between 0 and 63. And to adjust the generated image size, set {@link setTokenFontSize TokenFontSize} * (you may also set {@link TWebControl::setWidth Width}, but the scaled image may not look good.) * By setting {@link setChangingTokenBackground ChangingTokenBackground} to true, the image background * of the token will be variating even though the token is the same during postbacks. * * Upon postback, user input can be validated by calling {@link validate()}. * The {@link TCaptchaValidator} control can also be used to do validation, which provides * client-side validation besides the server-side validation. By default, the token will * remain the same during multiple postbacks. A new one can be generated by calling * {@link regenerateToken()} manually. * * The following template shows a typical use of TCaptcha control: * * * * * * * @author Qiang Xue * @package Prado\Web\UI\WebControls * @since 3.1.1 */ class TCaptcha extends TImage { const MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH=2; const MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH=40; private $_privateKey; private $_validated=false; /** * @return integer the theme of the token image. Defaults to 0. */ public function getTokenImageTheme() { return $this->getViewState('TokenImageTheme',0); } /** * Sets the theme of the token image. * You may test each theme to find out the one you like the most. * Below is the explanation of the theme value: * It is treated as a 5-bit integer. Each bit toggles a specific feature of the image. * Bit 0 (the least significant): whether the image is opaque (1) or transparent (0). * Bit 1: whether we should add white noise to the image (1) or not (0). * Bit 2: whether we should add a grid to the image (1) or not (0). * Bit 3: whether we should add some scribbles to the image (1) or not (0). * Bit 4: whether the image background should be morphed (1) or not (0). * Bit 5: whether the token text should cast a shadow (1) or not (0). * @param integer the theme of the token image. It must be an integer between 0 and 63. */ public function setTokenImageTheme($value) { $value=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($value>=0 && $value<=63) $this->setViewState('TokenImageTheme',$value,0); else throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_tokenimagetheme_invalid',0,63); } /** * @return integer the font size used for displaying the token in an image. Defaults to 30. */ public function getTokenFontSize() { return $this->getViewState('TokenFontSize',30); } /** * Sets the font size used for displaying the token in an image. * This property affects the generated token image size. * The image width is proportional to this font size. * @param integer the font size used for displaying the token in an image. It must be an integer between 20 and 100. */ public function setTokenFontSize($value) { $value=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($value>=20 && $value<=100) $this->setViewState('TokenFontSize',$value,30); else throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_tokenfontsize_invalid',20,100); } /** * @return integer the minimum length of the token. Defaults to 4. */ public function getMinTokenLength() { return $this->getViewState('MinTokenLength',4); } /** * @param integer the minimum length of the token. It must be between 2 and 40. */ public function setMinTokenLength($value) { $length=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($length>=self::MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH && $length<=self::MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH) $this->setViewState('MinTokenLength',$length,4); else throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_mintokenlength_invalid',self::MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH,self::MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH); } /** * @return integer the maximum length of the token. Defaults to 6. */ public function getMaxTokenLength() { return $this->getViewState('MaxTokenLength',6); } /** * @param integer the maximum length of the token. It must be between 2 and 40. */ public function setMaxTokenLength($value) { $length=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); if($length>=self::MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH && $length<=self::MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH) $this->setViewState('MaxTokenLength',$length,6); else throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_maxtokenlength_invalid',self::MIN_TOKEN_LENGTH,self::MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH); } /** * @return boolean whether the token should be treated as case-sensitive. Defaults to true. */ public function getCaseSensitive() { return $this->getViewState('CaseSensitive',true); } /** * @param boolean whether the token should be treated as case-sensitive. If false, only upper-case letters will appear in the token. */ public function setCaseSensitive($value) { $this->setViewState('CaseSensitive',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true); } /** * @return string the characters that may appear in the token. Defaults to '234578adefhijmnrtABDEFGHJLMNRT'. */ public function getTokenAlphabet() { return $this->getViewState('TokenAlphabet','234578adefhijmnrtABDEFGHJLMNRT'); } /** * @param string the characters that may appear in the token. At least 2 characters must be specified. */ public function setTokenAlphabet($value) { if(strlen($value)<2) throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_tokenalphabet_invalid'); $this->setViewState('TokenAlphabet',$value,'234578adefhijmnrtABDEFGHJLMNRT'); } /** * @return integer the number of seconds that a generated token will remain valid. Defaults to 600 seconds (10 minutes). */ public function getTokenExpiry() { return $this->getViewState('TokenExpiry',600); } /** * @param integer the number of seconds that a generated token will remain valid. A value smaller than 1 means the token will not expire. */ public function setTokenExpiry($value) { $this->setViewState('TokenExpiry',TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value),600); } /** * @return boolean whether the background of the token image should be variated during postbacks. Defaults to false. */ public function getChangingTokenBackground() { return $this->getViewState('ChangingTokenBackground',false); } /** * @param boolean whether the background of the token image should be variated during postbacks. */ public function setChangingTokenBackground($value) { $this->setViewState('ChangingTokenBackground',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),false); } /** * @return integer how many times a generated token can be tested. Defaults to 5. */ public function getTestLimit() { return $this->getViewState('TestLimit',5); } /** * @param integer how many times a generated token can be tested. For unlimited tests, set it to 0. */ public function setTestLimit($value) { $this->setViewState('TestLimit',TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value),5); } /** * @return boolean whether the currently generated token has expired. */ public function getIsTokenExpired() { if(($expiry=$this->getTokenExpiry())>0 && ($start=$this->getViewState('TokenGenerated',0))>0) return $expiry+$startgetViewState('PublicKey',''))==='') { $publicKey=$this->generateRandomKey(); $this->setPublicKey($publicKey); } return $publicKey; } /** * @param string the public key used for generating the token. A random one will be generated if this is not set. */ public function setPublicKey($value) { $this->setViewState('PublicKey',$value,''); } /** * @return string the token that will be displayed */ public function getToken() { return $this->generateToken($this->getPublicKey(),$this->getPrivateKey(),$this->getTokenAlphabet(),$this->getTokenLength(),$this->getCaseSensitive()); } /** * @return integer the length of the token to be generated. */ protected function getTokenLength() { if(($tokenLength=$this->getViewState('TokenLength'))===null) { $minLength=$this->getMinTokenLength(); $maxLength=$this->getMaxTokenLength(); if($minLength>$maxLength) $tokenLength=rand($maxLength,$minLength); else if($minLength<$maxLength) $tokenLength=rand($minLength,$maxLength); else $tokenLength=$minLength; $this->setViewState('TokenLength',$tokenLength); } return $tokenLength; } /** * @return string the private key used for generating the token. This is randomly generated and kept in a file for persistency. */ public function getPrivateKey() { if($this->_privateKey===null) { $fileName=$this->generatePrivateKeyFile(); $content=file_get_contents($fileName); $matches=array(); if(preg_match("/privateKey='(.*?)'/ms",$content,$matches)>0) $this->_privateKey=$matches[1]; else throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_privatekey_unknown'); } return $this->_privateKey; } /** * Validates a user input with the token. * @param string user input * @return boolean if the user input is not the same as the token. */ public function validate($input) { $number=$this->getViewState('TestNumber',0); if(!$this->_validated) { $this->setViewState('TestNumber',++$number); $this->_validated=true; } if($this->getIsTokenExpired() || (($limit=$this->getTestLimit())>0 && $number>$limit)) { $this->regenerateToken(); return false; } return ($this->getToken()===($this->getCaseSensitive()?$input:strtoupper($input))); } /** * Regenerates the token to be displayed. * By default, a token, once generated, will remain the same during the following page postbacks. * Calling this method will generate a new token. */ public function regenerateToken() { $this->clearViewState('TokenLength'); $this->setPublicKey(''); $this->clearViewState('TokenGenerated'); $this->clearViewState('RandomSeed'); $this->clearViewState('TestNumber',0); } /** * Configures the image URL that shows the token. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onPreRender($param) { parent::onPreRender($param); if(!self::checkRequirements()) throw new TConfigurationException('captcha_imagettftext_required'); if(!$this->getViewState('TokenGenerated',0)) { $manager=$this->getApplication()->getAssetManager(); $manager->publishFilePath($this->getFontFile()); $url=$manager->publishFilePath($this->getCaptchaScriptFile()); $url.='?options='.urlencode($this->getTokenImageOptions()); $this->setImageUrl($url); $this->setViewState('TokenGenerated',time()); } } /** * @return string the options to be passed to the token image generator */ protected function getTokenImageOptions() { $privateKey=$this->getPrivateKey(); // call this method to ensure private key is generated $token=$this->getToken(); $options=array(); $options['publicKey']=$this->getPublicKey(); $options['tokenLength']=strlen($token); $options['caseSensitive']=$this->getCaseSensitive(); $options['alphabet']=$this->getTokenAlphabet(); $options['fontSize']=$this->getTokenFontSize(); $options['theme']=$this->getTokenImageTheme(); if(($randomSeed=$this->getViewState('RandomSeed',0))===0) { $randomSeed=(int)(microtime()*1000000); $this->setViewState('RandomSeed',$randomSeed); } $options['randomSeed']=$this->getChangingTokenBackground()?0:$randomSeed; $str=serialize($options); return base64_encode(md5($privateKey.$str).$str); } /** * @return string the file path of the PHP script generating the token image */ protected function getCaptchaScriptFile() { return dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'assets'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'captcha.php'; } protected function getFontFile() { return dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'assets'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'verase.ttf'; } /** * Generates a file with a randomly generated private key. * @return string the path of the file keeping the private key */ protected function generatePrivateKeyFile() { $captchaScript=$this->getCaptchaScriptFile(); $path=dirname($this->getApplication()->getAssetManager()->getPublishedPath($captchaScript)); $fileName=$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'captcha_key.php'; if(!is_file($fileName)) { @mkdir($path); $key=$this->generateRandomKey(); $content=""; file_put_contents($fileName,$content); } return $fileName; } /** * @return string a randomly generated key */ protected function generateRandomKey() { return md5(rand().rand().rand().rand()); } /** * Generates the token. * @param string public key * @param string private key * @param integer the length of the token * @param boolean whether the token is case sensitive * @return string the token generated. */ protected function generateToken($publicKey,$privateKey,$alphabet,$tokenLength,$caseSensitive) { $token=substr($this->hash2string(md5($publicKey.$privateKey),$alphabet).$this->hash2string(md5($privateKey.$publicKey),$alphabet),0,$tokenLength); return $caseSensitive?$token:strtoupper($token); } /** * Converts a hash string into a string with characters consisting of alphanumeric characters. * @param string the hexadecimal representation of the hash string * @param string the alphabet used to represent the converted string. If empty, it means '234578adefhijmnrtwyABDEFGHIJLMNQRTWY', which excludes those confusing characters. * @return string the converted string */ protected function hash2string($hex,$alphabet='') { if(strlen($alphabet)<2) $alphabet='234578adefhijmnrtABDEFGHJLMNQRT'; $hexLength=strlen($hex); $base=strlen($alphabet); $result=''; for($i=0;$i<$hexLength;$i+=6) { $number=hexdec(substr($hex,$i,6)); while($number) { $result.=$alphabet[$number%$base]; $number=floor($number/$base); } } return $result; } /** * Checks the requirements needed for generating CAPTCHA images. * TCaptach requires GD2 with TrueType font support and PNG image support. * @return boolean whether the requirements are satisfied. */ public static function checkRequirements() { return extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('imagettftext') && function_exists('imagepng'); } }