 * TDataBoundControl class file
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls


 * TDataBoundControl class.
 * TDataBoundControl is the based class for controls that need to populate
 * data from data sources. It provides basic properties and methods that allow
 * the derived controls to associate with data sources and retrieve data from them.
 * TBC...
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.0
abstract class TDataBoundControl extends TWebControl
	private $_initialized=false;
	private $_dataSource=null;
	private $_requiresBindToNull=false;
	private $_requiresDataBinding=false;
	private $_prerendered=false;
	private $_currentView=null;
	private $_currentDataSource=null;
	private $_currentViewValid=false;
	private $_currentDataSourceValid=false;
	private $_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID=false;
	private $_parameters=null;
	private $_isDataBound=false;

	 * @return Traversable data source object, defaults to null.
	public function getDataSource()
		return $this->_dataSource;

	 * Sets the data source object associated with the databound control.
	 * The data source must implement Traversable interface.
	 * If an array is given, it will be converted to xxx.
	 * If a string is given, it will be converted to xxx.
	 * @param Traversable|array|string data source object
	public function setDataSource($value)

	 * @return string ID path to the data source control. Defaults to empty.
	public function getDataSourceID()
		return $this->getViewState('DataSourceID','');

	 * @param string ID path to the data source control. The data source
	 * control must be locatable via {@link TControl::findControl} call.
	public function setDataSourceID($value)
		if($dsid!=='' && $value==='')

	 * @return boolean if the databound control uses the data source specified
	 * by {@link setDataSourceID}, or it uses the data source object specified
	 * by {@link setDataSource}.
	protected function getUsingDataSourceID()
		return $this->getDataSourceID()!=='';

	 * Sets {@link setRequiresDataBinding RequiresDataBinding} as true if the control is initialized.
	 * This method is invoked when either {@link setDataSource} or {@link setDataSourceID} is changed.
	protected function onDataSourceChanged()

	 * @return boolean whether the databound control has been initialized.
	 * By default, the control is initialized after its viewstate has been restored.
	protected function getInitialized()
		return $this->_initialized;

	 * Sets a value indicating whether the databound control is initialized.
	 * If initialized, any modification to {@link setDataSource DataSource} or
	 * {@link setDataSourceID DataSourceID} will set {@link setRequiresDataBinding RequiresDataBinding}
	 * as true.
	 * @param boolean a value indicating whether the databound control is initialized.
	protected function setInitialized($value)

	 * @return boolean if databind has been invoked in the previous page request
	protected function getIsDataBound()
		return $this->_isDataBound;

	 * @param boolean if databind has been invoked in this page request
	protected function setIsDataBound($value)

	 * @return boolean whether a databind call is required (by the data bound control)
	protected function getRequiresDataBinding()
		return $this->_requiresDataBinding;

	 * Sets a value indicating whether a databind call is required by the data bound control.
	 * If true and the control has been prerendered while it uses the data source
	 * specified by {@link setDataSourceID}, a databind call will be called by this method.
	 * @param boolean whether a databind call is required.
	protected function setRequiresDataBinding($value)
		if($value && $this->_prerendered)

	 * Ensures any pending {@link dataBind} is called.
	 * This method calls {@link dataBind} if the data source is specified
	 * by {@link setDataSourceID} or if {@link getRequiresDataBinding RequiresDataBinding}
	 * is true.
	protected function ensureDataBound()
		if($this->_requiresDataBinding && ($this->getUsingDataSourceID() || $this->_requiresBindToNull))

	 * Performs databinding.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation by calling
	 * {@link performSelect} which fetches data from data source and does
	 * the actual binding work.
	public function dataBind()
		if($data instanceof Traversable)
		else if($data!==null)
			throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('databoundcontrol_data_nontraversable');

	public function dataSourceViewChanged($sender,$param)

	protected function getData()
			return $view->select($this->getSelectParameters());
			return null;

	protected function getDataSourceView()
			if($this->_currentView && $this->_currentViewIsFromDataSourceID)
					throw new TInvalidDataValueException('databoundcontrol_datamember_invalid',$this->getDataMember());
		return $this->_currentView;

	protected function determineDataSource()
					throw new TInvalidDataValueException('databoundcontrol_datasourceid_inexistent',$dsid);
				else if(!($dataSource instanceof IDataSource))
					throw new TInvalidDataValueException('databoundcontrol_datasourceid_invalid',$dsid);
			else if(($dataSource=$this->getDataSource())!==null)
				$this->_currentDataSource=new TReadOnlyDataSource($dataSource,$this->getDataMember());
		return $this->_currentDataSource;

	abstract protected function performDataBinding($data);

	 * Raises <b>OnDataBound</b> event.
	 * This method should be invoked after a databind is performed.
	 * It is mainly used by framework and component developers.
	public function onDataBound($param)

	 * Sets page's <b>OnPreLoad</b> event handler as {@link onPagePreLoad}.
	 * If viewstate is disabled and the current request is a postback,
	 * {@link setRequiresDataBinding RequiresDataBinding} will be set true.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @param TEventParameter event parameter
	protected function onInit($param)

	 * Sets {@link getInitialized} as true.
	 * This method is invoked when page raises <b>PreLoad</b> event.
	 * @param mixed event sender
	 * @param TEventParameter event parameter
	protected function onPagePreLoad($sender,$param)
		if(!$isPostBack || ($isPostBack && (!$this->getEnableViewState(true) || !$this->getIsDataBound())))

	 * Ensures any pending databind is performed.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @param TEventParameter event parameter
	protected function onPreRender($param)

	 * Validates if the parameter is a valid data source.
	 * If it is a string or an array, it will be converted as a TList object.
	 * @return Traversable the data that is traversable
	 * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the data is neither null nor Traversable
	protected function validateDataSource($value)
			$list=new TList;
			foreach(TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value) as $key=>$value)
			return $list;
		else if(is_array($value))
			return new TMap($value);
		else if(($value instanceof Traversable) || $value===null)
			return $value;
			throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('databoundcontrol_datasource_invalid');

	public function getDataMember()
		return $this->getViewState('DataMember','');

	public function setDataMember($value)

	public function getSelectParameters()
			$this->_parameters=new TDataSourceSelectParameters;
		return $this->_parameters;
