* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
* @copyright Copyright © 2005 PradoSoft
* @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* Includes TBaseDataList class
* Includes TRepeatInfo class
* TDataList class
* TDataList represents a data bound and updatable list control.
* The {@link setHeaderTemplate HeaderTemplate} property specifies the content
* template that will be displayed at the beginning, while
* {@link setFooterTemplate FooterTemplate} at the end.
* If present, these two templates will only be rendered when the data list is
* given non-empty data. In this case, for each data item the content defined
* by {@link setItemTemplate ItemTemplate} will be generated and displayed once.
* If {@link setAlternatingItemTemplate AlternatingItemTemplate} is not empty,
* then the corresponding content will be displayed alternatively with that
* in {@link setItemTemplate ItemTemplate}. The content in
* {@link setSeparatorTemplate SeparatorTemplate}, if not empty, will be
* displayed between items. Besides the above templates, there are two additional
* templates, {@link setEditItemTemplate EditItemTemplate} and
* {@link setSelectedItemTemplate SelectedItemTemplate}, which are used to display
* items that are in edit and selected mode, respectively.
* All these templates are associated with styles that may be applied to
* the corresponding generated items. For example,
* {@link getAlternatingItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle} will be applied to
* every alternating item in the data list.
* Item styles are applied in a hierarchical way. Style in higher hierarchy
* will inherit from styles in lower hierarchy.
* Starting from the lowest hierarchy, the item styles include
* item's own style, {@link getItemStyle ItemStyle}, {@link getAlternatingItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle},
* {@link getSelectedItemStyle SelectedItemStyle}, and {@link getEditItemStyle EditItemStyle}.
* Therefore, if background color is set as red in {@link getItemStyle ItemStyle},
* {@link getEditItemStyle EditItemStyle} will also have red background color
* unless it is set to a different value explicitly.
* To change the status of a particular item, set {@link setSelectedItemIndex SelectedItemIndex}
* or {@link setEditItemIndex EditItemIndex}. The former will change the indicated
* item to selected mode, which will cause the item to use {@link setSelectedItemTemplate SelectedItemTemplate}
* for presentation. The latter will change the indicated item to edit mode.
* Note, if an item is in edit mode, then selecting this item will have no effect.
* The layout of the data items in the list is specified via
* {@link setRepeatLayout RepeatLayout}, which can be either 'Table' (default) or 'Flow'.
* A table layout uses HTML table cells to organize the data items while
* a flow layout uses line breaks to organize the data items.
* When the layout is using 'Table', {@link setCellPadding CellPadding} and
* {@link setCellSpacing CellSpacing} can be used to adjust the cellpadding and
* cellpadding of the table, and {@link setCaption Caption} and {@link setCaptionAlign CaptionAlign}
* can be used to add a table caption with the specified alignment.
* The number of columns used to display the data items is specified via
* {@link setRepeatColumns RepeatColumns} property, while the {@link setRepeatDirection RepeatDirection}
* governs the order of the items being rendered.
* You can retrive the repeated contents by the {@link getItems Items} property.
* The header and footer items can be accessed by {@link getHeader Header}
* and {@link getFooter Footer} properties, respectively.
* When TDataList creates an item, it will raise an {@link onItemCreated OnItemCreated}
* so that you may customize the newly created item.
* When databinding is performed by TDataList, for each item once it has finished
* databinding, an {@link onItemDataBound OnItemDataBound} event will be raised.
* When an item is selected by an end-user, a {@link onSelectedIndexChanged OnSelectedIndexChanged}
* event will be raised. Note, the selected index may not be actually changed.
* The event mainly informs the server side that the end-user has made a selection.
* TDataList raises an {@link onItemCommand OnItemCommand} whenever a button control
* within some TDataList item raises a OnCommand event. If the command name
* is one of the followings: 'edit', 'update', 'select', 'delete', 'cancel' (case-insensitive),
* another event will also be raised. For example, if the command name is 'edit',
* then the new event is {@link onEditCommand OnEditCommand}.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0
class TDataList extends TBaseDataList implements INamingContainer, IRepeatInfoUser
* @var TDataListItemCollection item list
private $_items=null;
* @var Itemplate various item templates
private $_itemTemplate=null;
private $_alternatingItemTemplate=null;
private $_selectedItemTemplate=null;
private $_editItemTemplate=null;
private $_headerTemplate=null;
private $_footerTemplate=null;
private $_separatorTemplate=null;
* @var TDatListItem header item
private $_header=null;
* @var TDatListItem footer item
private $_footer=null;
* @return TDataListItemCollection item list
public function getItems()
$this->_items=new TDataListItemCollection;
return $this->_items;
* @return integer number of items
public function getItemCount()
return $this->_items?$this->_items->getCount():0;
* @return ITemplate the template for item
public function getItemTemplate()
return $this->_itemTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the template for item
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setItemTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','ItemTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for item
public function getItemStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return ITemplate the template for each alternating item
public function getAlternatingItemTemplate()
return $this->_alternatingItemTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the template for each alternating item
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setAlternatingItemTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','AlternatingItemType');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for each alternating item
public function getAlternatingItemStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return ITemplate the selected item template
public function getSelectedItemTemplate()
return $this->_selectedItemTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the selected item template
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setSelectedItemTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','SelectedItemTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for selected item
public function getSelectedItemStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return ITemplate the edit item template
public function getEditItemTemplate()
return $this->_editItemTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the edit item template
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setEditItemTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','EditItemTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for edit item
public function getEditItemStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return ITemplate the header template
public function getHeaderTemplate()
return $this->_headerTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the header template
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setHeaderTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','HeaderTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for header
public function getHeaderStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return TDataListItem the header item
public function getHeader()
return $this->_header;
* @return ITemplate the footer template
public function getFooterTemplate()
return $this->_footerTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the footer template
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setFooterTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','FooterTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for footer
public function getFooterStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return TDataListItem the footer item
public function getFooter()
return $this->_footer;
* @return ITemplate the separator template
public function getSeparatorTemplate()
return $this->_separatorTemplate;
* @param ITemplate the separator template
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the input is not an {@link ITemplate} or not null.
public function setSeparatorTemplate($value)
if($value instanceof ITemplate || $value===null)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalist_template_required','SeparatorTemplate');
* @return TTableItemStyle the style for separator
public function getSeparatorStyle()
$style=new TTableItemStyle;
return $style;
* @return integer the zero-based index of the selected item in {@link getItems Items}.
* A value -1 means no item selected.
public function getSelectedItemIndex()
return $this->getViewState('SelectedItemIndex',-1);
* Selects an item by its index in {@link getItems Items}.
* Previously selected item will be un-selected.
* If the item to be selected is already in edit mode, it will remain in edit mode.
* If the index is less than 0, any existing selection will be cleared up.
* @param integer the selected item index
public function setSelectedItemIndex($value)
if($current>=0 && $current<$itemCount)
if($value>=0 && $value<$itemCount)
* @return TDataListItem the selected item, null if no item is selected.
public function getSelectedItem()
if($index>=0 && $index<$items->getCount())
return $items->itemAt($index);
return null;
* @return mixed the key value of the currently selected item
* @throws TInvalidOperationException if {@link getDataKeyField DataKeyField} is empty.
public function getSelectedDataKey()
throw new TInvalidOperationException('datalist_datakeyfield_required');
if($index>=0 && $index<$dataKeys->getCount())
return $dataKeys->itemAt($index);
return null;
* @return integer the zero-based index of the edit item in {@link getItems Items}.
* A value -1 means no item is in edit mode.
public function getEditItemIndex()
return $this->getViewState('EditItemIndex',-1);
* Edits an item by its index in {@link getItems Items}.
* Previously editting item will change to normal item state.
* If the index is less than 0, any existing edit item will be cleared up.
* @param integer the edit item index
public function setEditItemIndex($value)
if($current>=0 && $current<$itemCount)
if($value>=0 && $value<$itemCount)
* @return TDataListItem the edit item
public function getEditItem()
if($index>=0 && $index<$items->getCount())
return $items->itemAt($index);
return null;
* @return boolean whether the header should be shown. Defaults to true.
public function getShowHeader()
return $this->getViewState('ShowHeader',true);
* @param boolean whether to show header
public function setShowHeader($value)
* @return boolean whether the footer should be shown. Defaults to true.
public function getShowFooter()
return $this->getViewState('ShowFooter',true);
* @param boolean whether to show footer
public function setShowFooter($value)
* @return TRepeatInfo repeat information (primarily used by control developers)
protected function getRepeatInfo()
$repeatInfo=new TRepeatInfo;
return $repeatInfo;
* @return string caption of the table layout
public function getCaption()
return $this->getRepeatInfo()->getCaption();
* @param string caption of the table layout
public function setCaption($value)
* @return string alignment of the caption of the table layout. Defaults to 'NotSet'.
public function getCaptionAlign()
return $this->getRepeatInfo()->getCaptionAlign();
* @return string alignment of the caption of the table layout.
* Valid values include 'NotSet','Top','Bottom','Left','Right'.
public function setCaptionAlign($value)
* @return integer the number of columns that the list should be displayed with. Defaults to 0 meaning not set.
public function getRepeatColumns()
return $this->getRepeatInfo()->getRepeatColumns();
* @param integer the number of columns that the list should be displayed with.
public function setRepeatColumns($value)
* @return string the direction of traversing the list, defaults to 'Vertical'
public function getRepeatDirection()
return $this->getRepeatInfo()->getRepeatDirection();
* @param string the direction (Vertical, Horizontal) of traversing the list
public function setRepeatDirection($value)
* @return string how the list should be displayed, using table or using line breaks. Defaults to 'Table'.
public function getRepeatLayout()
return $this->getRepeatInfo()->getRepeatLayout();
* @param string how the list should be displayed, using table or using line breaks (Table, Flow)
public function setRepeatLayout($value)
* Handles BubbleEvent.
* This method overrides parent's implementation to handle
* {@link onItemCommand OnItemCommand} event which is bubbled from
* {@link TDataListItem} child controls.
* If the event parameter is {@link TDataListCommandEventParameter} and
* the command name is a recognized one, which includes 'select', 'edit',
* 'delete', 'update', and 'cancel' (case-insensitive), then a
* corresponding command event is also raised (such as {@link onEditCommand OnEditCommand}).
* This method should only be used by control developers.
* @param TControl the sender of the event
* @param TEventParameter event parameter
* @return boolean whether the event bubbling should stop here.
public function onBubbleEvent($sender,$param)
if($param instanceof TDataListCommandEventParameter)
return true;
else if(strcasecmp($command,'edit')===0)
return true;
else if(strcasecmp($command,'delete')===0)
return true;
else if(strcasecmp($command,'update')===0)
return true;
else if(strcasecmp($command,'cancel')===0)
return true;
return false;
* Raises OnItemCreated event.
* This method is invoked after a data list item is created and instantiated with
* template, but before added to the page hierarchy.
* The {@link TDataListItem} control responsible for the event
* can be determined from the event parameter.
* If you override this method, be sure to call parent's implementation
* so that event handlers have chance to respond to the event.
* @param TDataListItemEventParameter event parameter
public function onItemCreated($param)
* Raises OnItemDataBound event.
* This method is invoked right after an item is data bound.
* The {@link TDataListItem} control responsible for the event
* can be determined from the event parameter.
* If you override this method, be sure to call parent's implementation
* so that event handlers have chance to respond to the event.
* @param TDataListItemEventParameter event parameter
public function onItemDataBound($param)
* Raises OnItemCommand event.
* This method is invoked when a child control of the data list
* raises an Command event.
* @param TDataListCommandEventParameter event parameter
public function onItemCommand($param)
* Raises OnEditCommand event.
* This method is invoked when a child control of the data list
* raises an Command event and the command name is 'edit' (case-insensitive).
* @param TDataListCommandEventParameter event parameter
public function onEditCommand($param)
* Raises OnDeleteCommand event.
* This method is invoked when a child control of the data list
* raises an Command event and the command name is 'delete' (case-insensitive).
* @param TDataListCommandEventParameter event parameter
public function onDeleteCommand($param)
* Raises OnUpdateCommand event.
* This method is invoked when a child control of the data list
* raises an Command event and the command name is 'update' (case-insensitive).
* @param TDataListCommandEventParameter event parameter
public function onUpdateCommand($param)
* Raises OnCancelCommand event.
* This method is invoked when a child control of the data list
* raises an Command event and the command name is 'cancel' (case-insensitive).
* @param TDataListCommandEventParameter event parameter
public function onCancelCommand($param)
* Returns a value indicating whether this control contains header item.
* This method is required by {@link IRepeatInfoUser} interface.
* @return boolean always false.
public function getHasHeader()
return ($this->getShowHeader() && $this->_headerTemplate!==null);
* Returns a value indicating whether this control contains footer item.
* This method is required by {@link IRepeatInfoUser} interface.
* @return boolean always false.
public function getHasFooter()
return ($this->getShowFooter() && $this->_footerTemplate!==null);
* Returns a value indicating whether this control contains separator items.
* This method is required by {@link IRepeatInfoUser} interface.
* @return boolean always false.
public function getHasSeparators()
return $this->_separatorTemplate!==null;
* Returns a style used for rendering items.
* This method is required by {@link IRepeatInfoUser} interface.
* @param string item type (Header,Footer,Item,AlternatingItem,SelectedItem,EditItem,Separator,Pager)
* @param integer index of the item being rendered
* @return TStyle item style
public function generateItemStyle($itemType,$index)
if(($item=$this->getItem($itemType,$index))!==null && $item->getHasStyle())
return $item->getStyle();
return null;
* Renders an item in the list.
* This method is required by {@link IRepeatInfoUser} interface.
* @param THtmlWriter writer for rendering purpose
* @param TRepeatInfo repeat information
* @param string item type (Header,Footer,Item,AlternatingItem,SelectedItem,EditItem,Separator,Pager)
* @param integer zero-based index of the item in the item list
public function renderItem($writer,$repeatInfo,$itemType,$index)
* @param string item type
* @param integer item index
* @return TDataListItem data list item with the specified item type and index
private function getItem($itemType,$index)
case 'Header': return $this->getControls()->itemAt(0);
case 'Footer': return $this->getControls()->itemAt($this->getControls()->getCount()-1);
case 'Item':
case 'AlternatingItem':
case 'SelectedItem':
case 'EditItem':
return $this->getItems()->itemAt($index);
case 'Separator':
return $this->getControls()->itemAt($i);
return null;
* Creates a data list item and does databinding if needed.
* This method invokes {@link createItem} to create a new data list item.
* @param integer zero-based item index.
* @param string item type, may be 'Header', 'Footer', 'Item', 'Separator', 'AlternatingItem', 'SelectedItem', 'EditItem'.
* @param boolean whether to do databinding for the item
* @param mixed data to be associated with the item
* @return TDataListItem the created item
private function createItemInternal($itemIndex,$itemType,$dataBind,$dataItem)
$param=new TDataListItemEventParameter($item);
return $item;
* Creates a DataList item instance based on the item type and index.
* @param integer zero-based item index
* @param string item type, may be 'Header', 'Footer', 'Item', 'Separator', 'AlternatingItem', 'SelectedItem', 'EditItem'.
* @return TDataListItem created data list item
protected function createItem($itemIndex,$itemType)
return new TDataListItem($itemIndex,$itemType);
* Applies styles to items, header, footer and separators.
* Item styles are applied in a hierarchical way. Style in higher hierarchy
* will inherit from styles in lower hierarchy.
* Starting from the lowest hierarchy, the item styles include
* item's own style, {@link getItemStyle ItemStyle}, {@link getAlternatingItemStyle AlternatingItemStyle},
* {@link getSelectedItemStyle SelectedItemStyle}, and {@link getEditItemStyle EditItemStyle}.
* Therefore, if background color is set as red in {@link getItemStyle ItemStyle},
* {@link getEditItemStyle EditItemStyle} will also have red background color
* unless it is set to a different value explicitly.
protected function applyItemStyles()
$alternatingItemStyle=new TTableItemStyle;
$selectedItemStyle=new TTableItemStyle;
$editItemStyle=new TTableItemStyle;
foreach($this->getControls() as $control)
case 'Header':
case 'Footer':
case 'Separator':
case 'Item':
case 'AlternatingItem':
case 'SelectedItem':
case 'EditItem':
* Initializes a data list item.
* The item is added as a child of the data list and the corresponding
* template is instantiated within the item.
* @param TDataListItem item to be initialized
protected function initializeItem($item)
case 'Header':
case 'Footer':
case 'Item':
case 'AlternatingItem':
case 'Separator':
case 'SelectedItem':
if(!($item->getItemIndex()%2) || ($template=$this->_alternatingItemTemplate)===null)
case 'EditItem':
if($item->getItemIndex()!==$this->getSelectedItemIndex() || ($template=$this->_selectedItemTemplate)===null)
if(!($item->getItemIndex()%2) || ($template=$this->_alternatingItemTemplate)===null)
* Saves item count in viewstate.
* This method is invoked right before control state is to be saved.
* @param mixed event parameter
public function onSaveState($param)
* Loads item count information from viewstate.
* This method is invoked right after control state is loaded.
* @param mixed event parameter
public function onLoadState($param)
* Clears up all items in the data list.
public function reset()
* Creates data list items based on viewstate information.
protected function restoreItemsFromViewState()
if($hasSeparator && $i>0)
else if($i===$selectedIndex)
* Performs databinding to populate data list items from data source.
* This method is invoked by dataBind().
* You may override this function to provide your own way of data population.
* @param Traversable the data
protected function performDataBinding($data)
foreach($data as $dataItem)
if($itemIndex===0 && $this->_headerTemplate!==null)
if($hasSeparator && $itemIndex>0)
else if($itemIndex===$selectedIndex)
if($itemIndex>0 && $this->_footerTemplate!==null)
* Renders the data list control.
* This method overrides the parent implementation.
* @param THtmlWriter writer for rendering purpose.
protected function render($writer)
* TDataListItemEventParameter class
* TDataListItemEventParameter encapsulates the parameter data for
* {@link TDataList::onItemCreated ItemCreated} event of {@link TDataList} controls.
* The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the DataList item related with the event.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0
class TDataListItemEventParameter extends TEventParameter
* The TDataListItem control responsible for the event.
* @var TDataListItem
private $_item=null;
* Constructor.
* @param TDataListItem DataList item related with the corresponding event
public function __construct(TDataListItem $item)
* @return TDataListItem DataList item related with the corresponding event
public function getItem()
return $this->_item;
* TDataListCommandEventParameter class
* TDataListCommandEventParameter encapsulates the parameter data for
* {@link TDataList::onItemCommand ItemCommand} event of {@link TDataList} controls.
* The {@link getItem Item} property indicates the DataList item related with the event.
* The {@link getCommandSource CommandSource} refers to the control that originally
* raises the Command event.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0
class TDataListCommandEventParameter extends TCommandEventParameter
* @var TDataListItem the TDataListItem control responsible for the event.
private $_item=null;
* @var TControl the control originally raises the Command event.
private $_source=null;
* Constructor.
* @param TDataListItem DataList item responsible for the event
* @param TControl original event sender
* @param TCommandEventParameter original event parameter
public function __construct($item,$source,TCommandEventParameter $param)
* @return TDataListItem the TDataListItem control responsible for the event.
public function getItem()
return $this->_item;
* @return TControl the control originally raises the Command event.
public function getCommandSource()
return $this->_source;
* TDataListItem class
* A TDataListItem control represents an item in the {@link TDataList} control,
* such as heading section, footer section, or a data item.
* The index and data value of the item can be accessed via {@link getItemIndex ItemIndex}>
* and {@link getDataItem DataItem} properties, respectively. The type of the item
* is given by {@link getItemType ItemType} property.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0
class TDataListItem extends TWebControl implements INamingContainer
* index of the data item in the Items collection of DataList
private $_itemIndex='';
* type of the TDataListItem
* @var string
private $_itemType='';
* value of the data item
* @var mixed
private $_dataItem=null;
* Constructor.
* @param integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of DataList
* @param string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'.
public function __construct($itemIndex,$itemType)
* Creates a style object for the control.
* This method creates a {@link TTableStyle} to be used by checkbox list.
* @return TStyle control style to be used
protected function createStyle()
return new TTableItemStyle;
* @return string item type, can be 'Header','Footer','Item','AlternatingItem','SelectedItem','EditItem','Separator','Pager'
public function getItemType()
return $this->_itemType;
* @param mixed data to be associated with the item
public function setItemType($value)
* @return integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of DataList
public function getItemIndex()
return $this->_itemIndex;
* @return mixed data associated with the item
public function getDataItem()
return $this->_dataItem;
* @param mixed data to be associated with the item
public function setDataItem($value)
* Handles BubbleEvent.
* This method overrides parent's implementation by wrapping event parameter
* for Command event with item information.
* @param TControl the sender of the event
* @param TEventParameter event parameter
* @return boolean whether the event bubbling should stop here.
public function onBubbleEvent($sender,$param)
if($param instanceof TCommandEventParameter)
$this->raiseBubbleEvent($this,new TDataListCommandEventParameter($this,$sender,$param));
return true;
return false;
* TDataListItemCollection class.
* TDataListItemCollection represents a collection of data list items.
* @author Qiang Xue
* @version $Revision: $ $Date: $
* @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
* @since 3.0
class TDataListItemCollection extends TList
* Inserts an item at the specified position.
* This overrides the parent implementation by inserting only TDataListItem.
* @param integer the speicified position.
* @param mixed new item
* @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the item to be inserted is not a TDataListItem.
public function insertAt($index,$item)
if($item instanceof TDataListItem)
throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('datalistitemcollection_datalistitem_required');