<?php /** * TDataListItemRenderer class file * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2007 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Id$ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls */ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TDataList'); /** * TDataListItemRenderer class * * TDataListItemRenderer can be used as a convenient base class to * define an item renderer class for {@link TDataList}. * * Because TDataListItemRenderer extends from {@link TTemplateControl}, derived child classes * can have templates to define their presentational layout. * * TDataListItemRenderer implements {@link IItemDataRenderer} interface, * which enables the following properties that are related with data-bound controls: * - {@link getItemIndex ItemIndex}: zero-based index of this control in the datalist item collection. * - {@link getItemType ItemType}: item type of this control, such as TListItemType::AlternatingItem * - {@link getData Data}: data associated with this control * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @version $Id$ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.1.0 */ class TDataListItemRenderer extends TTemplateControl implements IItemDataRenderer, IStyleable { /** * index of the data item in the Items collection of TDataList * @var integer */ private $_itemIndex; /** * type of the TDataListItem * @var TListItemType */ private $_itemType; /** * value of the data associated with this item * @var mixed */ private $_data; /** * Creates a style object to be used by the control. * This method may be overriden by controls to provide customized style. * @return TStyle */ protected function createStyle() { return new TTableItemStyle; } /** * @return boolean whether the control has defined any style information */ public function getHasStyle() { return $this->getViewState('Style',null)!==null; } /** * @return TStyle the object representing the css style of the control */ public function getStyle() { if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null)) return $style; else { $style=$this->createStyle(); $this->setViewState('Style',$style,null); return $style; } } /** * Removes all style data. */ public function clearStyle() { $this->clearViewState('Style'); } /** * @return TListItemType item type */ public function getItemType() { return $this->_itemType; } /** * @param TListItemType item type. */ public function setItemType($value) { $this->_itemType=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'TListItemType'); } /** * @return integer zero-based index of the item in the item collection of datalist */ public function getItemIndex() { return $this->_itemIndex; } /** * Sets the zero-based index for the item. * If the item is not in the item collection (e.g. it is a header item), -1 should be used. * @param integer zero-based index of the item. */ public function setItemIndex($value) { $this->_itemIndex=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); } /** * @return mixed data associated with the item */ public function getData() { return $this->_data; } /** * @param mixed data to be associated with the item */ public function setData($value) { $this->_data=$value; } /** * This method overrides parent's implementation by wrapping event parameter * for <b>OnCommand</b> event with item information. * @param TControl the sender of the event * @param TEventParameter event parameter * @return boolean whether the event bubbling should stop here. */ public function bubbleEvent($sender,$param) { if($param instanceof TCommandEventParameter) { $this->raiseBubbleEvent($this,new TDataListCommandEventParameter($this,$sender,$param)); return true; } else return false; } /** * Returns the tag name used for this control. * By default, the tag name is 'span'. * You can override this method to provide customized tag names. * If the tag name is empty, the opening and closing tag will NOT be rendered. * @return string tag name of the control to be rendered */ protected function getTagName() { return 'span'; } /** * Adds attribute name-value pairs to renderer. * By default, this method renders the style string. * The method can be overriden to provide customized attribute rendering. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ protected function addAttributesToRender($writer) { if($style=$this->getViewState('Style',null)) $style->addAttributesToRender($writer); } /** * Renders the control. * This method overrides the parent implementation by replacing it with * the following sequence: * - {@link renderBeginTag} * - {@link renderContents} * - {@link renderEndTag} * If the {@link getTagName TagName} is empty, only {@link renderContents} is invoked. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ public function render($writer) { if($this->getTagName()!=='') { $this->renderBeginTag($writer); $this->renderContents($writer); $this->renderEndTag($writer); } else $this->renderContents(); } /** * Renders the openning tag for the control (including attributes) * This method is invoked when {@link getTagName TagName} is not empty. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ public function renderBeginTag($writer) { $this->addAttributesToRender($writer); $writer->renderBeginTag($this->getTagName()); } /** * Renders the body content enclosed between the control tag. * By default, child controls and text strings will be rendered. * You can override this method to provide customized content rendering. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ public function renderContents($writer) { parent::renderChildren($writer); } /** * Renders the closing tag for the control * This method is invoked when {@link getTagName TagName} is not empty. * @param THtmlWriter the writer used for the rendering purpose */ public function renderEndTag($writer) { $writer->renderEndTag(); } } ?>