getPage(); $page->ensureRenderInForm($this); if($this->getIsMultiSelect()) $writer->addAttribute('multiple','multiple'); if($this->getAutoPostBack() && $page->getClientSupportsJavaScript()) { $writer->addAttribute('id',$this->getClientID()); $options = $this->getAutoPostBackOptions(); $scripts = $this->getPage()->getClientScript(); $postback = $scripts->getPostBackEventReference($this,'',$options,false); $scripts->registerClientEvent($this, "change", $postback); } if($this->getEnabled(true) && !$this->getEnabled()) $writer->addAttribute('disabled','disabled'); parent::addAttributesToRender($writer); } protected function getAutoPostBackOptions() { $option=new TPostBackOptions(); $group = $this->getValidationGroup(); $hasValidators = $this->getPage()->getValidators($group)->getCount()>0; if($this->getCausesValidation() && $hasValidators) { $option->setPerformValidation(true); $option->setValidationGroup($group); } $option->setAutoPostBack(true); return $option; } public function addParsedObject($object) { if($object instanceof TListItem) $this->getItems()->add($object); } protected function validateDataSource($value) { if(is_string($value)) { $list=new TList; foreach(TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value) as $key=>$value) $list->add(array($value,is_string($key)?$key:$value)); return $list; } else return parent::validateDataSource($value); return $value; } protected function performDataBinding($data) { if($data instanceof Traversable) { $textField=$this->getDataTextField(); if($textField==='') $textField=0; $valueField=$this->getDataValueField(); if($valueField==='') $valueField=1; $textFormat=$this->getDataTextFormatString(); $items=$this->getItems(); if(!$this->getAppendDataBoundItems()) $items->clear(); foreach($data as $object) { $item=new TListItem; if(isset($object[$textField])) $text=$object[$textField]; else $text=TPropertyValue::ensureString($object); $item->setText($textFormat===''?$text:sprintf($textFormat,$text)); if(isset($object[$valueField])) $item->setValue($object[$valueField]); $items->add($item); } } } protected function onSaveState($param) { if($this->_items) $this->setViewState('Items',$this->_items->saveState(),null); else $this->clearViewState('Items'); } protected function onLoadState($param) { $this->_items=new TListItemCollection; $this->_items->loadState($this->getViewState('Items',null)); } protected function getIsMultiSelect() { return false; } public function getAppendDataBoundItems() { return $this->getViewState('AppendDataBoundItems',false); } public function setAppendDataBoundItems($value) { $this->setViewState('AppendDataBoundItems',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),false); } /** * @return boolean a value indicating whether an automatic postback to the server * will occur whenever the user modifies the text in the TTextBox control and * then tabs out of the component. Defaults to false. */ public function getAutoPostBack() { return $this->getViewState('AutoPostBack',false); } /** * Sets the value indicating if postback automatically. * An automatic postback to the server will occur whenever the user * modifies the text in the TTextBox control and then tabs out of the component. * @param boolean the value indicating if postback automatically */ public function setAutoPostBack($value) { $this->setViewState('AutoPostBack',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),false); } /** * @return boolean whether postback event trigger by this text box will cause input validation, default is true. */ public function getCausesValidation() { return $this->getViewState('CausesValidation',true); } /** * Sets the value indicating whether postback event trigger by this text box will cause input validation. * @param boolean whether postback event trigger by this button will cause input validation. */ public function setCausesValidation($value) { $this->setViewState('CausesValidation',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true); } /** * @return string the field of the data source that provides the text content of the list items. */ public function getDataTextField() { return $this->getViewState('DataTextField',''); } /** * @param string the field of the data source that provides the text content of the list items. */ public function setDataTextField($value) { $this->setViewState('DataTextField',$value,''); } /** * @return string the formatting string used to control how data bound to the list control is displayed. */ public function getDataTextFormatString() { return $this->getViewState('DataTextFormatString',''); } /** * @param string the formatting string used to control how data bound to the list control is displayed. */ public function setDataTextFormatString($value) { $this->setViewState('DataTextFormatString',$value,''); } /** * @return string the field of the data source that provides the value of each list item. */ public function getDataValueField() { return $this->getViewState('DataValueField',''); } /** * @param string the field of the data source that provides the value of each list item. */ public function setDataValueField($value) { $this->setViewState('DataValueField',$value,''); } public function getHasItems() { return ($this->_items && $this->_items->getCount()>0); } public function getItems() { if(!$this->_items) $this->_items=new TListItemCollection; return $this->_items; } /** * @return integer the index of the item being selected, -1 if no selection */ public function getSelectedIndex() { if($this->_items) { $n=$this->_items->getCount(); for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i) if($this->_items->itemAt($i)->getSelected()) return $i; } return -1; } /** * @param integer the index of the item to be selected */ public function setSelectedIndex($index) { $index=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($index); if($this->_items) { $this->clearSelection(); if($index>=0 && $index<$this->_items->getCount()) $this->_items->itemAt($index)->setSelected(true); } } public function getSelectedIndices() { $selections=array(); if($this->_items) { $n=$this->_items->getCount(); for($i=0;$i<$n;++$i) if($this->_items->itemAt($i)->getSelected()) $selections[]=$i; } return $selections; } public function setSelectedIndices($indices) { if($this->_items) { $this->clearSelection(); $n=$this->_items->getCount(); foreach($indices as $index) { if($index>=0 && $index<$n) $this->_items->itemAt($index)->setSelected(true); } } } /** * @return TListItem|null the selected item with the lowest cardinal index, null if no selection. */ public function getSelectedItem() { if(($index=$this->getSelectedIndex())>=0) return $this->_items->itemAt($index); else return null; } /** * @return string the value of the selected item with the lowest cardinal index, empty if no selection */ public function getSelectedValue() { $index=$this->getSelectedIndex(); return $index>=0?$this->getItems()->itemAt($index)->getValue():''; } /** * Sets selection by item value. * @param string the value of the item to be selected. */ public function setSelectedValue($value) { if($this->_items) { if($value===null) $this->clearSelection(); else if(($item=$this->_items->findItemByValue($value))!==null) { $this->clearSelection(); $item->setSelected(true); } } } public function clearSelection() { if($this->_items) { foreach($this->_items as $item) $item->setSelected(false); } } /** * @return string the text content of the TTextBox control. */ public function getText() { return $this->getSelectedValue(); } /** * Sets the text content of the TTextBox control. * @param string the text content */ public function setText($value) { $this->setSelectedValue($value); } /** * @return string the group of validators which the text box causes validation upon postback */ public function getValidationGroup() { return $this->getViewState('ValidationGroup',''); } /** * @param string the group of validators which the text box causes validation upon postback */ public function setValidationGroup($value) { $this->setViewState('ValidationGroup',$value,''); } public function onSelectedIndexChanged($param) { $this->raiseEvent('SelectedIndexChanged',$this,$param); } // ???? public function onTextChanged($param) { $this->raiseEvent('TextChanged',$this,$param); } protected function renderContents($writer) { if($this->_items) { $writer->writeLine(); foreach($this->_items as $item) { if($item->getEnabled()) { if($item->getSelected()) $writer->addAttribute('selected','selected'); $writer->addAttribute('value',$item->getValue()); if($item->getHasAttributes()) { foreach($item->getAttributes() as $name=>$value) $writer->addAttribute($name,$value); } $writer->renderBeginTag('option'); $writer->write(THttpUtility::htmlEncode($item->getText())); $writer->renderEndTag(); $writer->writeLine(); } } } } } class TListItemCollection extends TList { private $_items=null; public function add($item) { if(is_string($item)) parent::add(new TListItem($item)); else if($item instanceof TListItem) parent::add($item); else throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('listitemcollection_item_invalid'); } public function insert($index,$item) { if(is_string($item)) parent::insert($index,new TListItem($item)); else if($item instanceof TListItem) parent::insert($index,$item); else throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('listitemcollection_item_invalid'); } public function findIndexByValue($value,$includeDisabled=true) { $value=TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); $index=0; foreach($this as $item) { if($item->getValue()===$value && ($includeDisabled || $item->getEnabled())) return $index; $index++; } return -1; } public function findIndexByText($text,$includeDisabled=true) { $text=TPropertyValue::ensureString($text); $index=0; foreach($this as $item) { if($item->getText()===$text && ($includeDisabled || $item->getEnabled())) return $index; $index++; } return -1; } public function findItemByValue($value,$includeDisabled=true) { if(($index=$this->findIndexByValue($value,$includeDisabled))>=0) return $this->itemAt($index); else return null; } public function findItemByText($text,$includeDisabled=true) { if(($index=$this->findIndexByText($text,$includeDisabled))>=0) return $this->itemAt($index); else return null; } public function loadState($state) { $this->clear(); if($state!==null) { foreach($state as $item) $this->add(new TListItem($item[0],$item[1],$item[2],$item[3])); } } public function saveState() { if($this->getCount()>0) { $state=array(); foreach($this as $item) $state[]=array($item->getText(),$item->getValue(),$item->getEnabled(),$item->getSelected()); return $state; } else return null; } } class TListItem extends TComponent { private $_attributes=null; private $_text; private $_value; private $_enabled; private $_selected; public function __construct($text='',$value='',$enabled=true,$selected=false) { $this->setText($text); $this->setValue($value); $this->setEnabled($enabled); $this->setSelected($selected); } public function getEnabled() { return $this->_enabled; } public function setEnabled($value) { $this->_enabled=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } public function getSelected() { return $this->_selected; } public function setSelected($value) { $this->_selected=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } public function getText() { return $this->_text===''?$this->_value:$this->_text; } public function setText($value) { $this->_text=TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); } public function getValue() { return $this->_value===''?$this->_text:$this->_value; } public function setValue($value) { $this->_value=TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); } public function getAttributes() { if(!$this->_attributes) $this->_attributes=new TMap; return $this->_attributes; } public function getHasAttributes() { return $this->_attributes!==null; } public function hasAttribute($name) { return $this->_attributes?$this->_attributes->contains($name):false; } /** * @return string attribute value, '' if attribute does not exist */ public function getAttribute($name) { return $this->_attributes?$this->_attributes->itemAt($name):null; } /** * @param string attribute name * @param string value of the attribute */ public function setAttribute($name,$value) { $this->getAttributes()->add($name,$value); } /** * Removes the named attribute. * @param string the name of the attribute to be removed. * @return string attribute value removed, empty string if attribute does not exist. */ public function removeAttribute($name) { return $this->_attributes?$this->_attributes->remove($name):null; } } ?>