
 * TReCaptchaValidator class file
 * @author Bérczi Gábor <gabor.berczi@devworx.hu>
 * @link http://www.devworx.hu/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2011 DevWorx
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls


 * TReCaptchaValidator class
 * TReCaptchaValidator validates user input against a reCAPTCHA represented by
 * a {@link TReCaptcha} control. The input control fails validation if its value
 * is not the same as the token displayed in reCAPTCHA. Note, if the user does
 * not enter any thing, it is still considered as failing the validation.
 * To use TReCaptchaValidator, specify the {@link setControlToValidate ControlToValidate}
 * to be the ID path of the {@link TReCaptcha} control.
 * @author Bérczi Gábor <gabor.berczi@devworx.hu>
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.2
class TReCaptchaValidator extends TBaseValidator
	protected $_isvalid = null;

	 * Gets the name of the javascript class responsible for performing validation for this control.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @return string the javascript class name
	protected function getClientClassName()
		return 'Prado.WebUI.TReCaptchaValidator';

	public function getEnableClientScript()
		return true;

	protected function getCaptchaControl()
		$control = $this->getValidationTarget();
		if (!$control)
			throw new Exception('No target control specified for TReCaptchaValidator');
		if (!($control instanceof TReCaptcha))
			throw new Exception('TReCaptchaValidator only works with TReCaptcha controls');
		return $control;

	public function getClientScriptOptions()
		$options = parent::getClientScriptOptions();
		$options['ResponseFieldName'] = $this->getCaptchaControl()->getResponseFieldName();
		return $options;

	 * This method overrides the parent's implementation.
	 * The validation succeeds if the input control has the same value
	 * as the one displayed in the corresponding RECAPTCHA control.
	 * @return boolean whether the validation succeeds
	protected function evaluateIsValid()
		// check validity only once (if trying to evaulate multiple times, all redundant checks would fail)
		if (is_null($this->_isvalid))
			$control = $this->getCaptchaControl();
			$this->_isvalid = $control->validate();
		return ($this->_isvalid==true);

	public function onPreRender($param)

		$cs = $this->Page->getClientScript();

		// communicate validation status to the client side
		$value = $this->_isvalid===false ? '0' : '1';

		// check if we need to request a new captcha too
		if ($this->Page->IsCallback)
		  // force update of validator display
		  if ($control = $this->getValidationTarget())
				'$('.TJavaScript::quoteString($this->getClientID().'_1').').value = '.TJavaScript::quoteString($value).';'.

		    if ($control->getVisible(true))
		      if ($this->_isvalid)
				// if the challenge has been solved + we're in a callback and we still reach prerender phase,
				// that means that some other validator failed and the user will be sent back to the page/form with 
				// the captcha control. in this case we need to force re-rendering of the control, because once 
				// solved, the old challenge won't validate anymore anyway

