 * TSlider class file.
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005-2012 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.1.1

 * TSlider class
 * TSlider displays a slider for numeric input purpose. A slider consists of a 'track',
 * which define the range of possible value, and a 'handle' which can slide on the track, to select
 * a value in the range. The track can be either Horizontal or Vertical, depending of the {@link SetDirection Direction}
 * property. By default, it's horizontal.
 * The range boundaries are defined by {@link SetMinValue MinValue} and {@link SetMaxValue MaxValue} properties.
 * The default range is from 0 to 100.
 * The {@link SetStepSize StepSize} property can be used to define the <b>step</b> between 2 values inside the range.
 * Notice that this step will be recomputed if there is more than 200 values between the range boundaries.
 * You can also provide the allowed values by setting the {@link SetValues Values} array.
 * A 'Progress Indicator' can be displayed within the track with the {@link SetProgressIndicator ProgressIndicator} property.
 * The TSlider control can be easily customized using CssClasses. You can provide your own css file, using the
 * {@link SetCssUrl CssUrl} property.
 * The css class for TSlider can be set by the {@link setCssClass CssClass} property. Default value is "Slider HorizontalSlider" 
 * for an horizontal slider, and "Slider VerticalSlider" for a vertical one.
 * If {@link SetAutoPostBack AutoPostBack} property is true, postback is sent as soon as the value changed.
 * TSlider raises the {@link onValueChanged} event when the value of the slider has changed during postback.
 * You can also attach ClientSide javascript events handler to the slider :
 * - ClientSide.onSlide is called when the handle is slided on the track. You can get the current value in the <b>value</b>
 * javascript variable. You can use this event to update on client side a label with the current value
 * - ClientSide.onChange is called when the slider value has changed (at the end of a move).
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.1.1
class TSlider extends TWebControl implements IPostBackDataHandler, IDataRenderer
	const MAX_STEPS=200;
	 * @var TSliderHandle handle component
	private $_handle;
	 * @var boolean Wether the data has changed during postback
	private $_dataChanged=false;
	 * @var TSliderClientScript Clients side javascripts
	private $_clientScript=null;

	 * @return TSliderDirection Direction of slider (Horizontal or Vertical). Defaults to Horizontal.
	public function getDirection()
		return $this->getViewState('Direction', TSliderDirection::Horizontal);

	 * @param TSliderDirection Direction of slider (Horizontal or Vertical)
	public function setDirection($value)
		$this->setViewState('Direction', TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'TSliderDirection'),TSliderDirection::Horizontal);

	 * @return string URL for the CSS file including all relevant CSS class definitions. Defaults to '' (a default CSS file will be applied in this case.)
	public function getCssUrl()
		return $this->getViewState('CssUrl','');

	 * @param string URL for the CSS file including all relevant CSS class definitions.
	public function setCssUrl($value)

	 * @return float Maximum value for the slider. Defaults to 100.0.
	public function getMaxValue()
		return $this->getViewState('MaxValue',100.0);

	 * @param float Maximum value for slider
	public function setMaxValue($value)
		$this->setViewState('MaxValue', TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value),100.0);

	 * @return float Minimum value for slider. Defaults to 0.0.
	public function getMinValue()
		return $this->getViewState('MinValue',0.0);

	 * @param float Minimum value for slider
	public function setMinValue($value)
		$this->setViewState('MinValue', TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value),0.0);

	 * @return float Step size. Defaults to 1.0.
	public function getStepSize()
		return $this->getViewState('StepSize', 1.0);

	 * Sets the step size used to determine the places where the slider handle can stop at.
	 * An evenly distributed stop marks will be generated according to
	 * {@link getMinValue MinValue}, {@link getMaxValue MaxValue} and StepSize.
	 * To use uneven stop marks, set {@link setValues Values}.
	 * @param float Step size.
	public function setStepSize($value)
		$this->setViewState('StepSize', $value, 1.0);
	 * @return boolean wether to display a progress indicator or not. Defaults to true.
	public function getProgressIndicator ()
		return $this->getViewState('ProgressIndicator', true);

	 * @param boolean wether to display a progress indicator or not. Defaults to true.
	public function setProgressIndicator ($value)
		$this->setViewState('ProgressIndicator', TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value), true);
	 * @return float current value of slider
	public function getValue()
		return $this->getViewState('Value',0.0);

	 * @param float current value of slider
	public function setValue($value)
		$this->setViewState('Value', TPropertyValue::ensureFloat($value),0.0);

	 * Returns the value of the TSlider control.
	 * This method is required by {@link IDataRenderer}.
	 * It is the same as {@link getValue()}.
	 * @return string the value of the TSlider control.
	 * @see getValue
	public function getData()
		return $this->getValue();

	 * Sets the value of the TSlider control.
	 * This method is required by {@link IDataRenderer}.
	 * It is the same as {@link setValue()}.
	 * @param string the value of the TSlider control.
	 * @see setValue
	public function setData($value)

	 * @return array list of allowed values the slider can take. Defaults to an empty array.
	public function getValues()
		return $this->getViewState('Values', array());

	 * Sets the possible values that the slider can take.
	 * If this is set, {@link setStepSize StepSize} will be ignored. The latter
	 * generates a set of evenly distributed candidate values.
	 * @param array list of allowed values the slider can take
	public function setValues($value)
		$this->setViewState('Values', TPropertyValue::ensureArray($value), array());
	 * @return boolean a value indicating whether an automatic postback to the server
	 * will occur whenever the user modifies the slider value. Defaults to false.
	public function getAutoPostBack()
		return $this->getViewState('AutoPostBack',false);

	 * Sets the value indicating if postback automatically.
	 * An automatic postback to the server will occur whenever the user
	 * modifies the slider value.
	 * @param boolean the value indicating if postback automatically
	public function setAutoPostBack($value)

	 * Gets the name of the javascript class responsible for performing postback for this control.
	 * This method overrides the parent implementation.
	 * @return string the javascript class name
	protected function getClientClassName()
		return 'Prado.WebUI.TSlider';

	 * Returns a value indicating whether postback has caused the control data change.
	 * This method is required by the IPostBackDataHandler interface.
	 * @return boolean whether postback has caused the control data change. False if the page is not in postback mode.
	public function getDataChanged()
		return $this->_dataChanged;

	 * Raises postdata changed event.
	 * This method is required by {@link IPostBackDataHandler} interface.
	 * It is invoked by the framework when {@link getValue Value} property
	 * is changed on postback.
	 * This method is primarly used by framework developers.
	public function raisePostDataChangedEvent()

	 * Raises <b>OnValueChanged</b> event.
	 * This method is invoked when the {@link getValue Value}
	 * property changes on postback.
	 * If you override this method, be sure to call the parent implementation to ensure
	 * the invocation of the attached event handlers.
	 * @param TEventParameter event parameter to be passed to the event handlers
	public function onValueChanged($param)

	 * Loads user input data.
	 * This method is primarly used by framework developers.
	 * @param string the key that can be used to retrieve data from the input data collection
	 * @param array the input data collection
	 * @return boolean whether the data of the component has been changed
	public function loadPostData($key,$values)
			return $this->_dataChanged=true;
			return false;

	 * Gets the TSliderClientScript to set the TSlider event handlers.
	 * The slider on the client-side supports the following events.
	 * # <tt>OnSliderMove</tt> -- raised when the slider is moved.
	 * # <tt>OnSliderChanged</tt> -- raised when the slider value is changed
	 * You can attach custom javascript code to each of these events
	 * @return TSliderClientScript javascript validator event options.
	public function getClientSide()
			$this->_clientScript = $this->createClientScript();
		return $this->_clientScript;

	 * @return TSliderClientScript javascript event options.
	protected function createClientScript()
		return new TSliderClientScript;

	 * @return string the HTML tag name for slider. Defaults to div.
	public function getTagName ()
		return "div";

	 * Add the specified css classes to the track
	 * @param THtmlWriter writer
	protected function addAttributesToRender($writer)
		if ($this->getCssClass()==='')
			$writer->addAttribute('class', 'Slider '.$class);

	 * Render the body content
	public function renderContents($writer)
		// Render the 'Track'
		$writer->addAttribute('class', 'Track');
		$writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID().'_track');
		// Render the 'Progress Indicator'
		if ($this->getProgressIndicator())
			$writer->addAttribute('class', 'Progress');
			$writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID().'_progress');
		// Render the 'Ruler'
		 * Removing for now
		$writer->addAttribute('class', 'RuleContainer');
		$writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID()."_rule");
		for ($i=0;$i<=100;$i+=10)
			$writer->addAttribute('class', 'RuleMark');
			$writer->addStyleAttribute($attr, $i.'%');
		// Render the 'Handle'
		$writer->addAttribute('class', 'Handle');
		$writer->addAttribute('id', $this->getClientID().'_handle');
	 * Registers CSS and JS.
	 * This method is invoked right before the control rendering, if the control is visible.
	 * @param mixed event parameter
	public function onPreRender ($param)


	 * Registers the CSS relevant to the TSlider.
	 * It will register the CSS file specified by {@link getCssUrl CssUrl}.
	 * If that is not set, it will use the default CSS.
	protected function registerStyleSheet()
			// publish the assets

	 * Registers the javascript code to initialize the slider.
	protected function registerSliderClientScript()
		$cs = $page->getClientScript();

	 * Get javascript sliderr options.
	 * @return array slider client-side options
	protected function getSliderOptions()
		// PostBack Options :
		$options['ID'] = $this->getClientID();
		$options['EventTarget'] = $this->getUniqueID();
		$options['AutoPostBack'] = $this->getAutoPostBack();

		// Slider Control options
		$options['axis'] = strtolower($this->getDirection());
		$options['maximum'] = $maxValue;
		$options['minimum'] = $minValue;
		$options['range'] = TJavascript::quoteJsLiteral('$R('.$minValue.",".$maxValue.")");
		$options['sliderValue'] = $this->getValue();
		$options['disabled'] = !$this->getEnabled();
		if (!empty($values))
			// Values are provided. Check if min/max are present in them
			if (!in_array($minValue, $values)) $values[]=$minValue;
			if (!in_array($maxValue, $values)) $values[]=$maxValue;
			// Remove all values outsize the range [min..max]
			foreach ($values as $idx=>$value)
				if ($value < $minValue) unset ($values[$idx]);
				if ($value > $maxValue) unset ($values[$idx]);
			// Values are not provided, generate automatically using stepsize
			// We want at most self::MAX_STEPS values, so, change the step if necessary
			if (($maxValue-$minValue)/$step > self::MAX_STEPS)
			for ($i=$minValue;$i<=$maxValue;$i+=$step)
			// Add max if it's not in the array because of step
			if (!in_array($maxValue, $values)) $values[]=$maxValue;
		$options['values'] = $values;
			$options = array_merge($options,$this->_clientScript->getOptions()->toArray());
		return $options;

 * TSliderClientScript class.
 * Client-side slider events {@link setOnChange OnChange} and {@line setOnMove OnMove}
 * can be modified through the {@link TSlider:: getClientSide ClientSide}
 * property of a slider.
 * The current value of the slider can be get in the 'value' js variable
 * The <tt>OnMove</tt> event is raised when the slider moves
 * The <tt>OnChange</tt> event is raised when the slider value is changed (or at the end of a move)
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.1.1
class TSliderClientScript extends TClientSideOptions
	 * Javascript code to execute when the slider value is changed.
	 * @param string javascript code
	public function setOnChange($javascript)
		$code=TJavascript::quoteJsLiteral("function (value) { {$javascript} }");
		$this->setFunction('onChange', $code);

	 * @return string javascript code to execute when the slider value is changed.
	public function getOnChange()
		return $this->getOption('onChange');

	/* Javascript code to execute when the slider moves.
	 * @param string javascript code
	public function setOnSlide($javascript)
		$code=TJavascript::quoteJsLiteral("function (value) { {$javascript} }");
		$this->setFunction('onSlide', $code);

	 * @return string javascript code to execute when the slider moves.
	public function getOnSlide()
		return $this->getOption('onSlide');

 * TSliderDirection class.
 * TSliderDirection defines the enumerable type for the possible direction that can be used in a {@link TSlider}
 * The following enumerable values are defined :
 * - Horizontal : Horizontal slider
 * - Vertical : Vertical slider
 * @author Christophe Boulain <Christophe.Boulain@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls
 * @since 3.1.1
class TSliderDirection extends TEnumerable
	const Horizontal='Horizontal';
	const Vertical='Vertical';