* content in step 1, may contain other controls
* content in step 2, may contain other controls
* Each wizard step can be one of the following types:
* - Start : the first step in the wizard.
* - Step : the internal steps in the wizard.
* - Finish : the last step that allows user interaction.
* - Complete : the step that shows a summary to user (no interaction is allowed).
* - Auto : the step type is determined by wizard automatically.
* At any time, only one step is visible to end-users, which can be obtained
* by {@link getActiveStep ActiveStep}. Its index in the step collection is given by
* {@link getActiveStepIndex ActiveStepIndex}.
* Wizard content can be customized in many ways.
* The layout of a wizard consists of four parts: header, step content, navigation
* and side bar. Their content are affected by the following properties, respectively,
* - header: {@link setHeaderText HeaderText} and {@link setHeaderTemplate HeaderTemplate}.
* If both are present, the latter takes precedence.
* - step: {@link getWizardSteps WizardSteps}.
* - navigation: {@link setStartNavigationTemplate StartNavigationTemplate},
* {@link setStepNavigationTemplate StepNavigationTemplate},
* {@link setFinishNavigationTemplate FinishNavigationTemplate}.
* Default templates will be used if above templates are not set.
* - side bar: {@link setSideBarTemplate SideBarTemplate}.
* A default template will be used if this template is not set.
* Its visibility is toggled by {@link setShowSideBar ShowSideBar}.
* The style of these wizard layout components can be customized via the following style properties,
* - header: {@link getHeaderStyle HeaderStyle}.
* - step: {@link getStepStyle StepStyle}.
* - navigation: {@link getNavigationStyle NavigationStyle},
* {@link getStartNextButtonStyle StartNextButtonStyle},
* {@link getStepNextButtonStyle StepNextButtonStyle},
* {@link getStepPreviousButtonStyle StepPreviousButtonStyle},
* {@link getFinishPreviousButtonStyle FinishPreviousButtonStyle},
* {@link getFinishCompleteButtonStyle FinishCompleteButtonStyle},
* {@link getCancelButtonStyle CancelButtonStyle}.
* - side bar: {@link getSideBarStyle SideBarStyle} and {@link getSideBarButtonStyle SideBarButtonStyle}.
* @author Qiang Xue \n"); $this->_sideBar->renderControl($writer); $writer->write("\n | \n"); $this->_header->renderControl($writer); $this->_stepContent->renderControl($writer); $this->_navigation->renderControl($writer); $writer->write("\n |