* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls */ Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TMultiView'); Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TPanel'); Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TButton'); Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TLinkButton'); Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TImageButton'); Prado::using('System.Web.UI.WebControls.TDataList'); Prado::using('System.Collections.TStack'); /** * Class TWizard. * * TWizard splits a large form and presents the user with a series of smaller * forms to complete. TWizard is analogous to the installation wizard commonly * used to install software in Windows. * * The smaller forms are called wizard steps ({@link TWizardStep}, which can be accessed via * {@link getWizardSteps WizardSteps}. In template, wizard steps can be added * into a wizard using the following syntax, * * * * content in step 1, may contain other controls * * * content in step 2, may contain other controls * * * * * Each wizard step can be one of the following types: * - Start : the first step in the wizard. * - Step : the internal steps in the wizard. * - Finish : the last step that allows user interaction. * - Complete : the step that shows a summary to user (no interaction is allowed). * - Auto : the step type is determined by wizard automatically. * At any time, only one step is visible to end-users, which can be obtained * by {@link getActiveStep ActiveStep}. Its index in the step collection is given by * {@link getActiveStepIndex ActiveStepIndex}. * * Wizard content can be customized in many ways. * * The layout of a wizard consists of four parts: header, step content, navigation * and side bar. Their content are affected by the following properties, respectively, * - header: {@link setHeaderText HeaderText} and {@link setHeaderTemplate HeaderTemplate}. * If both are present, the latter takes precedence. * - step: {@link getWizardSteps WizardSteps}. * - navigation: {@link setStartNavigationTemplate StartNavigationTemplate}, * {@link setStepNavigationTemplate StepNavigationTemplate}, * {@link setFinishNavigationTemplate FinishNavigationTemplate}. * Default templates will be used if above templates are not set. * - side bar: {@link setSideBarTemplate SideBarTemplate}. * A default template will be used if this template is not set. * Its visibility is toggled by {@link setShowSideBar ShowSideBar}. * * The style of these wizard layout components can be customized via the following style properties, * - header: {@link getHeaderStyle HeaderStyle}. * - step: {@link getStepStyle StepStyle}. * - navigation: {@link getNavigationStyle NavigationStyle}, * {@link getStartNextButtonStyle StartNextButtonStyle}, * {@link getStepNextButtonStyle StepNextButtonStyle}, * {@link getStepPreviousButtonStyle StepPreviousButtonStyle}, * {@link getFinishPreviousButtonStyle FinishPreviousButtonStyle}, * {@link getFinishCompleteButtonStyle FinishCompleteButtonStyle}, * {@link getCancelButtonStyle CancelButtonStyle}. * - side bar: {@link getSideBarStyle SideBarStyle} and {@link getSideBarButtonStyle SideBarButtonStyle}. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizard extends TWebControl implements INamingContainer { /** * Wizard step types. */ const ST_AUTO='Auto'; const ST_START='Start'; const ST_STEP='Step'; const ST_FINISH='Finish'; const ST_COMPLETE='Complete'; /** * Navigation commands. */ const CMD_PREVIOUS='PreviousStep'; const CMD_NEXT='NextStep'; const CMD_CANCEL='Cancel'; const CMD_COMPLETE='Complete'; const CMD_MOVETO='MoveTo'; /** * Side bar button ID */ const ID_SIDEBAR_BUTTON='SideBarButton'; /** * Side bar data list */ const ID_SIDEBAR_LIST='SideBarList'; /** * @var TMultiView multiview that contains the wizard steps */ private $_multiView=null; /** * @var mixed navigation template for the start step. */ private $_startNavigationTemplate=null; /** * @var mixed navigation template for internal steps. */ private $_stepNavigationTemplate=null; /** * @var mixed navigation template for the finish step. */ private $_finishNavigationTemplate=null; /** * @var mixed template for wizard header. */ private $_headerTemplate=null; /** * @var mixed template for the side bar. */ private $_sideBarTemplate=null; /** * @var TWizardStepCollection */ private $_wizardSteps=null; /** * @var TPanel container of the wizard header */ private $_header; /** * @var TPanel container of the wizard step content */ private $_stepContent; /** * @var TPanel container of the wizard side bar */ private $_sideBar; /** * @var TPanel navigation panel */ private $_navigation; /** * @var TWizardNavigationContainer container of the start navigation */ private $_startNavigation; /** * @var TWizardNavigationContainer container of the step navigation */ private $_stepNavigation; /** * @var TWizardNavigationContainer container of the finish navigation */ private $_finishNavigation; /** * @var boolean whether ActiveStepIndex was already set */ private $_activeStepIndexSet=false; /** * @var TDataList side bar data list. */ private $_sideBarDataList; /** * @return string tag name for the wizard */ protected function getTagName() { return 'div'; } /** * Adds {@link TWizardStep} objects into step collection. * This method overrides the parent implementation and is * invoked when template is being instantiated. * @param mixed object instantiated in template */ public function addParsedObject($object) { if($object instanceof TWizardStep) $this->getWizardSteps()->add($object); } /** * @return TWizardStep the currently active wizard step */ public function getActiveStep() { return $this->getMultiView()->getActiveView(); } /** * @param TWizardStep step to be activated * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the step is not in the wizard step collection */ public function setActiveStep($step) { if(($index=$this->getWizardSteps()->indexOf($step))<0) throw new TInvalidOperationException('wizard_step_invalid'); $this->setActiveStepIndex($index); } /** * @return integer the zero-based index of the active wizard step */ public function getActiveStepIndex() { return $this->getMultiView()->getActiveViewIndex(); } /** * @param integer the zero-based index of the wizard step to be activated */ public function setActiveStepIndex($value) { $value=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($value); $multiView=$this->getMultiView(); if($multiView->getActiveViewIndex()!==$value) { $multiView->setActiveViewIndex($value); $this->_activeStepIndexSet=true; if($this->_sideBarDataList!==null && $this->getSideBarTemplate()!==null) { $this->_sideBarDataList->setSelectedItemIndex($this->getActiveStepIndex()); $this->_sideBarDataList->dataBind(); } } } /** * @return TWizardStepCollection collection of wizard steps */ public function getWizardSteps() { if($this->_wizardSteps===null) $this->_wizardSteps=new TWizardStepCollection($this); return $this->_wizardSteps; } /** * @return boolean whether to display a cancel button in each wizard step. Defaults to false. */ public function getShowCancelButton() { return $this->getViewState('ShowCancelButton',false); } /** * @param boolean whether to display a cancel button in each wizard step. */ public function setShowCancelButton($value) { $this->setViewState('ShowCancelButton',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),false); } /** * @return boolean whether to display a side bar that contains links to wizard steps. Defaults to true. */ public function getShowSideBar() { return $this->getViewState('ShowSideBar',true); } /** * @param boolean whether to display a side bar that contains links to wizard steps. */ public function setShowSideBar($value) { $this->setViewState('ShowSideBar',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true); $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return ITemplate navigation template for the start step. Defaults to null. */ public function getStartNavigationTemplate() { return $this->_startNavigationTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate navigation template for the start step. */ public function setStartNavigationTemplate($value) { $this->_startNavigationTemplate=$value; $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return ITemplate navigation template for internal steps. Defaults to null. */ public function getStepNavigationTemplate() { return $this->_stepNavigationTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate navigation template for internal steps. */ public function setStepNavigationTemplate($value) { $this->_stepNavigationTemplate=$value; $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return ITemplate navigation template for the finish step. Defaults to null. */ public function getFinishNavigationTemplate() { return $this->_finishNavigationTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate navigation template for the finish step. */ public function setFinishNavigationTemplate($value) { $this->_finishNavigationTemplate=$value; $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return ITemplate template for wizard header. Defaults to null. */ public function getHeaderTemplate() { return $this->_headerTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate template for wizard header. */ public function setHeaderTemplate($value) { $this->_headerTemplate=$value; $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return ITemplate template for the side bar. Defaults to null. */ public function getSideBarTemplate() { return $this->_sideBarTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate template for the side bar. */ public function setSideBarTemplate($value) { $this->_sideBarTemplate=$value; $this->requiresControlsRecreation(); } /** * @return string header text. Defaults to ''. */ public function getHeaderText() { return $this->getViewState('HeaderText',''); } /** * @param string header text. */ public function setHeaderText($value) { $this->setViewState('HeaderText',TPropertyValue::ensureString($value),''); } /** * @return string the URL that the browser will be redirected to if the cancel button in the * wizard is clicked. Defaults to ''. */ public function getCancelDestinationUrl() { return $this->getViewState('CancelDestinationUrl',''); } /** * @param string the URL that the browser will be redirected to if the cancel button in the * wizard is clicked. */ public function setCancelDestinationUrl($value) { $this->setViewState('CancelDestinationUrl',TPropertyValue::ensureString($value),''); } /** * @return string the URL that the browser will be redirected to if the wizard finishes. * Defaults to ''. */ public function getFinishDestinationUrl() { return $this->getViewState('FinishDestinationUrl',''); } /** * @param string the URL that the browser will be redirected to if the wizard finishes. */ public function setFinishDestinationUrl($value) { $this->setViewState('FinishDestinationUrl',TPropertyValue::ensureString($value),''); } /** * @return TStyle the style for the buttons displayed in the side bar. */ public function getSideBarButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('SideBarButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TStyle; $this->setViewState('SideBarButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TStyle the style common for all navigation buttons. */ public function getNavigationButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('NavigationButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TStyle; $this->setViewState('NavigationButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the next button in the start wizard step. */ public function getStartNextButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('StartNextButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Next'); $this->setViewState('StartNextButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the next button in each internal wizard step. */ public function getStepNextButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('StepNextButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Next'); $this->setViewState('StepNextButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the previous button in the start wizard step. */ public function getStepPreviousButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('StepPreviousButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Previous'); $this->setViewState('StepPreviousButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the complete button in the finish wizard step. */ public function getFinishCompleteButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('FinishCompleteButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Complete'); $this->setViewState('FinishCompleteButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the previous button in the start wizard step. */ public function getFinishPreviousButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('FinishPreviousButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Previous'); $this->setViewState('FinishPreviousButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationButtonStyle the style for the cancel button */ public function getCancelButtonStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('CancelButtonStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TWizardNavigationButtonStyle; $style->setButtonText('Cancel'); $this->setViewState('CancelButtonStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TPanelStyle the style for the side bar. */ public function getSideBarStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('SideBarStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TPanelStyle; $this->setViewState('SideBarStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TPanelStyle the style for the header. */ public function getHeaderStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('HeaderStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TPanelStyle; $this->setViewState('HeaderStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TPanelStyle the style for each internal wizard step. */ public function getStepStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('StepStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TPanelStyle; $this->setViewState('StepStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return TPanelStyle the style for the navigation panel. */ public function getNavigationStyle() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('NavigationStyle',null))===null) { $style=new TPanelStyle; $this->setViewState('NavigationStyle',$style,null); } return $style; } /** * @return boolean whether to use default layout to arrange side bar and the rest wizard components. Defaults to true. */ public function getUseDefaultLayout() { return $this->getViewState('UseDefaultLayout',true); } /** * @param boolean whether to use default layout to arrange side bar and the rest wizard components. * If true, an HTML table will be used which places the side bar in the left cell * while the rest components in the right cell. */ public function setUseDefaultLayout($value) { $this->setViewState('UseDefaultLayout',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true); } /** * Raises OnActiveStepChanged event. * This event is raised when the current visible step is changed in the * wizard. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onActiveStepChanged($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnActiveStepChanged',$this,$param); } /** * Raises OnCancelButtonClick event. * This event is raised when a cancel navigation button is clicked in the * current active step. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onCancelButtonClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnCancelButtonClick',$this,$param); if(($url=$this->getCancelDestinationUrl())!=='') $this->getResponse()->redirect($url); } /** * Raises OnCompleteButtonClick event. * This event is raised when a finish navigation button is clicked in the * current active step. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onCompleteButtonClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnCompleteButtonClick',$this,$param); if(($url=$this->getFinishDestinationUrl())!=='') $this->getResponse()->redirect($url); } /** * Raises OnNextButtonClick event. * This event is raised when a next navigation button is clicked in the * current active step. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onNextButtonClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnNextButtonClick',$this,$param); } /** * Raises OnPreviousButtonClick event. * This event is raised when a previous navigation button is clicked in the * current active step. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onPreviousButtonClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnPreviousButtonClick',$this,$param); } /** * Raises OnSideBarButtonClick event. * This event is raised when a link button in the side bar is clicked. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onSideBarButtonClick($param) { $this->raiseEvent('OnSideBarButtonClick',$this,$param); } /** * @return TMultiView the multiview holding wizard steps */ protected function getMultiView() { if($this->_multiView===null) { $this->_multiView=new TMultiView; $this->_multiView->setID('WizardMultiView'); $this->_multiView->attachEventHandler('OnActiveViewChanged',array($this,'onActiveStepChanged')); $this->_multiView->ignoreBubbleEvents(); } return $this->_multiView; } /** * Adds a wizard step to the multiview. * This method should only be used by control developers. * It is invoked when a step is added into the step collection of the wizard. * @param TWizardStep wizard step to be added into multiview. */ public function addedWizardStep($step) { if(($wizard=$step->getWizard())!==null) $wizard->getWizardSteps()->remove($step); $step->setWizard($this); $this->getMultiView()->getViews()->add($step); $this->wizardStepsChanged(); } /** * Removes a wizard step from the multiview. * This method should only be used by control developers. * It is invoked when a step is removed from the step collection of the wizard. * @param TWizardStep wizard step to be removed from multiview. */ public function removedWizardStep($step) { $this->getMultiView()->getViews()->remove($step); $step->setWizard(null); $this->wizardStepsChanged(); } /** * Creates the child controls of the wizard. * This method overrides the parent implementation. * @param TEventParameter event parameter */ public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); $this->ensureChildControls(); if($this->getActiveStepIndex()<0 && $this->getWizardSteps()->getCount()>0) $this->setActiveStepIndex(0); } /** * Saves the current active step index into history. * This method is invoked by the framework when the control state is being saved. */ public function saveState() { $index=$this->getActiveStepIndex(); $history=$this->getHistory(); if(!$history->getCount() || $history->peek()!==$index) $history->push($index); } /** * Loads state into the wizard. * This method is invoked by the framework when the control state is being saved. */ public function loadState() { // a dummy call to ensure the step is activated $this->getActiveStep(); } /** * Indicates the wizard needs to recreate all child controls. */ protected function requiresControlsRecreation() { if($this->getChildControlsCreated()) $this->setChildControlsCreated(false); } /** * Renders the wizard. * @param THtmlWriter */ public function render($writer) { $this->ensureChildControls(); if($this->getHasControls()) { if($this->getUseDefaultLayout()) { $this->applyControlProperties(); $this->renderBeginTag($writer); $writer->write("\n\n
\n"); $this->_sideBar->renderControl($writer); $writer->write("\n\n"); $this->_header->renderControl($writer); $this->_stepContent->renderControl($writer); $this->_navigation->renderControl($writer); $writer->write("\n
\n"); $this->renderEndTag($writer); } else { $this->applyControlProperties(); $this->renderBeginTag($writer); $this->_sideBar->renderControl($writer); $this->_header->renderControl($writer); $this->_stepContent->renderControl($writer); $this->_navigation->renderControl($writer); $this->renderEndTag($writer); } } } /** * Applies various properties to the components of wizard */ protected function applyControlProperties() { $this->applyHeaderProperties(); $this->applySideBarProperties(); $this->applyStepContentProperties(); $this->applyNavigationProperties(); } /** * Applies properties to the wizard header */ protected function applyHeaderProperties() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('HeaderStyle',null))!==null) $this->_header->getStyle()->mergeWith($style); if($this->getHeaderTemplate()===null) { $this->_header->getControls()->clear(); $this->_header->getControls()->add($this->getHeaderText()); } } /** * Applies properties to the wizard sidebar */ protected function applySideBarProperties() { $this->_sideBar->setVisible($this->getShowSideBar()); if($this->_sideBarDataList!==null && $this->getShowSideBar()) { $this->_sideBarDataList->setDataSource($this->getWizardSteps()); $this->_sideBarDataList->setSelectedItemIndex($this->getActiveStepIndex()); $this->_sideBarDataList->dataBind(); if(($style=$this->getViewState('SideBarButtonStyle',null))!==null) { foreach($this->_sideBarDataList->getItems() as $item) { if(($button=$item->findControl('SideBarButton'))!==null) $button->getStyle()->mergeWith($style); } } } if(($style=$this->getViewState('SideBarStyle',null))!==null) $this->_sideBar->getStyle()->mergeWith($style); } /** * Applies properties to the wizard step content */ protected function applyStepContentProperties() { if(($style=$this->getViewState('StepStyle',null))!==null) $this->_stepContent->getStyle()->mergeWith($style); } /** * Apply properties to various navigation panels. */ protected function applyNavigationProperties() { $wizardSteps=$this->getWizardSteps(); $activeStep=$this->getActiveStep(); $activeStepIndex=$this->getActiveStepIndex(); if(!$this->_navigation || $activeStepIndex<0 || $activeStepIndex>=$wizardSteps->getCount()) return; // set visibility of different types of navigation panel $showStandard=true; foreach($wizardSteps as $step) { if(($step instanceof TTemplatedWizardStep) && ($container=$step->getNavigationContainer())!==null) { if($activeStep===$step) { $container->setVisible(true); $showStandard=false; } else $container->setVisible(false); } } $activeStepType=$this->getStepType($activeStep); if($activeStepType===self::ST_COMPLETE) { $this->_sideBar->setVisible(false); $this->_header->setVisible(false); } $this->_startNavigation->setVisible($showStandard && $activeStepType===self::ST_START); $this->_stepNavigation->setVisible($showStandard && $activeStepType===self::ST_STEP); $this->_finishNavigation->setVisible($showStandard && $activeStepType===self::ST_FINISH); if(($navigationStyle=$this->getViewState('NavigationStyle',null))!==null) $this->_navigation->getStyle()->mergeWith($navigationStyle); $displayCancelButton=$this->getShowCancelButton(); $cancelButtonStyle=$this->getCancelButtonStyle(); $buttonStyle=$this->getViewState('NavigationButtonStyle',null); if($buttonStyle!==null) $cancelButtonStyle->mergeWith($buttonStyle); // apply styles to start navigation buttons if(($cancelButton=$this->_startNavigation->getCancelButton())!==null) { $cancelButton->setVisible($displayCancelButton); $cancelButtonStyle->apply($cancelButton); } if(($button=$this->_startNavigation->getNextButton())!==null) { $button->setVisible(true); $style=$this->getStartNextButtonStyle(); if($buttonStyle!==null) $style->mergeWith($buttonStyle); $style->apply($button); } // apply styles to finish navigation buttons if(($cancelButton=$this->_finishNavigation->getCancelButton())!==null) { $cancelButton->setVisible($displayCancelButton); $cancelButtonStyle->apply($cancelButton); } if(($button=$this->_finishNavigation->getPreviousButton())!==null) { $button->setVisible($this->allowNavigationToPreviousStep()); $style=$this->getFinishPreviousButtonStyle(); if($buttonStyle!==null) $style->mergeWith($buttonStyle); $style->apply($button); } if(($button=$this->_finishNavigation->getCompleteButton())!==null) { $button->setVisible(true); $style=$this->getFinishCompleteButtonStyle(); if($buttonStyle!==null) $style->mergeWith($buttonStyle); $style->apply($button); } // apply styles to step navigation buttons if(($cancelButton=$this->_stepNavigation->getCancelButton())!==null) { $cancelButton->setVisible($displayCancelButton); $cancelButtonStyle->apply($cancelButton); } if(($button=$this->_stepNavigation->getPreviousButton())!==null) { $button->setVisible($this->allowNavigationToPreviousStep()); $style=$this->getStepPreviousButtonStyle(); if($buttonStyle!==null) $style->mergeWith($buttonStyle); $style->apply($button); } if(($button=$this->_stepNavigation->getNextButton())!==null) { $button->setVisible(true); $style=$this->getStepNextButtonStyle(); if($buttonStyle!==null) $style->mergeWith($buttonStyle); $style->apply($button); } } /** * @return TStack history containing step indexes that were navigated before */ protected function getHistory() { if(($history=$this->getControlState('History',null))===null) { $history=new TStack; $this->setControlState('History',$history); } return $history; } /** * Determines the type of the specified wizard step. * @param TWizardStep * @return string type of the step, 'Finish', 'Start', 'Step'. */ protected function getStepType($wizardStep) { if(($type=$wizardStep->getStepType())===self::ST_AUTO) { $steps=$this->getWizardSteps(); if(($index=$steps->indexOf($wizardStep))>=0) { $stepCount=$steps->getCount(); if($stepCount===1 || ($index<$stepCount-1 && $steps->itemAt($index+1)->getStepType()==='Complete')) return self::ST_FINISH; else if($index===0) return self::ST_START; else if($index===$stepCount-1) return self::ST_FINISH; else return self::ST_STEP; } else return $type; } else return $type; } /** * Clears up everything within the wizard. */ protected function reset() { $this->getControls()->clear(); $this->_header=null; $this->_stepContent=null; $this->_sideBar=null; $this->_sideBarDataList=null; $this->_navigation=null; $this->_startNavigation=null; $this->_stepNavigation=null; $this->_finishNavigation=null; } /** * Creates child controls within the wizard */ protected function createChildControls() { $this->reset(); $this->createSideBar(); $this->createHeader(); $this->createStepContent(); $this->createNavigation(); // $this->clearChildState(); } /** * Creates the wizard header. */ protected function createHeader() { $this->_header=new TPanel; if(($template=$this->getHeaderTemplate())!==null) $template->instantiateIn($this->_header); else $this->_header->getControls()->add($this->getHeaderText()); $this->getControls()->add($this->_header); } /** * Creates the wizard side bar */ protected function createSideBar() { if($this->getShowSideBar()) { if(($template=$this->getSideBarTemplate())===null) $template=new TWizardSideBarTemplate; $this->_sideBar=new TPanel; $template->instantiateIn($this->_sideBar); $this->getControls()->add($this->_sideBar); if(($this->_sideBarDataList=$this->_sideBar->findControl(self::ID_SIDEBAR_LIST))!==null) { $this->_sideBarDataList->attachEventHandler('OnItemCommand',array($this,'dataListItemCommand')); $this->_sideBarDataList->attachEventHandler('OnItemDataBound',array($this,'dataListItemDataBound')); $this->_sideBarDataList->setDataSource($this->getWizardSteps()); $this->_sideBarDataList->setSelectedItemIndex($this->getActiveStepIndex()); $this->_sideBarDataList->dataBind(); } } else { $this->_sideBar=new TPanel; $this->getControls()->add($this->_sideBar); } } /** * Event handler for sidebar datalist's OnItemCommand event. * This method is used internally by wizard. It mainly * sets the active step index according to the button clicked in the sidebar. * @param mixed sender of the event * @param TDataListCommandEventParameter */ public function dataListItemCommand($sender,$param) { $item=$param->getItem(); if($param->getCommandName()===self::CMD_MOVETO) { $stepIndex=$this->getActiveStepIndex(); $newStepIndex=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($param->getCommandParameter()); $navParam=new TWizardNavigationEventParameter($stepIndex); $navParam->setNextStepIndex($newStepIndex); // if the button clicked causes validation which fails, // by default we will cancel navigation to the new step $button=$param->getCommandSource(); if($button->canGetProperty('CausesValidation') && $button->getCausesValidation() && ($page=$this->getPage())!==null && !$page->getIsValid()) $navParam->setCancelNavigation(true); $this->_activeStepIndexSet=false; $this->onSideBarButtonClick($navParam); if(!$navParam->getCancelNavigation()) { if(!$this->_activeStepIndexSet && $this->allowNavigationToStep($newStepIndex)) $this->setActiveStepIndex($newStepIndex); } else $this->setActiveStepIndex($stepIndex); } } /** * Event handler for sidebar datalist's OnItemDataBound event. * This method is used internally by wizard. It mainly configures * the buttons in the sidebar datalist. * @param mixed sender of the event * @param TDataListItemEventParameter */ public function dataListItemDataBound($sender,$param) { $item=$param->getItem(); $itemType=$item->getItemType(); if($itemType==='Item' || $itemType==='AlternatingItem' || $itemType==='SelectedItem' || $itemType==='EditItem') { if(($button=$item->findControl(self::ID_SIDEBAR_BUTTON))!==null) { $step=$item->getDataItem(); if(($this->getStepType($step)==='Complete')) $button->setEnabled(false); if(($title=$step->getTitle())!=='') $button->setText($title); else $button->setText($step->getID(false)); $index=$this->getWizardSteps()->indexOf($step); $button->setCommandName(self::CMD_MOVETO); $button->setCommandParameter("$index"); } } } /** * Creates wizard step content. */ protected function createStepContent() { foreach($this->getWizardSteps() as $step) { if($step instanceof TTemplatedWizardStep) $step->ensureChildControls(); } $multiView=$this->getMultiView(); $this->_stepContent=new TPanel; $this->_stepContent->getControls()->add($multiView); $this->getControls()->add($this->_stepContent); $multiView->setActiveViewIndex(0); } /** * Creates navigation panel. */ protected function createNavigation() { $this->_navigation=new TPanel; $this->getControls()->add($this->_navigation); $controls=$this->_navigation->getControls(); foreach($this->getWizardSteps() as $step) { if($step instanceof TTemplatedWizardStep) { $step->instantiateNavigationTemplate(); if(($panel=$step->getNavigationContainer())!==null) $controls->add($panel); } } $this->_startNavigation=$this->createStartNavigation(); $controls->add($this->_startNavigation); $this->_stepNavigation=$this->createStepNavigation(); $controls->add($this->_stepNavigation); $this->_finishNavigation=$this->createFinishNavigation(); $controls->add($this->_finishNavigation); } /** * Creates start navigation panel. */ protected function createStartNavigation() { if(($template=$this->getStartNavigationTemplate())===null) $template=new TWizardStartNavigationTemplate($this); $navigation=new TWizardNavigationContainer; $template->instantiateIn($navigation); return $navigation; } /** * Creates step navigation panel. */ protected function createStepNavigation() { if(($template=$this->getStepNavigationTemplate())===null) $template=new TWizardStepNavigationTemplate($this); $navigation=new TWizardNavigationContainer; $template->instantiateIn($navigation); return $navigation; } /** * Creates finish navigation panel. */ protected function createFinishNavigation() { if(($template=$this->getFinishNavigationTemplate())===null) $template=new TWizardFinishNavigationTemplate($this); $navigation=new TWizardNavigationContainer; $template->instantiateIn($navigation); return $navigation; } /** * Updates the sidebar datalist if any. * This method is invoked when any wizard step is changed. */ public function wizardStepsChanged() { if($this->_sideBarDataList!==null) { $this->_sideBarDataList->setDataSource($this->getWizardSteps()); $this->_sideBarDataList->setSelectedIndex($this->getActiveStepIndex()); $this->_sideBarDataList->dataBind(); } } /** * Determines the index of the previous step based on history. * @param boolean whether the first item in the history stack should be popped * up after calling this method. */ protected function getPreviousStepIndex($popStack) { $history=$this->getHistory(); if($history->getCount()>=0) { $activeStepIndex=$this->getActiveStepIndex(); $previousStepIndex=-1; if($popStack) { $previousStepIndex=$history->pop(); if($activeStepIndex===$previousStepIndex && $history->getCount()>0) $previousStepIndex=$history->pop(); } else { $previousStepIndex=$history->peek(); if($activeStepIndex===$previousStepIndex && $history->getCount()>1) { $saveIndex=$history->pop(); $previousStepIndex=$history->peek(); $history->push($saveIndex); } } return $activeStepIndex===$previousStepIndex ? -1 : $previousStepIndex; } else return -1; } /** * @return boolean whether navigation to the previous step is allowed */ protected function allowNavigationToPreviousStep() { if(($index=$this->getPreviousStepIndex(false))!==-1) return $this->getWizardSteps()->itemAt($index)->getAllowReturn(); else return false; } /** * @param integer index of the step * @return boolean whether navigation to the specified step is allowed */ protected function allowNavigationToStep($index) { if($this->getHistory()->contains($index)) return $this->getWizardSteps()->itemAt($index)->getAllowReturn(); else return true; } /** * Handles bubbled events. * This method mainly translate certain command events into * wizard-specific events. * @param mixed sender of the original command event * @param TEventParameter event parameter * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if a navigation command is associated with an invalid parameter */ public function onBubbleEvent($sender,$param) { if($param instanceof TCommandEventParameter) { $command=$param->getCommandName(); if(strcasecmp($command,self::CMD_CANCEL)===0) { $this->onCancelButtonClick($param); return true; } $type=$this->getStepType($this->getActiveStep()); $index=$this->getActiveStepIndex(); $navParam=new TWizardNavigationEventParameter($index); $handled=false; $movePrev=false; $this->_activeStepIndexSet=false; if(strcasecmp($command,self::CMD_NEXT)===0) { if($type!==self::ST_START && $type!==self::ST_STEP) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('wizard_command_invalid',self::CMD_NEXT); if($index<$this->getWizardSteps()->getCount()-1) $navParam->setNextStepIndex($index+1); $this->onNextButtonClick($navParam); $handled=true; } else if(strcasecmp($command,self::CMD_PREVIOUS)===0) { if($type!==self::ST_FINISH && $type!==self::ST_STEP) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('wizard_command_invalid',self::CMD_PREVIOUS); $movePrev=true; if(($prevIndex=$this->getPreviousStepIndex(false))>=0) $navParam->setNextStepIndex($prevIndex); $this->onPreviousButtonClick($navParam); $handled=true; } else if(strcasecmp($command,self::CMD_COMPLETE)===0) { if($type!==self::ST_FINISH) throw new TInvalidDataValueException('wizard_command_invalid',self::CMD_COMPLETE); if($index<$this->getWizardSteps()->getCount()-1) $navParam->setNextStepIndex($index+1); $this->onCompleteButtonClick($navParam); $handled=true; } else if(strcasecmp($command,self::CMD_MOVETO)===0) { $navParam->setNextStepIndex(TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($param->getCommandParameter())); $handled=true; } if($handled) { if(!$navParam->getCancelNavigation()) { $nextStepIndex=$navParam->getNextStepIndex(); if(!$this->_activeStepIndexSet && $this->allowNavigationToStep($nextStepIndex)) { if($movePrev) $this->getPreviousStepIndex(true); // pop out the previous move from history $this->setActiveStepIndex($nextStepIndex); } } else $this->setActiveStepIndex($index); return true; } } return false; } } /** * TWizardNavigationButtonStyle class. * TWizardNavigationButtonStyle defines the style applied to a wizard navigation button. * The button type can be specified via {@link setButtonType ButtonType}, which * can be 'Button', 'Image' or 'Link'. * If the button is an image button, {@link setImageUrl ImageUrl} will be * used to load the image for the button. * Otherwise, {@link setButtonText ButtonText} will be displayed as the button caption. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardNavigationButtonStyle extends TStyle { private $_imageUrl=null; private $_buttonText=null; private $_buttonType=null; /** * Sets the style attributes to default values. * This method overrides the parent implementation by * resetting additional TWizardNavigationButtonStyle specific attributes. */ public function reset() { parent::reset(); $this->_imageUrl=null; $this->_buttonText=null; $this->_buttonType=null; } /** * Copies the fields in a new style to this style. * If a style field is set in the new style, the corresponding field * in this style will be overwritten. * @param TStyle the new style */ public function copyFrom($style) { parent::copyFrom($style); if($style instanceof TWizardNavigationButtonStyle) { if($this->_imageUrl===null && $style->_imageUrl!==null) $this->_imageUrl=$style->_imageUrl; if($this->_buttonText===null && $style->_buttonText!==null) $this->_buttonText=$style->_buttonText; if($this->_buttonType===null && $style->_buttonType!==null) $this->_buttonType=$style->_buttonType; } } /** * Merges the style with a new one. * If a style field is not set in this style, it will be overwritten by * the new one. * @param TStyle the new style */ public function mergeWith($style) { parent::mergeWith($style); if($style instanceof TWizardNavigationButtonStyle) { if($style->_imageUrl!==null) $this->_imageUrl=$style->_imageUrl; if($style->_buttonText!==null) $this->_buttonText=$style->_buttonText; if($style->_buttonType!==null) $this->_buttonType=$style->_buttonType; } } /** * @return string image URL for the image button */ public function getImageUrl() { return $this->_imageUrl===null?'':$this->_imageUrl; } /** * @param string image URL for the image button */ public function setImageUrl($value) { $this->_imageUrl=$value; } /** * @return string button caption */ public function getButtonText() { return $this->_buttonText===null?'':$this->_buttonText; } /** * @param string button caption */ public function setButtonText($value) { $this->_buttonText=$value; } /** * @return string button type. Default to 'Button'. */ public function getButtonType() { return $this->_buttonType===null?'Button':$this->_buttonType; } /** * @param string button type. Valid values include 'Button', 'Image', 'Link'. */ public function setButtonType($value) { $this->_buttonType=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($value,'Button','Image','Link'); } /** * Applies this style to the specified button * @param mixed button to be applied with this style */ public function apply($button) { if($button instanceof TImageButton) { if($button->getImageUrl()==='') $button->setImageUrl($this->getImageUrl()); } if($button->getText()==='') $button->setText($this->getButtonText()); $button->getStyle()->mergeWith($this); } } /** * TWizardStep class. * * TWizardStep represents a wizard step. The wizard owning the step * can be obtained by {@link getWizard Wizard}. * To specify the type of the step, set {@link setStepType StepType}; * For step title, set {@link setTitle Title}. If a step can be re-visited, * set {@link setAllowReturn AllowReturn} to true. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardStep extends TView { private $_wizard; /** * @return TWizard the wizard owning this step */ public function getWizard() { return $this->_wizard; } /** * Sets the wizard owning this step. * This method is used internally by {@link TWizard}. * @param TWizard the wizard owning this step */ public function setWizard($wizard) { $this->_wizard=$wizard; } /** * @return string the title for this step. */ public function getTitle() { return $this->getViewState('Title',''); } /** * @param string the title for this step. */ public function setTitle($value) { $this->setViewState('Title',$value,''); if($this->_wizard) $this->_wizard->wizardStepsChanged(); } /** * @return boolean whether this step can be re-visited. Default to true. */ public function getAllowReturn() { return $this->getViewState('AllowReturn',true); } /** * @param boolean whether this step can be re-visited. */ public function setAllowReturn($value) { $this->setViewState('AllowReturn',TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value),true); } /** * @return string the wizard step type. Defaults to 'Auto'. */ public function getStepType() { return $this->getViewState('StepType',TWizard::ST_AUTO); } /** * @param string the wizard step type. Valid values include 'Auto', 'Complete', 'Start', 'Step', 'Finish'. */ public function setStepType($type) { $type=TPropertyValue::ensureEnum($type,TWizard::ST_AUTO,TWizard::ST_COMPLETE,TWizard::ST_STEP,TWizard::ST_START,TWizard::ST_FINISH); if($type!==$this->getStepType()) { $this->setViewState('StepType',$type,TWizard::ST_AUTO); if($this->_wizard) $this->_wizard->wizardStepsChanged(); } } } /** * TCompleteWizardStep class. * * TCompleteWizardStep represents a wizard step of type 'Complete'. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TCompleteWizardStep extends TWizardStep { /** * @return string the wizard step type. Always 'Complete'. */ public function getStepType() { return 'Complete'; } /** * @param string the wizard step type. * @throws TInvalidOperationException whenever this method is invoked. */ public function setStepType($value) { throw new TInvalidOperationException('completewizardstep_steptype_readonly'); } } /** * TTemplatedWizardStep class. * * TTemplatedWizardStep represents a wizard step whose content and navigation * can be customized using templates. To customize the step content, specify * {@link setContentTemplate ContentTemplate}. To customize navigation specific * to the step, specify {@link setNavigationTemplate NavigationTemplate}. Note, * if the navigation template is not specified, default navigation will be used. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TTemplatedWizardStep extends TWizardStep implements INamingContainer { /** * @var ITemplate the template for displaying the navigation UI of a wizard step. */ private $_navigationTemplate=null; /** * @var ITemplate the template for displaying the content within the wizard step. */ private $_contentTemplate=null; /** * @var TWizardNavigationContainer */ private $_navigationContainer=null; /** * Creates child controls. * This method mainly instantiates the content template, if any. */ protected function createChildControls() { $this->getControls()->clear(); if($this->_contentTemplate) $this->_contentTemplate->instantiateIn($this); } /** * Ensures child controls are created. * @param mixed event parameter */ public function onInit($param) { parent::onInit($param); $this->ensureChildControls(); } /** * @return ITemplate the template for the content of the wizard step. */ public function getContentTemplate() { return $this->_contentTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate the template for the content of the wizard step. */ public function setContentTemplate($value) { $this->_contentTemplate=$value; } /** * @return ITemplate the template for displaying the navigation UI of a wizard step. Defaults to null. */ public function getNavigationTemplate() { return $this->_navigationTemplate; } /** * @param ITemplate the template for displaying the navigation UI of a wizard step. */ public function setNavigationTemplate($value) { $this->_navigationTemplate=$value; } /** * @return TWizardNavigationContainer the control containing the navigation. * It could be null if no navigation template is specified. */ public function getNavigationContainer() { return $this->_navigationContainer; } /** * Instantiates the navigation template if any */ public function instantiateNavigationTemplate() { if(!$this->_navigationContainer && $this->_navigationTemplate) { $this->_navigationContainer=new TWizardNavigationContainer; $this->_navigationTemplate->instantiateIn($this->_navigationContainer); } } } /** * TWizardStepCollection class. * * TWizardStepCollection represents the collection of wizard steps owned * by a {@link TWizard}. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardStepCollection extends TList { /** * @var TWizard */ private $_wizard; /** * Constructor. * @param TWizard wizard that owns this collection */ public function __construct(TWizard $wizard) { $this->_wizard=$wizard; } /** * Inserts an item at the specified position. * This method overrides the parent implementation by checking if * the item being added is a {@link TWizardStep}. * @param integer the speicified position. * @param mixed new item * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the item being added is not TWizardStep. */ public function insertAt($index,$item) { if($item instanceof TWizardStep) { parent::insertAt($index,$item); $this->_wizard->addedWizardStep($item); } else throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('wizardstepcollection_wizardstep_required'); } /** * Removes an item at the specified position. * @param integer the index of the item to be removed. * @return mixed the removed item. */ public function removeAt($index) { $step=parent::removeAt($index); $this->_wizard->removedWizardStep($step); return $step; } } /** * TWizardNavigationContainer class. * * TWizardNavigationContainer represents a control containing * a wizard navigation. The navigation may contain a few buttons, including * {@link getPreviousButton PreviousButton}, {@link getNextButton NextButton}, * {@link getCancelButton CancelButton}, {@link getCompleteButton CompleteButton}. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardNavigationContainer extends TControl implements INamingContainer { private $_previousButton=null; private $_nextButton=null; private $_cancelButton=null; private $_completeButton=null; /** * @return mixed the previous button */ public function getPreviousButton() { return $this->_previousButton; } /** * @param mixed the previous button */ public function setPreviousButton($value) { $this->_previousButton=$value; } /** * @return mixed the next button */ public function getNextButton() { return $this->_nextButton; } /** * @param mixed the next button */ public function setNextButton($value) { $this->_nextButton=$value; } /** * @return mixed the cancel button */ public function getCancelButton() { return $this->_cancelButton; } /** * @param mixed the cancel button */ public function setCancelButton($value) { $this->_cancelButton=$value; } /** * @return mixed the complete button */ public function getCompleteButton() { return $this->_completeButton; } /** * @param mixed the complete button */ public function setCompleteButton($value) { $this->_completeButton=$value; } } /** * TWizardNavigationEventParameter class. * * TWizardNavigationEventParameter represents the parameter for * {@link TWizard}'s navigation events. * * The index of the currently active step can be obtained from * {@link getCurrentStepIndex CurrentStepIndex}, while the index * of the candidate new step is in {@link getNextStepIndex NextStepIndex}. * By modifying {@link setNextStepIndex NextStepIndex}, the new step * can be changed to another one. If there is anything wrong with * the navigation and it is not wanted, set {@link setCancelNavigation CancelNavigation} * to true. * * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardNavigationEventParameter extends TEventParameter { private $_cancel=false; private $_currentStep; private $_nextStep; /** * Constructor. * @param integer current step index */ public function __construct($currentStep) { $this->_currentStep=$currentStep; $this->_nextStep=$currentStep; } /** * @return integer the zero-based index of the currently active step. */ public function getCurrentStepIndex() { return $this->_currentStep; } /** * @return integer the zero-based index of the next step. Default to {@link getCurrentStepIndex CurrentStepIndex}. */ public function getNextStepIndex() { return $this->_nextStep; } /** * @param integer the zero-based index of the next step. */ public function setNextStepIndex($index) { $this->_nextStep=TPropertyValue::ensureInteger($index); } /** * @return boolean whether navigation to the next step should be canceled. Default to false. */ public function getCancelNavigation() { return $this->_cancel; } /** * @param boolean whether navigation to the next step should be canceled. */ public function setCancelNavigation($value) { $this->_cancel=TPropertyValue::ensureBoolean($value); } } /** * TWizardSideBarTemplate class. * TWizardSideBarTemplate is the default template for wizard sidebar. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardSideBarTemplate extends TComponent implements ITemplate { /** * Instantiates the template. * It creates a {@link TDataList} control. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { $dataList=new TDataList; $dataList->setID(TWizard::ID_SIDEBAR_LIST); $dataList->getSelectedItemStyle()->getFont()->setBold(true); $dataList->setItemTemplate(new TWizardSideBarListItemTemplate); $parent->getControls()->add($dataList); } } /** * TWizardSideBarListItemTemplate class. * TWizardSideBarListItemTemplate is the default template for each item in the sidebar datalist. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardSideBarListItemTemplate extends TComponent implements ITemplate { /** * Instantiates the template. * It creates a {@link TLinkButton}. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { $button=new TLinkButton; $button->setID(TWizard::ID_SIDEBAR_BUTTON); $parent->getControls()->add($button); } } /** * TWizardNavigationTemplate class. * TWizardNavigationTemplate is the base class for various navigation templates. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardNavigationTemplate extends TComponent implements ITemplate { private $_wizard; /** * Constructor. * @param TWizard the wizard owning this template */ public function __construct($wizard) { $this->_wizard=$wizard; } /** * @return TWizard the wizard owning this template */ public function getWizard() { return $this->_wizard; } /** * Instantiates the template. * Derived classes should override this method. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { } /** * Creates a navigation button. * It creates a {@link TButton}, {@link TLinkButton}, or {@link TImageButton}, * depending on the given parameters. * @param TWizardNavigationButtonStyle button style * @param boolean whether the button should cause validation * @param string command name for the button's OnCommand event * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the button type is not recognized */ protected function createNavigationButton($buttonStyle,$causesValidation,$commandName) { switch($buttonStyle->getButtonType()) { case 'Button': $button=new TButton; break; case 'Link' : $button=new TLinkButton; break; case 'Image' : $button=new TImageButton; $button->setImageUrl($buttonStyle->getImageUrl()); break; default: throw new TInvalidDataValueException('wizard_buttontype_unknown',$buttonStyle->getButtonType()); } $button->setText($buttonStyle->getButtonText()); $button->setCausesValidation($causesValidation); $button->setCommandName($commandName); return $button; } } /** * TWizardStartNavigationTemplate class. * TWizardStartNavigationTemplate is the template used as default wizard start navigation panel. * It consists of two buttons, Next and Cancel. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardStartNavigationTemplate extends TWizardNavigationTemplate { /** * Instantiates the template. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { $nextButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getStartNextButtonStyle(),true,TWizard::CMD_NEXT); $cancelButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getCancelButtonStyle(),false,TWizard::CMD_CANCEL); $controls=$parent->getControls(); $controls->add($nextButton); $controls->add("\n"); $controls->add($cancelButton); $parent->setNextButton($nextButton); $parent->setCancelButton($cancelButton); } } /** * TWizardFinishNavigationTemplate class. * TWizardFinishNavigationTemplate is the template used as default wizard finish navigation panel. * It consists of three buttons, Previous, Complete and Cancel. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardFinishNavigationTemplate extends TWizardNavigationTemplate { /** * Instantiates the template. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { $previousButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getFinishPreviousButtonStyle(),false,TWizard::CMD_PREVIOUS); $completeButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getFinishCompleteButtonStyle(),true,TWizard::CMD_COMPLETE); $cancelButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getCancelButtonStyle(),false,TWizard::CMD_CANCEL); $controls=$parent->getControls(); $controls->add($previousButton); $controls->add("\n"); $controls->add($completeButton); $controls->add("\n"); $controls->add($cancelButton); $parent->setPreviousButton($previousButton); $parent->setCompleteButton($completeButton); $parent->setCancelButton($cancelButton); } } /** * TWizardStepNavigationTemplate class. * TWizardStepNavigationTemplate is the template used as default wizard step navigation panel. * It consists of three buttons, Previous, Next and Cancel. * @author Qiang Xue * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package System.Web.UI.WebControls * @since 3.0 */ class TWizardStepNavigationTemplate extends TWizardNavigationTemplate { /** * Instantiates the template. * @param TControl parent to hold the content within the template */ public function instantiateIn($parent) { $previousButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getStepPreviousButtonStyle(),false,TWizard::CMD_PREVIOUS); $nextButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getStepNextButtonStyle(),true,TWizard::CMD_NEXT); $cancelButton=$this->createNavigationButton($this->getWizard()->getCancelButtonStyle(),false,TWizard::CMD_CANCEL); $controls=$parent->getControls(); $controls->add($previousButton); $controls->add("\n"); $controls->add($nextButton); $controls->add("\n"); $controls->add($cancelButton); $parent->setPreviousButton($previousButton); $parent->setNextButton($nextButton); $parent->setCancelButton($cancelButton); } } ?>