* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
* @copyright Copyright © 2005-2014 PradoSoft
* @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
* @since 3.3
* @package Prado\Wsat
namespace Prado\Wsat;
use Exception;
use PDO;
use Prado\Prado;
class TWsatARGenerator extends TWsatBaseGenerator
* Class name prefix
private $_clasPrefix;
* Class name sufix
private $_classSufix;
* all table relations array
private $_relations;
* unquote chars
* @var array
private $uqChars = array('[', ']', '"', '`', "'");
function __construct()
public function setClasPrefix($_clas_prefix)
$this->_clasPrefix = $_clas_prefix;
public function setClassSufix($_clas_sufix)
$this->_classSufix = $_clas_sufix;
public function generate($tableName)
$tableInfo = $this->_dbMetaData->getTableInfo($tableName);
$this->_commonGenerate($tableName, $tableInfo);
public function generateAll()
foreach ($this->getAllTableNames() as $tableName)
$tableInfo = $this->_dbMetaData->getTableInfo($tableName);
if (!empty($this->_relations))
// Cancel generation of M-M relationships middle table
if (count($tableInfo->getPrimaryKeys()) === 2 && count($tableInfo->getColumns()) === 2)//M-M relationships
$this->_commonGenerate($tableName, $tableInfo);
public function buildRelations()
$this->_relations = array();
foreach ($this->getAllTableNames() as $table_name)
$tableInfo = $this->_dbMetaData->getTableInfo($table_name);
$pks = $tableInfo->getPrimaryKeys();
$fks = $tableInfo->getForeignKeys();
if (count($pks) === 2 && count($tableInfo->getColumns()) === 2)//M-M relationships
$table_name_mm = $fks[0]["table"];
$table_name_mm2 = $fks[1]["table"];
$this->_relations[$table_name_mm][] = array(
"prop_name" => strtolower($table_name_mm2),
"rel_type" => "self::MANY_TO_MANY",
"ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($table_name_mm2),
"prop_ref" => $table_name
$this->_relations[$table_name_mm2][] = array(
"prop_name" => strtolower($table_name_mm),
"rel_type" => "self::MANY_TO_MANY",
"ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($table_name_mm),
"prop_ref" => $table_name
foreach ($fks as $fk_data)//1-M relationships
$owner_table = $fk_data["table"];
$slave_table = $table_name;
$fk_prop = key($fk_data["keys"]);
$this->_relations[$owner_table][] = array(
"prop_name" => strtolower($slave_table),
"rel_type" => "self::HAS_MANY",
"ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($slave_table),
"prop_ref" => $fk_prop
$this->_relations[$slave_table][] = array(
"prop_name" => strtolower($owner_table),
"rel_type" => "self::BELONGS_TO",
"ref_class_name" => $this->_getProperClassName($owner_table),
"prop_ref" => $fk_prop
private function _commonGenerate($tableName, $tableInfo)
if (count($tableInfo->getColumns()) === 0)
throw new Exception("Unable to find table or view $tableName in " . $this->_dbMetaData->getDbConnection()->getConnectionString() . ".");
$properties = array();
foreach ($tableInfo->getColumns() as $field => $metadata)
$properties[] = $this->generateProperty($field, $metadata);
$toString = $this->_buildSmartToString($tableInfo);
$clasName = $this->_getProperClassName($tableName);
$class = $this->generateClass($properties, $tableName, $clasName, $toString);
$output = $this->_opFile . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $clasName . ".php";
file_put_contents($output, $class);
private function _getProperClassName($tableName)
$table_name_words = str_replace("_", " ", strtolower($tableName));
$final_conversion = str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($table_name_words));
return $this->_clasPrefix . $final_conversion . $this->_classSufix;
protected function generateProperty($field, $metadata)
$prop = '';
$name = '$' . $field;
/* TODO use in version 2.0 */
// $type = $column->getPHPType();
$prop .= "\tpublic $name;";
return $prop;
private function _renderRelations($tablename)
if (!isset($this->_relations[$tablename]))
return "";
$code = "\tpublic static \$RELATIONS = array (";
foreach ($this->_relations[$tablename] as $rel_data)
$code .= "\n\t\t'" . $rel_data["prop_name"] . "' => array(" . $rel_data["rel_type"] . ", '" . $rel_data["ref_class_name"] . "', '" . $rel_data["prop_ref"] . "'),";
$code = substr($code, 0, -1);
$code .= "\n\t);";
return $code;
private function _buildSmartToString($tableInfo)
$code = "\tpublic function __toString() {";
$property = "throw new THttpException(500, 'Not implemented yet.');";
foreach ($tableInfo->getColumns() as $column)
if (isset($column->IsPrimaryKey) && $column->IsPrimaryKey)
$property = str_replace($this->uqChars, "", $column->ColumnName);
elseif ($column->PdoType == PDO::PARAM_STR && $column->DBType != "date")
$property = str_replace($this->uqChars, "", $column->ColumnName);
} catch (Exception $ex)
$code .= "\n\t\treturn \$this->$property;";
$code .= "\n\t}";
return $code;
protected function generateClass($properties, $tablename, $classname, $toString)
$props = implode("\n", $properties);
$relations = $this->_renderRelations($tablename);
$date = date('Y-m-d h:i:s');
$env_user = getenv("username");
return <<