<?php /** * TXmlElement, TXmlDocument, TXmlElementList class file * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @link https://github.com/pradosoft/prado * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2015 The PRADO Group * @license https://github.com/pradosoft/prado/blob/master/COPYRIGHT * @package System.Xml */ /** * TXmlElement class. * * TXmlElement represents an XML element node. * You can obtain its tag-name, attributes, text between the opening and closing * tags via the TagName, Attributes, and Value properties, respectively. * You can also retrieve its parent and child elements by Parent and Elements * properties, respectively. * * TBD: xpath * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package System.Xml * @since 3.0 */ class TXmlElement extends TComponent { /** * @var TXmlElement parent of this element */ private $_parent=null; /** * @var string tag-name of this element */ private $_tagName='unknown'; /** * @var string text enclosed between opening and closing tags of this element */ private $_value=''; /** * @var TXmlElementList list of child elements of this element */ private $_elements=null; /** * @var TMap attributes of this element */ private $_attributes=null; /** * Constructor. * @param string tag-name for this element */ public function __construct($tagName) { $this->setTagName($tagName); } /** * @return TXmlElement parent element of this element */ public function getParent() { return $this->_parent; } /** * @param TXmlElement parent element of this element */ public function setParent($parent) { $this->_parent=$parent; } /** * @return string tag-name of this element */ public function getTagName() { return $this->_tagName; } /** * @param string tag-name of this element */ public function setTagName($tagName) { $this->_tagName=$tagName; } /** * @return string text enclosed between opening and closing tag of this element */ public function getValue() { return $this->_value; } /** * @param string text enclosed between opening and closing tag of this element */ public function setValue($value) { $this->_value=TPropertyValue::ensureString($value); } /** * @return boolean true if this element has child elements */ public function getHasElement() { return $this->_elements!==null && $this->_elements->getCount()>0; } /** * @return boolean true if this element has attributes */ public function getHasAttribute() { return $this->_attributes!==null && $this->_attributes->getCount()>0; } /** * @return string the attribute specified by the name, null if no such attribute */ public function getAttribute($name) { if($this->_attributes!==null) return $this->_attributes->itemAt($name); else return null; } /** * @param string attribute name * @param string attribute value */ public function setAttribute($name,$value) { $this->getAttributes()->add($name,TPropertyValue::ensureString($value)); } /** * @return TXmlElementList list of child elements */ public function getElements() { if(!$this->_elements) $this->_elements=new TXmlElementList($this); return $this->_elements; } /** * @return TMap list of attributes */ public function getAttributes() { if(!$this->_attributes) $this->_attributes=new TMap; return $this->_attributes; } /** * @return TXmlElement the first child element that has the specified tag-name, null if not found */ public function getElementByTagName($tagName) { if($this->_elements) { foreach($this->_elements as $element) if($element->_tagName===$tagName) return $element; } return null; } /** * @return TList list of all child elements that have the specified tag-name */ public function getElementsByTagName($tagName) { $list=new TList; if($this->_elements) { foreach($this->_elements as $element) if($element->_tagName===$tagName) $list->add($element); } return $list; } /** * @return string string representation of this element */ public function toString($indent=0) { $attr=''; if($this->_attributes!==null) { foreach($this->_attributes as $name=>$value) { $value=$this->xmlEncode($value); $attr.=" $name=\"$value\""; } } $prefix=str_repeat(' ',$indent*4); if($this->getHasElement()) { $str=$prefix."<{$this->_tagName}$attr>\n"; foreach($this->getElements() as $element) $str.=$element->toString($indent+1)."\n"; $str.=$prefix."</{$this->_tagName}>"; return $str; } else if(($value=$this->getValue())!=='') { $value=$this->xmlEncode($value); return $prefix."<{$this->_tagName}$attr>$value</{$this->_tagName}>"; } else return $prefix."<{$this->_tagName}$attr />"; } /** * Magic-method override. Called whenever this element is used as a string. * <code> * $element = new TXmlElement('tag'); * echo $element; * </code> * or * <code> * $element = new TXmlElement('tag'); * $xml = (string)$element; * </code> * @return string string representation of this element */ public function __toString() { return $this->toString(); } private function xmlEncode($str) { return strtr($str,array( '>'=>'>', '<'=>'<', '&'=>'&', '"'=>'"', "\r"=>'
', "\t"=>'	', "\n"=>'
')); } } /** * TXmlDocument class. * * TXmlDocument represents a DOM representation of an XML file. * Besides all properties and methods inherited from {@link TXmlElement}, * you can load an XML file or string by {@link loadFromFile} or {@link loadFromString}. * You can also get the version and encoding of the XML document by * the Version and Encoding properties. * * To construct an XML string, you may do the following: * <code> * $doc=new TXmlDocument('1.0','utf-8'); * $doc->TagName='Root'; * * $proc=new TXmlElement('Proc'); * $proc->setAttribute('Name','xxxx'); * $doc->Elements[]=$proc; * * $query=new TXmlElement('Query'); * $query->setAttribute('ID','xxxx'); * $proc->Elements[]=$query; * * $attr=new TXmlElement('Attr'); * $attr->setAttribute('Name','aaa'); * $attr->Value='1'; * $query->Elements[]=$attr; * * $attr=new TXmlElement('Attr'); * $attr->setAttribute('Name','bbb'); * $attr->Value='1'; * $query->Elements[]=$attr; * </code> * The above code represents the following XML string: * <code> * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> * <Root> * <Proc Name="xxxx"> * <Query ID="xxxx"> * <Attr Name="aaa">1</Attr> * <Attr Name="bbb">1</Attr> * </Query> * </Proc> * </Root> * </code> * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package System.Xml * @since 3.0 */ class TXmlDocument extends TXmlElement { /** * @var string version of this XML document */ private $_version; /** * @var string encoding of this XML document */ private $_encoding; /** * Constructor. * @param string version of this XML document * @param string encoding of this XML document */ public function __construct($version='1.0',$encoding='') { parent::__construct(''); $this->setVersion($version); $this->setEncoding($encoding); } /** * @return string version of this XML document */ public function getVersion() { return $this->_version; } /** * @param string version of this XML document */ public function setVersion($version) { $this->_version=$version; } /** * @return string encoding of this XML document */ public function getEncoding() { return $this->_encoding; } /** * @param string encoding of this XML document */ public function setEncoding($encoding) { $this->_encoding=$encoding; } /** * Loads and parses an XML document. * @param string the XML file path * @return boolean whether the XML file is parsed successfully * @throws TIOException if the file fails to be opened. */ public function loadFromFile($file) { if(($str=@file_get_contents($file))!==false) return $this->loadFromString($str); else throw new TIOException('xmldocument_file_read_failed',$file); } /** * Loads and parses an XML string. * The version and encoding will be determined based on the parsing result. * @param string the XML string * @return boolean whether the XML string is parsed successfully */ public function loadFromString($string) { // TODO: since PHP 5.1, we can get parsing errors and throw them as exception $doc=new DOMDocument(); if($doc->loadXML($string)===false) return false; $this->setEncoding($doc->encoding); $this->setVersion($doc->version); $element=$doc->documentElement; $this->setTagName($element->tagName); $this->setValue($element->nodeValue); $elements=$this->getElements(); $attributes=$this->getAttributes(); $elements->clear(); $attributes->clear(); static $bSimpleXml; if($bSimpleXml === null) $bSimpleXml = (boolean)function_exists('simplexml_load_string'); if($bSimpleXml) { $simpleDoc = simplexml_load_string($string); $docNamespaces = $simpleDoc->getDocNamespaces(false); $simpleDoc = null; foreach($docNamespaces as $prefix => $uri) { if($prefix === '') $attributes->add('xmlns', $uri); else $attributes->add('xmlns:'.$prefix, $uri); } } foreach($element->attributes as $name=>$attr) $attributes->add(($attr->prefix === '' ? '' : $attr->prefix . ':') .$name,$attr->value); foreach($element->childNodes as $child) { if($child instanceof DOMElement) $elements->add($this->buildElement($child)); } return true; } /** * Saves this XML document as an XML file. * @param string the name of the file to be stored with XML output * @throws TIOException if the file cannot be written */ public function saveToFile($file) { if(($fw=fopen($file,'w'))!==false) { fwrite($fw,$this->saveToString()); fclose($fw); } else throw new TIOException('xmldocument_file_write_failed',$file); } /** * Saves this XML document as an XML string * @return string the XML string of this XML document */ public function saveToString() { $version=empty($this->_version)?' version="1.0"':' version="'.$this->_version.'"'; $encoding=empty($this->_encoding)?'':' encoding="'.$this->_encoding.'"'; return "<?xml{$version}{$encoding}?>\n".$this->toString(0); } /** * Magic-method override. Called whenever this document is used as a string. * <code> * $document = new TXmlDocument(); * $document->TagName = 'root'; * echo $document; * </code> * or * <code> * $document = new TXmlDocument(); * $document->TagName = 'root'; * $xml = (string)$document; * </code> * @return string string representation of this document */ public function __toString() { return $this->saveToString(); } /** * Recursively converts DOM XML nodes into TXmlElement * @param DOMXmlNode the node to be converted * @return TXmlElement the converted TXmlElement */ protected function buildElement($node) { $element=new TXmlElement($node->tagName); $element->setValue($node->nodeValue); foreach($node->attributes as $name=>$attr) $element->getAttributes()->add(($attr->prefix === '' ? '' : $attr->prefix . ':') . $name,$attr->value); foreach($node->childNodes as $child) { if($child instanceof DOMElement) $element->getElements()->add($this->buildElement($child)); } return $element; } } /** * TXmlElementList class. * * TXmlElementList represents a collection of {@link TXmlElement}. * You may manipulate the collection with the operations defined in {@link TList}. * * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com> * @package System.Xml * @since 3.0 */ class TXmlElementList extends TList { /** * @var TXmlElement owner of this list */ private $_o; /** * Constructor. * @param TXmlElement owner of this list */ public function __construct(TXmlElement $owner) { $this->_o=$owner; } /** * @return TXmlElement owner of this list */ protected function getOwner() { return $this->_o; } /** * Inserts an item at the specified position. * This overrides the parent implementation by performing additional * operations for each newly added TXmlElement object. * @param integer the specified position. * @param mixed new item * @throws TInvalidDataTypeException if the item to be inserted is not a TXmlElement object. */ public function insertAt($index,$item) { if($item instanceof TXmlElement) { parent::insertAt($index,$item); if($item->getParent()!==null) $item->getParent()->getElements()->remove($item); $item->setParent($this->_o); } else throw new TInvalidDataTypeException('xmlelementlist_xmlelement_required'); } /** * Removes an item at the specified position. * This overrides the parent implementation by performing additional * cleanup work when removing a TXmlElement object. * @param integer the index of the item to be removed. * @return mixed the removed item. */ public function removeAt($index) { $item=parent::removeAt($index); if($item instanceof TXmlElement) $item->setParent(null); return $item; } }