 * Prado core interfaces and classes.
 * This file contains and includes the definitions of Prado core interfaces and classes.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.pradosoft.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2005 PradoSoft
 * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System

 * The framework installation path.

 * Includes TComponent definition
 * Includes exception definitions
 * Includes TList definition
 * Includes TMap definition
 * Includes TXmlDocument, TXmlElement definition
 * Includes THttpUtility definition
 * Includes TCache definition
 * Includes TLogger definition

 * IModule interface.
 * This interface must be implemented by application modules.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface IModule
	 * Initializes the module.
	 * @param TXmlElement the configuration for the module
	public function init($config);
	 * @return string ID of the module
	public function getID();
	 * @param string ID of the module
	public function setID($id);

 * IService interface.
 * This interface must be implemented by services.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface IService
	 * Initializes the service.
	 * @param TXmlElement the configuration for the service
	public function init($config);
	 * @return string ID of the service
	public function getID();
	 * @param string ID of the service
	public function setID($id);
	 * Runs the service.
	public function run();

 * ITextWriter interface.
 * This interface must be implemented by writers.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface ITextWriter
	 * Writes a string.
	 * @param string string to be written
	public function write($str);
	 * Flushes the content that has been written.
	public function flush();

 * ITheme interface.
 * This interface must be implemented by theme.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface ITheme
	 * Applies this theme to the specified control.
	 * @param TControl the control to be applied with this theme
	public function apply($control);

 * ITemplate interface
 * ITemplate specifies the interface for classes encapsulating
 * parsed template structures.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface ITemplate
	 * Instantiates the template.
	 * Content in the template will be instantiated as components and text strings
	 * and passed to the specified parent control.
	 * @param TControl the parent control
	public function instantiateIn($parent);

 * IUser interface.
 * This interface must be implemented by user objects.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface IUser
	 * @return string username
	public function getName();
	 * @param string username
	public function setName($value);
	 * @return boolean if the user is a guest
	public function getIsGuest();
	 * @param boolean if the user is a guest
	public function setIsGuest($value);
	 * @return array list of roles that the user is of
	public function getRoles();
	 * @return array|string list of roles that the user is of. If it is a string, roles are assumed by separated by comma
	public function setRoles($value);
	 * @param string role to be tested
	 * @return boolean whether the user is of this role
	public function isInRole($role);
	 * @return string user data that is serialized and will be stored in session
	public function saveToString();
	 * @param string user data that is serialized and restored from session
	 * @return IUser the user object
	public function loadFromString($string);

 * IStatePersister class.
 * This interface must be implemented by all state persister classes (such as
 * {@link TPageStatePersister}, {@link TApplicationStatePersister}.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
interface IStatePersister
	 * Loads state from a persistent storage.
	 * @return mixed the state
	public function load();
	 * Saves state into a persistent storage.
	 * @param mixed the state to be saved
	public function save($state);

 * TModule class.
 * TModule implements the basic methods required by IModule and may be
 * used as the basic class for application modules.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
abstract class TModule extends TComponent implements IModule
	 * @var string module id
	private $_id;

	 * Initializes the module.
	 * This method is required by IModule and is invoked by application.
	 * @param TXmlElement module configuration
	public function init($config)

	 * @return string id of this module
	public function getID()
		return $this->_id;

	 * @param string id of this module
	public function setID($value)

 * TService class.
 * TService implements the basic methods required by IService and may be
 * used as the basic class for application services.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
abstract class TService extends TComponent implements IService
	 * @var string service id
	private $_id;

	 * Initializes the service and attaches {@link run} to the RunService event of application.
	 * This method is required by IService and is invoked by application.
	 * @param TXmlElement module configuration
	public function init($config)

	 * @return string id of this service
	public function getID()
		return $this->_id;

	 * @param string id of this service
	public function setID($value)

	 * Runs the service.
	public function run()

 * PradoBase class.
 * PradoBase implements a few fundamental static methods.
 * To use the static methods, Use Prado as the class name rather than PradoBase.
 * PradoBase is meant to serve as the base class of Prado. The latter might be
 * rewritten for customization.
 * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
 * @version $Revision: $  $Date: $
 * @package System
 * @since 3.0
class PradoBase
	 * File extension for Prado class files.
	const CLASS_FILE_EXT='.php';
	 * @var array list of path aliases
	private static $_aliases=array('System'=>PRADO_DIR);
	 * @var array list of namespaces currently in use
	private static $_usings=array();
	 * @var TApplication the application instance
	private static $_application=null;
	 * @var TLogger logger instance
	private static $_logger=null;

	 * @return string the version of Prado framework
	public static function getVersion()
		return '3.0a';

	 * PHP error handler.
	 * This method should be registered as PHP error handler using
	 * {@link set_error_handler}. The method throws an exception that
	 * contains the error information.
	 * @param integer the level of the error raised
	 * @param string the error message
	 * @param string the filename that the error was raised in
	 * @param integer the line number the error was raised at
	public static function phpErrorHandler($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline)
			throw new TPhpErrorException($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline);

	 * Default exception handler.
	 * This method should be registered as default exception handler using
	 * {@link set_exception_handler}. The method tries to use the errorhandler
	 * module of the Prado application to handle the exception.
	 * If the application or the module does not exist, it simply echoes the
	 * exception.
	 * @param Exception exception that is not caught
	public static function exceptionHandler($exception)
		if(self::$_application!==null && ($errorHandler=self::$_application->getErrorHandler())!==null)
			echo $exception;

	 * Stores the application instance in the class static member.
	 * This method helps implement a singleton pattern for TApplication.
	 * Repeated invocation of this method or the application constructor
	 * will cause the throw of an exception.
	 * This method should only be used by framework developers.
	 * @param TApplication the application instance
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if this method is invoked twice or more.
	public static function setApplication($application)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_application_singleton_required');

	 * @return TApplication the application singleton, null if the singleton has not be created yet.
	public static function getApplication()
		return self::$_application;

	 * @return string the path of the framework
	public static function getFrameworkPath()
		return PRADO_DIR;

	 * Serializes a data.
	 * Original PHP serialize function has a bug that may not serialize
	 * properly an object.
	 * @param mixed data to be serialized
	 * @return string the serialized data
	public static function serialize($data)
		return serialize($arr);

	 * Unserializes a data.
	 * Original PHP unserialize function has a bug that may not unserialize
	 * properly an object.
	 * @param string data to be unserialized
	 * @return mixed unserialized data, null if unserialize failed
	public static function unserialize($str)
		return isset($arr[0])?$arr[0]:null;

	 * Creates a component with the specified type.
	 * A component type can be either the component class name
	 * or a namespace referring to the path of the component class file.
	 * For example, 'TButton', 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TButton' are both
	 * valid component type.
	 * This method can also pass parameters to component constructors.
	 * All paramters passed to this method except the first one (the component type)
	 * will be supplied as component constructor paramters.
	 * @param string component type
	 * @return TComponent component instance of the specified type
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the component type is unknown
	public static function createComponent($type)
					throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_component_unknown',$type);
				if(!class_exists($className,false) && ($path=self::getPathOfNamespace($type))!==null)
						throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_component_unknown',$type);
			eval("\$component=new $type($s);");
			return $component;
			return new $type;

	 * Uses a namespace.
	 * A namespace ending with an asterisk '*' refers to a directory, otherwise it represents a PHP file.
	 * If the namespace corresponds to a directory, the directory will be appended
	 * to the include path. If the namespace corresponds to a file, it will be included (require_once).
	 * @param string namespace to be used
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the namespace is invalid
	public static function using($namespace)
				throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_using_invalid',$namespace);
				if($namespace[strlen($namespace)-1]==='*')  // a directory
						throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_using_invalid',$namespace);
				else  // a file
						throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_using_invalid',$namespace);

	 * Translates a namespace into a file path.
	 * The first segment of the namespace is considered as a path alias
	 * which is replaced with the actual path. The rest segments are
	 * subdirectory names appended to the aliased path.
	 * If the namespace ends with an asterisk '*', it represents a directory;
	 * Otherwise it represents a file whose extension name is specified by the second parameter (defaults to empty).
	 * Note, this method does not ensure the existence of the resulting file path.
	 * @param string namespace
	 * @param string extension to be appended if the namespace refers to a file
	 * @return string file path corresponding to the namespace, null if namespace is invalid
	public static function getPathOfNamespace($namespace,$ext='')
			return self::$_usings[$namespace];
		else if(isset(self::$_aliases[$namespace]))
			return self::$_aliases[$namespace];
			if(($file=array_pop($segs))!==null && ($root=self::getPathOfAlias($alias))!==null)
				return rtrim($root.'/'.implode('/',$segs),'/').(($file==='*')?'':'/'.$file.$ext);
				return null;

	 * @param string alias to the path
	 * @return string the path corresponding to the alias, null if alias not defined.
	public static function getPathOfAlias($alias)
			return self::$_aliases[$alias];
			return null;

	 * @param string alias to the path
	 * @param string the path corresponding to the alias
	 * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the alias is already defined
	 * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the path is not a valid file path
	public static function setPathOfAlias($alias,$path)
			throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_alias_redefined',$alias);
		else if(($rp=realpath($path))!==false && is_dir($rp))
			throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_alias_invalid',$alias,$path);

	 * Fatal error handler.
	 * This method displays an error message together with the current call stack.
	 * The application will exit after calling this method.
	 * @param string error message
	public static function fatalError($msg)
		echo '<h1>Fatal Error</h1>';
		echo '<p>'.$msg.'</p>';
		echo '<h2>Debug Backtrace</h2>';
		echo '<pre>';
		foreach(debug_backtrace() as $t)
			if($index==0)  // hide the backtrace of this function
			echo '#'.$index.' ';
				echo basename($t['file']) . ':' . $t['line'];
			   echo '<PHP inner-code>';
			echo ' -- ';
				echo $t['class'] . $t['type'];
			echo $t['function'];
			if(isset($t['args']) && sizeof($t['args']) > 0)
				echo '(...)';
				echo '()';
			echo "\n";
		echo '</pre>';

	 * Returns a list of user preferred languages.
	 * The languages are returned as an array. Each array element
	 * represents a single language preference. The languages are ordered
	 * according to user preferences. The first language is the most preferred.
	 * @return array list of user preferred languages.
	public static function getUserLanguages()
		static $languages=null;
			foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $language)
		return $languages;

	 * Returns the most preferred language by the client user.
	 * @return string the most preferred language by the client user, defaults to English.
	public static function getPreferredLanguage()
		static $language=null;
			if(empty($lang[0]) || !ctype_alpha($lang[0]))
		return $language;

	 * Writes a log message.
	 * This method wraps {@link log()} by checking the application mode.
	 * When the application is in Debug mode, debug backtrace information is appended
	 * to the message and the message is logged at DEBUG level.
	 * When the application is in Performance mode, this method does nothing.
	 * Otherwise, the message is logged at INFO level.
	 * @param string message to be logged
	 * @param string category of the message
	 * @see log, getLogger
	public static function trace($msg,$category='Uncategorized')
		if(self::$_application && self::$_application->getMode()==='Performance')
		if(!self::$_application || self::$_application->getMode()==='Debug')
			if(isset($trace[0]['file']) && isset($trace[0]['line']))
				$msg.=" (line {$trace[0]['line']}, {$trace[0]['file']})";

	 * Logs a message.
	 * Messages logged by this method may be retrieved via {@link TLogger::getLogs}
	 * and may be recorded in different media, such as file, email, database, using
	 * {@link TLogRouter}.
	 * @param string message to be logged
	 * @param integer level of the message. Valid values include
	 * TLogger::DEBUG, TLogger::INFO, TLogger::NOTICE, TLogger::WARNING,
	 * TLogger::ERROR, TLogger::ALERT, TLogger::FATAL.
	 * @param string category of the message
	public static function log($msg,$level=TLogger::INFO,$category='Uncategorized')
			self::$_logger=new TLogger;

	 * @return TLogger message logger
	public static function getLogger()
			self::$_logger=new TLogger;
		return self::$_logger;
