Targets: * Import jQuery as a prado js package (done) * Basic class/inheritance support to replace prototype's Class.create (done, using lowpro) * Glue prado PostBack/PostbackControl/Registry to jQuery (done) * port standard controls (started, wip) * port features (defaultbutton, validators, ..) (started, wip) * port Prado.Element's functions (replace, setStyle, ..) (done) * port Effects (done) * port basic active controls * create substitutes for exotic standard controls (date picker, accordion, colorpicker, slider, ..) * port exotic active controls (autocomplete, ...) * get tests running * ensure jQuery's compatibility mode with prototype (support old third party components from users? jQuery.noConflict(); by default?) * fix debug components (TJavascriptLogger) * document everything DONE Basic postback controls (TButton, TCheckBox, TLinkButton, TRadioButton, TTextBox) TTabPanel Validators TBD accordion colorpicker htmlarea/4 * TBD-JQUERY-UI clip explode transfer switchclass jui show, hide toggle?