* @link http://www.pradosoft.com/ * @copyright Copyright © 2005 PradoSoft * @license http://www.pradosoft.com/license/ * @version $Revision: $ $Date: $ * @package prado */ /** * PRADO Requirements Checker script * * This script will check if your system meets the requirements for running PRADO. * It will check if you are running the right version of PHP, if you included * the right libraries and if your php.ini file settings are correct. * * This script is capable of displaying localized messages. * All messages are stored in messages.txt. A localized message file is named as * messsages-.txt, and it will be used when the client browser * chooses the corresponding language. * The script output uses a template named template.html. * Its localized version is stored in template-.html. */ /** * Includes Prado class file */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../framework/prado.php'); // TO BE CONFIRMED: PHP 5.1.0 has problem with I18N and L10N /** * @var array List of requirements (required or not, check item, hint) */ $requirements = array( array(true,'version_compare(PHP_VERSION,"5.0.4",">=")','PHP version check','PHP 5.0.4 or higher required'), array(false,'extension_loaded("zlib")','Zlib check','Zlib extension optional'), array(false,'extension_loaded("sqlite")','SQLite check','SQLite extension optional'), array(false,'extension_loaded("memcache")','Memcache check','Memcache extension optional'), ); $results = "\n"; $conclusion = 0; foreach($requirements as $requirement) { list($required,$expression,$aspect,$hint)=$requirement; eval('$ret='.$expression.';'); if($required) { if($ret) $ret='passed'; else { $conclusion=1; $ret='error'; } } else { if($ret) $ret='passed'; else { if($conclusion!==1) $conclusion=2; $ret='warning'; } } $results.="\n"; } $results .= '
'; if($conclusion===0) $conclusion=lmessage('all passed'); else if($conclusion===1) $conclusion=lmessage('failed'); else $conclusion=lmessage('passed with warnings'); $tokens = array( '%%Conclusion%%' => $conclusion, '%%Details%%' => $results, '%%Version%%' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].' PRADO/'.Prado::getVersion(), '%%Time%%' => strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%m',time()), ); $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $templateFile=dirname(__FILE__)."/template-$lang.html"; if(!is_file($templateFile)) $templateFile=dirname(__FILE__).'/template.html'; if(($content=@file_get_contents($templateFile))===false) die("Unable to open template file '$templateFile'."); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); echo strtr($content,$tokens); /** * Returns a localized message according to user preferred language. * @param string message to be translated * @return string translated message */ function lmessage($token) { static $messages=null; if($messages===null) { $lang = Prado::getPreferredLanguage(); $msgFile=dirname(__FILE__)."/messages-$lang.txt"; if(!is_file($msgFile)) $msgFile=dirname(__FILE__).'/messages.txt'; if(($entries=@file($msgFile))!==false) { foreach($entries as $entry) { @list($code,$message)=explode('=',$entry,2); $messages[trim($code)]=trim($message); } } } return isset($messages[$token])?$messages[$token]:$token; } ?>