
class MultiViewTestCase extends SeleniumTestCase
	function test ()
		$this->open("../../demos/quickstart/index.php?page=Controls.Samples.TMultiView.Home&amp;notheme=true&amp;lang=en", "");

		$this->verifyTitle("PRADO QuickStart Sample", "");

		// view 1 : type in a string

		// view 3 : check if the output is updated
		$this->verifyTextPresent('Your text input is: test');
		$this->verifyTextPresent('Your color choice is: Red');

		// view 2 : update dropdownlist
		$this->select('ctl0$body$DropDownList', "label=Blue");

		// view 3 : check if the output is updated
		$this->verifyTextPresent('Your text input is: test');
		$this->verifyTextPresent('Your color choice is: Blue');

		// view 2 : check if dropdownlist maintains state
		$this->verifySelected('ctl0$body$DropDownList', "label=Blue");
