
class QuickstartWizard3TestCase extends PradoGenericSelenium2Test
	function test ()

		$this->assertEquals("PRADO QuickStart Sample", $this->title());

		// step 1
		$this->assertSourceContains('A Mini Survey');
		$this->assertSourceContains('PRADO QuickStart Sample');

		// step 2
		$this->select('ctl0$body$Wizard3$DropDownList11', "Chemistry");

		// step 3
		$this->select('ctl0$body$Wizard3$DropDownList22', "Tennis");

		// step 4
		$this->assertSourceContains('You are a college student');
		$this->assertSourceContains('You are in major: Chemistry');
		$this->assertSourceContains('Your favorite sport is: Tennis');

		// run the example again. this time we skip the page asking about major

		// step 1

		// step 3
		$this->select('ctl0$body$Wizard3$DropDownList22', "Baseball");

		// step 4
		$this->assertSourceNotContains('You are a college student');
		$this->assertSourceContains('Your favorite sport is: Baseball');