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<p>JSRMI (Javascript Remote Method Invocation) is a portable browser-neutral Javascript library that makes it possible to execute
Javascript functions in a browser from a process external to the browser.</p>
<p>JSRMI is not in any way tied to Java's RMI, but provides a similar mechanism. JSRMI is completely decoupled from the core Selenium Javascript API, but it can
be used to access the Selenium API from outside the browser.  </p>
<p>All of the
browser-side JSRMI code resides in the rmi.js script - available in the Selenium
<h2>Browser support</h2>
  <li>IE 5</li>
  <li>Mozilla 1</li>
  <li>Netscape 7</li>
  <li>Firefox 0.92</li>
  <li>Safari 1.2</li>
<h2>Language support</h2>
<p>Libraries for other languages are under way.</p>
<h1>How do I use JSRMI from an external process?</h1>
<p>Just include the jsrmi script in your own:</p>
<p><font face="Courier New">require &quot;jsrmi&quot;<br>
browser = Selenium::Browser.new.proxy<br>
someArea = browser.document.getElementById(&quot;someArea&quot;)<br>
someArea.value = &quot;Hello from Ruby #{Time.new}&quot;</font></p>
<p>This will modify the text of a text area in the browser. Looks strangely
familiar to Javascript doesn't it? You can of course call the selenium API too
if the browser has loaded the main Selenium page (which also includes the rmi.js
script - at least that is the plan - I hope (Aslak)).</p>
<h1>How does it work?</h1>
<p>(You can safely skip this section if you don't care - this is gory details)</p>
<h2>Browser side</h2>
<p>The rmi.js script uses the
<a href="http://developer.apple.com/internet/webcontent/xmlhttpreq.html">
XMLHttpRequest</a> object (available in all compatible browsers) to communicate
with the external process. It executes a GET-POST loop which is repeated ad
infinitum - pulling JSRMI invocations from the external process with GET and
POSTing the results back. This all happens in a separate thread, thereby having
minimal impact on the rest of the web page - without causing a page refresh.</p>
<p>The rmi.js script will do a HTTP GET to a URL on the same host/port as the rmi.js
script was loaded from. The content returned from the GET (which must comply
with the <a href="#protocol">JSRMI protocol</a>) is then translated into
Javascript and dynamically executed via Javascript's <font face="Courier New">
eval()</font> function.</p>
<p>The result of the function call (typically a Javascript object) is translated
back into the JSRMI protocol format and POSTed back to the same URL as the GET.</p>
<h2>External process side</h2>
<p>The external process typically consists of a library that embeds the
following functionality:</p>
  <li>A HTTP server (should be light to ensure fast startup)</li>
  <li>An API that translates local invocations into the JSRMI protocol</li>
  <li>Two blocking queues:</li>
    <li>Output queue - HTTP GET invocations will take JSRMI protocol strings
    (representing browser side invocations) from this queue and block until
    something is available. These strings are returned to the HTTP client (The
    rmi.js script in the browser). This means a blocking GET for the JSRMI
    browser side).</li>
    <li>Input queue - HTTP POST data from the browser side JSRMI will be enqued
    here. This data represents results of browser side Javascript invocations.</li>
<p>A local invocation should translate the invocation to a JSRMI protocol string
and put it on the output queue (which jsrmi will GET). It should then wait for
the result of the browser side invocation to be put back on the input queue via
a POST from jsrmi. Finally it should translate the return value (another JSRMI
protocol string) into a native object and return it to the caller.</p>
<p>At any given point in time there should only be one single JSRMI protocol
string in one of the queues - depending on the where the invocation is in its
<h2>Reference objects</h2>
<p>JSRMI allows objects (such as browser side HTMLDocument, HTMLTextField etc)
to be transferred back and forth. This is based on a simple mechanism where each
object is given a unique id and maintained in a pool on each side. this pool is
used to reference and dereference native objects back and forth from the JSRMI
protocol strings.</p>
<h1>Why would I use JSRMI?</h1>
<h2>With Selenium</h2>
<p>The Selenium browser runtime will load both selenium test scripts and the web 
pages from the web application you're testing into the browser. Modern browsers 
don't allow content to be loaded from different hosts (cross browsing security 
restrictions). A web application being tested will typically be deployed on a 
server, and therefore the selenium test scripts must be loaded from the same web 
server. Depending on who's writing the Selenium scripts and executing them, this 
may or may not be a restriction to its usage.</p>
<p>Under some circumstances it is desirable to keep Selenium test scripts on 
your local machine (the same as the one running the browser with the Selenium 
runtime) rather than on a remote web server hosting the web application being 
tested. Some examples are:</p>
  <li>The edit/run cycle of selenium scripts can be cumbersome if the script has 
  to be deployed to a server each time it is modified. Being able to keep the 
  scripts on a different machine (such as the one on your desk) can 
  significantly improve the ease of use and rapid development of tests. JSRMI 
  lets you do just that.</li>
  <li>Putting in place a deployment routine for selenium script requires 
  technical knowledge of the web application's build process as well as the web 
  server hosting it. Many users of Selenium will not have easy access to this 
  expertise. JSRMI lets these users use Selenium nevertheless.</li>
<p><i>It is important to emphasise that hosting the Selenium scripts on a local 
machine would also require that the browser loads the web site being tested from 
the local machine. Aren't we creating new problems by requiring testers to 
install a full web server environment on their machines? Actually no. The JSRMI 
libraries in Ruby and Java (and those who may follow) will soon provide a light 
HTTP proxy server. The local browser will load the remote web site through this 
HTTP proxy. The browser's security restrictions are satisfied since all content 
(Selenium runtime, Selenium scripts and the remote website) is loaded through 
<h2>Scripting of existing web applications</h2>
<p>Think of all boring web form tasks you could automate with JSRMI....</p>
<h1><a name="protocol">The JSRMI protocol</a></h1>
<p>TODO: describe the format.</p>
<h1>How do I implement a JSRMI client library for language X?</h1>
<p>Start by understand the inner workings - look at the ruby implementation and
study the javascript. (When the JSRMI protocol is better described, studying
this code should not be necessary).  </p>
<p>It will be to implement a JSRMI client
library in a dynamic language than a static language, because dynamic languages
allow arbitrary messages (method invocations) to be sent to an object. Most
dynamic languages (Ruby, Python, Groovy, Smalltalk) have a generic mechanism to
intercept any message and an object message-&gt;JSRMI protocol translation logic is
trivial to implement based on this.</p>
<h2>Guidelines for static languages such as Java and C#</h2>
<p>JSRMI clients for static languages such as Java or C# will either have to
choose a subset of the Javascript functions and objects that you want to access,
or implement some generic invocation mechanism that allows raw JSRMI protocol
<p>The former is more easy to use from a user perspective, but will be
restricted in terms of flexibility. The latter is completely generic, but
awkward to deal with from a user perspective.</p>
<p>The recommendation is to implement a raw interface to the JSRMI protocol and
have a generic dynamic proxy implementation on top of that. This way the API
support can easily be extended simply by implementing new interfaces for the
Javascript counterparts and generate dynamic proxies on the fly as needed. </p>
<h2>Calling functions/methods in an external process from the browser using JSRMI</h2>
<p>This is currently not possible.</p>