 * Selenium PHP driver. Saves the test command in a "out" queue (in session),
 * and for each selenese request, remove the first comand from the "out" queue
 * and push the results into the "in" queque (also in session). When "out" queque
 * is empty, write the results to disk.
 * Usage: See ../../example.php
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the BSD License.
 * Copyright(c) 2004 by Wei Zhuo. All rights reserved.
 * To contact the author write to {@link mailto:weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com Wei Zhuo}
 * The latest version of PRADO can be obtained from:
 * {@link http://prado.sourceforge.net/}
 * @author Wei Zhuo <weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.66 $  $Date: Wed Nov 02 10:13:17 EST 2005 10:13:17 $
 * @package Prado.tests

 * Selenium automatic client runner,
 * @author Wei Zhuo<weizhuo[at]gmail[dot]com>
 * @version $Revision: 1.66 $  $Date: Fri Nov 04 13:20:12 EST 2005 13:20:12 $
 * @package Prado.tests


class SeleniumTestRunner
	protected $driver;
	protected $base_dir = '';

	public function __construct($driver=null, $base_dir='../javascript/')
		if(is_null($driver) && !(php_sapi_name() == 'cli'))
			$driver = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
		$this->driver = $driver;
		$this->base_dir = $base_dir;

	public function render()
		if((php_sapi_name() == 'cli')) return;
		$file = dirname(__FILE__).'/TestRunner.php';
		$driver = $this->driver;
		$base_dir = $this->base_dir;

	public function getDriver()
		return $this->driver;

class SeleniumTestStorage
	protected $outputs = array();
	protected $tests = array();

	public function getTests()
		return $this->tests;

	public function addCommand($test_case_id, $command)
		$data = array($test_case_id, $command);
		array_push($this->outputs, $data);

	public function getCommand()
		return array_shift($this->outputs);

	public function addTestCase($command, $trace_details, $test_name, $test_suite)
		$data = array(0, 0, $command, "", $trace_details, $test_name, $test_suite);
		array_push($this->tests, $data);

class SeleneseInterpreter
	protected $storage;
	protected $tracer;

	public function __construct($storage, $tracer)
		$this->storage = $storage;
		$this->tracer = $tracer;

	public function getTests()
		return $this->storage->getTests();

	public function getCommand()
		$command = $this->storage->getCommand();
		return empty($command) ? "|testComplete|||" : "{$command[1]}<{$command[0]}>";

	public function __call($func, $args)
		if($func{0} == '_') return;
		$ID = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : "";
		if($ID instanceof TControl)
			$ID = $ID->ClientID;
		$value = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : "";
		$command = "|{$func}|{$ID}|{$value}|";
		$trace = debug_backtrace();
		return $this->addCommand($command, $trace);

	protected function addCommand($command, $trace)
		list($trace, $test, $suite) = $this->tracer->getTrace($trace);
		$test_id = $this->storage->addTestCase($command, $trace, $test, $suite);
		$this->storage->addCommand($test_id, $command);

class SeleniumTestTrace
	protected $root;

	public function __construct($root)
		$this->root = $root;

	public function getTrace($trace)
		$group = array_pop($trace);
		$info = $trace[3];
		$test = $group['args'][0]->getTestStack();
		$i = count($test);
		$name = $test[1].'::'.$test[$i-1];
		$suite = $test[0];
		for($i = 0; $i < count($info['args']); $i++)
			if($info['args'][$i] instanceof TControl)
				$info['args'][$i] = $info['args'][$i]->ClientID;
		$file = str_replace($this->root, '', $info['file']);
		$info['file'] = substr($file, 1);
 		return array($info, $name, $suite);

class SeleniumReporter extends SimpleReporter
	function getTestStack()
		return $this->_test_stack;

class SimpleSeleniumProxyServer// extends SeleniumProxyServer
	protected $runner;
	protected $int;
	protected $result_file;

	public function __construct($runner, $int, $result_file)
		$this->int = $int;
		$this->runner = $runner;
		$this->result_file = $result_file;

	public function proxy()
		return $this->int;

	public static function getInstance($root='/', $result_file='results.dat', $base_dir='selenium/')
		static $instance;
			$storage = new SeleniumTestStorage();
			$tracer = new SeleniumTestTrace($root);
			$interpreter = new SeleneseInterpreter($storage, $tracer);
			$runner = new SeleniumTestRunner(null, $base_dir);
			$instance = new SimpleSeleniumProxyServer($runner, $interpreter, $result_file);
		return $instance;

	public function handleRequest()
		$client = new SeleniumTestRunnerServer($this->int, $this->runner);
		return true;

	public function serveResults()
		$result = null;

			$result = new SeleniumTestResult();
			file_put_contents($this->result_file, serialize($result));
		else if(isset($_GET['results']))
				$result = unserialize(file_get_contents($this->result_file));
			$reporter = new SeleniumHtmlReporter($result);


class SeleniumTestSuiteWriter
	protected $suites;
	protected $name;
	protected $runner;

	function __construct($suites, $name, $runner)
		$this->suites = $suites;
		$this->name = $name;
		$this->runner = $runner;


	protected function renderHeader()
		$contents = <<<EOD
<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
<title>Test Suite</title>



<table     cellpadding="1"
		return $contents;

	public function render()
		echo $this->renderHeader();
		foreach($this->suites as $name => $suite)
			$file = $suite[0]['trace']['file'];
			$url = $this->runner->getDriver()."?case={$name}&file={$file}";
			echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td><a href=\"{$url}\">{$name}</a></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
		echo $this->renderFooter();

	protected function getJsTraceInfo()
		$contents = "var prado_trace = {};\n";
		foreach($this->suites as $name => $suite)
			$name = $name;
			$contents .= "prado_trace['{$name}'] = new Array();\n";
			foreach($suite as $testcase)
				$trace = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(serialize($testcase['trace'])));
				$contents .= "prado_trace['{$name}'].push('{$trace}')\n";
		return $contents;

	protected function renderFooter()
		$trace = $this->getJsTraceInfo();
		$contents = <<<EOD
	<script type="text/javascript">
		return $contents;

class SeleniumTestCaseWriter
	protected $case;
	protected $tests;

	function __construct($case, $tests)
		$this->case = $case;
		$this->tests = $tests;

	protected function renderHeader()
		$contents = <<<EOD
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="1" id=TABLE1>
      <td rowspan="1" colspan="3"><strong>{$this->case}</strong></td>
		return $contents;

	public function render()
		echo $this->renderHeader();
		foreach($this->tests as $test)
			$t = explode('|', $test['test']);
			echo "<tr>\n";
			echo "<td>{$t[1]}</td>\n";
			echo "<td>{$t[2]}</td>\n";
			echo "<td>{$t[3]}</td>\n";
			echo "</tr>\n";
		echo $this->renderFooter();

	protected function renderFooter()
		$contents = <<<EOD
		return $contents;

class SeleniumTestRunnerServer
	protected $cases = array();
	protected $trace = array();
	protected $name;
	protected $runner;

	public function __construct($int, $runner)
		$this->runner = $runner;

	protected function initialize($int)
		foreach($int->getTests() as $command)
			$case = $command[5];
			$this->cases[$case][] =
				array('test' => $command[2], 'trace' => $command[4]);
				$this->name = $command[6];

	function serve()
			$testSuite = new SeleniumTestSuiteWriter($this->cases,
								$this->name, $this->runner);
		else if($this->isTestCaseRequest())
			if(($case = $this->getTestCaseRequest()) !== false)

				$testCase = new SeleniumTestCaseWriter($case, $this->getTestCase());

	protected function isTestSuiteRequest()
		return isset($_GET['testSuites']);

	protected function isTestCaseRequest()
		return isset($_GET['case']);

	public function isClientRequest()
		return !$this->isTestSuiteRequest() && !$this->isTestCaseRequest();

	protected function getTestCaseRequest()
		$case = $_GET['case'];
			return $case;
		else return false;

	protected function getTestCase()
		$case = $_GET['case'];
			return $this->cases[$case];
			return array();

class SeleniumTestCase extends UnitTestCase
	protected $selenium;
	protected $Page;

	function __construct()
		$server = SimpleSeleniumProxyServer::getInstance();
			$this->selenium = $server->proxy();

	public function initPage($file)
		$this->Page = prado::getApplication()->getTestPage($file);

	function __call($func, $args)
		if(count($args) == 0)
			return $this->selenium->{$func}();
		else if	(count($args) == 1)
			return $this->selenium->{$func}($args[0]);
		else if (count($args) == 2)
			return $this->selenium->{$func}($args[0], $args[1]);
