<?php if(!defined('FRAMEWORK_DIR')) define('FRAMEWORK_DIR',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../framework')); if(!defined('SIMPLETEST_DIR')) define('SIMPLETEST_DIR',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../simpletest')); require_once(SIMPLETEST_DIR.'/unit_tester.php'); require_once(SIMPLETEST_DIR.'/reporter.php'); require_once(SIMPLETEST_DIR.'/HtmlReporterWithCoverage.php'); require_once(FRAMEWORK_DIR.'/core.php'); class Prado extends PradoBase { } function __autoload($className) { require_once($className.Prado::CLASS_FILE_EXT); } error_reporting(E_ALL); restore_error_handler(); /** * PradoTestCase class. * * Extends the simpletest UnitTestCase class to provide some fairly generic extra functionality. * * @author Alex Flint <alex@linium.net> */ class PradoUnitTestCase extends UnitTestCase { /** * Tests whether the given code results in an appropriate exception being raised. * @param string the PHP code to execute. must end with a semi-colon. * @param string the type of exception that should be raised. * @return boolean true */ public function assertException(string $code, string $exception) { $pass = false; $code = " try { $code } catch ($exception \$e) { \$pass = true; }"; eval($code); if ($pass) { $this->pass(); } else { $this->fail("Code did not produce correct exception (wanted $exception, got something else"); } } } ?>