<?php /** * Keeps track of the people in our Contact list. * * Starts with a standard Contact list and can add * new people to our list or change existing Contacts. * This class is for example purposes only, just to * show how to create a webservice */ class ContactManager{ /** * Gets the current Contact list. * @return Contact[] * @soapmethod */ public function getContacts() { $Contact = new Contact(); $Contact->address = new Address(); $Contact->address->city ="sesamcity"; $Contact->address->street ="sesamstreet"; $Contact->email = "me@you.com"; $Contact->id = 1; $Contact->name ="me"; $ret[] = $Contact; //debugObject("Contacten: ",$ret); return $ret; } /** * Gets the Contact with the given id. * @param int $id The id * @return Contact * @soapmethod */ public function getContact($id) { //get Contact from db //might wanna throw an exception when it does not exists throw new Exception("Contact '$id' not found"); } /** * Generates an new, empty Contact template * @return Contact * @soapmethod */ public function newContact() { return new Contact(); } /** * Saves a given Contact * @param Contact $Contact * @return boolean * @soapmethod */ public function saveContact(Contact $Contact) { //error_log(var_export($Contact,true)); //$Contact->save(); return true; } /** * @return mixed * @soapmethod */ public function getList() { return array(array(1,2), array("12", 1.2)); } /** * @return array * @soapmethod */ public function getEmptyArray() { return array(); } } /** * The Contact details for a person * * Stores the person's name, address and e-mail * This class is for example purposes only, just to * show how to create a webservice * */ class Contact{ /** * @var int $id * @soapproperty */ public $id; /** * @var string $name * @soapproperty */ public $name; /** @var Address $address * @soapproperty */ public $address; /** @var string $email * @soapproperty */ public $email; /** * saves a Contact * * @return void */ public function save() { //save Contact 2 db } } /** * Stores an address * * An address consists of a street, number, zipcode and city. * This class is for example purposes only, just to * show how to create a webservice * */ class Address{ /** @var string $street * @soapproperty */ public $street; /** @var string $nr * @soapproperty */ public $nr; /** @var string $zipcode * @soapproperty */ public $zipcode; /** @var string $city * @soapproperty */ public $city; } ?>