0) $connection->createCommand($line)->execute(); } } } class CopyFileScriptRunner { protected $baseFile; protected $targetFile; public function __construct($base, $target) { $this->baseFile = $base; $this->targetFile = $target; } function runScript($connection, $script) { copy($this->baseFile, $this->targetFile); } } class SQLiteBaseTestConfig extends BaseTestConfig { protected $baseFile; protected $targetFile; public function __construct() { $this->_sqlmapConfigFile = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/sqlite.xml'; $this->_scriptDir = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/scripts/sqlite/'; $this->targetFile = realpath(SQLMAP_TESTS.'/sqlite/tests.db'); $this->baseFile = realpath(SQLMAP_TESTS.'/sqlite/backup.db'); $file = realpath($this->targetFile); $this->_connection = new TDbConnection("sqlite:{$file}"); } public function getScriptRunner() { return new CopyFileScriptRunner($this->baseFile, $this->targetFile); } } class MySQLBaseTestConfig extends BaseTestConfig { public function __construct() { $this->_sqlmapConfigFile = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/mysql.xml'; $this->_scriptDir = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/scripts/mysql/'; $this->_features = array('insert_id'); $dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sqlmap_test'; $this->_connection = new TDbConnection($dsn, 'test', 'test111'); } } class MSSQLBaseTestConfig extends BaseTestConfig { public function __construct() { $this->_sqlmap = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/mssql.xml'; $this->_connectionString = 'odbc_mssql://sqlmap_tests'; $this->_scriptDir = SQLMAP_TESTS.'/scripts/mssql/'; $this->_features = array('insert_id'); } } class BaseTestConfig { protected $_scriptDir; protected $_connection; protected $_sqlmapConfigFile; public function hasFeature($type) { return false; } public function getScriptDir() { return $this->_scriptDir; } public function getConnection() { return $this->_connection; } public function getSqlMapConfigFile() { return $this->_sqlmapConfigFile; } public function getScriptRunner() { return new DefaultScriptRunner(); } public static function createConfigInstance() { //change this to connection to a different database return new MySQLBaseTestConfig(); //return new SQLiteBaseTestConfig(); //return new MSSQLBaseTestConfig(); } } ?>