'Firefox on OSX', 'browserName' => '*firefox', 'host' => '', 'port' => 4444, ), */ array( 'name' => 'Chrome on OSX', 'browserName' => 'chrome', 'sessionStrategy' => 'shared', 'host' => '', 'port' => 4444, ), /* array( 'name' => 'Safari on OSX', 'browserName' => 'safari', 'sessionStrategy' => 'shared', 'host' => '', 'port' => 4444, ), */ /* array( 'name' => 'Firefox on WindowsXP', 'browserName' => '*firefox', 'host' => '', 'port' => 4445, ), array( 'name' => 'Internet Explorer 8 on WindowsXP', 'browserName' => '*iehta', 'host' => '', 'port' => 4445, ) */ ); static $baseurl=''; static $timeout=5; //seconds protected function setUp() { self::shareSession(true); $this->setBrowserUrl(static::$baseurl); $this->setSeleniumServerRequestsTimeout(static::$timeout); } protected function assertAttribute($idattr, $txt) { list($id, $attr) = explode('@', $idattr); $element = $this->getElement($id); $value=$element->attribute($attr); if(strpos($txt, 'regexp:')===0) { $this->assertRegExp('/'.substr($txt, 7).'/', $value); } else { $this->assertEquals($txt, $value); } } protected function getElement($id) { if(strpos($id, 'id=')===0) { return $this->byId(substr($id, 3)); } elseif(strpos($id, 'name=')===0) { return $this->byName(substr($id, 5)); } elseif(strpos($id, '//')===0) { return $this->byXPath($id); } elseif(strpos($id, '$')!==false) { return $this->byName($id); } else { return $this->byId($id); } } protected function assertText($id, $txt) { $this->assertEquals($txt, $this->getElement($id)->text()); } protected function assertValue($id, $txt) { $this->assertEquals($txt, $this->getElement($id)->value()); } protected function assertVisible($id) { try{ $this->assertTrue($this->getElement($id)->displayed()); } catch (PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException $e) { //stale element reference. try second time. $this->pause(50); $this->assertTrue($this->getElement($id)->displayed()); } } protected function assertNotVisible($id) { try{ $this->assertFalse($this->getElement($id)->displayed()); } catch (PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException $e) { //stale element reference. try second time. $this->pause(50); $this->assertFalse($this->getElement($id)->displayed()); } } protected function assertElementPresent($id) { $this->assertTrue($this->getElement($id)!==null); } protected function assertElementNotPresent($id) { try { $el = $this->getElement($id); } catch (PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException $e) { $this->assertEquals(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException::NoSuchElement, $e->getCode()); return; } $this->fail('The element '.$id.' shouldn\'t exist.'); } protected function type($id, $txt='') { $element = $this->getElement($id); $element->clear(); $element->value($txt); // trigger onblur() event $this->byCssSelector('body')->click(); } protected function typeSpecial($id, $txt='') { $element = $this->getElement($id); // clear the textbox without using clear() that triggers onchange() // the idea is to focus the input, move to the end of the text and hit // backspace until the input is empty. // on multiline textareas, line feeds can make this difficult, so we mix // sequences of end+backspace and start+delete $element->click(); while(strlen($element->value())>0) { $this->keys(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_Keys::END); // the number 100 is purely empiric for($i=0;$i<100;$i++) $this->keys(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_Keys::BACKSPACE); $this->keys(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_Keys::HOME); // the number 100 is purely empiric for($i=0;$i<100;$i++) $this->keys(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_Keys::DELETE); } $element->value($txt); // trigger onblur() event $this->byCssSelector('body')->click(); } protected function select($id, $value) { $select = parent::select($this->getElement($id)); $select->clearSelectedOptions(); $select->selectOptionByLabel($value); } protected function selectAndWait($id, $value) { $this->select($id, $value); } protected function addSelection($id, $value) { parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectOptionByLabel($value); } protected function getSelectedLabels($id) { return parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectedLabels(); } protected function getSelectOptions($id) { return parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectOptionLabels(); } protected function assertSelectedIndex($id, $value) { $options=parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectOptionValues(); $curval=parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectedValue(); $i=0; foreach($options as $option) { if($option==$curval) { $this->assertEquals($i, $value); return; } $i++; } $this->fail('Current value '.$curval.' not found in: '.implode(',', $options)); } protected function assertSelected($id, $label) { $this->assertSame($label, parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectedLabel()); } protected function assertNotSomethingSelected($id) { $this->assertSame(array(), $this->getSelectedLabels($id)); } protected function assertSelectedValue($id, $index) { $this->assertSame($index, parent::select($this->getElement($id))->selectedValue()); } protected function assertAlertNotPresent() { try { $foo=$this->alertText(); } catch (PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException $e) { $this->assertEquals(PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException::NoAlertOpenError, $e->getCode()); return; } $this->fail('Failed asserting no alert is open'); } protected function pause($msec) { usleep($msec*1000); } public function assertSourceContains($text) { $found = strpos($this->source(), $text) !== false; for($i=0;$i<10 && ! $found; $i++) { $this->pause(20); $found = strpos($this->source(), $text) !== false; } $this->assertTrue($found, "Failed asserting that page source contains $text"); } public function assertSourceNotContains($text) { $found = strpos($this->source(), $text) !== false; for($i=0;$i<10 && $found; $i++) { $this->pause(20); $found = strpos($this->source(), $text) !== false; } $this->assertFalse($found, "Failed asserting that page source does not contain $text"); } }