/* * Copyright 2004 ThoughtWorks, Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /* * This script provides the Javascript API to drive the test application contained within * a Browser Window. * TODO: * Add support for more events (keyboard and mouse) * Allow to switch "user-entry" mode from mouse-based to keyboard-based, firing different * events in different modes. */ // The window to which the commands will be sent. For example, to click on a // popup window, first select that window, and then do a normal click command. var BrowserBot = function(topLevelApplicationWindow) { this.topWindow = topLevelApplicationWindow; this.topFrame = this.topWindow; this.baseUrl=window.location.href; // the buttonWindow is the Selenium window // it contains the Run/Pause buttons... this should *not* be the AUT window this.buttonWindow = window; this.currentWindow = this.topWindow; this.currentWindowName = null; // We need to know this in advance, in case the frame closes unexpectedly this.isSubFrameSelected = false; this.altKeyDown = false; this.controlKeyDown = false; this.shiftKeyDown = false; this.metaKeyDown = false; this.modalDialogTest = null; this.recordedAlerts = new Array(); this.recordedConfirmations = new Array(); this.recordedPrompts = new Array(); this.openedWindows = {}; this.nextConfirmResult = true; this.nextPromptResult = ''; this.newPageLoaded = false; this.pageLoadError = null; this.shouldHighlightLocatedElement = false; this.uniqueId = new Date().getTime(); this.pollingForLoad = new Object(); this.permDeniedCount = new Object(); this.windowPollers = new Array(); // DGF for backwards compatibility this.browserbot = this; var self = this; objectExtend(this, PageBot.prototype); this._registerAllLocatorFunctions(); this.recordPageLoad = function(elementOrWindow) { LOG.debug("Page load detected"); try { if (elementOrWindow.location && elementOrWindow.location.href) { LOG.debug("Page load location=" + elementOrWindow.location.href); } else if (elementOrWindow.contentWindow && elementOrWindow.contentWindow.location && elementOrWindow.contentWindow.location.href) { LOG.debug("Page load location=" + elementOrWindow.contentWindow.location.href); } else { LOG.debug("Page load location unknown, current window location=" + this.getCurrentWindow(true).location); } } catch (e) { LOG.error("Caught an exception attempting to log location; this should get noticed soon!"); LOG.exception(e); self.pageLoadError = e; return; } self.newPageLoaded = true; }; this.isNewPageLoaded = function() { if (this.pageLoadError) { LOG.error("isNewPageLoaded found an old pageLoadError"); var e = this.pageLoadError; this.pageLoadError = null; throw e; } return self.newPageLoaded; }; }; // DGF PageBot exists for backwards compatibility with old user-extensions var PageBot = function(){}; BrowserBot.createForWindow = function(window, proxyInjectionMode) { var browserbot; LOG.debug('createForWindow'); LOG.debug("browserName: " + browserVersion.name); LOG.debug("userAgent: " + navigator.userAgent); if (browserVersion.isIE) { browserbot = new IEBrowserBot(window); } else if (browserVersion.isKonqueror) { browserbot = new KonquerorBrowserBot(window); } else if (browserVersion.isOpera) { browserbot = new OperaBrowserBot(window); } else if (browserVersion.isSafari) { browserbot = new SafariBrowserBot(window); } else { // Use mozilla by default browserbot = new MozillaBrowserBot(window); } // getCurrentWindow has the side effect of modifying it to handle page loads etc browserbot.proxyInjectionMode = proxyInjectionMode; browserbot.getCurrentWindow(); // for modifyWindow side effect. This is not a transparent style return browserbot; }; // todo: rename? This doesn't actually "do" anything. BrowserBot.prototype.doModalDialogTest = function(test) { this.modalDialogTest = test; }; BrowserBot.prototype.cancelNextConfirmation = function() { this.nextConfirmResult = false; }; BrowserBot.prototype.setNextPromptResult = function(result) { this.nextPromptResult = result; }; BrowserBot.prototype.hasAlerts = function() { return (this.recordedAlerts.length > 0); }; BrowserBot.prototype.relayBotToRC = function() { }; // override in injection.html BrowserBot.prototype.resetPopups = function() { this.recordedAlerts = []; this.recordedConfirmations = []; this.recordedPrompts = []; } BrowserBot.prototype.getNextAlert = function() { var t = this.recordedAlerts.shift(); this.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedAlerts"); return t; }; BrowserBot.prototype.hasConfirmations = function() { return (this.recordedConfirmations.length > 0); }; BrowserBot.prototype.getNextConfirmation = function() { var t = this.recordedConfirmations.shift(); this.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedConfirmations"); return t; }; BrowserBot.prototype.hasPrompts = function() { return (this.recordedPrompts.length > 0); }; BrowserBot.prototype.getNextPrompt = function() { var t = this.recordedPrompts.shift(); this.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedPrompts"); return t; }; /* Fire a mouse event in a browser-compatible manner */ BrowserBot.prototype.triggerMouseEvent = function(element, eventType, canBubble, clientX, clientY) { clientX = clientX ? clientX : 0; clientY = clientY ? clientY : 0; LOG.warn("triggerMouseEvent assumes setting screenX and screenY to 0 is ok"); var screenX = 0; var screenY = 0; canBubble = (typeof(canBubble) == undefined) ? true : canBubble; if (element.fireEvent) { LOG.info("element has fireEvent"); var evt = createEventObject(element, this.controlKeyDown, this.altKeyDown, this.shiftKeyDown, this.metaKeyDown); evt.detail = 0; evt.button = 1; evt.relatedTarget = null; if (!screenX && !screenY && !clientX && !clientY && !this.controlKeyDown && !this.altKeyDown && !this.shiftKeyDown && !this.metaKeyDown) { element.fireEvent('on' + eventType); } else { evt.screenX = screenX; evt.screenY = screenY; evt.clientX = clientX; evt.clientY = clientY; // when we go this route, window.event is never set to contain the event we have just created. // ideally we could just slide it in as follows in the try-block below, but this normally // doesn't work. This is why I try to avoid this code path, which is only required if we need to // set attributes on the event (e.g., clientX). try { window.event = evt; } catch(e) { // getting an "Object does not support this action or property" error. Save the event away // for future reference. // TODO: is there a way to update window.event? // work around for http://jira.openqa.org/browse/SEL-280 -- make the event available somewhere: selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().selenium_event = evt; } element.fireEvent('on' + eventType, evt); } } else { LOG.info("element doesn't have fireEvent"); var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); if (evt.initMouseEvent) { LOG.info("element has initMouseEvent"); //Safari evt.initMouseEvent(eventType, canBubble, true, document.defaultView, 1, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, this.controlKeyDown, this.altKeyDown, this.shiftKeyDown, this.metaKeyDown, 0, null); } else { LOG.warn("element doesn't have initMouseEvent; firing an event which should -- but doesn't -- have other mouse-event related attributes here, as well as controlKeyDown, altKeyDown, shiftKeyDown, metaKeyDown"); evt.initEvent(eventType, canBubble, true); evt.shiftKey = this.shiftKeyDown; evt.metaKey = this.metaKeyDown; evt.altKey = this.altKeyDown; evt.ctrlKey = this.controlKeyDown; } element.dispatchEvent(evt); } } BrowserBot.prototype._windowClosed = function(win) { var c = win.closed; if (c == null) return true; return c; }; BrowserBot.prototype._modifyWindow = function(win) { // In proxyInjectionMode, have to suppress LOG calls in _modifyWindow to avoid an infinite loop if (this._windowClosed(win)) { if (!this.proxyInjectionMode) { LOG.error("modifyWindow: Window was closed!"); } return null; } if (!this.proxyInjectionMode) { LOG.debug('modifyWindow ' + this.uniqueId + ":" + win[this.uniqueId]); } if (!win[this.uniqueId]) { win[this.uniqueId] = true; this.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs(win, this); } // In proxyInjection mode, we have our own mechanism for detecting page loads if (!this.proxyInjectionMode) { this.modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads(win); } if (win.frames && win.frames.length && win.frames.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) { try { this._modifyWindow(win.frames[i]); } catch (e) {} // we're just trying to be opportunistic; don't worry if this doesn't work out } } return win; }; BrowserBot.prototype.selectWindow = function(target) { if (target && target != "null") { this._selectWindowByName(target); } else { this._selectTopWindow(); } }; BrowserBot.prototype._selectTopWindow = function() { this.currentWindowName = null; this.currentWindow = this.topWindow; this.topFrame = this.topWindow; this.isSubFrameSelected = false; } BrowserBot.prototype._selectWindowByName = function(target) { this.currentWindow = this.getWindowByName(target, false); this.topFrame = this.currentWindow; this.currentWindowName = target; this.isSubFrameSelected = false; } BrowserBot.prototype.selectFrame = function(target) { if (target == "relative=up") { this.currentWindow = this.getCurrentWindow().parent; this.isSubFrameSelected = (this._getFrameElement(this.currentWindow) != null); } else if (target == "relative=top") { this.currentWindow = this.topFrame; this.isSubFrameSelected = false; } else { var frame = this.findElement(target); if (frame == null) { throw new SeleniumError("Not found: " + target); } // now, did they give us a frame or a frame ELEMENT? var match = false; if (frame.contentWindow) { // this must be a frame element if (browserVersion.isHTA) { // stupid HTA bug; can't get in the front door target = frame.contentWindow.name; } else { this.currentWindow = frame.contentWindow; this.isSubFrameSelected = true; match = true; } } else if (frame.document && frame.location) { // must be an actual window frame this.currentWindow = frame; this.isSubFrameSelected = true; match = true; } if (!match) { // neither, let's loop through the frame names var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); if (win && win.frames && win.frames.length) { for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) { if (win.frames[i].name == target) { this.currentWindow = win.frames[i]; this.isSubFrameSelected = true; match = true; break; } } } if (!match) { throw new SeleniumError("Not a frame: " + target); } } } // modifies the window this.getCurrentWindow(); }; BrowserBot.prototype.openLocation = function(target) { // We're moving to a new page - clear the current one var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); LOG.debug("openLocation newPageLoaded = false"); this.newPageLoaded = false; this.setOpenLocation(win, target); }; BrowserBot.prototype.openWindow = function(url, windowID) { if (url != "") { url = absolutify(url, this.baseUrl); } if (browserVersion.isHTA) { // in HTA mode, calling .open on the window interprets the url relative to that window // we need to absolute-ize the URL to make it consistent var child = this.getCurrentWindow().open(url, windowID); selenium.browserbot.openedWindows[windowID] = child; } else { this.getCurrentWindow().open(url, windowID); } }; BrowserBot.prototype.setIFrameLocation = function(iframe, location) { iframe.src = location; }; BrowserBot.prototype.setOpenLocation = function(win, loc) { loc = absolutify(loc, this.baseUrl); if (browserVersion.isHTA) { var oldHref = win.location.href; win.location.href = loc; var marker = null; try { marker = this.isPollingForLoad(win); if (marker && win.location[marker]) { win.location[marker] = false; } } catch (e) {} // DGF don't know why, but this often fails } else { win.location.href = loc; } }; BrowserBot.prototype.getCurrentPage = function() { return this; }; BrowserBot.prototype.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs = function(windowToModify, browserBot) { var self = this; windowToModify.alert = function(alert) { browserBot.recordedAlerts.push(alert); self.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedAlerts"); }; windowToModify.confirm = function(message) { browserBot.recordedConfirmations.push(message); var result = browserBot.nextConfirmResult; browserBot.nextConfirmResult = true; self.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedConfirmations"); return result; }; windowToModify.prompt = function(message) { browserBot.recordedPrompts.push(message); var result = !browserBot.nextConfirmResult ? null : browserBot.nextPromptResult; browserBot.nextConfirmResult = true; browserBot.nextPromptResult = ''; self.relayBotToRC("browserbot.recordedPrompts"); return result; }; // Keep a reference to all popup windows by name // note that in IE the "windowName" argument must be a valid javascript identifier, it seems. var originalOpen = windowToModify.open; var originalOpenReference; if (browserVersion.isHTA) { originalOpenReference = 'selenium_originalOpen' + new Date().getTime(); windowToModify[originalOpenReference] = windowToModify.open; } var isHTA = browserVersion.isHTA; var newOpen = function(url, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag) { var myOriginalOpen = originalOpen; if (isHTA) { myOriginalOpen = this[originalOpenReference]; } var openedWindow = myOriginalOpen(url, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag); LOG.debug("window.open call intercepted; window ID (which you can use with selectWindow()) is \"" + windowName + "\""); if (windowName!=null) { openedWindow["seleniumWindowName"] = windowName; } selenium.browserbot.openedWindows[windowName] = openedWindow; return openedWindow; }; if (browserVersion.isHTA) { originalOpenReference = 'selenium_originalOpen' + new Date().getTime(); newOpenReference = 'selenium_newOpen' + new Date().getTime(); var setOriginalRef = "this['" + originalOpenReference + "'] = this.open;"; if (windowToModify.eval) { windowToModify.eval(setOriginalRef); windowToModify.open = newOpen; } else { // DGF why can't I eval here? Seems like I'm querying the window at a bad time, maybe? setOriginalRef += "this.open = this['" + newOpenReference + "'];"; windowToModify[newOpenReference] = newOpen; windowToModify.setTimeout(setOriginalRef, 0); } } else { windowToModify.open = newOpen; } }; /** * Call the supplied function when a the current page unloads and a new one loads. * This is done by polling continuously until the document changes and is fully loaded. */ BrowserBot.prototype.modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads = function(windowObject) { // Since the unload event doesn't fire in Safari 1.3, we start polling immediately if (!windowObject) { LOG.warn("modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads: no windowObject!"); return; } if (this._windowClosed(windowObject)) { LOG.info("modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads: windowObject was closed"); return; } var oldMarker = this.isPollingForLoad(windowObject); if (oldMarker) { LOG.debug("modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads: already polling this window: " + oldMarker); return; } var marker = 'selenium' + new Date().getTime(); LOG.debug("Starting pollForLoad (" + marker + "): " + windowObject.location); this.pollingForLoad[marker] = true; // if this is a frame, add a load listener, otherwise, attach a poller var frameElement = this._getFrameElement(windowObject); // DGF HTA mode can't attach load listeners to subframes (yuk!) var htaSubFrame = this._isHTASubFrame(windowObject); if (frameElement && !htaSubFrame) { LOG.debug("modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads: this window is a frame; attaching a load listener"); addLoadListener(frameElement, this.recordPageLoad); frameElement[marker] = true; frameElement[this.uniqueId] = marker; } else { windowObject.location[marker] = true; windowObject[this.uniqueId] = marker; this.pollForLoad(this.recordPageLoad, windowObject, windowObject.document, windowObject.location, windowObject.location.href, marker); } }; BrowserBot.prototype._isHTASubFrame = function(win) { if (!browserVersion.isHTA) return false; // DGF this is wrong! what if "win" isn't the selected window? return this.isSubFrameSelected; } BrowserBot.prototype._getFrameElement = function(win) { var frameElement = null; var caught; try { frameElement = win.frameElement; } catch (e) { caught = true; } if (caught) { // on IE, checking frameElement in a pop-up results in a "No such interface supported" exception // but it might have a frame element anyway! var parentContainsIdenticallyNamedFrame = false; try { parentContainsIdenticallyNamedFrame = win.parent.frames[win.name]; } catch (e) {} // this may fail if access is denied to the parent; in that case, assume it's not a pop-up if (parentContainsIdenticallyNamedFrame) { // it can't be a coincidence that the parent has a frame with the same name as myself! return BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByName(win.name, win.parent.document, win.parent); } } return frameElement; } /** * Set up a polling timer that will keep checking the readyState of the document until it's complete. * Since we might call this before the original page is unloaded, we first check to see that the current location * or href is different from the original one. */ BrowserBot.prototype.pollForLoad = function(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { LOG.debug("pollForLoad original (" + marker + "): " + originalHref); try { if (this._windowClosed(windowObject)) { LOG.debug("pollForLoad WINDOW CLOSED (" + marker + ")"); delete this.pollingForLoad[marker]; return; } var isSamePage = this._isSamePage(windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); var rs = this.getReadyState(windowObject, windowObject.document); if (!isSamePage && rs == 'complete') { var currentHref = windowObject.location.href; LOG.debug("pollForLoad FINISHED (" + marker + "): " + rs + " (" + currentHref + ")"); delete this.pollingForLoad[marker]; this._modifyWindow(windowObject); var newMarker = this.isPollingForLoad(windowObject); if (!newMarker) { LOG.debug("modifyWindow didn't start new poller: " + newMarker); this.modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads(windowObject); } newMarker = this.isPollingForLoad(windowObject); var currentlySelectedWindow; var currentlySelectedWindowMarker; currentlySelectedWindow =this.getCurrentWindow(true); currentlySelectedWindowMarker = currentlySelectedWindow[this.uniqueId]; LOG.debug("pollForLoad (" + marker + ") restarting " + newMarker); if (/(TestRunner-splash|Blank)\.html\?start=true$/.test(currentHref)) { LOG.debug("pollForLoad Oh, it's just the starting page. Never mind!"); } else if (currentlySelectedWindowMarker == newMarker) { loadFunction(currentlySelectedWindow); } else { LOG.debug("pollForLoad page load detected in non-current window; ignoring (currentlySelected="+currentlySelectedWindowMarker+", detection in "+newMarker+")"); } return; } LOG.debug("pollForLoad continue (" + marker + "): " + currentHref); this.reschedulePoller(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); } catch (e) { LOG.error("Exception during pollForLoad; this should get noticed soon (" + e.message + ")!"); LOG.exception(e); this.pageLoadError = e; } }; BrowserBot.prototype._isSamePage = function(windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { var currentDocument = windowObject.document; var currentLocation = windowObject.location; var currentHref = currentLocation.href var sameDoc = this._isSameDocument(originalDocument, currentDocument); var sameLoc = (originalLocation === currentLocation); // hash marks don't meant the page has loaded, so we need to strip them off if they exist... var currentHash = currentHref.indexOf('#'); if (currentHash > 0) { currentHref = currentHref.substring(0, currentHash); } var originalHash = originalHref.indexOf('#'); if (originalHash > 0) { originalHref = originalHref.substring(0, originalHash); } LOG.debug("_isSamePage: currentHref: " + currentHref); LOG.debug("_isSamePage: originalHref: " + originalHref); var sameHref = (originalHref === currentHref); var markedLoc = currentLocation[marker]; if (browserVersion.isKonqueror || browserVersion.isSafari) { // the mark disappears too early on these browsers markedLoc = true; } // since this is some _very_ important logic, especially for PI and multiWindow mode, we should log all these out LOG.debug("_isSamePage: sameDoc: " + sameDoc); LOG.debug("_isSamePage: sameLoc: " + sameLoc); LOG.debug("_isSamePage: sameHref: " + sameHref); LOG.debug("_isSamePage: markedLoc: " + markedLoc); return sameDoc && sameLoc && sameHref && markedLoc }; BrowserBot.prototype._isSameDocument = function(originalDocument, currentDocument) { return originalDocument === currentDocument; }; BrowserBot.prototype.getReadyState = function(windowObject, currentDocument) { var rs = currentDocument.readyState; if (rs == null) { if ((this.buttonWindow!=null && this.buttonWindow.document.readyState == null) // not proxy injection mode (and therefore buttonWindow isn't null) || (top.document.readyState == null)) { // proxy injection mode (and therefore everything's in the top window, but buttonWindow doesn't exist) // uh oh! we're probably on Firefox with no readyState extension installed! // We'll have to just take a guess as to when the document is loaded; this guess // will never be perfect. :-( if (typeof currentDocument.getElementsByTagName != 'undefined' && typeof currentDocument.getElementById != 'undefined' && ( currentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] != null || currentDocument.body != null )) { if (windowObject.frameElement && windowObject.location.href == "about:blank" && windowObject.frameElement.src != "about:blank") { LOG.info("getReadyState not loaded, frame location was about:blank, but frame src = " + windowObject.frameElement.src); return null; } LOG.debug("getReadyState = windowObject.frames.length = " + windowObject.frames.length); for (var i = 0; i < windowObject.frames.length; i++) { LOG.debug("i = " + i); if (this.getReadyState(windowObject.frames[i], windowObject.frames[i].document) != 'complete') { LOG.debug("getReadyState aha! the nested frame " + windowObject.frames[i].name + " wasn't ready!"); return null; } } rs = 'complete'; } else { LOG.debug("pollForLoad readyState was null and DOM appeared to not be ready yet"); } } } else if (rs == "loading" && browserVersion.isIE) { LOG.debug("pageUnloading = true!!!!"); this.pageUnloading = true; } LOG.debug("getReadyState returning " + rs); return rs; }; /** This function isn't used normally, but was the way we used to schedule pollers: asynchronously executed autonomous units. This is deprecated, but remains here for future reference. */ BrowserBot.prototype.XXXreschedulePoller = function(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { var self = this; window.setTimeout(function() { self.pollForLoad(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); }, 500); }; /** This function isn't used normally, but is useful for debugging asynchronous pollers * To enable it, rename it to "reschedulePoller", so it will override the * existing reschedulePoller function */ BrowserBot.prototype.XXXreschedulePoller = function(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { var doc = this.buttonWindow.document; var button = doc.createElement("button"); var buttonName = doc.createTextNode(marker + " - " + windowObject.name); button.appendChild(buttonName); var tools = doc.getElementById("tools"); var self = this; button.onclick = function() { tools.removeChild(button); self.pollForLoad(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); }; tools.appendChild(button); window.setTimeout(button.onclick, 500); }; BrowserBot.prototype.reschedulePoller = function(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { var self = this; var pollerFunction = function() { self.pollForLoad(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); }; this.windowPollers.push(pollerFunction); }; BrowserBot.prototype.runScheduledPollers = function() { LOG.debug("runScheduledPollers"); var oldPollers = this.windowPollers; this.windowPollers = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < oldPollers.length; i++) { oldPollers[i].call(); } LOG.debug("runScheduledPollers DONE"); }; BrowserBot.prototype.isPollingForLoad = function(win) { var marker; var frameElement = this._getFrameElement(win); var htaSubFrame = this._isHTASubFrame(win); if (frameElement && !htaSubFrame) { marker = frameElement[this.uniqueId]; } else { marker = win[this.uniqueId]; } if (!marker) { LOG.debug("isPollingForLoad false, missing uniqueId " + this.uniqueId + ": " + marker); return false; } if (!this.pollingForLoad[marker]) { LOG.debug("isPollingForLoad false, this.pollingForLoad[" + marker + "]: " + this.pollingForLoad[marker]); return false; } return marker; }; BrowserBot.prototype.getWindowByName = function(windowName, doNotModify) { LOG.debug("getWindowByName(" + windowName + ")"); // First look in the map of opened windows var targetWindow = this.openedWindows[windowName]; if (!targetWindow) { targetWindow = this.topWindow[windowName]; } if (!targetWindow && windowName == "_blank") { for (var winName in this.openedWindows) { // _blank can match selenium_blank*, if it looks like it's OK (valid href, not closed) if (/^selenium_blank/.test(winName)) { targetWindow = this.openedWindows[winName]; var ok; try { if (!this._windowClosed(targetWindow)) { ok = targetWindow.location.href; } } catch (e) {} if (ok) break; } } } if (!targetWindow) { throw new SeleniumError("Window does not exist"); } if (browserVersion.isHTA) { try { targetWindow.location.href; } catch (e) { targetWindow = window.open("", targetWindow.name); this.openedWindows[targetWindow.name] = targetWindow; } } if (!doNotModify) { this._modifyWindow(targetWindow); } return targetWindow; }; BrowserBot.prototype.getCurrentWindow = function(doNotModify) { var testWindow = this.currentWindow; if (!doNotModify) { this._modifyWindow(testWindow); if (!this.proxyInjectionMode) { // In proxy injection mode, have to avoid logging during getCurrentWindow to avoid an infinite loop LOG.debug("getCurrentWindow newPageLoaded = false"); } this.newPageLoaded = false; } testWindow = this._handleClosedSubFrame(testWindow, doNotModify); return testWindow; }; BrowserBot.prototype._handleClosedSubFrame = function(testWindow, doNotModify) { if (this.proxyInjectionMode) { return testWindow; } if (this.isSubFrameSelected) { var missing = true; if (testWindow.parent && testWindow.parent.frames && testWindow.parent.frames.length) { for (var i = 0; i < testWindow.parent.frames.length; i++) { if (testWindow.parent.frames[i] == testWindow) { missing = false; break; } } } if (missing) { LOG.warn("Current subframe appears to have closed; selecting top frame"); this.selectFrame("relative=top"); return this.getCurrentWindow(doNotModify); } } else if (this._windowClosed(testWindow)) { var closedError = new SeleniumError("Current window or frame is closed!"); closedError.windowClosed = true; throw closedError; } return testWindow; }; BrowserBot.prototype.highlight = function (element, force) { if (force || this.shouldHighlightLocatedElement) { try { highlight(element); } catch (e) {} // DGF element highlighting is low-priority and possibly dangerous } return element; } BrowserBot.prototype.setShouldHighlightElement = function (shouldHighlight) { this.shouldHighlightLocatedElement = shouldHighlight; } /*****************************************************************/ /* BROWSER-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ONLY AFTER THIS LINE */ BrowserBot.prototype._registerAllLocatorFunctions = function() { // TODO - don't do this in the constructor - only needed once ever this.locationStrategies = {}; for (var functionName in this) { var result = /^locateElementBy([A-Z].+)$/.exec(functionName); if (result != null) { var locatorFunction = this[functionName]; if (typeof(locatorFunction) != 'function') { continue; } // Use a specified prefix in preference to one generated from // the function name var locatorPrefix = locatorFunction.prefix || result[1].toLowerCase(); this.locationStrategies[locatorPrefix] = locatorFunction; } } /** * Find a locator based on a prefix. */ this.findElementBy = function(locatorType, locator, inDocument, inWindow) { var locatorFunction = this.locationStrategies[locatorType]; if (! locatorFunction) { throw new SeleniumError("Unrecognised locator type: '" + locatorType + "'"); } return locatorFunction.call(this, locator, inDocument, inWindow); }; /** * The implicit locator, that is used when no prefix is supplied. */ this.locationStrategies['implicit'] = function(locator, inDocument, inWindow) { if (locator.startsWith('//')) { return this.locateElementByXPath(locator, inDocument, inWindow); } if (locator.startsWith('document.')) { return this.locateElementByDomTraversal(locator, inDocument, inWindow); } return this.locateElementByIdentifier(locator, inDocument, inWindow); }; } BrowserBot.prototype.getDocument = function() { return this.getCurrentWindow().document; } BrowserBot.prototype.getTitle = function() { var t = this.getDocument().title; if (typeof(t) == "string") { t = t.trim(); } return t; } /* * Finds an element recursively in frames and nested frames * in the specified document, using various lookup protocols */ BrowserBot.prototype.findElementRecursive = function(locatorType, locatorString, inDocument, inWindow) { var element = this.findElementBy(locatorType, locatorString, inDocument, inWindow); if (element != null) { return element; } for (var i = 0; i < inWindow.frames.length; i++) { element = this.findElementRecursive(locatorType, locatorString, inWindow.frames[i].document, inWindow.frames[i]); if (element != null) { return element; } } }; /* * Finds an element on the current page, using various lookup protocols */ BrowserBot.prototype.findElement = function(locator) { var locatorType = 'implicit'; var locatorString = locator; // If there is a locator prefix, use the specified strategy var result = locator.match(/^([A-Za-z]+)=(.+)/); if (result) { locatorType = result[1].toLowerCase(); locatorString = result[2]; } var element = this.findElementRecursive(locatorType, locatorString, this.getDocument(), this.getCurrentWindow()) if (element != null) { return this.browserbot.highlight(element); } // Element was not found by any locator function. throw new SeleniumError("Element " + locator + " not found"); }; /** * In non-IE browsers, getElementById() does not search by name. Instead, we * we search separately by id and name. */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByIdentifier = function(identifier, inDocument, inWindow) { return BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementById(identifier, inDocument, inWindow) || BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByName(identifier, inDocument, inWindow) || null; }; /** * Find the element with id - can't rely on getElementById, coz it returns by name as well in IE.. */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementById = function(identifier, inDocument, inWindow) { var element = inDocument.getElementById(identifier); if (element && element.id === identifier) { return element; } else { return null; } }; /** * Find an element by name, refined by (optional) element-filter * expressions. */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByName = function(locator, document, inWindow) { var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); var filters = locator.split(' '); filters[0] = 'name=' + filters[0]; while (filters.length) { var filter = filters.shift(); elements = this.selectElements(filter, elements, 'value'); } if (elements.length > 0) { return elements[0]; } return null; }; /** * Finds an element using by evaluating the specfied string. */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByDomTraversal = function(domTraversal, document, window) { var browserbot = this.browserbot; var element = null; try { element = eval(domTraversal); } catch (e) { e.isSeleniumError = true; throw e; } if (!element) { return null; } return element; }; BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByDomTraversal.prefix = "dom"; /** * Finds an element identified by the xpath expression. Expressions _must_ * begin with "//". */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByXPath = function(xpath, inDocument, inWindow) { // Trim any trailing "/": not valid xpath, and remains from attribute // locator. if (xpath.charAt(xpath.length - 1) == '/') { xpath = xpath.slice(0, -1); } // Handle //tag var match = xpath.match(/^\/\/(\w+|\*)$/); if (match) { var elements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName(match[1].toUpperCase()); if (elements == null) return null; return elements[0]; } // Handle //tag[@attr='value'] var match = xpath.match(/^\/\/(\w+|\*)\[@(\w+)=('([^\']+)'|"([^\"]+)")\]$/); if (match) { // We don't return the value without checking if it is null first. // This is beacuse in some rare cases, this shortcut actually WONT work // but that the full XPath WILL. A known case, for example, is in IE // when the attribute is onclick/onblur/onsubmit/etc. Due to a bug in IE // this shortcut won't work because the actual function is returned // by getAttribute() rather than the text of the attribute. var val = this._findElementByTagNameAndAttributeValue( inDocument, match[1].toUpperCase(), match[2].toLowerCase(), match[3].slice(1, -1) ); if (val) { return val; } } // Handle //tag[text()='value'] var match = xpath.match(/^\/\/(\w+|\*)\[text\(\)=('([^\']+)'|"([^\"]+)")\]$/); if (match) { return this._findElementByTagNameAndText( inDocument, match[1].toUpperCase(), match[2].slice(1, -1) ); } return this._findElementUsingFullXPath(xpath, inDocument); }; BrowserBot.prototype._findElementByTagNameAndAttributeValue = function( inDocument, tagName, attributeName, attributeValue ) { if (browserVersion.isIE && attributeName == "class") { attributeName = "className"; } var elements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var elementAttr = elements[i].getAttribute(attributeName); if (elementAttr == attributeValue) { return elements[i]; } } return null; }; BrowserBot.prototype._findElementByTagNameAndText = function( inDocument, tagName, text ) { var elements = inDocument.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (getText(elements[i]) == text) { return elements[i]; } } return null; }; BrowserBot.prototype._namespaceResolver = function(prefix) { if (prefix == 'html' || prefix == 'xhtml' || prefix == 'x') { return 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'; } else if (prefix == 'mathml') { return 'http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'; } else { throw new Error("Unknown namespace: " + prefix + "."); } } BrowserBot.prototype._findElementUsingFullXPath = function(xpath, inDocument, inWindow) { // HUGE hack - remove namespace from xpath for IE if (browserVersion.isIE) { xpath = xpath.replace(/x:/g, '') } // Use document.evaluate() if it's available if (inDocument.evaluate) { return inDocument.evaluate(xpath, inDocument, this._namespaceResolver, 0, null).iterateNext(); } // If not, fall back to slower JavaScript implementation var context = new ExprContext(inDocument); var xpathObj = xpathParse(xpath); var xpathResult = xpathObj.evaluate(context); if (xpathResult && xpathResult.value) { return xpathResult.value[0]; } return null; }; /** * Finds a link element with text matching the expression supplied. Expressions must * begin with "link:". */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByLinkText = function(linkText, inDocument, inWindow) { var links = inDocument.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { var element = links[i]; if (PatternMatcher.matches(linkText, getText(element))) { return element; } } return null; }; BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByLinkText.prefix = "link"; /** * Returns an attribute based on an attribute locator. This is made up of an element locator * suffixed with @attribute-name. */ BrowserBot.prototype.findAttribute = function(locator) { // Split into locator + attributeName var attributePos = locator.lastIndexOf("@"); var elementLocator = locator.slice(0, attributePos); var attributeName = locator.slice(attributePos + 1); // Find the element. var element = this.findElement(elementLocator); // Handle missing "class" attribute in IE. if (browserVersion.isIE && attributeName == "class") { attributeName = "className"; } // Get the attribute value. var attributeValue = element.getAttribute(attributeName); return attributeValue ? attributeValue.toString() : null; }; /* * Select the specified option and trigger the relevant events of the element. */ BrowserBot.prototype.selectOption = function(element, optionToSelect) { triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); var changed = false; for (var i = 0; i < element.options.length; i++) { var option = element.options[i]; if (option.selected && option != optionToSelect) { option.selected = false; changed = true; } else if (!option.selected && option == optionToSelect) { option.selected = true; changed = true; } } if (changed) { triggerEvent(element, 'change', true); } }; /* * Select the specified option and trigger the relevant events of the element. */ BrowserBot.prototype.addSelection = function(element, option) { this.checkMultiselect(element); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); if (!option.selected) { option.selected = true; triggerEvent(element, 'change', true); } }; /* * Select the specified option and trigger the relevant events of the element. */ BrowserBot.prototype.removeSelection = function(element, option) { this.checkMultiselect(element); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); if (option.selected) { option.selected = false; triggerEvent(element, 'change', true); } }; BrowserBot.prototype.checkMultiselect = function(element) { if (!element.multiple) { throw new SeleniumError("Not a multi-select"); } }; BrowserBot.prototype.replaceText = function(element, stringValue) { triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); triggerEvent(element, 'select', true); var maxLengthAttr = element.getAttribute("maxLength"); var actualValue = stringValue; if (maxLengthAttr != null) { var maxLength = parseInt(maxLengthAttr); if (stringValue.length > maxLength) { LOG.warn("BEFORE") actualValue = stringValue.substr(0, maxLength); LOG.warn("AFTER") } } if (getTagName(element) == "body") { if (element.ownerDocument && element.ownerDocument.designMode) { var designMode = new String(element.ownerDocument.designMode).toLowerCase(); if (designMode = "on") { // this must be a rich text control! element.innerHTML = actualValue; } } } else { element.value = actualValue; } // DGF this used to be skipped in chrome URLs, but no longer. Is xpcnativewrappers to blame? try { triggerEvent(element, 'change', true); } catch (e) {} }; BrowserBot.prototype.submit = function(formElement) { var actuallySubmit = true; this._modifyElementTarget(formElement); if (formElement.onsubmit) { if (browserVersion.isHTA) { // run the code in the correct window so alerts are handled correctly even in HTA mode var win = this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow(); var now = new Date().getTime(); var marker = 'marker' + now; win[marker] = formElement; win.setTimeout("var actuallySubmit = "+marker+".onsubmit();" + "if (actuallySubmit) { " + marker+".submit(); " + "if ("+marker+".target && !/^_/.test("+marker+".target)) {"+ "window.open('', "+marker+".target);"+ "}"+ "};"+ marker+"=null", 0); // pause for up to 2s while this command runs var terminationCondition = function () { return !win[marker]; } return Selenium.decorateFunctionWithTimeout(terminationCondition, 2000); } else { actuallySubmit = formElement.onsubmit(); if (actuallySubmit) { formElement.submit(); if (formElement.target && !/^_/.test(formElement.target)) { this.browserbot.openWindow('', formElement.target); } } } } else { formElement.submit(); } } BrowserBot.prototype.clickElement = function(element, clientX, clientY) { this._fireEventOnElement("click", element, clientX, clientY); }; BrowserBot.prototype.doubleClickElement = function(element, clientX, clientY) { this._fireEventOnElement("dblclick", element, clientX, clientY); }; BrowserBot.prototype._modifyElementTarget = function(element) { if (element.target) { if (element.target == "_blank" || /^selenium_blank/.test(element.target) ) { var tagName = getTagName(element); if (tagName == "a" || tagName == "form") { var newTarget = "selenium_blank" + Math.round(100000 * Math.random()); LOG.warn("Link has target '_blank', which is not supported in Selenium! Randomizing target to be: " + newTarget); this.browserbot.openWindow('', newTarget); element.target = newTarget; } } } } BrowserBot.prototype._handleClickingImagesInsideLinks = function(targetWindow, element) { if (element.parentNode && element.parentNode.href) { targetWindow.location.href = element.parentNode.href; } } BrowserBot.prototype._getTargetWindow = function(element) { var targetWindow = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (element.target) { targetWindow = this._getFrameFromGlobal(element.target); } return targetWindow; } BrowserBot.prototype._getFrameFromGlobal = function(target) { if (target == "_top") { return this.topFrame; } else if (target == "_parent") { return this.getCurrentWindow().parent; } else if (target == "_blank") { // TODO should this set cleverer window defaults? return this.getCurrentWindow().open('', '_blank'); } var frameElement = this.findElementBy("implicit", target, this.topFrame.document, this.topFrame); if (frameElement) { return frameElement.contentWindow; } var win = this.getWindowByName(target); if (win) return win; return this.getCurrentWindow().open('', target); } BrowserBot.prototype.bodyText = function() { return getText(this.getDocument().body); }; BrowserBot.prototype.getAllButtons = function() { var elements = this.getDocument().getElementsByTagName('input'); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].type == 'button' || elements[i].type == 'submit' || elements[i].type == 'reset') { result += elements[i].id; result += ','; } } return result; }; BrowserBot.prototype.getAllFields = function() { var elements = this.getDocument().getElementsByTagName('input'); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].type == 'text') { result += elements[i].id; result += ','; } } return result; }; BrowserBot.prototype.getAllLinks = function() { var elements = this.getDocument().getElementsByTagName('a'); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { result += elements[i].id; result += ','; } return result; }; BrowserBot.prototype.setContext = function(strContext, logLevel) { //set the current test title var ctx = document.getElementById("context"); if (ctx != null) { ctx.innerHTML = strContext; } if (logLevel != null) { LOG.setLogLevelThreshold(logLevel); } }; function isDefined(value) { return typeof(value) != undefined; } BrowserBot.prototype.goBack = function() { this.getCurrentWindow().history.back(); }; BrowserBot.prototype.goForward = function() { this.getCurrentWindow().history.forward(); }; BrowserBot.prototype.close = function() { if (browserVersion.isChrome || browserVersion.isSafari || browserVersion.isOpera) { this.getCurrentWindow().close(); } else { this.getCurrentWindow().eval("window.close();"); } }; BrowserBot.prototype.refresh = function() { this.getCurrentWindow().location.reload(true); }; /** * Refine a list of elements using a filter. */ BrowserBot.prototype.selectElementsBy = function(filterType, filter, elements) { var filterFunction = BrowserBot.filterFunctions[filterType]; if (! filterFunction) { throw new SeleniumError("Unrecognised element-filter type: '" + filterType + "'"); } return filterFunction(filter, elements); }; BrowserBot.filterFunctions = {}; BrowserBot.filterFunctions.name = function(name, elements) { var selectedElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].name === name) { selectedElements.push(elements[i]); } } return selectedElements; }; BrowserBot.filterFunctions.value = function(value, elements) { var selectedElements = []; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (elements[i].value === value) { selectedElements.push(elements[i]); } } return selectedElements; }; BrowserBot.filterFunctions.index = function(index, elements) { index = Number(index); if (isNaN(index) || index < 0) { throw new SeleniumError("Illegal Index: " + index); } if (elements.length <= index) { throw new SeleniumError("Index out of range: " + index); } return [elements[index]]; }; BrowserBot.prototype.selectElements = function(filterExpr, elements, defaultFilterType) { var filterType = (defaultFilterType || 'value'); // If there is a filter prefix, use the specified strategy var result = filterExpr.match(/^([A-Za-z]+)=(.+)/); if (result) { filterType = result[1].toLowerCase(); filterExpr = result[2]; } return this.selectElementsBy(filterType, filterExpr, elements); }; /** * Find an element by class */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByClass = function(locator, document) { return elementFindFirstMatchingChild(document, function(element) { return element.className == locator } ); } /** * Find an element by alt */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByAlt = function(locator, document) { return elementFindFirstMatchingChild(document, function(element) { return element.alt == locator } ); } /** * Find an element by css selector */ BrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByCss = function(locator, document) { var elements = cssQuery(locator, document); if (elements.length != 0) return elements[0]; return null; } /*****************************************************************/ /* BROWSER-SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS ONLY AFTER THIS LINE */ function MozillaBrowserBot(frame) { BrowserBot.call(this, frame); } objectExtend(MozillaBrowserBot.prototype, BrowserBot.prototype); function KonquerorBrowserBot(frame) { BrowserBot.call(this, frame); } objectExtend(KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype, BrowserBot.prototype); KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype.setIFrameLocation = function(iframe, location) { // Window doesn't fire onload event when setting src to the current value, // so we set it to blank first. iframe.src = "about:blank"; iframe.src = location; }; KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype.setOpenLocation = function(win, loc) { // Window doesn't fire onload event when setting src to the current value, // so we just refresh in that case instead. loc = absolutify(loc, this.baseUrl); loc = canonicalize(loc); var startLoc = parseUrl(win.location.href); startLoc.hash = null; var startUrl = reassembleLocation(startLoc); LOG.debug("startUrl="+startUrl); LOG.debug("win.location.href="+win.location.href); LOG.debug("loc="+loc); if (startUrl == loc) { LOG.debug("opening exact same location"); this.refresh(); } else { LOG.debug("locations differ"); win.location.href = loc; } // force the current polling thread to detect a page load var marker = this.isPollingForLoad(win); if (marker) { delete win.location[marker]; } }; KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype._isSameDocument = function(originalDocument, currentDocument) { // under Konqueror, there may be this case: // originalDocument and currentDocument are different objects // while their location are same. if (originalDocument) { return originalDocument.location == currentDocument.location } else { return originalDocument === currentDocument; } }; function SafariBrowserBot(frame) { BrowserBot.call(this, frame); } objectExtend(SafariBrowserBot.prototype, BrowserBot.prototype); SafariBrowserBot.prototype.setIFrameLocation = KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype.setIFrameLocation; SafariBrowserBot.prototype.setOpenLocation = KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype.setOpenLocation; function OperaBrowserBot(frame) { BrowserBot.call(this, frame); } objectExtend(OperaBrowserBot.prototype, BrowserBot.prototype); OperaBrowserBot.prototype.setIFrameLocation = function(iframe, location) { if (iframe.src == location) { iframe.src = location + '?reload'; } else { iframe.src = location; } } function IEBrowserBot(frame) { BrowserBot.call(this, frame); } objectExtend(IEBrowserBot.prototype, BrowserBot.prototype); IEBrowserBot.prototype._handleClosedSubFrame = function(testWindow, doNotModify) { if (this.proxyInjectionMode) { return testWindow; } try { testWindow.location.href; this.permDenied = 0; } catch (e) { this.permDenied++; } if (this._windowClosed(testWindow) || this.permDenied > 4) { if (this.isSubFrameSelected) { LOG.warn("Current subframe appears to have closed; selecting top frame"); this.selectFrame("relative=top"); return this.getCurrentWindow(doNotModify); } else { var closedError = new SeleniumError("Current window or frame is closed!"); closedError.windowClosed = true; throw closedError; } } return testWindow; }; IEBrowserBot.prototype.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs = function(windowToModify, browserBot) { BrowserBot.prototype.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs(windowToModify, browserBot); // we will call the previous version of this method from within our own interception oldShowModalDialog = windowToModify.showModalDialog; windowToModify.showModalDialog = function(url, args, features) { // Get relative directory to where TestRunner.html lives // A risky assumption is that the user's TestRunner is named TestRunner.html var doc_location = document.location.toString(); var end_of_base_ref = doc_location.indexOf('TestRunner.html'); var base_ref = doc_location.substring(0, end_of_base_ref); var fullURL = base_ref + "TestRunner.html?singletest=" + escape(browserBot.modalDialogTest) + "&autoURL=" + escape(url) + "&runInterval=" + runOptions.runInterval; browserBot.modalDialogTest = null; var returnValue = oldShowModalDialog(fullURL, args, features); return returnValue; }; }; IEBrowserBot.prototype.modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads = function(windowObject) { this.pageUnloading = false; var self = this; var pageUnloadDetector = function() { self.pageUnloading = true; }; windowObject.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", pageUnloadDetector); BrowserBot.prototype.modifySeparateTestWindowToDetectPageLoads.call(this, windowObject); }; IEBrowserBot.prototype.pollForLoad = function(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker) { LOG.debug("IEBrowserBot.pollForLoad: " + marker); if (!this.permDeniedCount[marker]) this.permDeniedCount[marker] = 0; BrowserBot.prototype.pollForLoad.call(this, loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); if (this.pageLoadError) { if (this.pageUnloading) { var self = this; LOG.warn("pollForLoad UNLOADING (" + marker + "): caught exception while firing events on unloading page: " + this.pageLoadError.message); this.reschedulePoller(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); this.pageLoadError = null; return; } else if (((this.pageLoadError.message == "Permission denied") || (/^Access is denied/.test(this.pageLoadError.message))) && this.permDeniedCount[marker]++ < 8) { if (this.permDeniedCount[marker] > 4) { var canAccessThisWindow; var canAccessCurrentlySelectedWindow; try { windowObject.location.href; canAccessThisWindow = true; } catch (e) {} try { this.getCurrentWindow(true).location.href; canAccessCurrentlySelectedWindow = true; } catch (e) {} if (canAccessCurrentlySelectedWindow & !canAccessThisWindow) { LOG.warn("pollForLoad (" + marker + ") ABORTING: " + this.pageLoadError.message + " (" + this.permDeniedCount[marker] + "), but the currently selected window is fine"); // returning without rescheduling this.pageLoadError = null; return; } } var self = this; LOG.warn("pollForLoad (" + marker + "): " + this.pageLoadError.message + " (" + this.permDeniedCount[marker] + "), waiting to see if it goes away"); this.reschedulePoller(loadFunction, windowObject, originalDocument, originalLocation, originalHref, marker); this.pageLoadError = null; return; } //handy for debugging! //throw this.pageLoadError; } }; IEBrowserBot.prototype._windowClosed = function(win) { try { var c = win.closed; // frame windows claim to be non-closed when their parents are closed // but you can't access their document objects in that case if (!c) { try { win.document; } catch (de) { if (de.message == "Permission denied") { // the window is probably unloading, which means it's probably not closed yet return false; } else if (/^Access is denied/.test(de.message)) { // rare variation on "Permission denied"? LOG.debug("IEBrowserBot.windowClosed: got " + de.message + " (this.pageUnloading=" + this.pageUnloading + "); assuming window is unloading, probably not closed yet"); return false; } else { // this is probably one of those frame window situations LOG.debug("IEBrowserBot.windowClosed: couldn't read win.document, assume closed: " + de.message + " (this.pageUnloading=" + this.pageUnloading + ")"); return true; } } } if (c == null) { LOG.debug("IEBrowserBot.windowClosed: win.closed was null, assuming closed"); return true; } return c; } catch (e) { LOG.debug("IEBrowserBot._windowClosed: Got an exception trying to read win.closed; we'll have to take a guess!"); if (browserVersion.isHTA) { if (e.message == "Permission denied") { // the window is probably unloading, which means it's not closed yet return false; } else { // there's a good chance that we've lost contact with the window object if it is closed return true; } } else { // the window is probably unloading, which means it's not closed yet return false; } } }; /** * In IE, getElementById() also searches by name - this is an optimisation for IE. */ IEBrowserBot.prototype.locateElementByIdentifer = function(identifier, inDocument, inWindow) { return inDocument.getElementById(identifier); }; SafariBrowserBot.prototype.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs = function(windowToModify, browserBot) { BrowserBot.prototype.modifyWindowToRecordPopUpDialogs(windowToModify, browserBot); var originalOpen = windowToModify.open; /* * Safari seems to be broken, so that when we manually trigger the onclick method * of a button/href, any window.open calls aren't resolved relative to the app location. * So here we replace the open() method with one that does resolve the url correctly. */ windowToModify.open = function(url, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag) { if (url.startsWith("http://") || url.startsWith("https://") || url.startsWith("/")) { return originalOpen(url, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag); } // Reduce the current path to the directory var currentPath = windowToModify.location.pathname || "/"; currentPath = currentPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "/"); // Remove any leading "./" from the new url. url = url.replace(/^\.\//, ""); newUrl = currentPath + url; var openedWindow = originalOpen(newUrl, windowName, windowFeatures, replaceFlag); LOG.debug("window.open call intercepted; window ID (which you can use with selectWindow()) is \"" + windowName + "\""); if (windowName!=null) { openedWindow["seleniumWindowName"] = windowName; } return openedWindow; }; }; MozillaBrowserBot.prototype._fireEventOnElement = function(eventType, element, clientX, clientY) { var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); // Add an event listener that detects if the default action has been prevented. // (This is caused by a javascript onclick handler returning false) // we capture the whole event, rather than the getPreventDefault() state at the time, // because we need to let the entire event bubbling and capturing to go through // before making a decision on whether we should force the href var savedEvent = null; element.addEventListener(eventType, function(evt) { savedEvent = evt; }, false); this._modifyElementTarget(element); // Trigger the event. this.browserbot.triggerMouseEvent(element, eventType, true, clientX, clientY); if (this._windowClosed(win)) { return; } // Perform the link action if preventDefault was set. // In chrome URL, the link action is already executed by triggerMouseEvent. if (!browserVersion.isChrome && savedEvent != null && !savedEvent.getPreventDefault()) { var targetWindow = this.browserbot._getTargetWindow(element); if (element.href) { targetWindow.location.href = element.href; } else { this.browserbot._handleClickingImagesInsideLinks(targetWindow, element); } } }; OperaBrowserBot.prototype._fireEventOnElement = function(eventType, element, clientX, clientY) { var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); this._modifyElementTarget(element); // Trigger the click event. this.browserbot.triggerMouseEvent(element, eventType, true, clientX, clientY); if (this._windowClosed(win)) { return; } }; KonquerorBrowserBot.prototype._fireEventOnElement = function(eventType, element, clientX, clientY) { var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); this._modifyElementTarget(element); if (element[eventType]) { element[eventType](); } else { this.browserbot.triggerMouseEvent(element, eventType, true, clientX, clientY); } if (this._windowClosed(win)) { return; } }; SafariBrowserBot.prototype._fireEventOnElement = function(eventType, element, clientX, clientY) { triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); var wasChecked = element.checked; this._modifyElementTarget(element); // For form element it is simple. if (element[eventType]) { element[eventType](); } // For links and other elements, event emulation is required. else { var targetWindow = this.browserbot._getTargetWindow(element); // todo: deal with anchors? this.browserbot.triggerMouseEvent(element, eventType, true, clientX, clientY); } }; SafariBrowserBot.prototype.refresh = function() { var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); if (win.location.hash) { // DGF Safari refuses to refresh when there's a hash symbol in the URL win.location.hash = ""; var actuallyReload = function() { win.location.reload(true); } window.setTimeout(actuallyReload, 1); } else { win.location.reload(true); } }; IEBrowserBot.prototype._fireEventOnElement = function(eventType, element, clientX, clientY) { var win = this.getCurrentWindow(); triggerEvent(element, 'focus', false); var wasChecked = element.checked; // Set a flag that records if the page will unload - this isn't always accurate, because // triggers the onbeforeunload event, even thought the page won't unload var pageUnloading = false; var pageUnloadDetector = function() { pageUnloading = true; }; win.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", pageUnloadDetector); this._modifyElementTarget(element); if (element[eventType]) { element[eventType](); } else { this.browserbot.triggerMouseEvent(element, eventType, true, clientX, clientY); } // If the page is going to unload - still attempt to fire any subsequent events. // However, we can't guarantee that the page won't unload half way through, so we need to handle exceptions. try { win.detachEvent("onbeforeunload", pageUnloadDetector); if (this._windowClosed(win)) { return; } // Onchange event is not triggered automatically in IE. if (isDefined(element.checked) && wasChecked != element.checked) { triggerEvent(element, 'change', true); } } catch (e) { // If the page is unloading, we may get a "Permission denied" or "Unspecified error". // Just ignore it, because the document may have unloaded. if (pageUnloading) { LOG.logHook = function() { }; LOG.warn("Caught exception when firing events on unloading page: " + e.message); return; } throw e; } };