objectExtend(HtmlTestRunnerControlPanel.prototype, { getTestSuiteName: function() { return document.location+'?testSuites'; //this._getQueryParameter("test"); } }); SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation = function(location) { /* var isChrome = browserVersion.isChrome || false; var isHTA = browserVersion.isHTA || false; // DGF TODO multiWindow location += "?thisIsChrome=" + isChrome + "&thisIsHTA=" + isHTA;*/ if (browserVersion.isSafari) { // safari doesn't reload the page when the location equals to current location. // hence, set the location to blank so that the page will reload automatically. this.frame.src = "about:blank"; this.frame.src = location; } else { this.frame.contentWindow.location.replace(location); } }; SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = function() { var base_url = script_base_url; var d = this.getDocument(); var head = d.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0); var styleLink = d.createElement("link"); styleLink.rel = "stylesheet"; styleLink.type = "text/css"; styleLink.href = base_url + "core/selenium-test.css"; head.appendChild(styleLink); }; HtmlTestFrame.prototype._setLocation = SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation; HtmlTestSuiteFrame.prototype._setLocation = SeleniumFrame.prototype._setLocation; HtmlTestFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet; HtmlTestSuiteFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet = SeleniumFrame.prototype._attachStylesheet; objectExtend(HtmlTestRunnerControlPanel.prototype, { _parseQueryParameter: function() { var tempRunInterval = this._getQueryParameter("runInterval"); if (tempRunInterval) { this.setRunInterval(tempRunInterval); } } }); /** * Override selenium implementation. */ Selenium.prototype.getAttribute = function(target) { return this.page().findAttribute(target); }; /** * Override selenium implementation. */ Selenium.prototype.isVisible = function(locator) { var element; element = this.page().findElement(locator); if(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) var visibility = element.style["visibility"]; else var visibility = this.findEffectiveStyleProperty(element, "visibility"); var _isDisplayed = this._isDisplayed(element); return (visibility != "hidden" && _isDisplayed); }; /** * Override selenium implementation. */ Selenium.prototype._isDisplayed = function(element) { if(/Konqueror|Safari|KHTML/.test(navigator.userAgent)) var display = element.style["display"]; else var display = this.findEffectiveStyleProperty(element, "display"); if (display == "none") return false; if (element.parentNode.style) { return this._isDisplayed(element.parentNode); } return true; }; Selenium.prototype.assertEmptySelection = function(selectLocator, optionLocator) { /** * Verifies that the selected option of a drop-down satisfies the optionSpecifier. * *

See the select command for more information about option locators.

* * @param selectLocator an element locator identifying a drop-down menu * @param optionLocator an option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith") */ var element = this.page().findElement(selectLocator); var locator = this.optionLocatorFactory.fromLocatorString(optionLocator); return element.selectedIndex == -1; } objectExtend(HtmlTestSuite.prototype, { _onTestSuiteComplete: function() { this.markDone(); var result = new TestResult(this.failed, this.getTestTable()); postTestResults(this.failed, this.getTestTable(), result); } }); // Post the results to a servlet, CGI-script, etc. The URL of the // results-handler defaults to "/postResults", but an alternative location // can be specified by providing a "resultsUrl" query parameter. // // Parameters passed to the results-handler are: // result: passed/failed depending on whether the suite passed or failed // totalTime: the total running time in seconds for the suite. // // numTestPasses: the total number of tests which passed. // numTestFailures: the total number of tests which failed. // // numCommandPasses: the total number of commands which passed. // numCommandFailures: the total number of commands which failed. // numCommandErrors: the total number of commands which errored. // // suite: the suite table, including the hidden column of test results // testTable.1 to testTable.N: the individual test tables // function postTestResults(suiteFailed, suiteTable, result) { form = document.createElement("form"); document.body.appendChild(form); form.id = "resultsForm"; form.method="post"; form.target="myiframe"; var resultsUrl = post_results_to; if (!resultsUrl) { resultsUrl = "./results.php"; } var actionAndParameters = resultsUrl.split('?',2); form.action = actionAndParameters[0]; LOG.warn(form.action) var resultsUrlQueryString = actionAndParameters[1]; form.createHiddenField = function(name, value) { input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "hidden"; input.name = name; input.value = value; this.appendChild(input); }; if (resultsUrlQueryString) { var clauses = resultsUrlQueryString.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < clauses.length; i++) { var keyValuePair = clauses[i].split('=',2); var key = unescape(keyValuePair[0]); var value = unescape(keyValuePair[1]); form.createHiddenField(key, value); } } form.createHiddenField("result", suiteFailed == true ? "failed" : "passed"); form.createHiddenField("totalTime", Math.floor((result.metrics.currentTime - result.metrics.startTime) / 1000)); form.createHiddenField("numTestPasses", result.metrics.numTestPasses); form.createHiddenField("numTestFailures", result.metrics.numTestFailures); form.createHiddenField("numCommandPasses", result.metrics.numCommandPasses); form.createHiddenField("numCommandFailures", result.metrics.numCommandFailures); form.createHiddenField("numCommandErrors", result.metrics.numCommandErrors); // Create an input for each test table. The inputs are named // testTable.1, testTable.2, etc. for (rowNum = 1; rowNum < suiteTable.rows.length;rowNum++) { // If there is a second column, then add a new input if (suiteTable.rows[rowNum].cells.length > 1) { var resultCell = suiteTable.rows[rowNum].cells[1]; parse_resultCell(resultCell,rowNum,form); //form.createHiddenField("tests[]", resultCell.innerHTML); // remove the resultCell, so it's not included in the suite HTML //resultCell.parentNode.removeChild(resultCell); } } // Add HTML for the suite itself //form.createHiddenField("suite", suiteTable.parentNode.innerHTML); form.submit(); document.body.removeChild(form); } function parse_resultCell(resultCell,rowNum,form) { var div = resultCell.childNodes[0]; var table; for(var i = 0; i= 0) return; Assert.fail("Unable to find '"+(expectedValue.replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, "\""))+"' in document.body"); }; Selenium.prototype.assertHTMLNotPresent = function(expectedValue) { var actualValue = this.page().currentDocument.body.innerHTML; if(actualValue.indexOf(expectedValue) < 0) return; Assert.fail("'"+(expectedValue.replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, "\""))+"' was found in document.body"); };