     *	base include file for SimpleTest
     *	@package	SimpleTest
     *	@subpackage	UnitTester
     *	@version	$Id: exceptions.php 1398 2006-09-08 19:31:03Z xue $

     * Includes SimpleTest files and defined the root constant
     * for dependent libraries.
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/invoker.php');

     *    Extension that traps exceptions and turns them into
     *    an error message.
	 *	  @package SimpleTest
	 *	  @subpackage UnitTester
    class SimpleExceptionTrappingInvoker extends SimpleInvokerDecorator {

         *    Stores the invoker to be wrapped.
         *    @param SimpleInvoker $invoker   Test method runner.
        function SimpleExceptionTrappingInvoker($invoker) {

         *    Invokes a test method and dispatches any
         *    untrapped errors.
         *    @param string $method    Test method to call.
         *    @access public
        function invoke($method) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                $test_case = $this->getTestCase();