<?php /** * Base include file for SimpleTest * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage WebTester * @version $Id: page.php,v 1.131 2006/02/05 01:07:49 lastcraft Exp $ */ /**#@+ * include other SimpleTest class files */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/http.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/parser.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tag.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/form.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/selector.php'); /**#@-*/ /** * Creates tags and widgets given HTML tag * attributes. * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage WebTester */ class SimpleTagBuilder { /** * Factory for the tag objects. Creates the * appropriate tag object for the incoming tag name * and attributes. * @param string $name HTML tag name. * @param hash $attributes Element attributes. * @return SimpleTag Tag object. * @access public */ function createTag($name, $attributes) { static $map = array( 'a' => 'SimpleAnchorTag', 'title' => 'SimpleTitleTag', 'button' => 'SimpleButtonTag', 'textarea' => 'SimpleTextAreaTag', 'option' => 'SimpleOptionTag', 'label' => 'SimpleLabelTag', 'form' => 'SimpleFormTag', 'frame' => 'SimpleFrameTag'); $attributes = $this->_keysToLowerCase($attributes); if (array_key_exists($name, $map)) { $tag_class = $map[$name]; return new $tag_class($attributes); } elseif ($name == 'select') { return $this->_createSelectionTag($attributes); } elseif ($name == 'input') { return $this->_createInputTag($attributes); } return new SimpleTag($name, $attributes); } /** * Factory for selection fields. * @param hash $attributes Element attributes. * @return SimpleTag Tag object. * @access protected */ function _createSelectionTag($attributes) { if (isset($attributes['multiple'])) { return new MultipleSelectionTag($attributes); } return new SimpleSelectionTag($attributes); } /** * Factory for input tags. * @param hash $attributes Element attributes. * @return SimpleTag Tag object. * @access protected */ function _createInputTag($attributes) { if (! isset($attributes['type'])) { return new SimpleTextTag($attributes); } $type = strtolower(trim($attributes['type'])); $map = array( 'submit' => 'SimpleSubmitTag', 'image' => 'SimpleImageSubmitTag', 'checkbox' => 'SimpleCheckboxTag', 'radio' => 'SimpleRadioButtonTag', 'text' => 'SimpleTextTag', 'hidden' => 'SimpleTextTag', 'password' => 'SimpleTextTag', 'file' => 'SimpleUploadTag'); if (array_key_exists($type, $map)) { $tag_class = $map[$type]; return new $tag_class($attributes); } return false; } /** * Make the keys lower case for case insensitive look-ups. * @param hash $map Hash to convert. * @return hash Unchanged values, but keys lower case. * @access private */ function _keysToLowerCase($map) { $lower = array(); foreach ($map as $key => $value) { $lower[strtolower($key)] = $value; } return $lower; } } /** * SAX event handler. Maintains a list of * open tags and dispatches them as they close. * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage WebTester */ class SimplePageBuilder extends SimpleSaxListener { protected $_tags; protected $_page; protected $_private_content_tag; /** * Sets the builder up empty. * @access public */ function SimplePageBuilder() { $this->SimpleSaxListener(); } /** * Frees up any references so as to allow the PHP garbage * collection from unset() to work. * @access public */ function free() { unset($this->_tags); unset($this->_page); unset($this->_private_content_tags); } /** * Reads the raw content and send events * into the page to be built. * @param $response SimpleHttpResponse Fetched response. * @return SimplePage Newly parsed page. * @access public */ function &parse($response) { $this->_tags = array(); $this->_page = $this->_createPage($response); $parser = $this->_createParser($this); $parser->parse($response->getContent()); $this->_page->acceptPageEnd(); return $this->_page; } /** * Creates an empty page. * @return SimplePage New unparsed page. * @access protected */ function &_createPage($response) { $page = new SimplePage($response); return $page; } /** * Creates the parser used with the builder. * @param $listener SimpleSaxListener Target of parser. * @return SimpleSaxParser Parser to generate * events for the builder. * @access protected */ function &_createParser($listener) { $parser = new SimpleHtmlSaxParser($listener); return $parser; } /** * Start of element event. Opens a new tag. * @param string $name Element name. * @param hash $attributes Attributes without content * are marked as true. * @return boolean False on parse error. * @access public */ function startElement($name, $attributes) { $factory = new SimpleTagBuilder(); $tag = $factory->createTag($name, $attributes); if (! $tag) { return true; } if ($tag->getTagName() == 'label') { $this->_page->acceptLabelStart($tag); $this->_openTag($tag); return true; } if ($tag->getTagName() == 'form') { $this->_page->acceptFormStart($tag); return true; } if ($tag->getTagName() == 'frameset') { $this->_page->acceptFramesetStart($tag); return true; } if ($tag->getTagName() == 'frame') { $this->_page->acceptFrame($tag); return true; } if ($tag->isPrivateContent() && ! isset($this->_private_content_tag)) { $this->_private_content_tag = $tag; } if ($tag->expectEndTag()) { $this->_openTag($tag); return true; } $this->_page->acceptTag($tag); return true; } /** * End of element event. * @param string $name Element name. * @return boolean False on parse error. * @access public */ function endElement($name) { if ($name == 'label') { $this->_page->acceptLabelEnd(); return true; } if ($name == 'form') { $this->_page->acceptFormEnd(); return true; } if ($name == 'frameset') { $this->_page->acceptFramesetEnd(); return true; } if ($this->_hasNamedTagOnOpenTagStack($name)) { $tag = array_pop($this->_tags[$name]); if ($tag->isPrivateContent() && $this->_private_content_tag->getTagName() == $name) { unset($this->_private_content_tag); } $this->_addContentTagToOpenTags($tag); $this->_page->acceptTag($tag); return true; } return true; } /** * Test to see if there are any open tags awaiting * closure that match the tag name. * @param string $name Element name. * @return boolean True if any are still open. * @access private */ function _hasNamedTagOnOpenTagStack($name) { return isset($this->_tags[$name]) && (count($this->_tags[$name]) > 0); } /** * Unparsed, but relevant data. The data is added * to every open tag. * @param string $text May include unparsed tags. * @return boolean False on parse error. * @access public */ function addContent($text) { if (isset($this->_private_content_tag)) { $this->_private_content_tag->addContent($text); } else { $this->_addContentToAllOpenTags($text); } return true; } /** * Any content fills all currently open tags unless it * is part of an option tag. * @param string $text May include unparsed tags. * @access private */ function _addContentToAllOpenTags($text) { foreach (array_keys($this->_tags) as $name) { for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_tags[$name]); $i < $count; $i++) { $this->_tags[$name][$i]->addContent($text); } } } /** * Parsed data in tag form. The parsed tag is added * to every open tag. Used for adding options to select * fields only. * @param SimpleTag $tag Option tags only. * @access private */ function _addContentTagToOpenTags($tag) { if ($tag->getTagName() != 'option') { return; } foreach (array_keys($this->_tags) as $name) { for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_tags[$name]); $i < $count; $i++) { $this->_tags[$name][$i]->addTag($tag); } } } /** * Opens a tag for receiving content. Multiple tags * will be receiving input at the same time. * @param SimpleTag $tag New content tag. * @access private */ function _openTag($tag) { $name = $tag->getTagName(); if (! in_array($name, array_keys($this->_tags))) { $this->_tags[$name] = array(); } $this->_tags[$name][] = $tag; } } /** * A wrapper for a web page. * @package SimpleTest * @subpackage WebTester */ class SimplePage { protected $_links; protected $_title; protected $_last_widget; protected $_label; protected $_left_over_labels; protected $_open_forms; protected $_complete_forms; protected $_frameset; protected $_frames; protected $_frameset_nesting_level; protected $_transport_error; protected $_raw; protected $_text; protected $_sent; protected $_headers; protected $_method; protected $_url; protected $_request_data; /** * Parses a page ready to access it's contents. * @param SimpleHttpResponse $response Result of HTTP fetch. * @access public */ function SimplePage($response = false) { $this->_links = array(); $this->_title = false; $this->_left_over_labels = array(); $this->_open_forms = array(); $this->_complete_forms = array(); $this->_frameset = false; $this->_frames = array(); $this->_frameset_nesting_level = 0; $this->_text = false; if ($response) { $this->_extractResponse($response); } else { $this->_noResponse(); } } /** * Extracts all of the response information. * @param SimpleHttpResponse $response Response being parsed. * @access private */ function _extractResponse($response) { $this->_transport_error = $response->getError(); $this->_raw = $response->getContent(); $this->_sent = $response->getSent(); $this->_headers = $response->getHeaders(); $this->_method = $response->getMethod(); $this->_url = $response->getUrl(); $this->_request_data = $response->getRequestData(); } /** * Sets up a missing response. * @access private */ function _noResponse() { $this->_transport_error = 'No page fetched yet'; $this->_raw = false; $this->_sent = false; $this->_headers = false; $this->_method = 'GET'; $this->_url = false; $this->_request_data = false; } /** * Original request as bytes sent down the wire. * @return mixed Sent content. * @access public */ function getRequest() { return $this->_sent; } /** * Accessor for raw text of page. * @return string Raw unparsed content. * @access public */ function getRaw() { return $this->_raw; } /** * Accessor for plain text of page as a text browser * would see it. * @return string Plain text of page. * @access public */ function getText() { if (! $this->_text) { $this->_text = SimpleHtmlSaxParser::normalise($this->_raw); } return $this->_text; } /** * Accessor for raw headers of page. * @return string Header block as text. * @access public */ function getHeaders() { if ($this->_headers) { return $this->_headers->getRaw(); } return false; } /** * Original request method. * @return string GET, POST or HEAD. * @access public */ function getMethod() { return $this->_method; } /** * Original resource name. * @return SimpleUrl Current url. * @access public */ function getUrl() { return $this->_url; } /** * Original request data. * @return mixed Sent content. * @access public */ function getRequestData() { return $this->_request_data; } /** * Accessor for last error. * @return string Error from last response. * @access public */ function getTransportError() { return $this->_transport_error; } /** * Accessor for current MIME type. * @return string MIME type as string; e.g. 'text/html' * @access public */ function getMimeType() { if ($this->_headers) { return $this->_headers->getMimeType(); } return false; } /** * Accessor for HTTP response code. * @return integer HTTP response code received. * @access public */ function getResponseCode() { if ($this->_headers) { return $this->_headers->getResponseCode(); } return false; } /** * Accessor for last Authentication type. Only valid * straight after a challenge (401). * @return string Description of challenge type. * @access public */ function getAuthentication() { if ($this->_headers) { return $this->_headers->getAuthentication(); } return false; } /** * Accessor for last Authentication realm. Only valid * straight after a challenge (401). * @return string Name of security realm. * @access public */ function getRealm() { if ($this->_headers) { return $this->_headers->getRealm(); } return false; } /** * Accessor for current frame focus. Will be * false as no frames. * @return array Always empty. * @access public */ function getFrameFocus() { return array(); } /** * Sets the focus by index. The integer index starts from 1. * @param integer $choice Chosen frame. * @return boolean Always false. * @access public */ function setFrameFocusByIndex($choice) { return false; } /** * Sets the focus by name. Always fails for a leaf page. * @param string $name Chosen frame. * @return boolean False as no frames. * @access public */ function setFrameFocus($name) { return false; } /** * Clears the frame focus. Does nothing for a leaf page. * @access public */ function clearFrameFocus() { } /** * Adds a tag to the page. * @param SimpleTag $tag Tag to accept. * @access public */ function acceptTag($tag) { if ($tag->getTagName() == "a") { $this->_addLink($tag); } elseif ($tag->getTagName() == "title") { $this->_setTitle($tag); } elseif ($this->_isFormElement($tag->getTagName())) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_open_forms); $i++) { $this->_open_forms[$i]->addWidget($tag); } $this->_last_widget = $tag; } } /** * Opens a label for a described widget. * @param SimpleFormTag $tag Tag to accept. * @access public */ function acceptLabelStart($tag) { $this->_label = $tag; unset($this->_last_widget); } /** * Closes the most recently opened label. * @access public */ function acceptLabelEnd() { if (isset($this->_label)) { if (isset($this->_last_widget)) { $this->_last_widget->setLabel($this->_label->getText()); unset($this->_last_widget); } else { $this->_left_over_labels[] = SimpleTestCompatibility::copy($this->_label); } unset($this->_label); } } /** * Tests to see if a tag is a possible form * element. * @param string $name HTML element name. * @return boolean True if form element. * @access private */ function _isFormElement($name) { return in_array($name, array('input', 'button', 'textarea', 'select')); } /** * Opens a form. New widgets go here. * @param SimpleFormTag $tag Tag to accept. * @access public */ function acceptFormStart($tag) { $this->_open_forms[] = new SimpleForm($tag, $this->getUrl()); } /** * Closes the most recently opened form. * @access public */ function acceptFormEnd() { if (count($this->_open_forms)) { $this->_complete_forms[] = array_pop($this->_open_forms); } } /** * Opens a frameset. A frameset may contain nested * frameset tags. * @param SimpleFramesetTag $tag Tag to accept. * @access public */ function acceptFramesetStart($tag) { if (! $this->_isLoadingFrames()) { $this->_frameset = $tag; } $this->_frameset_nesting_level++; } /** * Closes the most recently opened frameset. * @access public */ function acceptFramesetEnd() { if ($this->_isLoadingFrames()) { $this->_frameset_nesting_level--; } } /** * Takes a single frame tag and stashes it in * the current frame set. * @param SimpleFrameTag $tag Tag to accept. * @access public */ function acceptFrame($tag) { if ($this->_isLoadingFrames()) { if ($tag->getAttribute('src')) { $this->_frames[] = $tag; } } } /** * Test to see if in the middle of reading * a frameset. * @return boolean True if inframeset. * @access private */ function _isLoadingFrames() { if (! $this->_frameset) { return false; } return ($this->_frameset_nesting_level > 0); } /** * Test to see if link is an absolute one. * @param string $url Url to test. * @return boolean True if absolute. * @access protected */ function _linkIsAbsolute($url) { $parsed = new SimpleUrl($url); return (boolean)($parsed->getScheme() && $parsed->getHost()); } /** * Adds a link to the page. * @param SimpleAnchorTag $tag Link to accept. * @access protected */ function _addLink($tag) { $this->_links[] = $tag; } /** * Marker for end of complete page. Any work in * progress can now be closed. * @access public */ function acceptPageEnd() { while (count($this->_open_forms)) { $this->_complete_forms[] = array_pop($this->_open_forms); } foreach ($this->_left_over_labels as $label) { for ($i = 0, $count = count($this->_complete_forms); $i < $count; $i++) { $this->_complete_forms[$i]->attachLabelBySelector( new SimpleById($label->getFor()), $label->getText()); } } } /** * Test for the presence of a frameset. * @return boolean True if frameset. * @access public */ function hasFrames() { return (boolean)$this->_frameset; } /** * Accessor for frame name and source URL for every frame that * will need to be loaded. Immediate children only. * @return boolean/array False if no frameset or * otherwise a hash of frame URLs. * The key is either a numerical * base one index or the name attribute. * @access public */ function getFrameset() { if (! $this->_frameset) { return false; } $urls = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_frames); $i++) { $name = $this->_frames[$i]->getAttribute('name'); $url = new SimpleUrl($this->_frames[$i]->getAttribute('src')); $urls[$name ? $name : $i + 1] = $url->makeAbsolute($this->getUrl()); } return $urls; } /** * Fetches a list of loaded frames. * @return array/string Just the URL for a single page. * @access public */ function getFrames() { $url = $this->getUrl(); return $url->asString(); } /** * Accessor for a list of all fixed links. * @return array List of urls with scheme of * http or https and hostname. * @access public */ function getAbsoluteUrls() { $all = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { if ($this->_linkIsAbsolute($link->getHref())) { $all[] = $link->getHref(); } } return $all; } /** * Accessor for a list of all relative links. * @return array List of urls without hostname. * @access public */ function getRelativeUrls() { $all = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { if (! $this->_linkIsAbsolute($link->getHref())) { $all[] = $link->getHref(); } } return $all; } /** * Accessor for URLs by the link label. Label will match * regardess of whitespace issues and case. * @param string $label Text of link. * @return array List of links with that label. * @access public */ function getUrlsByLabel($label) { $matches = array(); foreach ($this->_links as $link) { if ($link->getText() == $label) { $matches[] = $this->_getUrlFromLink($link); } } return $matches; } /** * Accessor for a URL by the id attribute. * @param string $id Id attribute of link. * @return SimpleUrl URL with that id of false if none. * @access public */ function getUrlById($id) { foreach ($this->_links as $link) { if ($link->getAttribute('id') === (string)$id) { return $this->_getUrlFromLink($link); } } return false; } /** * Converts a link into a target URL. * @param SimpleAnchor $link Parsed link. * @return SimpleUrl URL with frame target if any. * @access private */ function _getUrlFromLink($link) { $url = $this->_makeAbsolute($link->getHref()); if ($link->getAttribute('target')) { $url->setTarget($link->getAttribute('target')); } return $url; } /** * Expands expandomatic URLs into fully qualified * URLs. * @param SimpleUrl $url Relative URL. * @return SimpleUrl Absolute URL. * @access protected */ function _makeAbsolute($url) { if (! is_object($url)) { $url = new SimpleUrl($url); } return $url->makeAbsolute($this->getUrl()); } /** * Sets the title tag contents. * @param SimpleTitleTag $tag Title of page. * @access protected */ function _setTitle($tag) { $this->_title = $tag; } /** * Accessor for parsed title. * @return string Title or false if no title is present. * @access public */ function getTitle() { if ($this->_title) { return $this->_title->getText(); } return false; } /** * Finds a held form by button label. Will only * search correctly built forms. * @param SimpleSelector $selector Button finder. * @return SimpleForm Form object containing * the button. * @access public */ function &getFormBySubmit($selector) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) { if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->hasSubmit($selector)) { return $this->_complete_forms[$i]; } } $null = null; return $null; } /** * Finds a held form by image using a selector. * Will only search correctly built forms. * @param SimpleSelector $selector Image finder. * @return SimpleForm Form object containing * the image. * @access public */ function &getFormByImage($selector) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) { if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->hasImage($selector)) { return $this->_complete_forms[$i]; } } $null = null; return $null; } /** * Finds a held form by the form ID. A way of * identifying a specific form when we have control * of the HTML code. * @param string $id Form label. * @return SimpleForm Form object containing the matching ID. * @access public */ function &getFormById($id) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) { if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->getId() == $id) { return $this->_complete_forms[$i]; } } $null = null; return $null; } /** * Sets a field on each form in which the field is * available. * @param SimpleSelector $selector Field finder. * @param string $value Value to set field to. * @return boolean True if value is valid. * @access public */ function setField($selector, $value) { $is_set = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) { if ($this->_complete_forms[$i]->setField($selector, $value)) { $is_set = true; } } return $is_set; } /** * Accessor for a form element value within a page. * @param SimpleSelector $selector Field finder. * @return string/boolean A string if the field is * present, false if unchecked * and null if missing. * @access public */ function getField($selector) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_complete_forms); $i++) { $value = $this->_complete_forms[$i]->getValue($selector); if (isset($value)) { return $value; } } return null; } } ?>