use mysql; drop database IBatisNet; create database IBatisNet; drop database NHibernate; create database NHibernate; grant all privileges on IBatisNet.* to IBatisNet@'%' identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on IBatisNet.* to IBatisNet@localhost identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on IBatisNet.* to IBatisNet@localhost.localdomain identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on NHibernate.* to NHibernate@'%' identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on NHibernate.* to NHibernate@localhost identified by 'test'; grant all privileges on NHibernate.* to NHibernate@localhost.localdomain identified by 'test'; /*==============================================================*/ /* Nom de la base : MYSQL */ /* Nom de SGBD : MySQL 3.23 */ /* Date de cr閍tion : 27/05/2004 20:51:40 */ /*==============================================================*/ use IBatisNet; drop table if exists Accounts; drop table if exists Categories; drop table if exists Enumerations; drop table if exists LineItems; drop table if exists Orders; drop table if exists Others; drop table if exists Documents; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Accounts */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Accounts ( Account_Id int not null, Account_FirstName varchar(32) not null, Account_LastName varchar(32) not null, Account_Email varchar(128), Account_Banner_Option varchar(255), Account_Cart_Option int, primary key (Account_Id) ) TYPE=INNODB; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Categories */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Categories ( Category_Id int not null AUTO_INCREMENT, Category_Name varchar(32), Category_Guid varchar(36), primary key (Category_Id) ) TYPE=INNODB; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Enumerations */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Enumerations ( Enum_Id int not null, Enum_Day int not null, Enum_Color int not null, Enum_Month int, primary key (Enum_Id) ) TYPE=INNODB; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : LineItems */ /*==============================================================*/ create table LineItems ( LineItem_Id int not null, Order_Id int not null, LineItem_Code varchar(32) not null, LineItem_Quantity int not null, LineItem_Price decimal(18,2), LineItem_Picture blob, primary key (Order_Id, LineItem_Id) ) TYPE=INNODB; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Orders */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Orders ( Order_Id int not null, Account_Id int null, Order_Date datetime, Order_CardType varchar(32), Order_CardNumber varchar(32), Order_CardExpiry varchar(32), Order_Street varchar(32), Order_City varchar(32), Order_Province varchar(32), Order_PostalCode varchar(32), Order_FavouriteLineItem int, primary key (Order_Id) ) TYPE=INNODB; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Others */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Others ( Other_Int int, Other_Long bigint, Other_Bit bit not null default 0, Other_String varchar(32) not null ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE F ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , F_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE E ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , E_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE D ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , D_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE C ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , C_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; CREATE TABLE B ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , C_ID varchar(50) NULL , D_ID varchar(50) NULL , B_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE B ADD CONSTRAINT FK_B_C FOREIGN KEY FK_B_C (C_ID) REFERENCES C (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_B_D FOREIGN KEY FK_B_D (D_ID) REFERENCES D (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT; CREATE TABLE A ( ID varchar(50) NOT NULL , B_ID varchar(50) NULL , E_ID varchar(50) NULL , F_ID varchar(50) NULL , A_Libelle varchar(50) NULL , primary key (ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; ALTER TABLE A ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A_B FOREIGN KEY FK_A_B (B_ID) REFERENCES B (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A_E FOREIGN KEY FK_A_E (E_ID) REFERENCES E (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT ON UPDATE RESTRICT, ADD CONSTRAINT FK_A_F FOREIGN KEY FK_A_F (F_ID) REFERENCES F (ID) ON DELETE RESTRICT; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Documents */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Documents ( Document_Id int not null, Document_Title varchar(32), Document_Type varchar(32), Document_PageNumber int, Document_City varchar(32), primary key (DOCUMENT_ID) ) TYPE=INNODB; use NHibernate; drop table if exists Users; /*==============================================================*/ /* Table : Users */ /*==============================================================*/ create table Users ( LogonId varchar(20) not null default '0', Name varchar(40) default null, Password varchar(20) default null, EmailAddress varchar(40) default null, LastLogon datetime default null, primary key (LogonId) ) TYPE=INNODB;