require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../phpunit.php';


 * @package System.Security
class TSecurityManagerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
	public static $app;

	public function setUp() {
		if (self::$app === null) {
			self::$app = new TApplication (dirname(__FILE__).'/app');

	public function tearDown() {

	public function testInit() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		self::assertEquals ($sec, self::$app->getSecurityManager());
	public function testValidationKey() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		// Random validation key
		$valkey=$sec->getValidationKey ();
		self::assertEquals($valkey, self::$app->getGlobalState(TSecurityManager::STATE_VALIDATION_KEY));
		$sec->setValidationKey ('aKey');
		try {
			$sec->setValidationKey ('');
			self::fail ('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}
	public function testEncryptionKey() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		// Random encryption key
		$valkey=$sec->getEncryptionKey ();
		self::assertEquals($valkey, self::$app->getGlobalState(TSecurityManager::STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY));
		$sec->setEncryptionKey ('aKey');
		try {
			$sec->setEncryptionKey ('');
			self::fail ('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}
	public function testValidation() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		$sec->setValidation ('MD5');
		$sec->setValidation ('SHA1');
		try {
			$sec->setValidation ('BAD');
			self::fail ('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}
	public function testEncryption() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		try {
			$sec->setEncryption ('DES');
			self::fail ('Expected TNotSupportedException not thrown');
		} catch (TNotSupportedException $e) {
			self::assertEquals('3DES', $sec->getEncryption());
	public function testEncryptDecrypt() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		// loop through different string size
		$testText = md5('a text (not) full of entrophy');
		for($i=1; $i<strlen($testText); $i++)
			$sec->setEncryptionKey ('aKey');
			$plainText = substr($testText, 0, $i);
			try {
				$encrypted = $sec->encrypt($plainText);
			} catch (TNotSupportedException $e) {
				self::markTestSkipped('mcrypt extension not loaded');
			$decrypted = $sec->decrypt($encrypted);


			// try change key 
			$sec->setEncryptionKey ('anotherKey');
			self::assertNotEquals($plainText, $sec->decrypt($encrypted));
	public function testHashData() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		$hashed=$sec->hashData('A text to hash');
		// Lenght of SHA1 hashed data must be 54 (40 + strlen data)
		self::assertEquals (54, strlen($hashed));
		// The initial text should be after the initial hash
		self::assertEquals ('A text to hash', substr($hashed,40));
		// Same tests with MD5
		$hashed=$sec->hashData('A text to hash');
		// Lenght of SHA1 hashed data must be 46 (32 + strlen data)
		self::assertEquals (46, strlen($hashed));
		// The initial text should be after the initial hash
		self::assertEquals ('A text to hash', substr($hashed,32));
	public function testValidateData() {
		$sec=new TSecurityManager ();
		$sec->init (null);
		$hashed=$sec->hashData('A text to hash');
		self::assertEquals('A text to hash', $sec->validateData($hashed));
		// try to alter the hashed data
		// and a test without tampered data

