

 * @package System.Web
class TAssetManagerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

	public static $app = null;
	public static $assetDir = null;

	public function setUp () {
		// Fake environment variables needed to determine path
		$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
		$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'localhost';
		$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = '80';
		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/demos/personal/index.php?page=Links';
		$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/demos/personal/index.php';
		$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/demos/personal/index.php';
		$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = 'page=Links';
		$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'https://github.com/pradosoft/prado';
		$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070309 Firefox/';
		$_SERVER['REMOTE_HOST'] = 'localhost';

		if (self::$app===null) {
			self::$app=new TApplication(dirname(__FILE__).'/app');

		if (self::$assetDir===null) self::$assetDir= dirname(__FILE__).'/assets';
		// Make asset directory if not exists
	    if (!file_exists (self::$assetDir)) {
    		if (is_writable(dirname(self::$assetDir)))
    		  mkdir (self::$assetDir) ;
    		  throw new Exception ('Directory '.dirname(self::$assetDir).' is not writable');
	    } elseif (!is_dir (self::$assetDir)) {
	       throw new Exception (self::$assetDir.' exists and is not a directory');
		// Define an alias to asset directory
		prado::setPathofAlias('AssetAlias', self::$assetDir);


	private function removeDirectory ($dir) {
	  // Let's be sure $dir is a directory to avoir any error. Clear the cache !
	  if (is_dir($dir)) {
	    foreach (scandir($dir) as $content) {
	      if ($content==='.' or $content==='..') continue; // skip . and ..
	      if (is_dir($content))
	        $this->removeDirectory ($content); // Recursivly remove directories
	        unlink ($content); // Remove file
	    // Now, directory should be empty, remove it
	    rmdir ($dir);

	public function tearDown () {
		// Make some cleaning :)

	public function testInit() {

		$manager=new TAssetManager ();

		$manager->init (null);

		self::assertEquals(self::$assetDir, $manager->getBasePath());
		self::assertEquals($manager, self::$app->getAssetManager());

		// No, remove asset directory, and catch the exception
		if (is_dir(self::$assetDir)) $this->removeDirectory (self::$assetDir);
		try {
			$manager->init (null);
			self::fail ('Expected TConfigurationException not thrown');
		} catch (TConfigurationException $e) {}

	public function testSetBasePath() {
		$manager = new TAssetManager ();
		// First try, invalid directory
		try {
			self::fail('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}

		// Next, standard asset directory, should work

		$manager->setBasePath ('AssetAlias');
		self::assertEquals(self::$assetDir, $manager->getBasePath());

		// Finally, test to change after init
		$manager->init (null);
		try {
			$manager->setBasePath ('test');
			self::fail ('Expected TInvalidOperationException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidOperationException $e) {}


	public function testSetBaseUrl() {
		$manager=new TAssetManager ();
		$manager->setBaseUrl ('/assets/');
		self::assertEquals("/assets", $manager->getBaseUrl());

		$manager->init (null);
		try {
			$manager->setBaseUrl ('/test');
			self::fail ('Expected TInvalidOperationException not thrown');
		} catch (TInvalidOperationException $e) {}


	public function testPublishFilePath() {
		$manager=new TAssetManager();
		$manager->init (null);

		// Try to publish a single file
		$publishedUrl = $manager->publishFilePath($fileToPublish);
		self::assertEquals($publishedFile, $manager->getPublishedPath($fileToPublish));
		self::assertEquals($publishedUrl, $manager->getPublishedUrl($fileToPublish));

	    //  try to publish invalid file
	    try {
	      self::fail('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
	    } catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}

	public function testPublishFilePathWithDirectory () {
	    $manager=new TAssetManager();
		$manager->init (null);

		// Try to publish a directory
		$publishedUrl = $manager->publishFilePath($dirToPublish);
		self::assertEquals($publishedDir, $manager->getPublishedPath($dirToPublish));
		self::assertEquals($publishedUrl, $manager->getPublishedUrl($dirToPublish));


	public function testPublishTarFile() {
		$manager=new TAssetManager();
		$manager->init (null);


		// First, try with bad md5
	    try {
	      $manager->publishTarFile($tarFile, 'badMd5File');
	      self::fail('Expected TInvalidDataValueException not thrown');
	    } catch (TInvalidDataValueException $e) {}

	    // Then, try with real md5 file
	    $publishedUrl=$manager->publishTarFile($tarFile, $md5File);
