DELETE FROM logoh WHERE id > 0;
UPDATE logoh SET dane = (SELECT fullname FROM admin) WHERE id = 0;
INSERT INTO `logoh` (`id`, `dane`) VALUES
(1, 'c-over'),
(2, 'PLACE:'),
(3, 'RESULT:'),
(4, 'TOTAL:'),
(5, ' at '),
(6, 'total points'),
(7, ' in progress'),
(8, ' SEGMENT '),
(9, ' to see travellers of this segment.'),
(11, ', page generated on '),
(12, 'PT'),
(13, 'Board analysis by DeepFinesse'),
(14, 'imps'),
(15, ', optimized for 1024x768 resolution.'),
(16, 'PLEASE NOTE:'),
(17, ' TABLE '),
(18, 'ROUND '),
(19, 'VS'),
(20, 'Butler results for NS in given room.'),
(21, 'after round#'),
(22, 'round#'),
(23, 'Click table number on the right to see its travellers.'),
(24, 'Artificial TD's scores marked ARB, AAA, AMP ... in contract field.'),
(25, 'Points for not balancing TD's scores in "TD" column on the right.'),
(26, 'Penalties/Awards in VP are NOT mentioned here.'),
(27, 'after '),
(28, ' TD '),
(29, 'CLOSED'),
(30, 'OPEN'),
(31, 'Scores with changed lines marked with *'),
(33, ' lead '),
(34, 'brd#'),
(35, 'butler'),
(36, 'by'),
(37, 'contr.'),
(38, 'lead'),
(39, 'table'),
(40, 'tr.'),
(41, 'VP'),
(42, 'Team'),
(44, 'imp/brd'),
(45, 'opponent'),
(47, 'reason'),
(48, 'round'),
(49, 'score'),
(50, 'boards'),
(52, 'team'),
(53, '∑ VP'),
(54, 'vp'),
(55, 'Name'),
(56, 'Away'),
(57, 'Home'),
(58, 'closed'),
(59, 'open'),
(60, 'total'),
(61, 'Click on team to see its results and members.'),
(62, 'total imp:'),
(63, 'Butler'),
(64, 'Brd#'),
(65, 'place'),
(67, 'Info'),
(68, '# in team'),
(72, 'BUTLER, ROUND#'),
(73, 'datum'),
(75, 'Click on '),
(76, 'Click on board number above to see it on the right.'),
(77, 'Click on round below to see its results.'),
(78, 'Click round on the left to see its results.'),
(79, 'GROUP '),
(81, 'Previous rounds:'),
(83, 'diff'),
(84, 'BOARD#'),
(85, 'IMP:'),
(87, 'PASS'),
(88, '% of boards'),
(89, 'PT:'),
(90, 'players without chances to play at least '),
(91, 'players without chances to play at least '),
(92, '% of boards are not listed'),
(93, 'Makeable tricks:'),
(94, 'Players'),
(96, 'Total PT'),
(97, 'STARTING ON'),
(98, 'VP Table'),
(99, '-oNS'),
(100, '-oEW'),
(101, '-cNS'),
(102, '-cEW'),
(103, 'master
(104, 'congress
(105, ' '),
(106, 'prize'),
(109, 'Move mouse over contract to see the auction. Move mouse over score to see the play.'),
(110, 'circle a letter or
circle both letters (NS or EW)
to use default positions'),
(111, 'Trick#'),
(112, 'OPEN ROOM:'),
(113, 'CLOSED ROOM:'),
(114, 'HOME TEAM:'),
(115, 'AWAY TEAM:'),
(118, 'signed for '),
(119, 'Documentation for all tables.
Use IE only to print it.'),
(120, 'Jan RomaĆski'2005'),
(121, ' H'),
(122, ' A');