From 6f7fdef0f500cd4bb540affd3bc1482243f337c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: emkael Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 23:18:07 +0100 Subject: * Prado 3.3.0 --- .../framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt | 436 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 436 insertions(+) create mode 100644 lib/prado/framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt (limited to 'lib/prado/framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt') diff --git a/lib/prado/framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt b/lib/prado/framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7490ccd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/prado/framework/Exceptions/messages/messages-zh.txt @@ -0,0 +1,436 @@ +prado_application_singleton_required = Prado.Application只能被设置一次。 +prado_component_unknown = 未知组件类型“{0}”。这有可能是因为{0}类文件里有如下错误:{1} +prado_using_invalid = “{0}”不是一个合法的命名空间。如果命名空间指向一个目录,请确认命名空间以“.*”结尾。 +prado_alias_redefined = 路径别名“{0}”不能被重定义。 +prado_alias_invalid = 路径别名“{0}”所指的文件目录{1}不存在。 +prado_aliasname_invalid = 路径别名“{0}”不允许包含“.”字符。 + +component_property_undefined = 组件属性“{0}.{1}”未定义。 +component_property_readonly = 组件属性“{0}.{1}”是只读的。 +component_event_undefined = 组件事件“{0}.{1}”未定义。 +component_eventhandler_invalid = 组件事件“{0}.{1}”所指事件响应函数“{2}”非法。 +component_expression_invalid = 组件{0}执行了一个非法的表达式“{1}”:{2} +component_statements_invalid = 组件{0}执行了一段非法的PHP代码“{1}”:{2} + +propertyvalue_enumvalue_invalid = 枚举类型“{1}”不存在枚举值“{0}”。 + +list_index_invalid = 列表下标“{0}”越界。 +list_item_inexistent = 无法在列表里找到要找的项目。 +list_data_not_iterable = 所传参数必须是一个数组或是一个实现Traversable接口的对象。 +list_readonly = 列表“{0}”是只读的。 + +map_addition_disallowed = Map无法添加新项目。 +map_item_unremovable = Map无法删除项目。 +map_data_not_iterable = Map数据必须是个数组或是实现Traversable接口的对象。 +map_readonly = Map类型“{0}”是只读的。 + +application_includefile_invalid = 无法找到应用配置文件“{0}”。注意,配置文件应该以命名空间的形式指定;文件名必须以.xml结尾。 +application_basepath_invalid = 应用的基本路径“{0}”不存在或不是一个目录。 +application_runtimepath_invalid = 应用的runtime路径“{0}”不存在,或Web服务进程无法写入该目录。 +application_service_invalid = 服务“{0}”必须实现IService接口。 +application_service_unknown = 请求的服务“{0}”未定义。 +application_unavailable = 应用暂时不可用。 +application_service_unavailable = 服务“{0}”暂时不可用。 +application_moduleid_duplicated = 应用模块的ID “{0}”不唯一。 +application_runtimepath_failed = 无法创建runtime路径“{0}”。请确认父目录是否存在,是否可被Web服务进程写入。 + +appconfig_aliaspath_invalid = 应用配置使用了一个非法的文件目录“{1}”。 +appconfig_alias_invalid = 应用配置元素必须指定“id”和“path”属性。 +appconfig_alias_redefined = 应用配置不允许重复定义。 +appconfig_using_invalid = 应用配置元素必须指定“namespace”属性。 +appconfig_moduleid_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“id”属性。 +appconfig_moduletype_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“class”属性。 +appconfig_serviceid_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“id”属性。 +appconfig_servicetype_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“class”属性。 +appconfig_parameterid_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“id”属性。 +appconfig_includefile_required = 应用配置元素必须指定“file”属性。 +appconfig_paths_invalid = 应用配置不允许包含<{0}>元素。 +appconfig_modules_invalid = 应用配置不允许包含<{0}>元素。 +appconfig_services_invalid = 应用配置不允许包含<{0}>元素。 +appconfig_parameters_invalid = 应用配置不允许包含<{0}>元素。 +appconfig_tag_invalid = 应用配置不允许包含<{0}>元素。 + +securitymanager_validationkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.ValidationKey不能为空。 +securitymanager_encryptionkey_invalid = TSecurityManager.EncryptionKey不能为空。 +securitymanager_mcryptextension_required = TSecurityManager的加密功能需要使用Mcrypt的PHP扩展模块。 + +uri_format_invalid = “{0}”不是一个合法的URI。 + +httprequest_separator_invalid = THttpRequest.UrlParamSeparator只能包含一个字符。 +httprequest_urlmanager_inexist = THttpRequest.UrlManager “{0}”所指的模块不存在。 +httprequest_urlmanager_invalid = THttpRequest.UrlManager “{0}”所指的模块必须继承TUrlManager。 + +httpcookiecollection_httpcookie_required = THttpCookieCollection只能包含THttpCookie对象。 + +httpresponse_bufferoutput_unchangeable = THttpResponse.BufferOutput无法被修改,因为THttpResponse已经初始化完毕。 +httpresponse_file_inexistent = THttpResponse无法发送文件“{0}”。该文件不存在。 + +httpsession_sessionid_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionID无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_sessionname_unchangeable = THttpSession.SessionName无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_sessionname_invalid = THttpSession.SessionName只能包含字母或数字字符。 +httpsession_savepath_unchangeable = THttpSession.SavePath无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_savepath_invalid = THttpSession.SavePath所指目录“{0}”不存在。 +httpsession_storage_unchangeable = THttpSession.Storage无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_cookiemode_unchangeable = THttpSession.CookieMode无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_autostart_unchangeable = THttpSession.AutoStart无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_gcprobability_unchangeable = THttpSession.GCProbability无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_gcprobability_invalid = THttpSession.GCProbability必须是个0到100之间的整数。 +httpsession_transid_unchangeable = THttpSession.UseTransparentSessionID无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 +httpsession_transid_cookieonly = THttpSession.UseTransparentSessionID cannot be set when THttpSession.CookieMode is set to Only. +httpsession_maxlifetime_unchangeable = THttpSession.Timeout无法被修改,因为session已经启动了。 + +assetmanager_basepath_invalid = TAssetManager.BasePath所指路径“{0}”非法。请确认它以命名空间方式指定,并且它所对应的文件目录可以被Web服务器进程写入。 +assetmanager_basepath_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BasePath无法被修改,因为该模块已经初始化完毕。 +assetmanager_baseurl_unchangeable = TAssetManager.BaseUrl无法被修改,因为该模块已经初始化完毕。 +assetmanager_filepath_invalid = TAssetManager试图发布一个不存在的文件“{0}”。 +assetmanager_tarchecksum_invalid = TAssetManager试图发布一个校验值不正确的tar文件。 +assetmanager_tarfile_invalid = TAssetManager试图发布一个不存在的tar文件“{0}”。 +assetmanager_source_directory_invalid = TAssetManager试图复制一个不存在的文件目录“{0}”。 + +cache_primary_duplicated = 一个应用最多只能指定一个主缓存模块。模块“{0}”正在被注册为第二个主缓存模块。 +sqlitecache_extension_required = TSqliteCache需要SQLite PHP扩展模块。 +sqlitecache_dbfile_required = TSqliteCache.DbFile必须指定一个值。 +sqlitecache_connection_failed = TSqliteCache连接数据库失败:{0} +sqlitecache_table_creation_failed = TSqliteCache无法创建缓存数据库:{0} +sqlitecache_dbfile_unchangeable = TSqliteCache.DbFile无法被修改,因为该模块已经初始化完毕。 +sqlitecache_dbfile_invalid = TSqliteCache.DbFile所指文件不存在。请确认它以命名空间方式指定。 + +memcache_extension_required = TMemCache需要memcache PHP扩展模块。 +memcache_connection_failed = TMemCache连接memcache服务器“{0}”失败:{1} +memcache_host_unchangeable = TMemCache.Host无法被修改,因为该模块已经初始化完毕。 +memcache_port_unchangeable = TMemCache.Port无法被修改,因为该模块已经初始化完毕。 + +apccache_extension_required = TAPCCache需要APC PHP扩展模块。 +apccache_add_unsupported = TAPCCache不支持add()函数。 +apccache_replace_unsupported = TAPCCache不支持replace()函数。 +apccache_extension_not_enabled = TAPCCache需要在php.ini里指定apc.enabled = 1。 +apccache_extension_not_enabled_cli = TAPCCache需要在php.ini里指定apc.enable_cli = 1。 + +errorhandler_errortemplatepath_invalid = TErrorHandler.ErrorTemplatePath所指路径“{0}”不存在。请确认它以命名空间的方式指定,并且它指向一个包含错误信息模板的文件目录。 + +pageservice_page_unknown = 无法找到页面“{0}”。 +pageservice_pageclass_unknown = 未知页面类“{0}”。 +pageservice_basepath_invalid = TPageService.BasePath所指路径“{0}”不存在。 +pageservice_page_required = 请提供页面名字。 +pageservice_defaultpage_unchangeable = TPageService.DefaultPage无法被修改,因为页面服务已经初始化完毕。 +pageservice_basepath_unchangeable = TPageService.BasePath无法被修改,因为页面服务已经初始化完毕。 +pageservice_pageclass_invalid = 页面类“{0}”必须继承TPage。 +pageservice_includefile_invalid = 无法找到页面服务配置“{0}”。请确认它以命名空间方式指定,并且文件名以“.xml”结尾。 + +pageserviceconf_file_invalid = 无法打开页面配置文件“{0}”。 +pageserviceconf_aliaspath_invalid = uses an invalid file path "{1}" in page directory configuration file '{2}'. +pageserviceconf_alias_invalid = element must have an "id" attribute and a "path" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'. +pageserviceconf_using_invalid = element must have a "namespace" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'. +pageserviceconf_module_invalid = element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'. +pageserviceconf_moduletype_required = must have a "class" attribute in page directory configuration file '{1}'. +pageserviceconf_parameter_invalid = element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'. +pageserviceconf_page_invalid = element must have an "id" attribute in page directory configuration file '{0}'. +pageserviceconf_includefile_required = Page configuration element must have a "file" attribute. + +template_closingtag_unexpected = Unexpected closing tag '{0}' is found. +template_closingtag_expected = Closing tag '{0}' is expected. +template_directive_nonunique = Directive '<%@ ... %>' must appear at the beginning of the template and can appear at most once. +template_comments_forbidden = Template comments are not allowed within property tags. +template_matching_unexpected = Unexpected matching. +template_property_unknown = {0} has no property called '{1}'. +template_event_unknown = {0} has no event called '{1}'. +template_property_readonly = {0} has a read-only property '{1}'. +template_event_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. No handler can be attached to its event '{1}' in a template. +template_databind_forbidden = {0} is a non-control component. Expressions cannot be bound to its property '{1}'. +template_component_required = '{0}' is not a component. Only components can appear in a template. +template_format_invalid = Invalid template syntax: {0} +template_property_duplicated = Property {0} is configured twice or more. +template_eventhandler_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static string. +template_controlid_invalid = {0}.ID can only accept a static text string. +template_controlskinid_invalid = {0}.SkinID can only accept a static text string. +template_content_unexpected = Unexpected content is encountered when instantiating template: {0}. +template_include_invalid = Invalid template inclusion. Make sure {0} is a valid namespace pointing to an existing template file whose extension is .tpl. +template_tag_unexpected = Initialization for property {0} contains an unknown tag type {1}. + +xmldocument_file_read_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to read file '{0}'. +xmldocument_file_write_failed = TXmlDocument is unable to write file '{0}'. + +xmlelementlist_xmlelement_required = TXmlElementList can only accept TXmlElement objects. + +authorizationrule_action_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Action can only take 'allow' or 'deny' as the value. +authorizationrule_verb_invalid = TAuthorizationRule.Verb can only take 'get' or 'post' as the value. + +authorizationrulecollection_authorizationrule_required = TAuthorizationRuleCollection can only accept TAuthorizationRule objects. + +usermanager_userfile_invalid = TUserManager.UserFile '{0}' is not a valid file. +usermanager_userfile_unchangeable = TUserManager.UserFile cannot be modified. The user module has been initialized already. + +authmanager_usermanager_required = TAuthManager.UserManager must be assigned a value. +authmanager_usermanager_inexistent = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to an ID of application module. +authmanager_usermanager_invalid = TAuthManager.UserManager '{0}' does not refer to a valid TUserManager application module. +authmanager_usermanager_unchangeable = TAuthManager.UserManager cannot be modified after the module is initialized. +authmanager_session_required = TAuthManager requires a session application module. + +thememanager_service_unavailable = TThemeManager requires TPageService to be available. This error often occurs when you configure TThemeManager outside of the page service configuration. +thememanager_basepath_invalid = TThemeManager.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid path alias. Make sure you have defined this alias in configuration and it points to a valid directory. +thememanager_basepath_invalid2 = TThemeManager.BasePath '{0}' is not a valid directory. +thememanager_basepath_unchangeable = TThemeManager.BasePath cannot be modified after the module is initialized. + +theme_baseurl_required = TThemeManager.BasePath is required. By default, a directory named 'themes' under the directory containing the application entry script is assumed. +theme_path_inexistent = Theme path '{0}' does not exist. +theme_control_nested = Skin for control type '{0}' in theme '{1}' cannot be within another skin. +theme_skinid_duplicated = SkinID '{0}.{1}' is duplicated in theme '{2}'. +theme_databind_forbidden = Databind cannot be used in theme '{0}' for control skin '{1}.{2}' about property '{3}'. +theme_property_readonly = Skin is being applied to a read-only control property '{0}.{1}'. +theme_property_undefined = Skin is being applied to an inexistent control property '{0}.{1}'. +theme_tag_unexpected = Initialization for property {0} contains an unknown tag type {1}. + +control_object_reregistered = Duplicated object ID '{0}' found. +control_id_invalid = {0}.ID '{1}' is invalid. Only alphanumeric and underline characters are allowed. The first character must be an alphabetic or underline character. +control_skinid_unchangeable = {0}.SkinID cannot be modified after a skin has been applied to the control or the child controls have been created. +control_enabletheming_unchangeable = {0}.EnableTheming cannot be modified after the child controls have been created. +control_stylesheet_applied = StyleSheet skin has already been applied to {0}. +control_id_nonunique = {0}.ID '{1}' is not unique among all controls under the same naming container. + +templatecontrol_mastercontrol_invalid = Master control must be of type TTemplateControl or a child class. +templatecontrol_mastercontrol_required = Control '{0}' requires a master control since the control uses TContent. +templatecontrol_contentid_duplicated = TContent ID '{0}' is duplicated. +templatecontrol_placeholderid_duplicated= TContentPlaceHolder ID '{0}' is duplicated. +templatecontrol_directive_invalid = {0}.{1} can only accept a static text string through a template directive. +templatecontrol_placeholder_inexistent = TContent '{0}' does not have a matching TContentPlaceHolder. + +page_form_duplicated = A page can contain at most one TForm. Use regular HTML form tags for the rest forms. +page_isvalid_unknown = TPage.IsValid has not been evaluated yet. +page_postbackcontrol_invalid = Unable to determine postback control '{0}'. +page_control_outofform = {0} '{1}' must be enclosed within TForm. +page_head_duplicated = A page can contain at most one THead. +page_head_required = A THead control is needed in page template in order to render CSS and js in the HTML head section. +page_statepersister_invalid = Page state persister must implement IPageStatePersister interface. + +csmanager_pradoscript_invalid = Unknown Prado script library name '{0}'. +csmanager_invalid_packages = Unkownn packages '{1}' for javascript packages defined in '{0}'. Valid packages are '{2}'. + +contentplaceholder_id_required = TContentPlaceHolder must have an ID. + +content_id_required = TContent must have an ID. + +controlcollection_control_required = TControlList can only accept strings or TControl objects. + +webcontrol_accesskey_invalid = {0}.AccessKey '{1}' is invalid. It must be a single character only. +webcontrol_style_invalid = {0}.Style must take string value only. + +listcontrol_selection_invalid = {0} has an invalid selection that is set before performing databinding. +listcontrol_selectedindex_invalid = {0}.SelectedIndex has an invalid value {1}. +listcontrol_selectedvalue_invalid = {0}.SelectedValue has an invalid value '{1}'. +listcontrol_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2} +listcontrol_multiselect_unsupported = {0} does not support multiselection. + +label_associatedcontrol_invalid = TLabel.AssociatedControl '{0}' cannot be found. + +hiddenfield_focus_unsupported = THiddenField does not support setting input focus. +hiddenfield_theming_unsupported = THiddenField does not support theming. +hiddenfield_skinid_unsupported = THiddenField does not support control skin. + +panel_defaultbutton_invalid = TPanel.DefaultButton '{0}' does not refer to an existing button control. + +tablestyle_cellpadding_invalid = TTableStyle.CellPadding must take an integer equal to or greater than -1. +tablestyle_cellspacing_invalid = TTableStyle.CellSpacing must take an integer equal to or greater than -1. + +pagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted. + +sessionpagestatepersister_pagestate_corrupted = Page state is corrupted. +sessionpagestatepersister_historysize_invalid = TSessionPageStatePersister.History must be an integer greater than 0. + +listitemcollection_item_invalid = TListItemCollection can only take strings or TListItem objects. + +dropdownlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TDropDownList.SelectedIndices is read-only. + +bulletedlist_autopostback_unsupported = TBulletedList.AutoPostBack is read-only. +bulletedlist_selectedindex_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedIndex is read-only. +bulletedlist_selectedindices_unsupported= TBulletedList.SelectedIndices is read-only. +bulletedlist_selectedvalue_unsupported = TBulletedList.SelectedValue is read-only. + +radiobuttonlist_selectedindices_unsupported = TRadioButtonList.SelectedIndices is read-only. + +logrouter_configfile_invalid = TLogRouter.ConfigFile '{0}' does not exist. +logrouter_routeclass_required = Class attribute is required in configuration. +logrouter_routetype_required = Log route must be an instance of TLogRoute or its derived class. + +filelogroute_logpath_invalid = TFileLogRoute.LogPath '{0}' must be a directory in namespace format and must be writable by the Web server process. +filelogroute_maxfilesize_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxFileSize must be greater than 0. +filelogroute_maxlogfiles_invalid = TFileLogRoute.MaxLogFiles must be greater than 0. + +emaillogroute_sentfrom_required = TEmailLogRoute.SentFrom cannot be empty. + +repeatinfo_repeatcolumns_invalid = TRepeatInfo.RepeatColumns must be no less than 0. + +basevalidator_controltovalidate_invalid = {0}.ControlToValidate is empty or contains an invalid control ID path. +basevalidator_validatable_required = {0}.ControlToValidate must point to a control implementing IValidatable interface. +basevalidator_forcontrol_unsupported = {0}.ForControl is not supported. + +comparevalidator_controltocompare_invalid = TCompareValidator.ControlToCompare contains an invalid control ID path. + +listcontrolvalidator_invalid_control = {0}.ControlToValidate contains an invalid TListControl ID path, "{1}" is a {2}. + +repeater_template_required = TRepeater.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface. +repeater_itemtype_unknown = Unknow repeater item type {0}. +repeateritemcollection_item_invalid = TRepeaterItemCollection can only accept objects that are instance of TControl or its descendant class. + +datalist_template_required = TDataList.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface. +datalistitemcollection_datalistitem_required = TDataListItemCollection can only accept TDataListItem objects. + +datagrid_template_required = TDataGrid.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface. +templatecolumn_template_required = TTemplateColumn.{0} requires a template instance implementing ITemplate interface. +datagrid_currentpageindex_invalid = TDataGrid.CurrentPageIndex must be no less than 0. +datagrid_pagesize_invalid = TDataGrid.PageSize must be greater than 0. +datagrid_virtualitemcount_invalid = TDataGrid.VirtualItemCount must be no less than 0. +datagriditemcollection_datagriditem_required = TDataGridItemCollection can only accept TDataGridItem objects. +datagridcolumncollection_datagridcolumn_required = TDataGridColumnCollection can only accept TDataGridColumn objects. +datagridpagerstyle_pagebuttoncount_invalid = TDataGridPagerStyle.PageButtonCount must be greater than 0. + +datafieldaccessor_data_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate a field value of an invalid data. Make sure the data is an array, TMap, TList, or object that contains the specified field '{0}'. +datafieldaccessor_datafield_invalid = TDataFieldAccessor is trying to evaluate data value of an unknown field '{0}'. + +tablerowcollection_tablerow_required = TTableRowCollection can only accept TTableRow objects. + +tablecellcollection_tablerow_required = TTableCellCollection can only accept TTableCell objects. + +multiview_view_required = TMultiView can only accept TView as child. +multiview_activeviewindex_invalid = TMultiView.ActiveViewIndex has an invalid index '{0}'. +multiview_view_inexistent = TMultiView cannot find the specified view. +multiview_viewid_invalid = TMultiView cannot find the view '{0}' to switch to. + +viewcollection_view_required = TViewCollection can only accept TView as its element. + +view_visible_readonly = TView.Visible is read-only. Use TView.Active to toggle its visibility. + +wizard_step_invalid = The step to be activated cannot be found in wizard step collection. +wizard_command_invalid = Invalid wizard navigation command '{0}'. + +table_tablesection_outoforder = TTable table sections must be in the order of: Header, Body and Footer. + +completewizardstep_steptype_readonly = TCompleteWizardStep.StepType is read-only. + +wizardstepcollection_wizardstep_required = TWizardStepCollection can only accept objects of TWizardStep or its derived classes. + +texthighlighter_stylesheet_invalid = Unable to find the stylesheet file for TTextHighlighter. + +hotspotcollection_hotspot_required = THotSpotCollection can only accept instance of THotSpot or its derived classes. + +htmlarea_textmode_readonly = THtmlArea.TextMode is read-only. +htmlarea_tarfile_invalid = THtmlArea is unable to locate the TinyMCE tar file. + +parametermodule_parameterfile_unchangeable = TParameterModule.ParameterFile is not changeable because the module is already initialized. +parametermodule_parameterfile_invalid = TParameterModule.ParameterFile '{0}' is invalid. Make sure it is in namespace format and the file extension is '.xml'. +parametermodule_parameterid_required = Parameter element must have 'id' attribute. + +datagridcolumn_id_invalid = {0}.ID '{1}' is invalid. Only alphanumeric and underline characters are allowed. The first character must be an alphabetic or underline character. +datagridcolumn_expression_invalid = {0} is evaluating an invalid expression '{1}' : {2} + +outputcache_cachemoduleid_invalid = TOutputCache.CacheModuleID is set with an invalid cache module ID {0}. Either the module does not exist or does not implement ICache interface. +outputcache_duration_invalid = {0}.Duration must be an integer no less than 0. + +stack_data_not_iterable = TStack can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object. +stack_empty = TStack is empty. + +queue_data_not_iterable = TQueue can only fetch data from an array or a traversable object. +queue_empty = TQueue is empty. + +pager_pagebuttoncount_invalid = TPager.PageButtonCount must be an integer no less than 1. +pager_currentpageindex_invalid = TPager.CurrentPageIndex is out of range. +pager_pagecount_invalid = TPager.PageCount cannot be smaller than 0. +pager_controltopaginate_invalid = TPager.ControlToPaginate {0} must be a valid ID path pointing to a TDataBoundControl-derived control. + +databoundcontrol_pagesize_invalid = {0}.PageSize must be an integer no smaller than 1. +databoundcontrol_virtualitemcount_invalid = {0}.VirtualItemCount must be an integer no smaller than 0. +databoundcontrol_currentpageindex_invalid = {0}.CurrentPageIndex is out of range. +databoundcontrol_datasource_invalid = {0}.DataSource is not valid. +databoundcontrol_datasourceid_inexistent = databoundcontrol_datasourceid_inexistent. +databoundcontrol_datasourceid_invalid = databoundcontrol_datasourceid_invalid +databoundcontrol_datamember_invalid = databoundcontrol_datamember_invalid + +clientscript_invalid_file_position = Invalid file position '{1}' for TClientScript control '{0}', must be 'Head', 'Here' or 'Begin'. +clientscript_invalid_package_path = Invalid PackagePath '{0}' for TClientScript control '{1}'. + +tdatepicker_autopostback_unsupported = '{0}' does not support AutoPostBack. +globalization_cache_path_failed = Unable to create translation message cache path '{0}'. Make sure the parent directory exists and is writable by the Web process. +globalization_source_path_failed = Unable to create translation message path '{0}'. Make sure the parent directory exists and is writable by the Web process. +callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update. +callback_invalid_callback_options = '{1}' is not a valid TCallbackOptions control for Callback control '{0}'. +callback_invalid_clientside_options = Callback ClientSide property must be either a string that is the ID of a TCallbackOptions control or an instance of TCallbackClientSideOptions.======= +callback_not_support_no_priority_state_update = Callback request does not support unprioritized pagestate update. +callback_invalid_handler = Invalid callback handler, control {0} must implement ICallbackEventHandler. +callback_invalid_target = Invalid callback target, no such control with ID {0}. + +callback_interval_be_positive = Interval for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be strictly greater than zero seconds. +callback_decay_be_not_negative = Decay rate for TCallbackTimer "{0}" must be not negative. + +callback_no_autopostback = Control "{0}" can not enable AutoPostBack. + +xmltransform_xslextension_required = TXmlTransform requires the PHP's XSL extension. +xmltransform_transformpath_invalid = TXmlTransform.TransformPath '{0}' is invalid. +xmltransform_documentpath_invalid = TXmlTransform.DocumentPath '{0}' is invalid. +xmltransform_transform_required = Either TransformContent or TransformPath property must be set for TXmlTransform. + +ttriggeredcallback_invalid_controlid = ControlID property for '{0}' must not be empty. +tactivecustomvalidator_clientfunction_unsupported = {0} does not support client side validator function. + +dbconnection_open_failed = TDbConnection failed to establish DB connection: {0} +dbconnection_connection_inactive = TDbConnection is inactive. +dbconnection_unsupported_driver_charset = Database driver '{0}' doesn't support setting charset. + +dbcommand_prepare_failed = TDbCommand failed to prepare the SQL statement "{1}": {0} +dbcommand_execute_failed = TDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement "{1}": {0} +dbcommand_query_failed = TDbCommand failed to execute the query SQL "{1}": {0} +dbcommand_column_empty = TDbCommand returned an empty result and could not obtain the scalar. +dbdatareader_rewind_invalid = TDbDataReader is a forward-only stream. It can only be traversed once. +dbtransaction_transaction_inactive = TDbTransaction is inactive. + +dbcommandbuilder_value_must_not_be_null = Property {0} must not be null as defined by column '{2}' in table '{1}'. + +dbcommon_invalid_table_name = Database table '{0}' not found. Error message: {1}. +dbcommon_invalid_identifier_name = Invalid database identifier name '{0}', see {1} for details. +dbtableinfo_invalid_column_name = Invalid column name '{0}' for database table '{1}'. +dbmetadata_invalid_table_view = Invalid table/view name '{0}', or that table/view '{0}' contains no accessible column/field definitions. +dbmetadata_requires_php_version = PHP version {1} or later is required for using {0} database. + +dbtablegateway_invalid_criteria = Invalid criteria object, must be a string or instance of TSqlCriteria. +dbtablegateway_no_primary_key_found = Table '{0}' does not contain any primary key fields. +dbtablegateway_missing_pk_values = Missing primary key values in forming IN(key1, key2, ...) for table '{0}'. +dbtablegateway_pk_value_count_mismatch = Composite key value count mismatch in forming IN( (key1, key2, ..), (key3, key4, ..)) for table '{0}'. +dbtablegateway_mismatch_args_exception = TTableGateway finder method '{0}' expects {1} parameters but found only {2} parameters instead. +dbtablegateway_mismatch_column_name = In dynamic __call() method '{0}', no matching columns were found, valid columns for table '{2}' are '{1}'. +dbtablegateway_invalid_table_info = Table must be a string or an instanceof TDbTableInfo. + +directorycachedependency_directory_invalid = TDirectoryCacheDependency.Directory {0} does not refer to a valid directory. +cachedependencylist_cachedependency_required = Only objects implementing ICacheDependency can be added into TCacheDependencyList. + +soapservice_configfile_invalid = TSoapService.ConfigFile '{0}' does not exist. Note, it has to be specified in a namespace format and the file extension must be '.xml'. +soapservice_request_invalid = SOAP server '{0}' not found. +soapservice_serverid_required = element must have 'id' attribute. +soapservice_serverid_duplicated = SOAP server ID '{0}' is duplicated. +soapserver_id_invalid = Invalid SOAP server ID '{0}'. It should not end with '.wsdl'. +soapserver_version_invalid = Invalid SOAP version '{0}'. It must be either '1.1' or '1.2'. + +dbusermanager_userclass_required = TDbUserManager.UserClass is required. +dbusermanager_userclass_invalid = TDbUserManager.UserClass '{0}' is not a valid user class. The class must extend TDbUser. +dbusermanager_connectionid_invalid = TDbUserManager.ConnectionID '{0}' does not point to a valid TDataSourceConfig module. +dbusermanager_connectionid_required = TDbUserManager.ConnectionID is required. + +feedservice_id_required = TFeedService requires 'id' attribute in its feed elements. +feedservice_feedtype_invalid = The class feed '{0}' must implement IFeedContentProvider interface. +feedservice_class_required = TFeedService requires 'class' attribute in its feed elements. +feedservice_feed_unknown = Unknown feed '{0}' requested. + +tabviewcollection_tabview_required = TTabPanel can only accept TTabView as child. +tabpanel_activeviewid_invalid = TTabPanel.ActiveViewID has an invalid ID '{0}'. +tabpanel_activeviewindex_invalid = TTabPanel.ActiveViewIndex has an invalid Index '{0}'. +tabpanel_view_inexistent = TTabPanel cannot find the specified view. + +cachesession_cachemoduleid_required = TCacheHttpSession.CacheModuleID is required. +cachesession_cachemodule_inexistent = TCacheHttpSession.CacheModuleID '{0}' points to a non-existent module. +cachesession_cachemodule_invalid = TCacheHttpSession.CacheModuleID '{0}' points to a module that does not implement ICache interface. + +urlmapping_urlmappingpattern_required = TUrlMapping can only contain TUrlMappingPattern or its child classes. +urlmapping_global_required = TUrlMapping must be configured as a global module. +urlmapping_configfile_inexistent = TUrlMapping.ConfigFile '{0}' is not a file. +urlmapping_configfile_invalid = TUrlMapping.ConfigFile '{0}' must point to an XML file in namespace format. + +urlmappingpattern_serviceparameter_required = TUrlMappingPattern.ServiceParameter is required for pattern '{0}'. + +juidatepicker_settextmode_unsupported = TextMode of TJuiDatePicker cannot be changed. \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3