findAllByPks( array_map( function(Calendar $calendar) { return $calendar->CategoryID; }, $calendars ) ); } private $_defaultPreference = NULL; public function getDefaultPreference() { if ($this->_defaultPreference === NULL) { $this->_defaultPreference = Calendar::finder()->findAllByIsVisible(1); } return $this->_defaultPreference; } public function getCalendarPreference(DbUser $user) { if ($user->IsGuest) { return $this->getDefaultPreference(); } else { return $user->DbRecord->Calendars; } } public function getPreferenceList(DbUser $user) { $calendars = $this->getCalendarPreference($user); if ($calendars) { $categories = array_map( function(Category $category) use($calendars) { $dto = new CalendarGroupDTO(); $dto->loadRecord($category, $calendars); return $dto; }, $this->_getCategoriesForCalendars($calendars) ); usort($categories, ['CalendarGroupDTO', '__compare']); return $categories; } return []; } public function isCalendarPreferred(DbUser $user, $calendarID) { return in_array( $calendarID, array_map( function(Calendar $calendar) { return $calendar->UID; }, $this->getCalendarPreference($user) ) ); } public function addToPreference(DbUser $user, $calendarID) { if (!$user->IsGuest) { $calendar = Calendar::finder()->findByPk($calendarID); if ($calendar) { $this->setPreferredCalendar($user->DbRecord, $calendar); } } } public function removeFromPreference(DbUser $user, $calendarID) { if (!$user->IsGuest) { $preferenceRecord = UserPreference::finder()->find( '_user = ? AND _calendar = ?', $user->DbRecord->ID, $calendarID ); if ($preferenceRecord) { $preferenceRecord->delete(); } } } public function setPreferredCalendar(User $user, Calendar $calendar) { $preference = new UserPreference(); $preference->CalendarID = $calendar->UID; $preference->UserID = $user->ID; $preference->save(); } public function setPreferredCalendars(User $user, array $calendars) { //TODO: remove old preference, optionally $transaction = $this->beginTransaction(); try { foreach ($calendars as $calendar) { $this->setPreferredCalendar($user, $calendar); } $transaction->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $transaction->rollback(); throw $e; } } public function getEventsForTimeframe(CalendarDTO $calendar, DateTime $dateFrom, DateTime $dateTo, string $order = 'ASC') { $calendar = Calendar::finder()->findAllByUID($calendar->ID); if ($calendar) { $events = EventFacade::getInstance()->getEventList( $dateFrom->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $dateTo->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $calendar, $order ); return array_map( function(Entry $event) use($calendar) { $dto = new EventDTO(); $dto->loadRecord($event, $calendar); return $dto; }, $events ); } return []; } public function getAll() { $records = Calendar::finder()->withCategory()->findAll('ORDER BY name ASC'); foreach ($records as $record) { $this->_fillUrlCache($record); } return $records; } public function getCategories() { $categories = array_map( function(Category $record) { $dto = new CalendarGroupDTO(); $dto->loadRecord($record, []); return $dto; }, Category::finder()->findAll() ); usort($categories, ['CalendarGroupDTO', '__compare']); return $categories; } public function get($uid) { $records = Calendar::finder()->withCategory()->findAllByPks($uid); foreach ($records as $record) { $this->_fillUrlCache($record); } return $records; } private $_urlCache = []; private function _fillUrlCache(Calendar $record = NULL) { if ($record && $record->CustomUrl && !isset($this->_urlCache[$record->CustomUrl])) { $dto = new CalendarDTO(); if ($record) { $dto->loadRecord($record); } else { $dto = NULL; } return $this->_urlCache[$record->CustomUrl] = $dto; } } public function resolveUrl(string $url = NULL) { if ($url) { if (isset($this->_urlCache[$url])) { return $this->_urlCache[$url]; } $record = Calendar::finder()->findByCustomUrl($url); if ($record) { return $this->_fillUrlCache($record); } } return NULL; } public function getCalendarBoundaries($year, $month, TimezoneDTO $timezone) { $firstDay = new DateTime(sprintf('%d-%02d', $year, $month), new DateTimeZone($timezone->Name)); $firstDayAfter = clone $firstDay; $firstDayAfter->modify('last day of this month')->modify('+1 day'); $firstDayOfTheWeek = $timezone->FirstDayOfTheWeek; if ($firstDay->format('D') !== $firstDayOfTheWeek) { $firstDay->modify('last ' . $firstDayOfTheWeek); } if ($firstDayAfter->format('D') !== $firstDayOfTheWeek) { $firstDayAfter->modify('next ' . $firstDayOfTheWeek); } $firstDayAfter->modify('-1 second'); return [$firstDay, $firstDayAfter]; } } ?>