* @author Kornel LesiƄski * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License * @version SVN: $Id$ * @link http://phptal.org/ */ /** * Simple sax like xml parser for PHPTAL * ("Dom" in the class name comes from name of the directory, not mode of operation) * * At the time this parser was created, standard PHP libraries were not suitable * (could not retrieve doctypes, xml declaration, problems with comments and CDATA). * * There are still some problems: XML parsers don't care about exact format of enties * or CDATA sections (PHPTAL tries to preserve them), * blocks are not allowed in attributes. * * This parser failed to enforce some XML well-formedness constraints, * and there are ill-formed templates "in the wild" because of this. * * @package PHPTAL * @subpackage Dom * @see PHPTAL_DOM_DocumentBuilder */ class PHPTAL_Dom_SaxXmlParser { private $_file; private $_line; private $_source; // available parser states const ST_ROOT = 0; const ST_TEXT = 1; const ST_LT = 2; const ST_TAG_NAME = 3; const ST_TAG_CLOSE = 4; const ST_TAG_SINGLE = 5; const ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES = 6; const ST_TAG_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTE = 7; const ST_CDATA = 8; const ST_COMMENT = 9; const ST_DOCTYPE = 10; const ST_XMLDEC = 11; const ST_PREPROC = 12; const ST_ATTR_KEY = 13; const ST_ATTR_EQ = 14; const ST_ATTR_QUOTE = 15; const ST_ATTR_VALUE = 16; const BOM_STR = "\xef\xbb\xbf"; static $state_names = array( self::ST_ROOT => 'root node', self::ST_TEXT => 'text', self::ST_LT => 'start of tag', self::ST_TAG_NAME => 'tag name', self::ST_TAG_CLOSE => 'closing tag', self::ST_TAG_SINGLE => 'self-closing tag', self::ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES => 'tag', self::ST_TAG_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTE => 'tag attributes', self::ST_CDATA => 'CDATA', self::ST_COMMENT => 'comment', self::ST_DOCTYPE => 'doctype', self::ST_XMLDEC => 'XML declaration', self::ST_PREPROC => 'preprocessor directive', self::ST_ATTR_KEY => 'attribute name', self::ST_ATTR_EQ => 'attribute value', self::ST_ATTR_QUOTE => 'quoted attribute value', self::ST_ATTR_VALUE => 'unquoted attribute value', ); private $input_encoding; public function __construct($input_encoding) { $this->input_encoding = $input_encoding; $this->_file = ""; } public function parseFile(PHPTAL_Dom_DocumentBuilder $builder, $src) { if (!file_exists($src)) { throw new PHPTAL_IOException("file $src not found"); } return $this->parseString($builder, file_get_contents($src), $src); } public function parseString(PHPTAL_Dom_DocumentBuilder $builder, $src, $filename = '') { try { $builder->setEncoding($this->input_encoding); $this->_file = $filename; $this->_line = 1; $state = self::ST_ROOT; $mark = 0; $len = strlen($src); $quoteStyle = '"'; $tagname = ""; $attribute = ""; $attributes = array(); $customDoctype = false; $builder->setSource($this->_file, $this->_line); $builder->onDocumentStart(); $i=0; // remove BOM (UTF-8 byte order mark)... if (substr($src, 0, 3) === self::BOM_STR) { $i=3; } for (; $i<$len; $i++) { $c = $src[$i]; // Change to substr($src, $i, 1); if you want to use mb_string.func_overload if ($c === "\n") $builder->setSource($this->_file, ++$this->_line); switch ($state) { case self::ST_ROOT: if ($c === '<') { $mark = $i; // mark tag start $state = self::ST_LT; } elseif (!self::isWhiteChar($c)) { $this->raiseError("Characters found before beginning of the document! (wrap document in < tal:block > to avoid this error)"); } break; case self::ST_TEXT: if ($c === '<') { if ($mark != $i) { $builder->onElementData($this->sanitizeEscapedText($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark)))); } $mark = $i; $state = self::ST_LT; } break; case self::ST_LT: if ($c === '/') { $mark = $i+1; $state = self::ST_TAG_CLOSE; } elseif ($c === '?' and strtolower(substr($src, $i, 5)) === '?xml ') { $state = self::ST_XMLDEC; } elseif ($c === '?') { $state = self::ST_PREPROC; } elseif ($c === '!' and substr($src, $i, 3) === '!--') { $state = self::ST_COMMENT; } elseif ($c === '!' and substr($src, $i, 8) === '![CDATA[') { $state = self::ST_CDATA; $mark = $i+8; // past opening tag } elseif ($c === '!' and strtoupper(substr($src, $i, 8)) === '!DOCTYPE') { $state = self::ST_DOCTYPE; } elseif (self::isWhiteChar($c)) { $state = self::ST_TEXT; } else { $mark = $i; // mark node name start $attributes = array(); $attribute = ""; $state = self::ST_TAG_NAME; } break; case self::ST_TAG_NAME: if (self::isWhiteChar($c) || $c === '/' || $c === '>') { $tagname = substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark); if (!$this->isValidQName($tagname)) $this->raiseError("Invalid tag name '$tagname'"); if ($c === '/') { $state = self::ST_TAG_SINGLE; } elseif ($c === '>') { $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; $builder->onElementStart($tagname, $attributes); } else /* isWhiteChar */ { $state = self::ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES; } } break; case self::ST_TAG_CLOSE: if ($c === '>') { $tagname = rtrim(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark)); $builder->onElementClose($tagname); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_TAG_SINGLE: if ($c !== '>') { $this->raiseError("Expected '/>', but found '/$c' inside tag < $tagname >"); } $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; $builder->onElementStart($tagname, $attributes); $builder->onElementClose($tagname); break; case self::ST_TAG_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTE: case self::ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES: if ($c === '>') { $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; $builder->onElementStart($tagname, $attributes); } elseif ($c === '/') { $state = self::ST_TAG_SINGLE; } elseif (self::isWhiteChar($c)) { $state = self::ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES; } elseif ($state === self::ST_TAG_ATTRIBUTES && $this->isValidQName($c)) { $mark = $i; // mark attribute key start $state = self::ST_ATTR_KEY; } else $this->raiseError("Unexpected character '$c' between attributes of < $tagname >"); break; case self::ST_COMMENT: if ($c === '>' && $i > $mark+4 && substr($src, $i-2, 2) === '--') { if (preg_match('/^-|--|-$/', substr($src, $mark +4, $i-$mark+1 -7))) { $this->raiseError("Ill-formed comment. XML comments are not allowed to contain '--' or start/end with '-': ".substr($src, $mark+4, $i-$mark+1-7)); } $builder->onComment($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark+4, $i-$mark+1-7))); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_CDATA: if ($c === '>' and substr($src, $i-2, 2) === ']]') { $builder->onCDATASection($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark-2))); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_XMLDEC: if ($c === '?' && substr($src, $i, 2) === '?>') { $builder->onXmlDecl($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark+2))); $i++; // skip '>' $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_DOCTYPE: if ($c === '[') { $customDoctype = true; } elseif ($customDoctype && $c === '>' && substr($src, $i-1, 2) === ']>') { $customDoctype = false; $builder->onDocType($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark+1))); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } elseif (!$customDoctype && $c === '>') { $customDoctype = false; $builder->onDocType($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark+1))); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_PREPROC: if ($c === '>' and substr($src, $i-1, 1) === '?') { $builder->onProcessingInstruction($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark+1))); $mark = $i+1; // mark text start $state = self::ST_TEXT; } break; case self::ST_ATTR_KEY: if ($c === '=' || self::isWhiteChar($c)) { $attribute = substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark); if (!$this->isValidQName($attribute)) { $this->raiseError("Invalid attribute name '$attribute' in < $tagname >"); } if (isset($attributes[$attribute])) { $this->raiseError("Attribute $attribute in < $tagname > is defined more than once"); } if ($c === '=') $state = self::ST_ATTR_VALUE; else /* white char */ $state = self::ST_ATTR_EQ; } elseif ($c === '/' || $c==='>') { $attribute = substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark); if (!$this->isValidQName($attribute)) { $this->raiseError("Invalid attribute name '$attribute'"); } $this->raiseError("Attribute $attribute does not have value (found end of tag instead of '=')"); } break; case self::ST_ATTR_EQ: if ($c === '=') { $state = self::ST_ATTR_VALUE; } elseif (!self::isWhiteChar($c)) { $this->raiseError("Attribute $attribute in < $tagname > does not have value (found character '$c' instead of '=')"); } break; case self::ST_ATTR_VALUE: if (self::isWhiteChar($c)) { } elseif ($c === '"' or $c === '\'') { $quoteStyle = $c; $state = self::ST_ATTR_QUOTE; $mark = $i+1; // mark attribute real value start } else { $this->raiseError("Value of attribute $attribute in < $tagname > is not in quotes (found character '$c' instead of quote)"); } break; case self::ST_ATTR_QUOTE: if ($c === $quoteStyle) { $attributes[$attribute] = $this->sanitizeEscapedText($this->checkEncoding(substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark))); // PHPTAL's code generator assumes input is escaped for double-quoted strings. Single-quoted attributes need to be converted. // FIXME: it should be escaped at later stage. $attributes[$attribute] = str_replace('"',""", $attributes[$attribute]); $state = self::ST_TAG_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTE; } break; } } if ($state === self::ST_TEXT) // allows text past root node, which is in violation of XML spec { if ($i > $mark) { $text = substr($src, $mark, $i-$mark); if (!ctype_space($text)) $this->raiseError("Characters found after end of the root element (wrap document in < tal:block > to avoid this error)"); } } else { if ($state === self::ST_ROOT) { $msg = "Document does not have any tags"; } else { $msg = "Finished document in unexpected state: ".self::$state_names[$state]." is not finished"; } $this->raiseError($msg); } $builder->onDocumentEnd(); } catch(PHPTAL_TemplateException $e) { $e->hintSrcPosition($this->_file, $this->_line); throw $e; } return $builder; } private function isValidQName($name) { $name = $this->checkEncoding($name); return preg_match('/^([a-z_\x80-\xff]+[a-z0-9._\x80-\xff-]*:)?[a-z_\x80-\xff]+[a-z0-9._\x80-\xff-]*$/i', $name); } private function checkEncoding($str) { if ($str === '') return ''; if ($this->input_encoding === 'UTF-8') { // $match expression below somehow triggers quite deep recurrency and stack overflow in preg // to avoid this, check string bit by bit, omitting ASCII fragments. if (strlen($str) > 200) { $chunks = preg_split('/(?>[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]+)/',$str,null,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($chunks as $chunk) { if (strlen($chunk) < 200) { $this->checkEncoding($chunk); } } return $str; } // http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-forms-utf-8 $match = '[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7F]' // ASCII . '|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]' // non-overlong 2-byte . '|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]' // excluding overlongs . '|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEE][\x80-\xBF]{2}' // straight 3-byte (exclude FFFE and FFFF) . '|\xEF[\x80-\xBE][\x80-\xBF]' // straight 3-byte . '|\xEF\xBF[\x80-\xBD]' // straight 3-byte . '|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]' // excluding surrogates . '|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' // planes 1-3 . '|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}' // planes 4-15 . '|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}'; // plane 16 if (!preg_match('/^(?:(?>'.$match.'))+$/s',$str)) { $res = preg_split('/((?>'.$match.')+)/s',$str,null,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for($i=0; $i < count($res); $i+=2) { $res[$i] = self::convertBytesToEntities(array(1=>$res[$i])); } $this->raiseError("Invalid UTF-8 bytes: ".implode('', $res)); } } if ($this->input_encoding === 'ISO-8859-1') { // http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml11-20060816/#NT-RestrictedChar $forbid = '/((?>[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\x84\x86-\x9F]+))/s'; if (preg_match($forbid, $str)) { $str = preg_replace_callback($forbid, array('self', 'convertBytesToEntities'), $str); $this->raiseError("Invalid ISO-8859-1 characters: ".$str); } } return $str; } /** * preg callback * Changes all bytes to hexadecimal XML entities * * @param array $m first array element is used for input * * @return string */ private static function convertBytesToEntities(array $m) { $m = $m[1]; $out = ''; for($i=0; $i < strlen($m); $i++) { $out .= '&#X'.strtoupper(dechex(ord($m[$i]))).';'; } return $out; } /** * This is where this parser violates XML and refuses to be an annoying bastard. */ private function sanitizeEscapedText($str) { $str = str_replace(''', ''', $str); // PHP's html_entity_decode doesn't seem to support that! /* blocks can't reliably work in attributes (due to escaping impossible in XML) so they have to be converted into special TALES expression */ $types = ini_get('short_open_tag')?'php|=|':'php'; $str = preg_replace_callback("/<\?($types)(.*?)\?>/", array('self', 'convertPHPBlockToTALES'), $str); // corrects all non-entities and neutralizes potentially problematic CDATA end marker $str = strtr(preg_replace('/&(?!(?:#x?[a-f0-9]+|[a-z][a-z0-9]*);)/i', '&', $str), array('<'=>'<', ']]>'=>']]>')); return $str; } private static function convertPHPBlockToTALES($m) { list(, $type, $code) = $m; if ($type === '=') $code = 'echo '.$code; return '${structure phptal-internal-php-block:'.rawurlencode($code).'}'; } public function getSourceFile() { return $this->_file; } public function getLineNumber() { return $this->_line; } public static function isWhiteChar($c) { return strpos(" \t\n\r\0", $c) !== false; } protected function raiseError($errStr) { throw new PHPTAL_ParserException($errStr, $this->_file, $this->_line); } }