* @link https://github.com/pradosoft/prado * @copyright Copyright © 2005-2016 The PRADO Group * @license https://github.com/pradosoft/prado/blob/master/COPYRIGHT * @package System */ /** * Defines the PRADO framework installation path. */ if(!defined('PRADO_DIR')) define('PRADO_DIR',dirname(__FILE__)); /** * Defines the default permission for writable directories and files */ if(!defined('PRADO_CHMOD')) define('PRADO_CHMOD',0777); /** * PradoBase class. * * PradoBase implements a few fundamental static methods. * * To use the static methods, Use Prado as the class name rather than PradoBase. * PradoBase is meant to serve as the base class of Prado. The latter might be * rewritten for customization. * * @author Qiang Xue * @package System * @since 3.0 */ class PradoBase { /** * File extension for Prado class files. */ const CLASS_FILE_EXT='.php'; /** * @var array list of path aliases */ private static $_aliases=array('System'=>PRADO_DIR); /** * @var array list of namespaces currently in use */ private static $_usings=array(); /** * @var TApplication the application instance */ private static $_application=null; /** * @var TLogger logger instance */ private static $_logger=null; /** * @var array list of class exists checks */ protected static $classExists = array(); /** * @return string the version of Prado framework */ public static function getVersion() { return '3.3.3'; } /** * Initializes error handlers. * This method set error and exception handlers to be functions * defined in this class. */ public static function initErrorHandlers() { /** * Sets error handler to be Prado::phpErrorHandler */ set_error_handler(array('PradoBase','phpErrorHandler')); /** * Sets shutdown function to be Prado::phpFatalErrorHandler */ register_shutdown_function(array('PradoBase','phpFatalErrorHandler')); /** * Sets exception handler to be Prado::exceptionHandler */ set_exception_handler(array('PradoBase','exceptionHandler')); /** * Disable php's builtin error reporting to avoid duplicated reports */ ini_set('display_errors', 0); } /** * Class autoload loader. * This method is provided to be invoked within an __autoload() magic method. * @param string class name */ public static function autoload($className) { @include_once($className.self::CLASS_FILE_EXT); } /** * @param integer the type of "powered logo". Valid values include 0 and 1. * @return string a string that can be displayed on your Web page showing powered-by-PRADO information */ public static function poweredByPrado($logoType=0) { $logoName=$logoType==1?'powered2':'powered'; if(self::$_application!==null) { $am=self::$_application->getAssetManager(); $url=$am->publishFilePath(self::getPathOfNamespace('System.'.$logoName,'.gif')); } else $url='http://pradosoft.github.io/docs/'.$logoName.'.gif'; return 'Powered by PRADO'; } /** * PHP error handler. * This method should be registered as PHP error handler using * {@link set_error_handler}. The method throws an exception that * contains the error information. * @param integer the level of the error raised * @param string the error message * @param string the filename that the error was raised in * @param integer the line number the error was raised at */ public static function phpErrorHandler($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) { if(error_reporting() & $errno) throw new TPhpErrorException($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline); } /** * PHP shutdown function used to catch fatal errors. * This method should be registered as PHP error handler using * {@link register_shutdown_function}. The method throws an exception that * contains the error information. */ public static function phpFatalErrorHandler() { $error = error_get_last(); if($error && TPhpErrorException::isFatalError($error) && error_reporting() & $error['type']) { self::exceptionHandler(new TPhpErrorException($error['type'],$error['message'],$error['file'],$error['line'])); } } /** * Default exception handler. * This method should be registered as default exception handler using * {@link set_exception_handler}. The method tries to use the errorhandler * module of the Prado application to handle the exception. * If the application or the module does not exist, it simply echoes the * exception. * @param Exception exception that is not caught */ public static function exceptionHandler($exception) { if(self::$_application!==null && ($errorHandler=self::$_application->getErrorHandler())!==null) { $errorHandler->handleError(null,$exception); } else { echo $exception; } exit(1); } /** * Stores the application instance in the class static member. * This method helps implement a singleton pattern for TApplication. * Repeated invocation of this method or the application constructor * will cause the throw of an exception. * This method should only be used by framework developers. * @param TApplication the application instance * @throws TInvalidOperationException if this method is invoked twice or more. */ public static function setApplication($application) { if(self::$_application!==null && !defined('PRADO_TEST_RUN')) throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_application_singleton_required'); self::$_application=$application; } /** * @return TApplication the application singleton, null if the singleton has not be created yet. */ public static function getApplication() { return self::$_application; } /** * @return string the path of the framework */ public static function getFrameworkPath() { return PRADO_DIR; } /** * Creates a component with the specified type. * A component type can be either the component class name * or a namespace referring to the path of the component class file. * For example, 'TButton', 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TButton' are both * valid component type. * This method can also pass parameters to component constructors. * All parameters passed to this method except the first one (the component type) * will be supplied as component constructor parameters. * @param string component type * @return TComponent component instance of the specified type * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the component type is unknown */ public static function createComponent($type) { if(!isset(self::$classExists[$type])) self::$classExists[$type] = class_exists($type, false); if( !isset(self::$_usings[$type]) && !self::$classExists[$type]) { self::using($type); self::$classExists[$type] = class_exists($type, false); } if( ($pos = strrpos($type, '.')) !== false) $type = substr($type,$pos+1); if(($n=func_num_args())>1) { $args = func_get_args(); switch($n) { case 2: return new $type($args[1]); break; case 3: return new $type($args[1], $args[2]); break; case 4: return new $type($args[1], $args[2], $args[3]); break; case 5: return new $type($args[1], $args[2], $args[3], $args[4]); break; default: $s='$args[1]'; for($i=2;$i<$n;++$i) $s.=",\$args[$i]"; eval("\$component=new $type($s);"); return $component; break; } } else return new $type; } /** * Uses a namespace. * A namespace ending with an asterisk '*' refers to a directory, otherwise it represents a PHP file. * If the namespace corresponds to a directory, the directory will be appended * to the include path. If the namespace corresponds to a file, it will be included (include_once). * @param string namespace to be used * @param boolean whether to check the existence of the class after the class file is included * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the namespace is invalid */ public static function using($namespace,$checkClassExistence=true) { if(isset(self::$_usings[$namespace]) || class_exists($namespace,false)) return; if(($pos=strrpos($namespace,'.'))===false) // a class name { try { include_once($namespace.self::CLASS_FILE_EXT); } catch(Exception $e) { if($checkClassExistence && !class_exists($namespace,false)) throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_component_unknown',$namespace,$e->getMessage()); else throw $e; } } else if(($path=self::getPathOfNamespace($namespace,self::CLASS_FILE_EXT))!==null) { $className=substr($namespace,$pos+1); if($className==='*') // a directory { self::$_usings[$namespace]=$path; set_include_path(get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.$path); } else // a file { self::$_usings[$namespace]=$path; if(!$checkClassExistence || !class_exists($className,false)) { try { include_once($path); } catch(Exception $e) { if($checkClassExistence && !class_exists($className,false)) throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_component_unknown',$className,$e->getMessage()); else throw $e; } } } } else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_using_invalid',$namespace); } /** * Translates a namespace into a file path. * The first segment of the namespace is considered as a path alias * which is replaced with the actual path. The rest segments are * subdirectory names appended to the aliased path. * If the namespace ends with an asterisk '*', it represents a directory; * Otherwise it represents a file whose extension name is specified by the second parameter (defaults to empty). * Note, this method does not ensure the existence of the resulting file path. * @param string namespace * @param string extension to be appended if the namespace refers to a file * @return string file path corresponding to the namespace, null if namespace is invalid */ public static function getPathOfNamespace($namespace, $ext='') { if(self::CLASS_FILE_EXT === $ext || empty($ext)) { if(isset(self::$_usings[$namespace])) return self::$_usings[$namespace]; if(isset(self::$_aliases[$namespace])) return self::$_aliases[$namespace]; } $segs = explode('.',$namespace); $alias = array_shift($segs); if(null !== ($file = array_pop($segs)) && null !== ($root = self::getPathOfAlias($alias))) return rtrim($root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ,$segs),'/\\').(($file === '*') ? '' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file.$ext); return null; } /** * @param string alias to the path * @return string the path corresponding to the alias, null if alias not defined. */ public static function getPathOfAlias($alias) { return isset(self::$_aliases[$alias])?self::$_aliases[$alias]:null; } protected static function getPathAliases() { return self::$_aliases; } /** * @param string alias to the path * @param string the path corresponding to the alias * @throws TInvalidOperationException if the alias is already defined * @throws TInvalidDataValueException if the path is not a valid file path */ public static function setPathOfAlias($alias,$path) { if(isset(self::$_aliases[$alias]) && !defined('PRADO_TEST_RUN')) throw new TInvalidOperationException('prado_alias_redefined',$alias); else if(($rp=realpath($path))!==false && is_dir($rp)) { if(strpos($alias,'.')===false) self::$_aliases[$alias]=$rp; else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_aliasname_invalid',$alias); } else throw new TInvalidDataValueException('prado_alias_invalid',$alias,$path); } /** * Fatal error handler. * This method displays an error message together with the current call stack. * The application will exit after calling this method. * @param string error message */ public static function fatalError($msg) { echo '

Fatal Error

'; echo '


'; if(!function_exists('debug_backtrace')) return; echo '

Debug Backtrace

'; echo '
		foreach(debug_backtrace() as $t)
			if($index==0)  // hide the backtrace of this function
			echo '#'.$index.' ';
				echo basename($t['file']) . ':' . $t['line'];
				 echo '';
			echo ' -- ';
				echo $t['class'] . $t['type'];
			echo $t['function'] . '(';
			if(isset($t['args']) && sizeof($t['args']) > 0)
				foreach($t['args'] as $item)
						$str=htmlentities(str_replace("\r\n", "", $item), ENT_QUOTES);
						if (strlen($item) > 70)
							echo "'". substr($str, 0, 70) . "...'";
							echo "'" . $str . "'";
					else if (is_int($item) || is_float($item))
						echo $item;
					else if (is_object($item))
						echo get_class($item);
					else if (is_array($item))
						echo 'array(' . count($item) . ')';
					else if (is_bool($item))
						echo $item ? 'true' : 'false';
					else if ($item === null)
						echo 'NULL';
					else if (is_resource($item))
						echo get_resource_type($item);
					if (count($t['args']) > $count)
						echo ', ';
			echo ")\n";
		echo '
'; exit(1); } /** * Returns a list of user preferred languages. * The languages are returned as an array. Each array element * represents a single language preference. The languages are ordered * according to user preferences. The first language is the most preferred. * @return array list of user preferred languages. */ public static function getUserLanguages() { static $languages=null; if($languages===null) { if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])) $languages[0]='en'; else { $languages=array(); foreach(explode(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) as $language) { $array=explode(';q=',trim($language)); $languages[trim($array[0])]=isset($array[1])?(float)$array[1]:1.0; } arsort($languages); $languages=array_keys($languages); if(empty($languages)) $languages[0]='en'; } } return $languages; } /** * Returns the most preferred language by the client user. * @return string the most preferred language by the client user, defaults to English. */ public static function getPreferredLanguage() { static $language=null; if($language===null) { $langs=Prado::getUserLanguages(); $lang=explode('-',$langs[0]); if(empty($lang[0]) || !ctype_alpha($lang[0])) $language='en'; else $language=$lang[0]; } return $language; } /** * Writes a log message. * This method wraps {@link log()} by checking the application mode. * When the application is in Debug mode, debug backtrace information is appended * to the message and the message is logged at DEBUG level. * When the application is in Performance mode, this method does nothing. * Otherwise, the message is logged at INFO level. * @param string message to be logged * @param string category of the message * @param (string|TControl) control of the message * @see log, getLogger */ public static function trace($msg,$category='Uncategorized',$ctl=null) { if(self::$_application && self::$_application->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Performance) return; if(!self::$_application || self::$_application->getMode()===TApplicationMode::Debug) { $trace=debug_backtrace(); if(isset($trace[0]['file']) && isset($trace[0]['line'])) $msg.=" (line {$trace[0]['line']}, {$trace[0]['file']})"; $level=TLogger::DEBUG; } else $level=TLogger::INFO; self::log($msg,$level,$category,$ctl); } /** * Logs a message. * Messages logged by this method may be retrieved via {@link TLogger::getLogs} * and may be recorded in different media, such as file, email, database, using * {@link TLogRouter}. * @param string message to be logged * @param integer level of the message. Valid values include * TLogger::DEBUG, TLogger::INFO, TLogger::NOTICE, TLogger::WARNING, * TLogger::ERROR, TLogger::ALERT, TLogger::FATAL. * @param string category of the message * @param (string|TControl) control of the message */ public static function log($msg,$level=TLogger::INFO,$category='Uncategorized',$ctl=null) { if(self::$_logger===null) self::$_logger=new TLogger; self::$_logger->log($msg,$level,$category,$ctl); } /** * @return TLogger message logger */ public static function getLogger() { if(self::$_logger===null) self::$_logger=new TLogger; return self::$_logger; } /** * Converts a variable into a string representation. * This method achieves the similar functionality as var_dump and print_r * but is more robust when handling complex objects such as PRADO controls. * @param mixed variable to be dumped * @param integer maximum depth that the dumper should go into the variable. Defaults to 10. * @param boolean whether to syntax highlight the output. Defaults to false. * @return string the string representation of the variable */ public static function varDump($var,$depth=10,$highlight=false) { Prado::using('System.Util.TVarDumper'); return TVarDumper::dump($var,$depth,$highlight); } /** * Localize a text to the locale/culture specified in the globalization handler. * @param string text to be localized. * @param array a set of parameters to substitute. * @param string a different catalogue to find the localize text. * @param string the input AND output charset. * @return string localized text. * @see TTranslate::formatter() * @see TTranslate::init() */ public static function localize($text, $parameters=array(), $catalogue=null, $charset=null) { Prado::using('System.I18N.Translation'); $app = Prado::getApplication()->getGlobalization(false); $params = array(); foreach($parameters as $key => $value) $params['{'.$key.'}'] = $value; //no translation handler provided if($app===null || ($config = $app->getTranslationConfiguration())===null) return strtr($text, $params); if ($catalogue===null) $catalogue=isset($config['catalogue'])?$config['catalogue']:'messages'; Translation::init($catalogue); //globalization charset $appCharset = $app===null ? '' : $app->getCharset(); //default charset $defaultCharset = ($app===null) ? 'UTF-8' : $app->getDefaultCharset(); //fall back if(empty($charset)) $charset = $appCharset; if(empty($charset)) $charset = $defaultCharset; return Translation::formatter($catalogue)->format($text,$params,$catalogue,$charset); } } /** * Includes the classes essential for PradoBase class */ PradoBase::using('System.TComponent'); PradoBase::using('System.Exceptions.TException'); PradoBase::using('System.Util.TLogger');