# The Travis setup: # - run testsuite for every PHP version # - run lint for every PHP version language: php sudo: false php: - "7.0" - "5.6" - "5.5" - hhvm - nightly sudo: false before_script: - export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin/:$PATH - composer install --no-interaction - pip install --user codecov script: - ant clean - set -e; if [ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION == "hhvm" ] ; then ant phpunit-hhvm ; else ant phpunit ; fi after_script: - if [ -f vendor/bin/coveralls ] ; then php vendor/bin/coveralls -v || true ; fi - codecov - if [ -f php.log ] ; then cat php.log ; fi matrix: allow_failures: - php: hhvm - php: nightly fast_finish: true cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache/ - $HOME/runkit # trigger Buildtime Trend Service to parse Travis CI log notifications: webhooks: - https://buildtimetrend.herokuapp.com/travis