from cached_property import cached_property
from urlparse import urljoin
import mysql
import jfr_playoff.sql as p_sql
from jfr_playoff.db import PlayoffDB
from jfr_playoff.dto import Match, Phase, Team
SWISS_TIE_WARNING = 'WARNING: tie detected in swiss %s.' + \
' Make sure to resolve the tie by arranging teams' + \
' in configuration file.'
class PlayoffData(object):
def __init__(self, settings):
self.database = PlayoffDB(settings.get('database'))
self.team_settings = settings.get('teams')
self.phases = settings.get('phases') = []
if settings.has_section('swiss'): = settings.get('swiss')
self.grid = []
self.match_info = {}
self.leaderboard = []
def teams(self):
if isinstance(self.team_settings, list):
return self.team_settings
db_teams = self.get_swiss_results(
self.team_settings['ties'] if 'ties' in self.team_settings else [])
if 'final_positions' in self.team_settings:
for position in self.team_settings['final_positions']:
return db_teams
def generate_phases(self):
self.grid = []
for phase in self.phases:
phase_count = len(phase['matches'])
if 'dummies' in phase:
phase_count += len(phase['dummies'])
phase_object = Phase()
phase_object.title = phase['title'] = phase['link']
phase_object.matches = [None] * phase_count
phase_pos = 0
for match in phase['matches']:
if 'dummies' in phase:
while phase_pos in phase['dummies']:
phase_pos += 1
phase_object.matches[phase_pos] = match['id']
phase_pos += 1
return self.grid
def fill_match_info(self):
self.match_info = {}
for phase in self.phases:
for match in phase['matches']:
self.match_info[match['id']] = self.get_match_info(match)
if self.match_info[match['id']].running > 0:
for phase_obj in self.grid:
if match['id'] in phase_obj.matches:
phase_obj.running = True
if self.match_info[match['id']].link is None:
self.match_info[match['id']].link = phase['link']
self.match_info[match['id']].link = urljoin(
phase['link'], self.match_info[match['id']].link)
return self.match_info
def __get_link(self, database, suffix):
row = self.database.fetch(database, p_sql.PREFIX, ())
if row is not None:
if len(row) > 0:
return '%s%s' % (row[0], suffix)
except mysql.connector.Error:
return None
return None
def get_match_link(self, match):
link = self.__get_link(
match['database'], 'runda%d.html' % (match['round']))
if link is None:
if 'link' in match:
link = match['link']
return link
def get_leaderboard_link(self, database):
return self.__get_link(database, 'leaderb.html')
def get_swiss_link(self, event):
swiss_link = self.get_leaderboard_link(event['database'])
if ('relative_path' in event) and (
event['relative_path'] is not None):
swiss_link = '%s/%s' % (event['relative_path'], swiss_link)
return swiss_link
def get_db_match_teams(self, match):
teams = [Team(), Team()]
row = self.database.fetch(
match['database'], p_sql.MATCH_RESULTS,
(match['table'], match['round']))
teams[0].name = row[0]
teams[1].name = row[1]
teams[0].score = row[3] + row[5]
teams[1].score = row[4] + row[6]
if row[2] > 0:
teams[0].score += row[2]
teams[1].score -= row[2]
return teams
def get_config_match_teams(self, match):
teams = [Team(), Team()]
for i in range(0, 2):
match_teams = []
if isinstance(match['teams'][i], basestring):
teams[i].name = match['teams'][i]
elif isinstance(match['teams'][i], list):
teams[i].name = '
if 'winner' in match['teams'][i]:
match_teams += [
for winner_match in match['teams'][i]['winner']]
if 'loser' in match['teams'][i]:
match_teams += [
for loser_match in match['teams'][i]['loser']]
if 'place' in match['teams'][i]:
match_teams += [
for place in match['teams'][i]['place']]
known_teams = [team for team in match_teams if team is not None]
if len(known_teams) > 0:
teams[i].name = '
team if team is not None
else '??' for team in match_teams])
teams[i].name = ''
if 'score' in match:
for i in range(0, 2):
teams[i].score = match['score'][i]
return teams
def get_match_info(self, match):
info = Match() = match['id']
info.winner_matches = []
info.loser_matches = []
for i in range(0, 2):
if 'winner' in match['teams'][i]:
info.winner_matches += match['teams'][i]['winner']
if 'loser' in match['teams'][i]:
info.loser_matches += match['teams'][i]['loser']
info.winner_matches = list(set(info.winner_matches))
info.loser_matches = list(set(info.loser_matches)) = self.get_match_link(match)
info.teams = self.get_db_match_teams(match)
except (mysql.connector.Error, TypeError, IndexError):
info.teams = self.get_config_match_teams(match)
towels = self.database.fetch(
match['database'], p_sql.TOWEL_COUNT,
(match['table'], match['round']))
row = [0 if r is None
else r for r in
match['database'], p_sql.BOARD_COUNT,
(match['table'], match['round']))]
if row[1] > 0:
info.running = int(row[1])
if row[1] >= row[0] - towels[0]:
info.running = 0
except (mysql.connector.Error, TypeError, KeyError):
if (info.running == 0) and \
((info.teams[0].score != 0) or (info.teams[1].score != 0)):
if info.teams[0].score > info.teams[1].score:
info.winner = info.teams[0].name
info.loser = info.teams[1].name
info.loser = info.teams[0].name
info.winner = info.teams[1].name
return info
def prefill_leaderboard(self, teams):
self.leaderboard = [None] * len(teams)
for team in teams:
if len(team) > 3:
self.leaderboard[team[3]-1] = team[0]
self.fill_swiss_leaderboard(, teams)
return self.leaderboard
def fill_swiss_leaderboard(self, swiss, teams):
teams = [team[0] for team in teams]
for event in swiss:
swiss_finished = self.database.fetch(
event['database'], p_sql.SWISS_ENDED, {})
if swiss_finished[0] > 0:
swiss_position = (
if 'swiss_position' in event
else 1
position_limit = (
if 'position_to' in event
else 9999
place = 1
swiss_results = self.get_swiss_results(
event['database'], teams)
for team in swiss_results:
if place >= swiss_position:
target_position = event['position'] \
+ place - swiss_position
if target_position <= min(
position_limit, len(self.leaderboard)):
target_position - 1] = team[0]
place += 1
def get_swiss_results(self, swiss, ties=None):
if ties is None:
ties = []
swiss_teams = self.database.fetch_all(
swiss, p_sql.SWISS_RESULTS, {})
swiss_results = sorted(
key=lambda t: ties.index(t[0]) if t[0] in ties else -1)
swiss_results = sorted(
swiss_results, key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True)
swiss_results = sorted(swiss_results, key=lambda team: team[2])
prev_result = None
for team in swiss_results:
if prev_result == team[1]:
print SWISS_TIE_WARNING % (swiss)
prev_result = team[1]
return [[team[0], team[3], team[4]] for team in swiss_results]
def fill_leaderboard(self):
leaderboard_teams = {}
for phase in self.phases:
for match in phase['matches']:
if 'winner' in match:
winner_key = tuple(match['winner'])
if winner_key not in leaderboard_teams:
leaderboard_teams[winner_key] = []
if 'loser' in match:
loser_key = tuple(match['loser'])
if loser_key not in leaderboard_teams:
leaderboard_teams[loser_key] = []
for positions, position_teams in leaderboard_teams.iteritems():
positions = list(positions)
if len(positions) == len([
team for team in position_teams if team is not None]):
for table_team in self.teams:
if table_team[0] in position_teams:
position = positions.pop(0)
self.leaderboard[position-1] = table_team[0]
return self.leaderboard
def get_swiss_info(self):
return [{
'link': self.get_swiss_link(event),
'position': event['position'],
'label': event['label'] if 'label' in event else None
} for event in]
def get_dimensions(self):
return (
len(phase['matches']) + len(phase['dummies'])
if 'dummies' in phase
else len(phase['matches'])
for phase in self.phases]))
def get_shortname(self, fullname):
for team in self.teams:
if team[0] == fullname:
return team[1]
return fullname
def get_team_image(self, fullname):
for team in self.teams:
if team[0] == fullname and len(team) > 2:
return team[2]
return None