import copy import re from urlparse import urljoin from import MatchInfoClient from jfr_playoff.remote import RemoteUrl as p_remote from jfr_playoff.logger import PlayoffLogger class JFRHtmlMatchInfo(MatchInfoClient): @property def priority(self): return 30 def is_capable(self): return ('link' in self.settings) and ('#' not in self.settings['link']) def get_exceptions(self, method): return (TypeError, IndexError, KeyError, IOError, ValueError) def get_match_link(self): PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'match #%d link pre-defined: %s', self.settings['id'], self.settings['link']) return self.settings['link'] def _find_table_row(self, url): html_content = p_remote.fetch(url) for row in'tr tr'): for cell in'td.t1'): if cell.text.strip() == str(self.settings['table']): PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').debug( 'HTML row for table %d found: %s', self.settings['table'], row) return row PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').debug( 'HTML row for table %d not found', self.settings['table']) return None def fetch_teams(self, teams): if self.settings['link'] is None: raise ValueError('link not set') row = self._find_table_row(self.settings['link']) if row is None: raise ValueError('table row not found') try: scores = [ float(text) for text in'td.bdc')[-1].contents if isinstance(text, unicode)] except ValueError: # single-segment match try: # running single-segment scores = [ float(text.strip()) for text in'td.bdcg a')[-1].contents if isinstance(text, unicode)] except IndexError: try: # static single-segment scores = [ float(text.strip()) for text in'td.bdc a')[-1].contents if isinstance(text, unicode)] except IndexError: # toweled single-segment scores = [0.0, 0.0] # carry-over carry_over = [ float(text.strip()) if len(text.strip()) > 0 else 0.0 for text in'td.bdc')[0].contents if isinstance(text, unicode)] if len(carry_over) < 2: # no carry-over, possibly no carry-over cells or empty carry_over = [0.0, 0.0] for i in range(0, 2): scores[i] += carry_over[i] team_names = [[text for text in link.contents if isinstance(text, unicode)][0].strip(u'\xa0') for link in'a[onmouseover]')] for i in range(0, 2): teams[i].name = [team_names[i]] teams[i].known_teams = 1 teams[i].score = scores[i] PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'scores fetched: %s', teams) return teams def _has_segment_link(self, cell): links = [link for link in'a[href]') if re.match(r'^.*\d+t\d+-\d+\.htm$', link['href'])] return len(links) > 0 def _has_towel_image(self, cell): return len('img[alt="towel"]')) > 0 def _get_html_running_boards(self, cell): return int(cell.contents[-1].strip()) def segment_board_count(self, segment_url): segment_content = p_remote.fetch(segment_url) board_rows = [ row for row in segment_content.find_all('tr') if len('td.bdcc a.zb')) > 0] board_count = len(board_rows) played_boards = len([ row for row in board_rows if len(''.join([ cell.text.strip() for cell in'td.bdc')])) > 0]) return played_boards, board_count def _get_finished_info(self, cell): segment_link ='a[href]') if len(segment_link) > 0: segment_url = re.sub( r'\.htm$', '.html', urljoin(self.settings['link'], segment_link[0]['href'])) try: played_boards, board_count = \ self.segment_board_count(segment_url) PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'HTML played boards count for segment: %d/%d', played_boards, board_count) return board_count, played_boards >= board_count except IOError as e: PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'cannot fetch played boards count for segment: %s(%s)', type(e).__name__, str(e)) return 0, False return 0, False def board_count(self): row = self._find_table_row(self.settings['link']) if row is None: raise ValueError('table row not found') for selector in ['td.bdc', 'td.bdcg']: cells = segments = [cell for cell in cells if self._has_segment_link(cell)] towels = [cell for cell in cells if self._has_towel_image(cell)] if len(segments) == 0: # in single-segment match, # there are no td.bdc cells with segment links, # but maybe it's a multi-segment match with towels if len(towels) > 0: PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'board count: all towels') return 1, 1 # entire match is toweled, so mark as finished else: # not a single-segment match # no need to look for td.bdcg cells break if len(segments) == 0: raise ValueError('segments not found') running_segments ='td.bdca') running_boards = sum([ self._get_html_running_boards(segment) for segment in running_segments]) finished_segments = [] boards_in_segment = None for segment in segments: if segment not in running_segments: boards, is_finished = self._get_finished_info(segment) if is_finished: finished_segments.append(segment) if boards_in_segment is None and boards > 0: boards_in_segment = boards if 'bdcg' in segments[0]['class']: # only a single-segment match will yield # td.bdcg cells with segment scores total_boards = boards_in_segment else: PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'board count, found: %d finished segments, %d towels, ' \ + '%d boards per segment and %d boards in running segment', len(finished_segments), len(towels), boards_in_segment, running_boards) total_boards = ( len(segments) + len(towels) + len(running_segments)) \ * boards_in_segment played_boards = (len(towels) + len(finished_segments)) \ * boards_in_segment \ + running_boards PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'board count: %d/%d', played_boards, total_boards) return played_boards, total_boards def running_link(self): row = self._find_table_row(self.settings['link']) running_link ='td.bdcg a[href]') if len(running_link) == 0: raise ValueError('running link not found') PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'fetched running link from HTML: %s', running_link) match_link = urljoin(self.settings['link'], running_link[0]['href']) try: boards_played, board_count = self.segment_board_count( re.sub('\.htm$', '.html', match_link)) except Exception as e: boards_played = 0 if not boards_played: PlayoffLogger.get('match.jfrhtml').info( 'running link is not live - reverting to match link (%s)', self.settings['link']) match_link = self.settings['link'] return match_link