# teamy-quick-lineup Command-line interface for line-up management in JFR Teamy. # Installation Prerequisites: * Python 3 (on Windows <= 3.4 due to the availability of MySQL connector) * pip * Linux environment: the prerequisites of mysqlclient-python - https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python * Windows environment: MySQL connector from Oracle, unavailable via PIP - https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/ ``` pip install -r requirements-PLATFORM.txt ``` Where `PLATFORM` is either `windows` or `linux`. # Configuration Set MySQL settings in ql/settings.py. # Usage ``` python -m ql [] ``` For instance, to process round 3, segment 2, starting from table 1 run: ``` python -m ql 3 2 1 ``` The script will iterate pair by pair in each match. It presents the currently assigned players and let you confirm them - pressing ENTER without any input - or change - providing player names (press TAB to autocomplete).