from math import ceil import os, sys from owslib.wms import WebMapService from pyproj import Proj, transform from PIL import Image wms = WebMapService(sys.argv[1], version='1.1.1') if len(sys.argv) < 3: first_layer = None for layer in wms.contents: if first_layer is None: first_layer = layer print layer print wms[first_layer].boundingBox print wms[first_layer].boundingBoxWGS84 sys.exit() else: layers = sys.argv[8:] bbox = [float(b) for b in sys.argv[2:6]] coord_sys = wms[layers[0]].boundingBox[4] wgs = Proj(init='epsg:4326') out_proj = Proj(init=coord_sys) result_bbox = transform(wgs, out_proj, bbox[0], bbox[1]) + transform(wgs, out_proj, bbox[2], bbox[3]) image_size = [int(sys.argv[6]), int(sys.argv[7])] bbox_size = [abs(result_bbox[2] - result_bbox[0]), abs(result_bbox[3] - result_bbox[1])] bbox_ratio = bbox_size[0] / bbox_size[1] image_size_corrected = [ int(max(image_size[0], image_size[1]*bbox_ratio)), int(max(image_size[1], image_size[0]/bbox_ratio))] print 'Correcting image size to %dx%d due to coordinates box ratio' % ( image_size_corrected[0], image_size_corrected[1]) image_size = [int(ceil(i/400.0))*400 for i in image_size_corrected] print 'Correcting image size to %dx%d due to tile size (400x400)' % ( image_size[0], image_size[1]) min_long = min(result_bbox[0], result_bbox[2]) max_long = max(result_bbox[0], result_bbox[2]) long_span = max_long - min_long min_lat = min(result_bbox[1], result_bbox[3]) max_lat = max(result_bbox[1], result_bbox[3]) lat_span = max_lat - min_lat tile_long_span = long_span * 400.0 / image_size_corrected[0] tile_lat_span = lat_span * 400.0 / image_size_corrected[1] tiles = [] current_lat = min_lat current_long = min_long while current_lat < max_lat: current_row = [] while current_long < max_long: current_row.append([ current_long, current_lat, current_long+tile_long_span, current_lat+tile_lat_span]) current_long += tile_long_span if len(current_row): tiles.append(current_row) current_lat += tile_lat_span current_long = min_long files = [] x = 0 y = 0 for row in tiles: filerow = [] for tile in row: print 'Fetching tile %dx%d: %s' % (x, y, tile) img = wms.getmap(layers=layers, srs=coord_sys, bbox=tile, size=(400,400), format='image/png', transparent=True) filename = 'out-%d-%d.png' % (x, y) out = open(filename, 'wb') out.write( out.close() filerow.append(filename) y += 1 files.append(filerow) x += 1 y = 0 strips = [] r = 0 for row in files: tiles = [ for f in row] row_image ='RGBA', (400*len(tiles), 400)) offset = 0 for tile in tiles: row_image.paste(tile, (offset, 0)) offset += 400 strip_filename = 'out-%d.png' % (r) strips.append(strip_filename) for f in row: os.remove(f) r += 1 strips.reverse() strip_images = [ for f in strips] final_image ='RGBA', (strip_images[0].width, 400*len(strip_images))) offset = 0 for strip_image in strip_images: final_image.paste(strip_image, (0, offset)) offset += 400'out.png') for s in strips: os.remove(s)